Tag: comedy
December 16, 2022
| Complete
The three knights
From the artist that brought us Duke of Anjou, it’s a wholesome comic commissioned by thedarkshadow1990 who brought us Sonic’s Mistake. Come see the unholy union of armor/disguise appreciation and outfit/transformation appreciation!

November 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Silver Wants to Get Stronger
Silver attempts to enlist Shadow’s help to become stronger in order to protect Blaze. Shadow is not amused. Also includes some one-off comics.

November 26, 2022
| Ongoing
bunny0rgans Comics
Some cute SOL comics with Tails, Ray, and the other younger cast members.

November 22, 2022
| Complete
Anjelicamontoya96 Comics
In a world where Pokemon and Sonic characters exist, our Cream meets a new a friend and gets into some trouble.

November 20, 2022
| Complete
Not for Resale
A Sonic gag comic from the 2000’s. Bask in the smugness, edgy “humor,” and shitting on everything because that was the style at the time. Some strips are still pretty funny.

November 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Auroblaze Comics
A collection of comics by Auroblaze, with Werehog stripper pole action! Also includes the Mister Monster Series that focuses on Sonic Unleashed.

November 12, 2022
| Complete
Sonic the Comic Tribute Zine
Fun little zine full of nostalgia for the Fleetway comic.

November 8, 2022
| Complete
Sega Impressions
Sonic and the gang have fun doing impressions but things get out of hand quickly and the title of this comic becomes less relevant by the page.

November 3, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Static
Sonic discovers the power of static shocks and decides to become a menace.

October 20, 2022
| Complete
Pie comic
A short comic about Surge and Kit trying to extort Vanilla. Cream is not amused.

October 8, 2022
| Ongoing
MightyFilm Comics
A collection of short funny comics. Contains R-R-R-Robotnik!

October 8, 2022
| Abandoned
The Hog of Fighters
From the artist that gave us those Mighty comics, a comic where King of Fighters characters are replaced with Sonic characters.

October 5, 2022
| Ongoing, Abandoned
Mighty Funnies and Mighty Tales
A collection of fun comics about everyone’s favorite red character not named Knuckles! Art’s nice and cartoony and the jokes are pretty funny too.

September 24, 2022
| Ongoing
LOZ-Elisrilianfan Comics
A collection of comics following the progression of the characters’ relationships. Expect Shadouge and Sonamy!

September 24, 2022
| Complete
Two Tails
Japanese Sonic’s a jerk, AOSTH Tails is jaded, could these two Tails have more in common than they expected? Stay tuned to find out!

September 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Tutoring Him
A Sonamy highschool comic where they’re both tsun for each other. They even dared the other to not fall in love with them! This is peak romcom!

September 2, 2022
| Ongoing
HoshiNoUsagi comics
A collection of comics where the Boom crew hang out with forbidden horses with human proportions.

September 1, 2022
| Ongoing
AngusET comics
Cute little doodle comics of Sonic and friends that are pretty funny.

September 1, 2022
| Ongoing
Go! Go! Super Sonic!
Eggman’s planning a new scheme, but chaos ensues when Big’s niece Poppy comes for a visit. Will Sonic and friends defeat Eggman? Will they survive Poppy?

August 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Regrets and Mistakes
A Sonamy comic that doesn’t appear to have any Sonamy. Everyone acts very oddly, it’s unclear what the point is, but it’s certainly interesting!

August 10, 2022
| Complete, Hiatus
Sonikku Relationships
Amy’s trying to win over Sonic again while neglecting her friend Cream. Will she finally win him over? Or perhaps learn something about herself?

August 7, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic with a Gun
Move over Shadow, Sonic’s packing heat now! An edgy comedy in the vein of Tails Gets Trolled.

August 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Chaos Syndrome
Sonic’s missing! The Chaotix need to get back together, and everyone’s an asshole!

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Follow Your Rainbow Zine
A LGB-etc Sonic fan zine celebrating gender and sexual diversity where the proceeds were donated to charity.

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Party
A sequel to Special Stage where Sonic and friends go on a vacation with their good friend/mentor Yuji Naka. Everyone is still very attractive.

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Special Stage
A retelling of Sonic Adventure where Sonic and friends are (very!) attractive and (mostly) human.

July 21, 2022
| Abandoned
Shadow’s Sleepover
Rouge is having a sleepover with the girls and Shadow isn’t going to let her have all the fun. So he’s going to have one as well with the guys. What a horrible, horrible mistake.

July 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic's Mistake and other comics
A collection of comics where sonic characters are forced to wear embarrassing outfits or swap bodies.

July 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Back to the Future Rebirth
A retelling of Back to the Future but with Sonic characters.

June 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Collision Chaos
Sonic and company have decided to play a little game of Ultimate Frisbee.

June 1, 2022
| Complete
Strawberry of Love
Wholesome Sonamy comic where Amy’s got a secret strawberry garden, but Eggman’s hatching a plot to steal those strawberries!

June 1, 2022
| Abandoned
Total Switch
Amy finds and uses a love potion on Sonic, but what happens if it works better than anticipated?

May 25, 2022
| Ongoing
FoxieSkullz Comics
A fun collection of comics with occassional homoerotic undertones.

May 21, 2022
| Complete
Retelling of Sonic 1 using hand-made 3D models. Some of the jokes are actually pretty funny and the artstyle is very endearing.

May 7, 2022
| Complete
Tails Forces
It’s Sonic Forces time! Sonic’s getting tortured but it’s okay because Tails is here to save him and the day!

May 5, 2022
| Complete
The Adventures of Silver the Hedgehog
Seeing the endless cycle of war Tails concocts a plan to bring abut the end of Eggman and all of the world’s troubles once and for all.

May 3, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Got Amy Pregnant
Cute comedy where Sonic tries his best to be a father while working a dead-end job at Sega.

May 2, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic's Prank Wars
Sonic decides to play some pranks on his friends, he has some suspiciously fetishistic tastes.

May 1, 2022
| Ongoing
The Cursed Amulet
Amy’s invited to an archeology dig by identical twin twinks, but her absence throws off the team’s fight with Eggman.

April 30, 2022
| Complete
Really more advice and It's just shyness
Short (but very tall!) comic where the characters give romantic advice. Classic Sonic decides to move in on Modern Sonic’s turf and date Amy.

April 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonamy Movie Comics
A collection of short comics set in the movie continuity focusing on Sonamy.

April 27, 2022
| Complete
Chaotix Super Detective Team
Follow the wacky misadventures of our favorite semi-competent detectives as they try to make some money.

April 14, 2022
| Hiatus
Spring Is Here
Tails and Amy are in high school but Tails doesn’t know how to deal with girls so Amy offers to teach him.

April 13, 2022
| Ongoing
ArsworldS Comics
A collection of comfy Boom comics where Amy wins the Sonicbowl.

April 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Clash of Two Worlds
A crossover between Sonic Boom and TMNT 2012 that’s pretty fun to read. Eggman and Shredder team up to make some interesting Badniks.

April 2, 2022
| Complete
Happy Birthday Sonic
Sonic celebrates his birthdays with his friends, hilarity ensues.

March 22, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic x Rockman
Weird and funny Sonic and Rockman crossover comic. Art starts out rough, but gets much better.

March 21, 2022
| Complete
Beach Comic
Amy ditches Sonic for Shadow, hilarity ensues. Just five pages, but nice art.

March 19, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Friends
A very interesting take on the Mecha Sally saga. Warning, contains forbidden horses.

March 14, 2022
| Abandoned
Night of the Were-Things
What happens when you take the humor of Sonic Boom and add some horror to it? Laugh at the jokes, swoon over the cuteness of Sonic and Tails, and cry because this comic is unfinished.

March 10, 2022
| Complete
Mini Sonic
Honey we shrunk the Boom Sonic! While clearly a fetish, the comic’s actually pretty good with fairly nice art.

March 10, 2022
| Complete
Opposite Day
Eggman makes a device to turn Sonic evil, but it turns him good as well. Art’s very inky and nice.

March 10, 2022
| Hiatus
From the artist that brought us Mini Sonic, here’s an inverse of that fetish! Art’s really improved.

March 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Eggs
What happens when you take Sonic X and fill it with memes and shit on everyone? You get Sonic Eggs!

March 2, 2022
| Complete
The End of Chris Thorndyke
Seven page shitpost where Sonic beats the shit out of Chris Thorndyke.

February 20, 2022
| Ongoing
A Sly Encounter
A Sonic and Sly Cooper crossover where Sally’s too hot for 4chan.

February 12, 2022
| Hiatus
The G.U.N. Project
What if Sonic joined GUN, and used a gun? Comedy and drama, nice art.

February 9, 2022
| Ongoing
Hangin Out
Has that same crazy energy of The Vulture, every character is off the wall bar Sonic, who’s well adjusted. Tikal is especially amazing. Art is fantastically distinct.

February 8, 2022
| Complete
Baking Bad
Eight page comic where Tails hosts a bake off between Antoine and Bunnie.

February 7, 2022
| Complete
Burger Zone
Rouge takes Tails out for Burgers, but is a very bad influence.

February 7, 2022
| Ongoing
MolochTDL comics
Really funny shitpost comics. Sonic nasally ingests a chili-dog.

February 7, 2022
| Abandoned
Pickle Unleashed (and others)
Really funny shitpost comic. Art’s nice too, shame it’s unfinished.

February 7, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Sonic ReColors
What if there were 7 Sonic’s, each with their own color-coded personality?

February 7, 2022
| Ongoing
The Scariest Thing (and other comics)
A series of short comedic strips. Probably more famous for their Sonic animations on youtube.

February 6, 2022
| Complete
A Coded Game
Fun French comic translated into English. Artist’s other comics are very lewd.

February 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: The Stories Continue
Sparks fly when Sonic meets Robotnik’s new intern Lizzy in this comedy set in the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon. Can romance blossom despite Lizzy’s professional obligations to get that hedgehog?

February 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Finik comics
A collection of short comics by the artist behind Heroes come Back. Expect lots of cute antics between Stripes the Raccoon and Silver the Hedgehog!

February 3, 2022
| Complete
A Special Visit
Eggman’s mother pays a visit and the Egg Bosses must help him pretend he’s a good egg.

February 3, 2022
| Hiatus
The No Zone Archives
Find out why the Zone Cops are always messing things up. Art and plot could pass for preboot Archie.

February 2, 2022
| Complete
Sonic & Sonic Adventures
Sonic and his best friend Sonic wreck havoc on the world.

February 1, 2022
| Abandoned
Scourge is raising kids with an OC, let’s see how well he does!

February 1, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Can’t Find the Bathroom
Eggman’s master plan is in full effect: making sure Sonic can’t find the bathroom.

January 31, 2022
| Complete
Buzzbomber Mishap
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters face up against Robotnik’s latest scheme, deadly Buzzbombers!

January 31, 2022
| Ongoing
Knothole Team
A series of one-off comics where Sonic and the Freedom Fighters work in a magazine office.

January 31, 2022
| Ongoing
Meow the Hedgehog
Follow the totally not horrifying adventures of Meow the Hedgehog as he looks for his best friend Tails.

January 31, 2022
| Complete
Presidential Pants
Sonic and Shadow are invited to dinner at the President’s house.

January 31, 2022
| Complete
Sonic’s Big Fat Adventure
Short comic that lightheartedly pokes fun at the franchise by the artist that singlehandedly saved the Sonic movie.

January 31, 2022
| Complete
We Need to Talk about Tails
You know how Tails is constantly dying in Sonic 2 but comes flying back seconds later like nothing happened? This comic addresses that.

January 27, 2022
| Complete
Vampire Madness
What if the emo Zeti bit Amy and she turned into a vampire? Actually a good comic.

January 26, 2022
| Complete
Drawloverlala comics
A collection of single page comedy strips by Drawloverlala.

January 26, 2022
| Complete
Seaside Open
A short comic where Sonic and Tails face off against Shadow in tennis.

Tag: emerald-coast-comics
May 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Master Emerald Chronicles
An alternate version of the Archie comics where Sonic’s “Tossed in Space” storyline never happened, and Knuckles never died and lost his powers.

March 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Knux Redux
Penders thinks he’s so good with his Knuckles origin and convoluted family backstory but let’s see how someone else does it! And for good measure, we’ll add in some Nolan-inspired Batman training to it as well!

March 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Eggs
What happens when you take Sonic X and fill it with memes and shit on everyone? You get Sonic Eggs!

Tag: guest-conductor
December 24, 2022
| Complete
Sally's Christmas Morning
A very NSFW short comic where Sally opens her Christmas present from Sonic.

December 24, 2022
| Complete
Twelve pages of Sonadow
A very NSFW short comic where Shadow gets snowed in with Sonic on Christmas.

December 17, 2022
| Complete
The Lion and the Griffin
A NSFW comic from the artist behind Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian, it’s the occasionally lewd side story covering how Grifone and Ruggiero met and became lovers.

December 16, 2022
| Complete
The three knights
From the artist that brought us Duke of Anjou, it’s a wholesome comic commissioned by thedarkshadow1990 who brought us Sonic’s Mistake. Come see the unholy union of armor/disguise appreciation and outfit/transformation appreciation!

December 4, 2022
| Complete
Say the Word
A very NSFW comic where Sonic sneaks into Sally’s bedroom for some ~after dark~ “strategizing”.

November 18, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Frontiers Ending
An alternate take on the Frontiers ending that’s so good it should be canon.

November 12, 2022
| Complete
Sonic the Comic Tribute Zine
Fun little zine full of nostalgia for the Fleetway comic.

November 3, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Static
Sonic discovers the power of static shocks and decides to become a menace.

October 24, 2022
| Complete
Sonic × Demon Slayer crossover manga
Four page comic where Tails and Cream act out a scene from Demon Slayer: Mugen Train movie.

October 20, 2022
| Complete
Pie comic
A short comic about Surge and Kit trying to extort Vanilla. Cream is not amused.

September 24, 2022
| Complete
Two Tails
Japanese Sonic’s a jerk, AOSTH Tails is jaded, could these two Tails have more in common than they expected? Stay tuned to find out!

September 1, 2022
| Ongoing
AngusET comics
Cute little doodle comics of Sonic and friends that are pretty funny.

August 8, 2022
| Complete
The Stage Of Swirling Wind And Dancing Rose
Short comic where Sonic and Amy defend a village from Eggman’s robots.

August 5, 2022
| Complete
Sonic helps out his little bro
Short comic where Sonic helps Tails deal with his fear of lightning.

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Follow Your Rainbow Zine
A LGB-etc Sonic fan zine celebrating gender and sexual diversity where the proceeds were donated to charity.

July 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic's Mistake and other comics
A collection of comics where sonic characters are forced to wear embarrassing outfits or swap bodies.

July 8, 2022
| Ongoing
Emerald ghosts
Emerald ghosts takes place 220 years in the future, following an isolated shadow, a tired tails, and a very worried silver.

July 8, 2022
| Ongoing
The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
A retelling of Archie from when the characters were children, but with the addition of IDW characters.

July 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Stranded and Lost in the Forgotten Island
A pair of comics with what can only be described as a fetish for characters being stranded on deserted islands and all the women getting pregnant.

June 9, 2022
| Complete
Kiss of the Vampire
Sonic’s just taken in Shadow, a mysterious lodger with sharp teeth and a fancy outfit. What could possibly go wrong? Ruffled shirts and ruffled sheets await!

June 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Collision Chaos
Sonic and company have decided to play a little game of Ultimate Frisbee.

June 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Maximum
Sally infiltrates Robotnik’s base with the help of Bunnie and Nicole. The ladies are mega stacked and mega thicc.

June 3, 2022
| Complete
A sexy take on Maekawa’s master plan where Shadow lewdly interrogates Sonic.

May 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Other M
Sonic awakens after a recent battle with Dr. Eggman to find himself in a new world, surrounded by strangers with familiar faces. Will Sonic ever find a way home?

May 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Halo on Fire
Based on that Nazo flash cartoon comes a story of lore, fluffy Neopet-looking twinks, and perhaps Nazo’s redemption.

May 21, 2022
| Complete
PSG Style sketch comic
Sonic and Shadow versus Panty and Stocking-style demons? Sign me up!

May 21, 2022
| Complete
Retelling of Sonic 1 using hand-made 3D models. Some of the jokes are actually pretty funny and the artstyle is very endearing.

May 14, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic the Hedgehog Z
Sonic the hedgehog but with Dragonball Z fighting, powers, and drama.

May 13, 2022
| Complete
Trick with the Hat
Cowboy Knuckles takes Sonic and friends on a camping trip and absolutely nothing gay happens.

May 5, 2022
| Ongoing
A lewd magazine focused on the feet of Sonic characters, only a few (non-lewd) pages were covered.

May 2, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic's Prank Wars
Sonic decides to play some pranks on his friends, he has some suspiciously fetishistic tastes.

April 6, 2022
| Complete
Sonic struggles with his physical and metal health while trying to maintain his relationship with Shadow. The secrets of Sonic’s past and origin is a weight that the hero now struggles to carry.

April 5, 2022
| Complete
Accidental Love
Eggman performs forced gender reassignment surgery on Shadow in hopes of weakening the ultimate life form. After rescuing the now female Shadow, Sonic finds himself attracted to her and tries to win her heart.

February 7, 2022
| Complete
Burger Zone
Rouge takes Tails out for Burgers, but is a very bad influence.

February 2, 2022
| Complete
Sonic & Sonic Adventures
Sonic and his best friend Sonic wreck havoc on the world.

Tag: himbos
December 24, 2022
| Complete
Twelve pages of Sonadow
A very NSFW short comic where Shadow gets snowed in with Sonic on Christmas.

December 17, 2022
| Complete
The Lion and the Griffin
A NSFW comic from the artist behind Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian, it’s the occasionally lewd side story covering how Grifone and Ruggiero met and became lovers.

November 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Silver Wants to Get Stronger
Silver attempts to enlist Shadow’s help to become stronger in order to protect Blaze. Shadow is not amused. Also includes some one-off comics.

November 27, 2022
| Abandoned
A Little Push
You know the bad ending in Shadow the Hedgehog where it’s implied he shoots Sonic? This comic is nothing like that, but does open with a flash forward to Shadow killing Sonic. But does he? We’ll never find out!

November 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Auroblaze Comics
A collection of comics by Auroblaze, with Werehog stripper pole action! Also includes the Mister Monster Series that focuses on Sonic Unleashed.

October 24, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Heroes 2
When Sonic and friends attend a concert so he can meet his old friend Madonna, they find themselves in the middle of a fucked up mystery and fighting off an unstoppable army (that Sonic helped create). A huge comic with an even larger cast of characters, four interconnecting storylines, and multiple endings.

October 22, 2022
| Complete
Super Sonic Style
Not technically a comic, but a fanzine with Sonic characters in cool outfits, drawn by a variety of artists.

October 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Young Romance
Relationship drama ensues when the S.S. Sonamy hits an OC-shaped iceberg. Be prepared for extreme thottery, and probably the dumbest himbo Sonic yet.

August 8, 2022
| Complete
Sonic and Korra
When Eggman’s dimensional portal backfires, (an actually likeable) Korra is pulled into Sonic’s world. Can the two work together to stop Eggman’s latest scheme?

July 31, 2022
| Complete
Conspiracies with Tails
Tails is convinced Shadow’s a vampire and hijinks ensue when Sonic and Silver try to prove it.

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Follow Your Rainbow Zine
A LGB-etc Sonic fan zine celebrating gender and sexual diversity where the proceeds were donated to charity.

June 5, 2022
| Ongoing
Tails Gets Trolled
When a fox named Tails is suddenly trolled by two individuals from a nation of real-life Internet trolls, it initiates a chain of events leading to an all-out war between several opposing factions, influencing the lives of hundreds of characters.

June 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Future
Eggman is dead, Sonic is having a midlife crisis, but there’s a new girl to flirt with. Only problem is Shadow likes her too. If only there were some way to resolve the relationship triangle that didn’t leave anyone out.

June 3, 2022
| Ongoing
A complete reimagining of Sonic 06, combining original lore with parts of Sonic Adventure 2. A must for fans of edge-kino!

June 1, 2022
| Complete
Strawberry of Love
Wholesome Sonamy comic where Amy’s got a secret strawberry garden, but Eggman’s hatching a plot to steal those strawberries!

May 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Other M
Sonic awakens after a recent battle with Dr. Eggman to find himself in a new world, surrounded by strangers with familiar faces. Will Sonic ever find a way home?

May 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Halo on Fire
Based on that Nazo flash cartoon comes a story of lore, fluffy Neopet-looking twinks, and perhaps Nazo’s redemption.

May 25, 2022
| Ongoing
FoxieSkullz Comics
A fun collection of comics with occassional homoerotic undertones.

May 21, 2022
| Complete
A Favor for Sonic
Shadow’s agreed to go on a date with Amy disguised as Sonic. Sonic paints him blue, but will Amy notice? And will she even mind?

May 14, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic the Hedgehog Z
Sonic the hedgehog but with Dragonball Z fighting, powers, and drama.

May 13, 2022
| Complete
Trick with the Hat
Cowboy Knuckles takes Sonic and friends on a camping trip and absolutely nothing gay happens.

May 10, 2022
| Complete, Purged
The pinnacle of Tails edge-kino, answering the question “what would have happened if Tails didn’t meet Sonic until much later?”

May 1, 2022
| Ongoing
The Cursed Amulet
Amy’s invited to an archeology dig by identical twin twinks, but her absence throws off the team’s fight with Eggman.

April 27, 2022
| Complete
Chaotix Super Detective Team
Follow the wacky misadventures of our favorite semi-competent detectives as they try to make some money.

April 22, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Unbound
Okida’s first magnum opus, weaving Fleetway, the games, and anything else he could think of into an epic tale 5 years in the making!

April 20, 2022
| Abandoned
Meeting the Werehog
Night has fallen and Sonic the Himbo-hog must protect Amy and Chip from the Dark Gaia monsters. Can Amy trust this tall fluffy boy she only just met?

April 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Silver tH Comic
Silver and Blaze are cleaning up temporal anomalies after the defeat of Solaris, when they’re ambushed by the the total himbo hunk Titus. Now they must work together to stop Mephiles’ latest scheme.

April 13, 2022
| Ongoing
ArsworldS Comics
A collection of comfy Boom comics where Amy wins the Sonicbowl.

April 10, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Hyperspeed
The Eggmans are up to no good! When Eggmanland appears in both the present and the future, it’s up to our heroes to find out what’s going and stop a nefarious plan spanning 200 years!

March 14, 2022
| Abandoned
Night of the Were-Things
What happens when you take the humor of Sonic Boom and add some horror to it? Laugh at the jokes, swoon over the cuteness of Sonic and Tails, and cry because this comic is unfinished.

March 13, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Adventure 3
Taking place after Sonic 06, Station Square is under attack by a military group of echidnas called the Red Scar. Lots of cool fights, and the art’s nice too.

March 1, 2022
| Rebooted
Eggman fucks with reality and Saiyans are brought to Mobius in the bodies of Mobians. Lots of cute OCs, and the art’s pretty charming.

February 9, 2022
| Ongoing
Hangin Out
Has that same crazy energy of The Vulture, every character is off the wall bar Sonic, who’s well adjusted. Tikal is especially amazing. Art is fantastically distinct.

February 7, 2022
| Abandoned
Pickle Unleashed (and others)
Really funny shitpost comic. Art’s nice too, shame it’s unfinished.

February 5, 2022
| Ongoing
The Heart of a Monster
Based on Sonic Unleashed, but with the twist that Sonic’s friends tag along to help him. Also, Sonic’s a fluffy himbo raising Chip with Shadow. Beautiful art too.

February 2, 2022
| Ongoing
JoeAdok comics
The undisputed champion of integrating every Sonic continuity and character, no matter how obscure. Shame there aren’t any longer comics.

February 1, 2022
| Abandoned
Archie Reboot
A unique and stylish reboot of Archie where Rotor’s clearly hogging all the food.

February 1, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Can’t Find the Bathroom
Eggman’s master plan is in full effect: making sure Sonic can’t find the bathroom.

February 1, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Dimensional Collisions
Short unfinished comic set in the Boom continuity where the heroes face off against Metal Sonic.

Tag: lore
December 2, 2022
| Complete
Amnesia: a Sonic Frontiers comic
A short commissioned comic where Sonic actually loses his memories due to his cyber corruption.

December 2, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Aether
Very (very!) detailed concept art and descriptions for a very ambitious Sonic fangame. It’s a shame it’s not playable!

November 26, 2022
| Complete
Is Mine
Scourge has some convoluted plan to take over the world and the only way he can do it is by getting fresh with Amy. Can Sonic save his sweetheart?

November 18, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Frontiers Ending
An alternate take on the Frontiers ending that’s so good it should be canon.

November 17, 2022
| Complete
Just Shadamy
An accident sends Amy, Shadow, and Sonic to another dimension where women are property. Confusion and love run rampant as they try to figure out how to get back to their world. Will Sonic or Shadow win the Amy-bowl? Will any of them stop getting tied up every few pages?

November 11, 2022
| Complete
Some Vacation
Sonic and friends are visiting Soleanna for a vacation to see the Sun festival. Based on the opening cutscene of 06, play the game to find out what happens next!

November 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic: Chaos Clash
When Super Sonic deflects one of Eggman’s energy blasts, he and Tails are sucked into the white void from Generations. Instead of replaying old levels they run into characters from different continuities.

November 3, 2022
| Complete
Angel of Darkness
A single chapter adaption of Sonic 06 by Darkspeeds. The catch? He finished it months before the game came out and based the whole thing on a few images and a trailer.

October 27, 2022
| Ongoing
Blueike Comics
A series of short comics with the premise: What if Sonic gained a person’s power by wearing their shoes?

October 24, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Heroes 2
When Sonic and friends attend a concert so he can meet his old friend Madonna, they find themselves in the middle of a fucked up mystery and fighting off an unstoppable army (that Sonic helped create). A huge comic with an even larger cast of characters, four interconnecting storylines, and multiple endings.

October 19, 2022
| Ongoing
The Dark Forest
Sonic and an OC have been having strange dreams leading them to an ancient and forgotten forest. Can they restore the land, and repair the damage done by those who came before them?

September 24, 2022
| Complete
Two Tails
Japanese Sonic’s a jerk, AOSTH Tails is jaded, could these two Tails have more in common than they expected? Stay tuned to find out!

September 16, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Shadows
A post-Sonic Adventure 2 comic from 2002, set in the Archieverse. The comic where Eggman wields missile-loaded maracas. Art is of varying quality but the story is very enjoyable.

September 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Successor’s Dawn
It’s been four years since the events of Sonic Heroes and Tails is having a birthday party. The fun doesn’t last when a hero falls and Tails must take his place.

August 31, 2022
| Complete
Robotnik’s on the hunt for a blue speedster but it’s not Sonic! Featuring Metal at his most dangerous, and most existential.

August 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Rosechu’s Story
A retelling of Sonichu that actually makes sense and it’s from Rosechu’s perspective. Sonichu and Rosechu’s developing relationship is very cute and you can’t help but become invested.

August 27, 2022
| Abandoned
First Honor
Another story from the 90s, this time focusing on when Sonic and friends were just children. Artist really nails Spaz’s artstyle.

August 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Search for the Guardian’s Daughter
Move over Mobius 20 years later, we’ve got a better story from the 90s staring older Knuckles, the Chaotix, and their kids! When the Dark Legion attacks it’s up to the kids to help save the day.

August 25, 2022
| Abandoned
When a Bunnie Meets a Bunnie
A comic from 1999, adapted from an even older fanfic where Bunnie and switches places with her Moebius counterpart.

August 21, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Black and White: Chaotic Intent
The totally not evil Dr Finitevus has escaped from the Special Zone after 4,000 years, and is about to commit his most heinous crime yet: being a bad roommate to Sonic!

August 19, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Pandemonium
Nicky the Hedgehog’s a shy kid living on Christmas Island, but when disaster strikes can he muster up the courage to save the day?

August 8, 2022
| Complete
Sonic and Korra
When Eggman’s dimensional portal backfires, (an actually likeable) Korra is pulled into Sonic’s world. Can the two work together to stop Eggman’s latest scheme?

August 5, 2022
| Abandoned
Ultimate Sonic (2021)
An unofficial remake of Sonic the Continuation, itself a continuation of the original StC. Excellent comic, and one of the best Sonic designs.

August 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Turning Points
Short comic from 2001 where Knuckles, Julie-Su, Mighty, and Ray beat up some Dark Legion goons.

August 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Ultimate Sonic
One of Ian Flynn’s first comics, and first attempts at blending various continuities into a unified canon. Sonic and (girl) Tails are running a delivery business when they get a visit from G.U.N., Sonic’s old employer.

August 3, 2022
| Complete
Return of the Death Egg
A retelling (or sequel) of Sonic 3 & Knuckles where Sonic and Knuckles must team up against Robotnik who’s after the chaos emeralds and the Master Emerald.

July 31, 2022
| Complete
Conspiracies with Tails
Tails is convinced Shadow’s a vampire and hijinks ensue when Sonic and Silver try to prove it.

July 28, 2022
| Abandoned
My Past
Silver grows up in Soleanna and is part of the royal family that has adopted him. Basketball, bullying, Blaze, and bloodsport await!

July 27, 2022
| Abandoned
A comic about the messed up origin of Zonic the Zone Cop, an artificial hedgehog who was grown in a tube and given the memories of the real Sonic.

July 26, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Sonic X Deep Future With In
After waking from stasis in the near future, a slightly older Tails finds himself caught between warring military factions with powerful weapons and abilities.

July 16, 2022
| Complete
Chaos Sonic Comic
Eggman’s killed Sonic’s family and when Sonic goes Super to stop him, he becomes corrupted. Determined never to let anything like that happen again, he now rules Mobius with an Iron fist. Can the Freedom Fighters defeat their former friend?

July 15, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Five years after the events of Sonic Forces, a death has triggered a series of events that has put Amy in the middle of a power struggle.

July 13, 2022
| Ongoing
Heart of the Hedgehog
A rewrite of Archie issues 86 and 87, aka the origin story of everyone’s favorite wisecracking Metal Sonic.

July 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Back to the Future Rebirth
A retelling of Back to the Future but with Sonic characters.

July 8, 2022
| Ongoing
Emerald ghosts
Emerald ghosts takes place 220 years in the future, following an isolated shadow, a tired tails, and a very worried silver.

July 8, 2022
| Ongoing
The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
A retelling of Archie from when the characters were children, but with the addition of IDW characters.

July 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic the Continuation
Okida’s current magnum opus, ongoing since 2013! A continuation of Fleetway that incorporates aspects the games, cartoons, and even (gasp!) Archie.

June 5, 2022
| Ongoing
Tails Gets Trolled
When a fox named Tails is suddenly trolled by two individuals from a nation of real-life Internet trolls, it initiates a chain of events leading to an all-out war between several opposing factions, influencing the lives of hundreds of characters.

June 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Future
Eggman is dead, Sonic is having a midlife crisis, but there’s a new girl to flirt with. Only problem is Shadow likes her too. If only there were some way to resolve the relationship triangle that didn’t leave anyone out.

June 3, 2022
| Ongoing
A complete reimagining of Sonic 06, combining original lore with parts of Sonic Adventure 2. A must for fans of edge-kino!

June 3, 2022
| Complete
A sexy take on Maekawa’s master plan where Shadow lewdly interrogates Sonic.

June 3, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Frenzy
Eggman’s plan backfires and sends him and Sonic to another world, but it looks like someone sinister’s hitched a ride inside Sonic’s mind.

May 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Master Emerald Chronicles
An alternate version of the Archie comics where Sonic’s “Tossed in Space” storyline never happened, and Knuckles never died and lost his powers.

May 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Other M
Sonic awakens after a recent battle with Dr. Eggman to find himself in a new world, surrounded by strangers with familiar faces. Will Sonic ever find a way home?

May 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Rise of the Queen
In Sally’s Inner Struggle, Sally helped de-robotisize SatAM’s Pink Sally and was sent back to the Archie world in her robotisized body. Now, Pink Sally’s crossed over and is ready to help, but clearly has her own agenda. Will Sally be de-robotisized too?

May 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Halo on Fire
Based on that Nazo flash cartoon comes a story of lore, fluffy Neopet-looking twinks, and perhaps Nazo’s redemption.

May 28, 2022
| Complete
Sally’s Inner Struggle
When the Super Genesis Wave hits, a robotisized Sally’s transported into the SatAM universe with her original body, only to find she’s sharing a head with Pink Sally, whose body has also been robotisized in this universe. This one’s for Sally fans!

May 25, 2022
| Abandoned
The Dark Doppels
Amy kidnaps an unconscious Sonic so she can nurse (and gaslight) him back to health. It’s Sonamy shipping time whether Sonic likes it or not!

May 24, 2022
| Ongoing
Shiliria Comics
A collection of short comics set in thee Fleetway continuity, some with a focus on shipping Super Sonic and Ebony.

May 24, 2022
| Hiatus
Sonic Reborn
Time has passed and Amy’s slowly becoming a cat lady until she takes pity on a strangely familiar blue hedgehog with a messed up face, setting in motion a race for the chaos emeralds with the entire world at stake!

May 23, 2022
| Ongoing
New Generation
Silver’s back in a dystopian future Earth after the events of 06, but this time it’s due to a long dead Eggman’s machines rising up to destroy humanity.

May 16, 2022
| Complete
Chaos Diamonds 3
Sonic’s an actor, Eggman’s a good guy, Tails works in his repair shop, Shadow’s around, and uh… what’s going on with Tails and Amy?

May 14, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic the Hedgehog Z
Sonic the hedgehog but with Dragonball Z fighting, powers, and drama.

May 13, 2022
| Abandoned
Shadow and Amy’s Family
Amy and Shadow have just had a baby Silver due to time travel shenanigans, but an adult Blaze will do anything to get her man back.

May 13, 2022
| Abandoned
United Souls
A TMOM-inspired comic where the Triple-S crew must become the Guardians of Time.

May 2, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Genesis
An interesting take on the Kintobor origin story, he’s an alien from another world who enlists Sonic’s help researching chaos energy after Sonic rescues him.

April 28, 2022
| Hiatus
Darkness Falls
Follow Tails’ dad as he fights in the trenches of the Great War, struggling to lead his band of twinks to victory.

April 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Darkness Is Not All Black
Best edgy Tails. Takes the Sonic.EXE lore and crafts a compelling narrative centered on Tails and the lengths he must go to in order to protect the ones he loves.

April 22, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Unbound
Okida’s first magnum opus, weaving Fleetway, the games, and anything else he could think of into an epic tale 5 years in the making!

April 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Silver tH Comic
Silver and Blaze are cleaning up temporal anomalies after the defeat of Solaris, when they’re ambushed by the the total himbo hunk Titus. Now they must work together to stop Mephiles’ latest scheme.

April 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Silver the Hedgehog
What happens to Silver after the events of 06? Team Sonic made a good future, but when Blaze appears, Silver doesn’t recognize her. Also, Shadow’s the head of GUN now.

April 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Project Herzversagen
A detective-based SonAmy thriller that takes place in an alternate universe.

April 15, 2022
| Abandoned
Two worlds? How about three! After being transported to Mobius and separated from his siblings, Sonic’s been fighting Eggman on Mobius and Earth. Manic’s built a machine to send to send him to where Sonic disappeared to 6 years ago but he and Sonia end up on Earth instead.

April 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis
Edge-kino set in a version of Archie where everything’s fucked and Sonic and Tails haven’t even met yet. Nice art that’s Too hot for co.

March 29, 2022
| Ongoing
Stepping on Shadows
A mysterious thief breaks into a former Resistance HQ in an attempt to steal the Chaos Emeralds.

March 22, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic x Rockman
Weird and funny Sonic and Rockman crossover comic. Art starts out rough, but gets much better.

March 20, 2022
| Abandoned
Operation SQ
Knothole runs low on food supplies one harsh winter. This time Robotnik isn’t the major threat, it’s nature itself. Nice art and cute OCs.

March 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Knux Redux
Penders thinks he’s so good with his Knuckles origin and convoluted family backstory but let’s see how someone else does it! And for good measure, we’ll add in some Nolan-inspired Batman training to it as well!

March 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Ever wonder what GUN would be like in Silver’s timeline? And how about if Silver’s world isn’t a barren wasteland?

March 18, 2022
| Abandoned
The Tale of Two Sonics
What happens when Archie Sonic and Game Sonic swap worlds? Art’s a little rough to start with, but is pretty good by the end.

March 17, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Child of the Green Hill
This series follows Sonic from his first meeting with the kind Kintobor to his “introduction” to Knuckles. Beautifully drawn and wonderfully written, you’re going to enjoy this!

March 16, 2022
| Complete
An Enigma in the Shadows
A comic set in the Boomverse where Shadow enlists Amy’s help in investigating a mysterious artefact linked to his past. Nice art and story.

March 16, 2022
| Rebooted
Sea3on Beware of the Aftermaths
Three short chapters, inconsistent art, stills from the show, and it just ends. But hey, it’s still worth checking out.

March 15, 2022
| Ongoing
Star the Hedgehog
The future is now, old man! Time has passed and Sonic and friends have gotten older and had kids. Nice art, but the artist seriously needs a scanner.

March 14, 2022
| Abandoned
Night of the Were-Things
What happens when you take the humor of Sonic Boom and add some horror to it? Laugh at the jokes, swoon over the cuteness of Sonic and Tails, and cry because this comic is unfinished.

March 13, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Adventure 3
Taking place after Sonic 06, Station Square is under attack by a military group of echidnas called the Red Scar. Lots of cool fights, and the art’s nice too.

March 12, 2022
| Abandoned
Blaze had a tough time growing up, what with everyone resenting her for having Iblis sealed inside her. Prequel to Teaching of Fear.

March 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Teaching of Fear
Another Sonic Forces comic, but this time the focus is on Infinite, Metal Sonic, and Eggman. OC Portal’s really cool. Infinite sure does get tied up a lot.

March 9, 2022
| Hiatus
Tides of Ares
Edge, drama, and teeth! Blaze is in for a rough time as she confronts a villain that has followed her to Mobius.

March 5, 2022
| Complete
It’s time (no pun intended) to go back to the past! Shadow must uncover the secrets left behind by Gerald Robotnik and the only way to do that is to talk to the man himself!

March 1, 2022
| Rebooted
Eggman fucks with reality and Saiyans are brought to Mobius in the bodies of Mobians. Lots of cute OCs, and the art’s pretty charming.

February 28, 2022
| Abandoned
Shadow’s been having bad dreams, Team Dark and Team Sonic fight Eggman. After finding Maria’s ashes, an entity claiming to be her slowly corrupts Shadow.

February 27, 2022
| Abandoned
Challenge of the Elemental Jewels
Stylish fights, cute OCs, dragon robots, lore! Shame it abruptly ended a decade ago.

February 25, 2022
| Ongoing
Child’s Play and Teenager’s Play
Sonic, Shadow, and Silver they trade places with child versions from an alternate universe. Child’s play follows their child counterparts.

February 25, 2022
| Ongoing
Maria's First Christmas
What if Maria was brought back as a cute Hedgehog. Find out as she and Shadow celebrate Christmas Together.

February 10, 2022
| Ongoing
Turtle Power
The Fleetway Sonic and TMNT crossover I never knew I needed.

February 7, 2022
| Complete
When You Wish upon a Star
Black Knight comic where Silver is Shadow’s kid.

February 6, 2022
| Complete
She saw Everything
Reimagining of Shadow’s landing after his fall at the end of SA2, beautiful art.

February 6, 2022
| Complete
Wishes are Eternal
Reimagining of Shadow’s fall at the end of SA2, beautiful art, only 11 pages.

February 5, 2022
| Ongoing
The Heart of a Monster
Based on Sonic Unleashed, but with the twist that Sonic’s friends tag along to help him. Also, Sonic’s a fluffy himbo raising Chip with Shadow. Beautiful art too.

February 3, 2022
| Hiatus
The No Zone Archives
Find out why the Zone Cops are always messing things up. Art and plot could pass for preboot Archie.

February 2, 2022
| Ongoing
JoeAdok comics
The undisputed champion of integrating every Sonic continuity and character, no matter how obscure. Shame there aren’t any longer comics.

February 1, 2022
| Ongoing
Shadow and Jolt
What happens when Shadow gets a partner that’s a cute girl with electric powers that has a crush on him? Shenanigans!

February 1, 2022
| Ongoing, Rebooted
Sonic: Chaos Control
Cool comic where Sonic wears clothes and gets transported into the future.

January 31, 2022
| Complete
Save Sonic
A short comic from the creator of The Murder of Me where Sonic must battle his inner demons, literally!

January 31, 2022
| Ongoing
Starline and OCs
Some short comics about Dr Starline by an artist who is clearly his number one fan.

January 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Fallout: New Mobius
Short unfinished comic based on an AU that mixes Sonic with the Fallout series.

January 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Mecha Drive
Short unfinished comic where Super Sonic’s fighting Mecha Knuckles (a robotosized Knuckles).

January 26, 2022
| Hiatus
StC: Metallix Prime
Shortfuse! Tekno! British spelling! A short comic set in the Fleetway comics focused on a Knuckles variant of a Metallix gaining self-awareness.

January 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Tails Away
It’s Tails’ 18th birthday and he’s leaving his friends for a solo adventure! But he’s got a stowaway, a violent storm, and sky pirates to deal with!

January 21, 2022
| Ongoing
The Murder of Me
Very edgy, very nice art, and lots of suffering. Foot gore and foot lore!

January 20, 2022
| Hiatus
Scourge: Eternal Blackout
Find out what happened to Scourge after he broke out of Zone Cop Prison. Excellent art and fun plot.

January 18, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Retold
A rewrite of Archie’s Endangered Species arc with beautiful art and a bit more edginess. Find out what should have happened during the Pendering.

January 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Skyline
Cute and whimsical comic based on Drawloverlala’s Sonic Skyline AU.

January 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Through the Star Post
Easily one of the best takes on a more realistic approach to the Sonic characters.

December 7, 2021
| Ongoing
Sonic Legacy
Created by the Sonic Paradox team, this series blends most continuities together. The one with the dolphin OC.

December 1, 2021
| Hiatus
Ghosts of the Future
One of the most famous Sonic fancomics. Sonic’s dead, but that doesn’t stop him flirting with Shadow. Art improves rapidly. Expect suffering and feet.

September 30, 2021
| Ongoing
Archie Sonic Online
Upset about the Archie reboot? These comics aim to continue where Archie left off. Find out what happened to the Echidnas and whether Sally got de-robotosized.

Tag: na
January 14, 2023
| Abandoned
The Story of Stripe
Short comic starring Stripe the Cat, a homeless orphan/OC that’s taken in by Sonic and Sally.

January 7, 2023
| Complete
Frontiers: What if
Short comic about Sonic’s cyber-corruption in Frontiers.

January 6, 2023
| Ongoing
Sonic the Comic Online
Still upset about STC’s cancellation even twenty years later? Come read the longest running and most ambitious Sonic fancomic to see what happens next!

January 5, 2023
| Complete
Lonely Desert
Shadow and Amy are stranded in the No Zone desert and they face their greatest threat yet.

January 2, 2023
| Abandoned
Out of the Darkness
Amy’s a mermaid princess, Shadow’s a handsome shark dude, but can love bloom across such barriers? Who knows because the comic doesn’t get that far!

January 2, 2023
| Abandoned
The Black Rose
Shadow’s brooding about Maria is interrupted when he spots Amy. Sonic may be with Sally in this comic, but that doesn’t mean he’ll let anyone else get close to his number one fan!

December 29, 2022
| Complete
Sequel of the Past
A bizarre crossover where Sonic explains his origins to Brian, Chris, and Stewie from Family Guy.

December 29, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonamy Special Comic
A short comic set during Frontiers where Sonic and Amy reflect on their past and what they mean to each other.

December 25, 2022
| Complete
A Sea3on Christmas Carol
Sea3on’s take on A Christmas Carol, where Sally’s an overworked but well-meaning Scrooge.

December 25, 2022
| Complete
Silver Christmas
Everyone’s too busy to hang out with Silver this close to Christmas, but a certain OC has mistletoe-related plans for him.

December 25, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Christmas Carol
Sonic’s the boss of Sega, and not a nice one! When he decides to cancel everyone’s Christmas bonus, his employees retaliate Christmas Carol-style.

December 24, 2022
| Complete
Shadow Christmas Comics
A series of fun Christmas comics that take place after Flashback.

December 21, 2022
| Complete
True Colors
When a mysterious boy seeks refuge on the Floating Island, Knuckles finds himself obligated to help him but when someone comes looking for the boy, this tricky situation becomes deadly.

December 17, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic & Friends
After stopping Orbot and Cubot’s fiendish plot to drill holes in the ground, OCs Neutral and Spray decide to become Freedom Fighters and join the Resistance.

December 16, 2022
| Abandoned
Friggin Chibis
Some loosely connected chibi comics with very 2000s humor.

December 14, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Sonic Afterstory
A bizare fancomic in the vein of Tails Gets Trolled. Tails has an edgy backstory complete with long lost sister, demon form, and an Evangelion.

December 13, 2022
| Complete
Short comic about Gadget and Infinite celebrating the new year.

December 7, 2022
| Complete
Love & Life
The sequel to Just Shadamy where Shadow’s won the Amybowl and the couple are living together with an adopted child.

December 6, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Heroes Legacy Z
A DBZ inspired comic where Garus, Sonic’s evil and more powerful brother, shows up and starts fighting everyone.

December 5, 2022
| Complete
Beats a Hard Kick in the Face
We’re finally doing a sprite comic, or at least a comic with sprites and hand drawn art. Sonic uses an experimental gun to put a (non-lethal) stop to Amy’s advances, but it has unforeseen consequences.

December 4, 2022
| Complete
Rouge and Sticks
Short comic about Rouge giving Sticks a haircut and makeover.

December 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Heroes 2
Sonic and Shadow are having a somewhat friendly that’s interrupted by Sonic’s loathsome copy. Metal’s out for revenge, but what if he channeled his efforts into something other than destroying Sonic?

December 3, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Unity
Sonic and friends are enjoying food at a festival when they are rudely interrupted. Who is this mysterious group and what do they want?

October 7, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Championship
A short incomplete comic based on Sonic the Fighters.

September 11, 2022
| Ongoing
Battle on Angel Island
A retelling of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but with the modern Sonic designs. Lots of great action, even if the art starts off a little rough.

June 29, 2022
| Complete
New Intern
Eggman’s got a new intern, but can he handle this interesting take on Starline?

May 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Just a cover and four pages but the art is great. A SatAM comic that doesn’t do the whole season 3 thing.

April 17, 2022
| Complete
Finally a rest
Sonic takes a well-deserved rest after the Metal Virus arc.

March 22, 2022
| Abandoned
A Sonic X comic that seems to be the start of something creepy and raises a lot of questions that it never really answers.

March 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Two Werewolves One Night
What happens when you take Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Generations and mix them together? Very nice black and white art with a few colored pages.

February 24, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Ruptured Existence
Sonic and Scourge are fighting off some scary monsters (who were once their friends). Art starts off rough, but starts to have a really nice charm to it.

February 22, 2022
| Hiatus
Sonic Forces You to Cry
Sonic Forces comic where Shadow fills in for Sonic as Tails’ older brother. Nice art.

February 22, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Shards
An international Riders contest with a sinister plot brewing in the background!

February 17, 2022
| Complete
It’s Not a Date
Shadow takes Rouge on a top secret mission that totally isn’t a date.

February 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Make It Alive
Sonic, Shadow, and Silver fight overpowered OC alien Void. Things do not go well.

February 17, 2022
| Complete
Princess Amy
Amy’s been kidnapped by a bunch of green Sonic-like creatures who think she’s their princess. Can Sonic and the gang save her?

February 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Short incomplete comic where an amnesiac Sonic fights a badnik.

February 17, 2022
| Complete
Second Chance
Omega kidnaps Shadow and Rouge as a team-building exercise. Will the two eventually learn to get along?

February 17, 2022
| Complete
Shadow’s History
Short comic that explores how Shadow and Maria first met.

February 17, 2022
| Complete
Sonamy/Silvaze white day 2019
Sonic and Silver take their ladyfriends to Twinkle Park.

February 17, 2022
| Complete
Sonic and Zonic
Looks like Sonic’s broken the zone laws again and it’s up to Zonic to arrest him.

February 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Duality
Another take on Season 3 of SatAM, this time with more focus on Naugus and Snively as the villains.

February 13, 2022
| Abandoned
Blood of Ages
Short incomplete comic set in an Archie AU where Sonic’s absorbed a heap of ring energy.

February 13, 2022
| Abandoned
In Chaos We Dance
Sonic and the gang are fighting Eggman as usual, but things go pear-shaped when Sonic touches a glowing pink crystal despite everyone telling him not to.

February 13, 2022
| Abandoned
Rival battle (Gigi-D/Zavraan Collab)
Sonic and Edgy Silver decide to have a battle, things do not go well.

February 13, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic and the Door to Chaos
Sonic and his siblings go to investigate reports of a monster in a cave, but quickly run into more than they can handle.

February 13, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Freedom
Eggman’s up to no good, but this time he wants to rewrite history itself! Will his scheme turn out better than it did in Generations?

February 11, 2022
| Complete
Big Fish
Time for a Big comic by Ben Bates! 11 pages but a complete story!

February 11, 2022
| Complete
Boom Knuckles and Amy
It’s time for Boom Knuckles and Amy because why not?

February 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Classic Hates his Future
With the launch of the Dreamcast, Classic Sonic finds out he’s been replaced by Modern Sonic.

February 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Gambits and Gambles
Find out how Rouge got started in her carrier as an international jewel thief. Or, you would if the comic wasn’t incomplete.

February 11, 2022
| Complete
IDW Sonic Issue 19 Rewrite
Remember when Shadow totally jobbed in the Metal Virus arc? This comic fixes that while still maintaining continuity.

February 11, 2022
| Complete
Short comic where Sonic and the Freedom Fighters play tag as kids.

February 11, 2022
| Ongoing
LeatherRuffian comics
Some single-page comics by LeatherRuffian, an artist with a nice Yardley-like style.

February 11, 2022
| Complete
Mobius University
An AU Archie comic where Sonic and the Freedom go to college.

February 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Adventure 2 Comic
A comic adaption of Sonic Adventure 2 that adds a bit of context and background to the plot of the game.

February 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Sunshine
So what happens when you take Mario Sunshine and replace the Nintendo characters with Sonic characters? You get Sonic Sunshine!

February 11, 2022
| Complete
The Visit
Short comic where Sonic visits Antoine, who is still recovering from his injuries at the end of the preboot.

February 11, 2022
| Complete
Unbreakable Bonds
A single page comic where Sonic and Tails use the chaos emeralds in an attack.

February 8, 2022
| Complete
Branching Paths
Seven page comic that sets up the teams that would go off on various adventures after the Unleashed arc of postboot Archie.

February 8, 2022
| Abandoned
The Princess and Her Dark Knight
Six page unfinished comic where Shadow and Sally team up.

February 7, 2022
| Complete
A Longtime Resentment (Sonic and Tails fight)
Cute little 4 page comic that shows how the Sonic and Tails fight in House of Cards should’ve been written.

February 7, 2022
| Complete
Tails and Shadow Fix a Bike
From the artist that does Jolt, a nice 3 page comic where Shadow and Tails bond.

February 2, 2022
| Complete
Jolt’s Christmas Tale
Short four page comic where Jolt helps out at the Christmas festival.

January 17, 2022
| Abandoned
The Shine
Short unfinished comic with nice art that’s a mix between the Boom and Modern designs.

Tag: older-tails
November 14, 2022
| Abandoned
Changing Ripples
Amy’s still chasing after Sonic, but will her priorities change when Shadow makes his move on her?

October 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Young Romance
Relationship drama ensues when the S.S. Sonamy hits an OC-shaped iceberg. Be prepared for extreme thottery, and probably the dumbest himbo Sonic yet.

October 9, 2022
| Abandoned
The Boom Twins
A Sonamy Boom comic where Amy gets pregnant, which puts a strain on their relationship. Eggman’s hatched a fiendish plot to take advantage of the situation and dispatches a pair of evil twinks.

September 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Through Fire and Shadow
Archie edgekino staring Shadow and Tails. It’s the rest of the world against Eggman when the Black Arms invade, throwing the once liberated Downunda into the crucible of war!

September 25, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Ball Z
A Dragon Ball inspired Sonic comic where the main character is Tails. See him learn how to go super, and train Sonic’s kid in order to save their kingdom.

September 4, 2022
| Complete
Postal Tails vs Kitastrophy
Tails had a rough week, he needs to finish one last errand, and it’s to stop somebody from going into a powertrip.

July 31, 2022
| Complete
Conspiracies with Tails
Tails is convinced Shadow’s a vampire and hijinks ensue when Sonic and Silver try to prove it.

July 28, 2022
| Abandoned
My Past
Silver grows up in Soleanna and is part of the royal family that has adopted him. Basketball, bullying, Blaze, and bloodsport await!

July 26, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Sonic X Deep Future With In
After waking from stasis in the near future, a slightly older Tails finds himself caught between warring military factions with powerful weapons and abilities.

July 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Back to the Future Rebirth
A retelling of Back to the Future but with Sonic characters.

July 8, 2022
| Ongoing
Emerald ghosts
Emerald ghosts takes place 220 years in the future, following an isolated shadow, a tired tails, and a very worried silver.

May 10, 2022
| Complete, Purged
The pinnacle of Tails edge-kino, answering the question “what would have happened if Tails didn’t meet Sonic until much later?”

May 7, 2022
| Complete
Tails Forces
It’s Sonic Forces time! Sonic’s getting tortured but it’s okay because Tails is here to save him and the day!

May 5, 2022
| Complete
The Adventures of Silver the Hedgehog
Seeing the endless cycle of war Tails concocts a plan to bring abut the end of Eggman and all of the world’s troubles once and for all.

April 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Darkness Is Not All Black
Best edgy Tails. Takes the Sonic.EXE lore and crafts a compelling narrative centered on Tails and the lengths he must go to in order to protect the ones he loves.

April 20, 2022
| Abandoned
What Binds Us
Some time has passed and now everyone’s hot and wearing cute outfits. Tails is an edgy twink that wants to gun down Eggman.

April 14, 2022
| Hiatus
Spring Is Here
Tails and Amy are in high school but Tails doesn’t know how to deal with girls so Amy offers to teach him.

April 13, 2022
| Ongoing
ArsworldS Comics
A collection of comfy Boom comics where Amy wins the Sonicbowl.

January 27, 2022
| Ongoing
Brotherhood’s Twist
A sequel to Sonic Lost World but actually good. Sonic and Tails swap ages and hijinx ensue. Very nice art, Zeti’s actually have character.

Tag: romance
November 16, 2222
| Ongoing
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters
Ensuring the The Ride™ never ends, our Unofficial Conductor’s decided to publish his own comic! It’s a streamlined rewrite of Archie focusing on action and adventure that updates Thursdays and Sundays.
Issue 3 now complete!
Issue 3 now complete!

December 24, 2022
| Complete
Sally's Christmas Morning
A very NSFW short comic where Sally opens her Christmas present from Sonic.

December 24, 2022
| Complete
Twelve pages of Sonadow
A very NSFW short comic where Shadow gets snowed in with Sonic on Christmas.

December 17, 2022
| Complete
The Lion and the Griffin
A NSFW comic from the artist behind Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian, it’s the occasionally lewd side story covering how Grifone and Ruggiero met and became lovers.

December 12, 2022
| Complete
Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian
From the artist that brought us Duke of Anjou, it’s an even bigger medieval epic with war, disguises, murder, more disguises, betrayal, and lots of armor!

December 4, 2022
| Complete
Say the Word
A very NSFW comic where Sonic sneaks into Sally’s bedroom for some ~after dark~ “strategizing”.

November 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Silver Wants to Get Stronger
Silver attempts to enlist Shadow’s help to become stronger in order to protect Blaze. Shadow is not amused. Also includes some one-off comics.

November 30, 2022
| Complete
Songs of Silver
An adaption of the Song of Solomon featuring Silver and Blaze. Be prepared for wholesome shipping of Biblical proportions!

November 26, 2022
| Complete
Is Mine
Scourge has some convoluted plan to take over the world and the only way he can do it is by getting fresh with Amy. Can Sonic save his sweetheart?

November 17, 2022
| Complete
Just Shadamy
An accident sends Amy, Shadow, and Sonic to another dimension where women are property. Confusion and love run rampant as they try to figure out how to get back to their world. Will Sonic or Shadow win the Amy-bowl? Will any of them stop getting tied up every few pages?

November 14, 2022
| Abandoned
Changing Ripples
Amy’s still chasing after Sonic, but will her priorities change when Shadow makes his move on her?

November 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Auroblaze Comics
A collection of comics by Auroblaze, with Werehog stripper pole action! Also includes the Mister Monster Series that focuses on Sonic Unleashed.

November 5, 2022
| Abandoned
Princess Amy’s about to be queen and she’s throwing a masquerade party to celebrate! If Sonic doesn’t make his move soon then a mysterious black hedgehog might.

October 31, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Romance and Vampire
When investigating a crashed meteor, Sonic’s attacked by a sexy and mysterious being known as a Lamia. Violence turns into something warmer but can love blossom from darkness?

October 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Shadow the Hedgehog
A surprisingly long comic that takes place during the Cryptic Castle level of Shadow the hedgehog. Can Shadow and Amy work together to rescue Cream and Cheese? Will love bloom in the Cryptic Castle?

October 28, 2022
| Abandoned
An interesting comic that hints at a SonShadAmy threeway but sadly never delivers. When Eggman’s latest scheme backfires (again), Shadow and Amy, along with Sonic and Sally are sucked into another world.

October 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Young Romance
Relationship drama ensues when the S.S. Sonamy hits an OC-shaped iceberg. Be prepared for extreme thottery, and probably the dumbest himbo Sonic yet.

October 14, 2022
| Hiatus
Duke of Anjou
Antoine must return home to oust a tyrant and claim his title as the Duke of Anjou. Politics, war, and satanism await!

October 13, 2022
| Complete
A Sonamy Story
A complete Sonamy comic where they’re both well adjusted hedgehogs. Come for the blossoming romance, stay for the psychotic twink!

October 9, 2022
| Abandoned
The Boom Twins
A Sonamy Boom comic where Amy gets pregnant, which puts a strain on their relationship. Eggman’s hatched a fiendish plot to take advantage of the situation and dispatches a pair of evil twinks.

October 5, 2022
| Ongoing, Abandoned
Mighty Funnies and Mighty Tales
A collection of fun comics about everyone’s favorite red character not named Knuckles! Art’s nice and cartoony and the jokes are pretty funny too.

September 24, 2022
| Ongoing
LOZ-Elisrilianfan Comics
A collection of comics following the progression of the characters’ relationships. Expect Shadouge and Sonamy!

September 10, 2022
| Ongoing
TheShadAmyArtistO10 Comics
A collection of cute Shadamy comics. The first one has Amy visit Shadow for Christmas in his remote cabin in the snow.

September 4, 2022
| Abandoned
A medieval Sonic comic that isn’t based on the Black Knight game. Sonic’s a squire training to be a knight under an abusive patron, but everything changes when he meets rival squire Shadow.

September 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Tutoring Him
A Sonamy highschool comic where they’re both tsun for each other. They even dared the other to not fall in love with them! This is peak romcom!

September 2, 2022
| Ongoing
Am I a Monster?
Shadow’s been friendzoned by Amy, but just as he’s winning her over, a threat even edgier than Shadow appears!

September 1, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
SxR Highschool Romance
Rouge and friends are in highschool but everything changes when Shadow, the new angsty transfer student appears. Be prepared for drama, Shadouge, and cool outfits!

August 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Rosechu’s Story
A retelling of Sonichu that actually makes sense and it’s from Rosechu’s perspective. Sonichu and Rosechu’s developing relationship is very cute and you can’t help but become invested.

August 28, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Dear Future Husband
Sonic, Shadow, and Amy have been close childhood friends. But after Amy and her family moved away, she returns years later and reconnects with them. Will friendship lead to romance?

August 23, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Yesterday’s Dream
Beautiful animated comic where Amy disturbs a shrine and unwittingly unleashes a vengeful spirit.

August 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Regrets and Mistakes
A Sonamy comic that doesn’t appear to have any Sonamy. Everyone acts very oddly, it’s unclear what the point is, but it’s certainly interesting!

August 15, 2022
| Hiatus
Team Dark Amy AU
Looking to find direction in life, Amy joins G.U.N. and gets assigned to Team Dark.

August 10, 2022
| Complete, Hiatus
Sonikku Relationships
Amy’s trying to win over Sonic again while neglecting her friend Cream. Will she finally win him over? Or perhaps learn something about herself?

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Follow Your Rainbow Zine
A LGB-etc Sonic fan zine celebrating gender and sexual diversity where the proceeds were donated to charity.

July 19, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Blitz
An interesting Amy-focused story where Sonic won’t even date her in her dreams.

July 15, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Five years after the events of Sonic Forces, a death has triggered a series of events that has put Amy in the middle of a power struggle.

July 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Stranded and Lost in the Forgotten Island
A pair of comics with what can only be described as a fetish for characters being stranded on deserted islands and all the women getting pregnant.

June 11, 2022
| Complete
Kyuuketsuki: It’s Japanese for vampire! From all the way back in 2001 we have a comic where Sonic becomes a creature of the night.

June 9, 2022
| Complete
Kiss of the Vampire
Sonic’s just taken in Shadow, a mysterious lodger with sharp teeth and a fancy outfit. What could possibly go wrong? Ruffled shirts and ruffled sheets await!

June 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Future
Eggman is dead, Sonic is having a midlife crisis, but there’s a new girl to flirt with. Only problem is Shadow likes her too. If only there were some way to resolve the relationship triangle that didn’t leave anyone out.

June 3, 2022
| Ongoing
A complete reimagining of Sonic 06, combining original lore with parts of Sonic Adventure 2. A must for fans of edge-kino!

June 3, 2022
| Complete
A sexy take on Maekawa’s master plan where Shadow lewdly interrogates Sonic.

June 3, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Adventure Soup
Starts off as a story where Sonic’s transported to another world in order to save it, but rapidly goes off the rails. This comic defies explanation.

June 1, 2022
| Complete
Strawberry of Love
Wholesome Sonamy comic where Amy’s got a secret strawberry garden, but Eggman’s hatching a plot to steal those strawberries!

June 1, 2022
| Abandoned
Total Switch
Amy finds and uses a love potion on Sonic, but what happens if it works better than anticipated?

May 29, 2022
| Complete
Mina and the Heartbreak Melody
After making up with Nicole, Mina is having doubts about her music.

May 25, 2022
| Abandoned
The Dark Doppels
Amy kidnaps an unconscious Sonic so she can nurse (and gaslight) him back to health. It’s Sonamy shipping time whether Sonic likes it or not!

May 24, 2022
| Ongoing
Shiliria Comics
A collection of short comics set in thee Fleetway continuity, some with a focus on shipping Super Sonic and Ebony.

May 23, 2022
| Ongoing
Start of Our Universe
A comfy romance comic that’ll convince you the Blaze X Espio ship should be canon.

May 21, 2022
| Complete
A Favor for Sonic
Shadow’s agreed to go on a date with Amy disguised as Sonic. Sonic paints him blue, but will Amy notice? And will she even mind?

May 3, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Got Amy Pregnant
Cute comedy where Sonic tries his best to be a father while working a dead-end job at Sega.

May 1, 2022
| Ongoing
The Cursed Amulet
Amy’s invited to an archeology dig by identical twin twinks, but her absence throws off the team’s fight with Eggman.

April 30, 2022
| Complete
Really more advice and It's just shyness
Short (but very tall!) comic where the characters give romantic advice. Classic Sonic decides to move in on Modern Sonic’s turf and date Amy.

April 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonamy Movie Comics
A collection of short comics set in the movie continuity focusing on Sonamy.

April 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Darkness Is Not All Black
Best edgy Tails. Takes the Sonic.EXE lore and crafts a compelling narrative centered on Tails and the lengths he must go to in order to protect the ones he loves.

April 20, 2022
| Abandoned
What Binds Us
Some time has passed and now everyone’s hot and wearing cute outfits. Tails is an edgy twink that wants to gun down Eggman.

April 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Silver the Hedgehog
What happens to Silver after the events of 06? Team Sonic made a good future, but when Blaze appears, Silver doesn’t recognize her. Also, Shadow’s the head of GUN now.

April 14, 2022
| Hiatus
Spring Is Here
Tails and Amy are in high school but Tails doesn’t know how to deal with girls so Amy offers to teach him.

April 13, 2022
| Ongoing
ArsworldS Comics
A collection of comfy Boom comics where Amy wins the Sonicbowl.

April 6, 2022
| Complete
Sonic struggles with his physical and metal health while trying to maintain his relationship with Shadow. The secrets of Sonic’s past and origin is a weight that the hero now struggles to carry.

April 5, 2022
| Complete
Accidental Love
Eggman performs forced gender reassignment surgery on Shadow in hopes of weakening the ultimate life form. After rescuing the now female Shadow, Sonic finds himself attracted to her and tries to win her heart.

March 25, 2022
| Complete
Sonic High School
Sonic and friends are in high school. Why? Because they’re undercover agents tasked with investigating the new principal Dr Eggman!

March 21, 2022
| Complete
Beach Comic
Amy ditches Sonic for Shadow, hilarity ensues. Just five pages, but nice art.

March 21, 2022
| Complete
Pen Pals
Amy’s had it tough in both official and unofficial content. Here Sonic and Amy slowly grow closer through the letters she writes him.

March 21, 2022
| Abandoned
Rose Tales of Hedgehog
We’re going full shoujo with this! Amy’s a princess! Sonic’s a prince! They’re engaged! Did Amy write this?

March 16, 2022
| Complete
An Enigma in the Shadows
A comic set in the Boomverse where Shadow enlists Amy’s help in investigating a mysterious artefact linked to his past. Nice art and story.

March 15, 2022
| Ongoing
Star the Hedgehog
The future is now, old man! Time has passed and Sonic and friends have gotten older and had kids. Nice art, but the artist seriously needs a scanner.

February 25, 2022
| Ongoing
Maria's First Christmas
What if Maria was brought back as a cute Hedgehog. Find out as she and Shadow celebrate Christmas Together.

February 8, 2022
| Complete
Reunion and other comics
Three page comic where Antoine and Bunnie reunite after his injuries at the end of the preboot.

February 5, 2022
| Ongoing
The Heart of a Monster
Based on Sonic Unleashed, but with the twist that Sonic’s friends tag along to help him. Also, Sonic’s a fluffy himbo raising Chip with Shadow. Beautiful art too.

February 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: The Stories Continue
Sparks fly when Sonic meets Robotnik’s new intern Lizzy in this comedy set in the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon. Can romance blossom despite Lizzy’s professional obligations to get that hedgehog?

February 2, 2022
| Abandoned
Breaking the Code
Boom comic where Amy’s clearly stealing from Sally’s wardrobe and Metal’s joined the team with a fleshy holographic body.

February 1, 2022
| Abandoned
Scourge is raising kids with an OC, let’s see how well he does!

February 1, 2022
| Complete
A cute and wholesome comic where Marine tells Cream a story about Tanabata.

January 31, 2022
| Complete
Sonic’s Big Fat Adventure
Short comic that lightheartedly pokes fun at the franchise by the artist that singlehandedly saved the Sonic movie.

January 17, 2022
| Abandoned
The Vulture
Delinquent twink Silver repeatedly tries to save Blaze from a horrific fate in his dreams. While awake, he hangs out with his best friend Asbestos.

Tag: schizo-sonic
June 3, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Frenzy
Eggman’s plan backfires and sends him and Sonic to another world, but it looks like someone sinister’s hitched a ride inside Sonic’s mind.

May 24, 2022
| Ongoing
Shiliria Comics
A collection of short comics set in thee Fleetway continuity, some with a focus on shipping Super Sonic and Ebony.

May 21, 2022
| Complete
Movie Super Sonic
How about some schizo movie Super Sonic? Only three pages though.

May 16, 2022
| Complete
Chaos Diamonds 3
Sonic’s an actor, Eggman’s a good guy, Tails works in his repair shop, Shadow’s around, and uh… what’s going on with Tails and Amy?

May 11, 2022
| Hiatus
Stressed Out
Sonic’s on a rampage looking for trouble, with everyone on his tail over his strange behavior. Has Eggman finally messed with a force he can’t handle?

January 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic: Phantom Forces
Sonic Forces comic that asks what happens when Sonic joins his mortal enemy?

Tag: sonic-hq
August 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Turning Points
Short comic from 2001 where Knuckles, Julie-Su, Mighty, and Ray beat up some Dark Legion goons.

Tag: sonic.exe
November 15, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Comic (2019)
A Sonic movie comic with a twist: it uses the original Sonic design. Robotnik’s up to no good, and it’s up to Sonic and Tom to save the day! Also includes some shorter movie comics.

May 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Interesting short comic based on the artist’s dream with a moody but compelling atmosphere.

Tag: sonicverseteam
September 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Through Fire and Shadow
Archie edgekino staring Shadow and Tails. It’s the rest of the world against Eggman when the Black Arms invade, throwing the once liberated Downunda into the crucible of war!

September 16, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Shadows
A post-Sonic Adventure 2 comic from 2002, set in the Archieverse. The comic where Eggman wields missile-loaded maracas. Art is of varying quality but the story is very enjoyable.

September 15, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Shadow and Light
Sapphire Luna’s first comic, from way back in 2002! Sonic and friends are enjoying themselves at the beach until Eggman and a familiar looking robot attack them.

September 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Successor’s Dawn
It’s been four years since the events of Sonic Heroes and Tails is having a birthday party. The fun doesn’t last when a hero falls and Tails must take his place.

August 31, 2022
| Complete
Robotnik’s on the hunt for a blue speedster but it’s not Sonic! Featuring Metal at his most dangerous, and most existential.

August 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Ultimate Sonic
One of Ian Flynn’s first comics, and first attempts at blending various continuities into a unified canon. Sonic and (girl) Tails are running a delivery business when they get a visit from G.U.N., Sonic’s old employer.

June 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Collision Chaos
Sonic and company have decided to play a little game of Ultimate Frisbee.

May 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Other M
Sonic awakens after a recent battle with Dr. Eggman to find himself in a new world, surrounded by strangers with familiar faces. Will Sonic ever find a way home?

May 21, 2022
| Complete
Another take on season 3, only this time the ominous red eyes belong to [redacted].

May 16, 2022
| Complete
Chaos Diamonds 3
Sonic’s an actor, Eggman’s a good guy, Tails works in his repair shop, Shadow’s around, and uh… what’s going on with Tails and Amy?

Tag: suffering
December 12, 2022
| Complete
Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian
From the artist that brought us Duke of Anjou, it’s an even bigger medieval epic with war, disguises, murder, more disguises, betrayal, and lots of armor!

December 2, 2022
| Complete
Amnesia: a Sonic Frontiers comic
A short commissioned comic where Sonic actually loses his memories due to his cyber corruption.

November 27, 2022
| Abandoned
A Little Push
You know the bad ending in Shadow the Hedgehog where it’s implied he shoots Sonic? This comic is nothing like that, but does open with a flash forward to Shadow killing Sonic. But does he? We’ll never find out!

November 27, 2022
| Abandoned
After the chaos emeralds poison their world, Sonic and the gang are stuck on a spaceship and barely surviving.

November 26, 2022
| Complete
Is Mine
Scourge has some convoluted plan to take over the world and the only way he can do it is by getting fresh with Amy. Can Sonic save his sweetheart?

November 17, 2022
| Complete
Just Shadamy
An accident sends Amy, Shadow, and Sonic to another dimension where women are property. Confusion and love run rampant as they try to figure out how to get back to their world. Will Sonic or Shadow win the Amy-bowl? Will any of them stop getting tied up every few pages?

November 15, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Comic (2019)
A Sonic movie comic with a twist: it uses the original Sonic design. Robotnik’s up to no good, and it’s up to Sonic and Tom to save the day! Also includes some shorter movie comics.

November 14, 2022
| Abandoned
Changing Ripples
Amy’s still chasing after Sonic, but will her priorities change when Shadow makes his move on her?

November 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Too Tall Amy
Something bad has happened and Amy has gotten into some… big trouble! A rare non-Boom macro comic.

November 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Silver’s stranded 100 years in the past but fortunately he has a whole troupe of OCs to keep him company.

October 28, 2022
| Abandoned
An interesting comic that hints at a SonShadAmy threeway but sadly never delivers. When Eggman’s latest scheme backfires (again), Shadow and Amy, along with Sonic and Sally are sucked into another world.

October 24, 2022
| Complete
Sonic × Demon Slayer crossover manga
Four page comic where Tails and Cream act out a scene from Demon Slayer: Mugen Train movie.

October 24, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Heroes 2
When Sonic and friends attend a concert so he can meet his old friend Madonna, they find themselves in the middle of a fucked up mystery and fighting off an unstoppable army (that Sonic helped create). A huge comic with an even larger cast of characters, four interconnecting storylines, and multiple endings.

October 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Young Romance
Relationship drama ensues when the S.S. Sonamy hits an OC-shaped iceberg. Be prepared for extreme thottery, and probably the dumbest himbo Sonic yet.

October 14, 2022
| Hiatus
Duke of Anjou
Antoine must return home to oust a tyrant and claim his title as the Duke of Anjou. Politics, war, and satanism await!

October 13, 2022
| Complete
A Sonamy Story
A complete Sonamy comic where they’re both well adjusted hedgehogs. Come for the blossoming romance, stay for the psychotic twink!

October 10, 2022
| Ongoing
popoco comics
Edgy, bloody, and wordless comic with cool fights and Sonadow undertones. Art is really distinct and expressive.

October 9, 2022
| Abandoned
The Boom Twins
A Sonamy Boom comic where Amy gets pregnant, which puts a strain on their relationship. Eggman’s hatched a fiendish plot to take advantage of the situation and dispatches a pair of evil twinks.

October 2, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic the Unofficial Comic
Short comic where everyone’s acting weird, and nobody but Tails remembers Cosmo.

September 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Through Fire and Shadow
Archie edgekino staring Shadow and Tails. It’s the rest of the world against Eggman when the Black Arms invade, throwing the once liberated Downunda into the crucible of war!

September 25, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Ball Z
A Dragon Ball inspired Sonic comic where the main character is Tails. See him learn how to go super, and train Sonic’s kid in order to save their kingdom.

September 15, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Shadow and Light
Sapphire Luna’s first comic, from way back in 2002! Sonic and friends are enjoying themselves at the beach until Eggman and a familiar looking robot attack them.

September 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Successor’s Dawn
It’s been four years since the events of Sonic Heroes and Tails is having a birthday party. The fun doesn’t last when a hero falls and Tails must take his place.

September 4, 2022
| Abandoned
A medieval Sonic comic that isn’t based on the Black Knight game. Sonic’s a squire training to be a knight under an abusive patron, but everything changes when he meets rival squire Shadow.

August 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Rosechu’s Story
A retelling of Sonichu that actually makes sense and it’s from Rosechu’s perspective. Sonichu and Rosechu’s developing relationship is very cute and you can’t help but become invested.

August 28, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Dear Future Husband
Sonic, Shadow, and Amy have been close childhood friends. But after Amy and her family moved away, she returns years later and reconnects with them. Will friendship lead to romance?

August 27, 2022
| Abandoned
First Honor
Another story from the 90s, this time focusing on when Sonic and friends were just children. Artist really nails Spaz’s artstyle.

August 25, 2022
| Abandoned
When a Bunnie Meets a Bunnie
A comic from 1999, adapted from an even older fanfic where Bunnie and switches places with her Moebius counterpart.

August 23, 2022
| Abandoned
Mephiles and the Cake
Mephiles wants a cake Silver just baked but has no mouth to eat it with. Frustrated, he decides to ruin everyone’s day.

August 23, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Yesterday’s Dream
Beautiful animated comic where Amy disturbs a shrine and unwittingly unleashes a vengeful spirit.

August 7, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic with a Gun
Move over Shadow, Sonic’s packing heat now! An edgy comedy in the vein of Tails Gets Trolled.

August 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Ultimate Sonic
One of Ian Flynn’s first comics, and first attempts at blending various continuities into a unified canon. Sonic and (girl) Tails are running a delivery business when they get a visit from G.U.N., Sonic’s old employer.

July 28, 2022
| Abandoned
My Past
Silver grows up in Soleanna and is part of the royal family that has adopted him. Basketball, bullying, Blaze, and bloodsport await!

July 27, 2022
| Abandoned
A comic about the messed up origin of Zonic the Zone Cop, an artificial hedgehog who was grown in a tube and given the memories of the real Sonic.

July 26, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Sonic X Deep Future With In
After waking from stasis in the near future, a slightly older Tails finds himself caught between warring military factions with powerful weapons and abilities.

July 23, 2022
| Ongoing
Blue Prisoner, Blue Murderer
The comic that answers the question “what if Sonic really was tortured for six months during Forces?” Not for the faint of heart.

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Follow Your Rainbow Zine
A LGB-etc Sonic fan zine celebrating gender and sexual diversity where the proceeds were donated to charity.

July 16, 2022
| Complete
Chaos Sonic Comic
Eggman’s killed Sonic’s family and when Sonic goes Super to stop him, he becomes corrupted. Determined never to let anything like that happen again, he now rules Mobius with an Iron fist. Can the Freedom Fighters defeat their former friend?

July 15, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Five years after the events of Sonic Forces, a death has triggered a series of events that has put Amy in the middle of a power struggle.

July 13, 2022
| Ongoing
Heart of the Hedgehog
A rewrite of Archie issues 86 and 87, aka the origin story of everyone’s favorite wisecracking Metal Sonic.

July 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic the Continuation
Okida’s current magnum opus, ongoing since 2013! A continuation of Fleetway that incorporates aspects the games, cartoons, and even (gasp!) Archie.

June 11, 2022
| Complete
Kyuuketsuki: It’s Japanese for vampire! From all the way back in 2001 we have a comic where Sonic becomes a creature of the night.

June 5, 2022
| Ongoing
Tails Gets Trolled
When a fox named Tails is suddenly trolled by two individuals from a nation of real-life Internet trolls, it initiates a chain of events leading to an all-out war between several opposing factions, influencing the lives of hundreds of characters.

June 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Future
Eggman is dead, Sonic is having a midlife crisis, but there’s a new girl to flirt with. Only problem is Shadow likes her too. If only there were some way to resolve the relationship triangle that didn’t leave anyone out.

June 3, 2022
| Ongoing
A complete reimagining of Sonic 06, combining original lore with parts of Sonic Adventure 2. A must for fans of edge-kino!

June 3, 2022
| Complete
A sexy take on Maekawa’s master plan where Shadow lewdly interrogates Sonic.

May 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Other M
Sonic awakens after a recent battle with Dr. Eggman to find himself in a new world, surrounded by strangers with familiar faces. Will Sonic ever find a way home?

May 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Rise of the Queen
In Sally’s Inner Struggle, Sally helped de-robotisize SatAM’s Pink Sally and was sent back to the Archie world in her robotisized body. Now, Pink Sally’s crossed over and is ready to help, but clearly has her own agenda. Will Sally be de-robotisized too?

May 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Halo on Fire
Based on that Nazo flash cartoon comes a story of lore, fluffy Neopet-looking twinks, and perhaps Nazo’s redemption.

May 28, 2022
| Complete
Sally’s Inner Struggle
When the Super Genesis Wave hits, a robotisized Sally’s transported into the SatAM universe with her original body, only to find she’s sharing a head with Pink Sally, whose body has also been robotisized in this universe. This one’s for Sally fans!

May 25, 2022
| Abandoned
The Dark Doppels
Amy kidnaps an unconscious Sonic so she can nurse (and gaslight) him back to health. It’s Sonamy shipping time whether Sonic likes it or not!

May 24, 2022
| Hiatus
Sonic Reborn
Time has passed and Amy’s slowly becoming a cat lady until she takes pity on a strangely familiar blue hedgehog with a messed up face, setting in motion a race for the chaos emeralds with the entire world at stake!

May 23, 2022
| Ongoing
New Generation
Silver’s back in a dystopian future Earth after the events of 06, but this time it’s due to a long dead Eggman’s machines rising up to destroy humanity.

May 19, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Amy’s pregnant so she and Sonic are getting married, provided Eggman doesn’t interfere (he does).

May 16, 2022
| Complete
Chaos Diamonds 3
Sonic’s an actor, Eggman’s a good guy, Tails works in his repair shop, Shadow’s around, and uh… what’s going on with Tails and Amy?

May 13, 2022
| Abandoned
Shadow and Amy’s Family
Amy and Shadow have just had a baby Silver due to time travel shenanigans, but an adult Blaze will do anything to get her man back.

May 13, 2022
| Abandoned
United Souls
A TMOM-inspired comic where the Triple-S crew must become the Guardians of Time.

May 11, 2022
| Hiatus
Stressed Out
Sonic’s on a rampage looking for trouble, with everyone on his tail over his strange behavior. Has Eggman finally messed with a force he can’t handle?

May 10, 2022
| Complete, Purged
The pinnacle of Tails edge-kino, answering the question “what would have happened if Tails didn’t meet Sonic until much later?”

May 7, 2022
| Complete
Tails Forces
It’s Sonic Forces time! Sonic’s getting tortured but it’s okay because Tails is here to save him and the day!

May 5, 2022
| Complete
The Adventures of Silver the Hedgehog
Seeing the endless cycle of war Tails concocts a plan to bring abut the end of Eggman and all of the world’s troubles once and for all.

May 2, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic's Prank Wars
Sonic decides to play some pranks on his friends, he has some suspiciously fetishistic tastes.

April 28, 2022
| Hiatus
Darkness Falls
Follow Tails’ dad as he fights in the trenches of the Great War, struggling to lead his band of twinks to victory.

April 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Darkness Is Not All Black
Best edgy Tails. Takes the Sonic.EXE lore and crafts a compelling narrative centered on Tails and the lengths he must go to in order to protect the ones he loves.

April 22, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Unbound
Okida’s first magnum opus, weaving Fleetway, the games, and anything else he could think of into an epic tale 5 years in the making!

April 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Project Herzversagen
A detective-based SonAmy thriller that takes place in an alternate universe.

April 6, 2022
| Complete
Sonic struggles with his physical and metal health while trying to maintain his relationship with Shadow. The secrets of Sonic’s past and origin is a weight that the hero now struggles to carry.

April 5, 2022
| Complete
Accidental Love
Eggman performs forced gender reassignment surgery on Shadow in hopes of weakening the ultimate life form. After rescuing the now female Shadow, Sonic finds himself attracted to her and tries to win her heart.

April 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis
Edge-kino set in a version of Archie where everything’s fucked and Sonic and Tails haven’t even met yet. Nice art that’s Too hot for co.

March 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Amy’s been kidnapped! Can Sonic and the gang track her down? Not before the comic stops updating!

March 24, 2022
| Hiatus
Sonic Mars
Edgy and cool dystopian future of the Boom universe where Shadow and Orbot must work together to restore peace to the world.

March 20, 2022
| Abandoned
Operation SQ
Knothole runs low on food supplies one harsh winter. This time Robotnik isn’t the major threat, it’s nature itself. Nice art and cute OCs.

March 12, 2022
| Abandoned
Blaze had a tough time growing up, what with everyone resenting her for having Iblis sealed inside her. Prequel to Teaching of Fear.

March 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Teaching of Fear
Another Sonic Forces comic, but this time the focus is on Infinite, Metal Sonic, and Eggman. OC Portal’s really cool. Infinite sure does get tied up a lot.

March 9, 2022
| Hiatus
Tides of Ares
Edge, drama, and teeth! Blaze is in for a rough time as she confronts a villain that has followed her to Mobius.

March 2, 2022
| Complete
The End of Chris Thorndyke
Seven page shitpost where Sonic beats the shit out of Chris Thorndyke.

February 28, 2022
| Abandoned
Shadow’s been having bad dreams, Team Dark and Team Sonic fight Eggman. After finding Maria’s ashes, an entity claiming to be her slowly corrupts Shadow.

February 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Misty Island
Sonic and friends are invited to Misty Island for a vacation by a mysterious benefactor, what could possibly go wrong?

February 1, 2022
| Ongoing
Bleak Circumstances
Things are looking pretty bleak (hew hew) as Sonic faces up against his most deadly foe yet.

February 1, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Can’t Find the Bathroom
Eggman’s master plan is in full effect: making sure Sonic can’t find the bathroom.

February 1, 2022
| Ongoing, Rebooted
Sonic: Chaos Control
Cool comic where Sonic wears clothes and gets transported into the future.

January 31, 2022
| Ongoing
Meow the Hedgehog
Follow the totally not horrifying adventures of Meow the Hedgehog as he looks for his best friend Tails.

January 31, 2022
| Complete
Save Sonic
A short comic from the creator of The Murder of Me where Sonic must battle his inner demons, literally!

January 31, 2022
| Complete
We Need to Talk about Tails
You know how Tails is constantly dying in Sonic 2 but comes flying back seconds later like nothing happened? This comic addresses that.

January 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic: Phantom Forces
Sonic Forces comic that asks what happens when Sonic joins his mortal enemy?

January 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Fallout: New Mobius
Short unfinished comic based on an AU that mixes Sonic with the Fallout series.

January 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Mecha Drive
Short unfinished comic where Super Sonic’s fighting Mecha Knuckles (a robotosized Knuckles).

January 21, 2022
| Ongoing
The Murder of Me
Very edgy, very nice art, and lots of suffering. Foot gore and foot lore!

January 18, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Retold
A rewrite of Archie’s Endangered Species arc with beautiful art and a bit more edginess. Find out what should have happened during the Pendering.

January 17, 2022
| Abandoned
The Vulture
Delinquent twink Silver repeatedly tries to save Blaze from a horrific fate in his dreams. While awake, he hangs out with his best friend Asbestos.

January 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Through the Star Post
Easily one of the best takes on a more realistic approach to the Sonic characters.

December 1, 2021
| Hiatus
Ghosts of the Future
One of the most famous Sonic fancomics. Sonic’s dead, but that doesn’t stop him flirting with Shadow. Art improves rapidly. Expect suffering and feet.

Tag: team-artail
August 27, 2022
| Abandoned
First Honor
Another story from the 90s, this time focusing on when Sonic and friends were just children. Artist really nails Spaz’s artstyle.

August 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Search for the Guardian’s Daughter
Move over Mobius 20 years later, we’ve got a better story from the 90s staring older Knuckles, the Chaotix, and their kids! When the Dark Legion attacks it’s up to the kids to help save the day.

August 25, 2022
| Abandoned
When a Bunnie Meets a Bunnie
A comic from 1999, adapted from an even older fanfic where Bunnie and switches places with her Moebius counterpart.

August 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Turning Points
Short comic from 2001 where Knuckles, Julie-Su, Mighty, and Ray beat up some Dark Legion goons.

Tag: too-hot-for-co
December 24, 2022
| Complete
Sally's Christmas Morning
A very NSFW short comic where Sally opens her Christmas present from Sonic.

December 24, 2022
| Complete
Twelve pages of Sonadow
A very NSFW short comic where Shadow gets snowed in with Sonic on Christmas.

December 17, 2022
| Complete
The Lion and the Griffin
A NSFW comic from the artist behind Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian, it’s the occasionally lewd side story covering how Grifone and Ruggiero met and became lovers.

December 4, 2022
| Complete
Say the Word
A very NSFW comic where Sonic sneaks into Sally’s bedroom for some ~after dark~ “strategizing”.

November 27, 2022
| Abandoned
A Little Push
You know the bad ending in Shadow the Hedgehog where it’s implied he shoots Sonic? This comic is nothing like that, but does open with a flash forward to Shadow killing Sonic. But does he? We’ll never find out!

November 26, 2022
| Complete
Is Mine
Scourge has some convoluted plan to take over the world and the only way he can do it is by getting fresh with Amy. Can Sonic save his sweetheart?

November 17, 2022
| Complete
Just Shadamy
An accident sends Amy, Shadow, and Sonic to another dimension where women are property. Confusion and love run rampant as they try to figure out how to get back to their world. Will Sonic or Shadow win the Amy-bowl? Will any of them stop getting tied up every few pages?

November 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Too Tall Amy
Something bad has happened and Amy has gotten into some… big trouble! A rare non-Boom macro comic.

November 8, 2022
| Complete
Sega Impressions
Sonic and the gang have fun doing impressions but things get out of hand quickly and the title of this comic becomes less relevant by the page.

October 28, 2022
| Abandoned
An interesting comic that hints at a SonShadAmy threeway but sadly never delivers. When Eggman’s latest scheme backfires (again), Shadow and Amy, along with Sonic and Sally are sucked into another world.

October 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Young Romance
Relationship drama ensues when the S.S. Sonamy hits an OC-shaped iceberg. Be prepared for extreme thottery, and probably the dumbest himbo Sonic yet.

October 7, 2022
| Complete
Step by Step
A Sonic fanzine in the style of 2000s videogame and teen magazines. Art’s fantastic, and has a really distinct style.

September 2, 2022
| Ongoing
HoshiNoUsagi comics
A collection of comics where the Boom crew hang out with forbidden horses with human proportions.

September 1, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
SxR Highschool Romance
Rouge and friends are in highschool but everything changes when Shadow, the new angsty transfer student appears. Be prepared for drama, Shadouge, and cool outfits!

July 26, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Sonic X Deep Future With In
After waking from stasis in the near future, a slightly older Tails finds himself caught between warring military factions with powerful weapons and abilities.

July 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic's Mistake and other comics
A collection of comics where sonic characters are forced to wear embarrassing outfits or swap bodies.

June 11, 2022
| Complete
Kyuuketsuki: It’s Japanese for vampire! From all the way back in 2001 we have a comic where Sonic becomes a creature of the night.

June 5, 2022
| Ongoing
Tails Gets Trolled
When a fox named Tails is suddenly trolled by two individuals from a nation of real-life Internet trolls, it initiates a chain of events leading to an all-out war between several opposing factions, influencing the lives of hundreds of characters.

June 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Future
Eggman is dead, Sonic is having a midlife crisis, but there’s a new girl to flirt with. Only problem is Shadow likes her too. If only there were some way to resolve the relationship triangle that didn’t leave anyone out.

June 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Maximum
Sally infiltrates Robotnik’s base with the help of Bunnie and Nicole. The ladies are mega stacked and mega thicc.

June 3, 2022
| Ongoing
A complete reimagining of Sonic 06, combining original lore with parts of Sonic Adventure 2. A must for fans of edge-kino!

May 13, 2022
| Complete
Trick with the Hat
Cowboy Knuckles takes Sonic and friends on a camping trip and absolutely nothing gay happens.

April 6, 2022
| Complete
Sonic struggles with his physical and metal health while trying to maintain his relationship with Shadow. The secrets of Sonic’s past and origin is a weight that the hero now struggles to carry.

April 5, 2022
| Complete
Accidental Love
Eggman performs forced gender reassignment surgery on Shadow in hopes of weakening the ultimate life form. After rescuing the now female Shadow, Sonic finds himself attracted to her and tries to win her heart.

April 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis
Edge-kino set in a version of Archie where everything’s fucked and Sonic and Tails haven’t even met yet. Nice art that’s Too hot for co.

February 27, 2022
| Abandoned
Challenge of the Elemental Jewels
Stylish fights, cute OCs, dragon robots, lore! Shame it abruptly ended a decade ago.

February 20, 2022
| Ongoing
A Sly Encounter
A Sonic and Sly Cooper crossover where Sally’s too hot for 4chan.

Tag: translated-for-the-ride
September 25, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Ball Z
A Dragon Ball inspired Sonic comic where the main character is Tails. See him learn how to go super, and train Sonic’s kid in order to save their kingdom.

May 7, 2022
| Complete
Tails Forces
It’s Sonic Forces time! Sonic’s getting tortured but it’s okay because Tails is here to save him and the day!

Tag: tutorials
Tag: twinks
November 16, 2222
| Ongoing
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters
Ensuring the The Ride™ never ends, our Unofficial Conductor’s decided to publish his own comic! It’s a streamlined rewrite of Archie focusing on action and adventure that updates Thursdays and Sundays.
Issue 3 now complete!
Issue 3 now complete!

December 24, 2022
| Complete
Twelve pages of Sonadow
A very NSFW short comic where Shadow gets snowed in with Sonic on Christmas.

December 17, 2022
| Complete
The Lion and the Griffin
A NSFW comic from the artist behind Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian, it’s the occasionally lewd side story covering how Grifone and Ruggiero met and became lovers.

December 16, 2022
| Complete
The three knights
From the artist that brought us Duke of Anjou, it’s a wholesome comic commissioned by thedarkshadow1990 who brought us Sonic’s Mistake. Come see the unholy union of armor/disguise appreciation and outfit/transformation appreciation!

December 12, 2022
| Complete
Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian
From the artist that brought us Duke of Anjou, it’s an even bigger medieval epic with war, disguises, murder, more disguises, betrayal, and lots of armor!

November 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Silver Wants to Get Stronger
Silver attempts to enlist Shadow’s help to become stronger in order to protect Blaze. Shadow is not amused. Also includes some one-off comics.

November 27, 2022
| Abandoned
A Little Push
You know the bad ending in Shadow the Hedgehog where it’s implied he shoots Sonic? This comic is nothing like that, but does open with a flash forward to Shadow killing Sonic. But does he? We’ll never find out!

November 26, 2022
| Complete
Is Mine
Scourge has some convoluted plan to take over the world and the only way he can do it is by getting fresh with Amy. Can Sonic save his sweetheart?

November 17, 2022
| Complete
Just Shadamy
An accident sends Amy, Shadow, and Sonic to another dimension where women are property. Confusion and love run rampant as they try to figure out how to get back to their world. Will Sonic or Shadow win the Amy-bowl? Will any of them stop getting tied up every few pages?

November 14, 2022
| Abandoned
Changing Ripples
Amy’s still chasing after Sonic, but will her priorities change when Shadow makes his move on her?

November 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Auroblaze Comics
A collection of comics by Auroblaze, with Werehog stripper pole action! Also includes the Mister Monster Series that focuses on Sonic Unleashed.

November 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic: Chaos Clash
When Super Sonic deflects one of Eggman’s energy blasts, he and Tails are sucked into the white void from Generations. Instead of replaying old levels they run into characters from different continuities.

November 10, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic and the 1000 Chaos Emeralds
Eggman’s unleashed his deadliest creation yet, a purple fart cloud that absorbs the hedgehogs’ power to create new chaos emeralds.

November 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Silver’s stranded 100 years in the past but fortunately he has a whole troupe of OCs to keep him company.

October 31, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Romance and Vampire
When investigating a crashed meteor, Sonic’s attacked by a sexy and mysterious being known as a Lamia. Violence turns into something warmer but can love blossom from darkness?

October 28, 2022
| Abandoned
An interesting comic that hints at a SonShadAmy threeway but sadly never delivers. When Eggman’s latest scheme backfires (again), Shadow and Amy, along with Sonic and Sally are sucked into another world.

October 27, 2022
| Ongoing
Blueike Comics
A series of short comics with the premise: What if Sonic gained a person’s power by wearing their shoes?

October 24, 2022
| Complete
Sonic × Demon Slayer crossover manga
Four page comic where Tails and Cream act out a scene from Demon Slayer: Mugen Train movie.

October 24, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Heroes 2
When Sonic and friends attend a concert so he can meet his old friend Madonna, they find themselves in the middle of a fucked up mystery and fighting off an unstoppable army (that Sonic helped create). A huge comic with an even larger cast of characters, four interconnecting storylines, and multiple endings.

October 22, 2022
| Complete
Super Sonic Style
Not technically a comic, but a fanzine with Sonic characters in cool outfits, drawn by a variety of artists.

October 19, 2022
| Ongoing
The Dark Forest
Sonic and an OC have been having strange dreams leading them to an ancient and forgotten forest. Can they restore the land, and repair the damage done by those who came before them?

October 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Young Romance
Relationship drama ensues when the S.S. Sonamy hits an OC-shaped iceberg. Be prepared for extreme thottery, and probably the dumbest himbo Sonic yet.

October 14, 2022
| Hiatus
Duke of Anjou
Antoine must return home to oust a tyrant and claim his title as the Duke of Anjou. Politics, war, and satanism await!

October 13, 2022
| Complete
A Sonamy Story
A complete Sonamy comic where they’re both well adjusted hedgehogs. Come for the blossoming romance, stay for the psychotic twink!

October 10, 2022
| Ongoing
popoco comics
Edgy, bloody, and wordless comic with cool fights and Sonadow undertones. Art is really distinct and expressive.

October 9, 2022
| Abandoned
The Boom Twins
A Sonamy Boom comic where Amy gets pregnant, which puts a strain on their relationship. Eggman’s hatched a fiendish plot to take advantage of the situation and dispatches a pair of evil twinks.

October 7, 2022
| Complete
Step by Step
A Sonic fanzine in the style of 2000s videogame and teen magazines. Art’s fantastic, and has a really distinct style.

October 5, 2022
| Ongoing, Abandoned
Mighty Funnies and Mighty Tales
A collection of fun comics about everyone’s favorite red character not named Knuckles! Art’s nice and cartoony and the jokes are pretty funny too.

September 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Through Fire and Shadow
Archie edgekino staring Shadow and Tails. It’s the rest of the world against Eggman when the Black Arms invade, throwing the once liberated Downunda into the crucible of war!

September 25, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Ball Z
A Dragon Ball inspired Sonic comic where the main character is Tails. See him learn how to go super, and train Sonic’s kid in order to save their kingdom.

September 16, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Shadows
A post-Sonic Adventure 2 comic from 2002, set in the Archieverse. The comic where Eggman wields missile-loaded maracas. Art is of varying quality but the story is very enjoyable.

September 15, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Shadow and Light
Sapphire Luna’s first comic, from way back in 2002! Sonic and friends are enjoying themselves at the beach until Eggman and a familiar looking robot attack them.

September 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Successor’s Dawn
It’s been four years since the events of Sonic Heroes and Tails is having a birthday party. The fun doesn’t last when a hero falls and Tails must take his place.

September 4, 2022
| Abandoned
A medieval Sonic comic that isn’t based on the Black Knight game. Sonic’s a squire training to be a knight under an abusive patron, but everything changes when he meets rival squire Shadow.

September 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Tutoring Him
A Sonamy highschool comic where they’re both tsun for each other. They even dared the other to not fall in love with them! This is peak romcom!

September 2, 2022
| Ongoing
Am I a Monster?
Shadow’s been friendzoned by Amy, but just as he’s winning her over, a threat even edgier than Shadow appears!

September 1, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
SxR Highschool Romance
Rouge and friends are in highschool but everything changes when Shadow, the new angsty transfer student appears. Be prepared for drama, Shadouge, and cool outfits!

August 31, 2022
| Complete
Robotnik’s on the hunt for a blue speedster but it’s not Sonic! Featuring Metal at his most dangerous, and most existential.

August 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Rosechu’s Story
A retelling of Sonichu that actually makes sense and it’s from Rosechu’s perspective. Sonichu and Rosechu’s developing relationship is very cute and you can’t help but become invested.

August 28, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Dear Future Husband
Sonic, Shadow, and Amy have been close childhood friends. But after Amy and her family moved away, she returns years later and reconnects with them. Will friendship lead to romance?

August 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Search for the Guardian’s Daughter
Move over Mobius 20 years later, we’ve got a better story from the 90s staring older Knuckles, the Chaotix, and their kids! When the Dark Legion attacks it’s up to the kids to help save the day.

August 23, 2022
| Abandoned
Mephiles and the Cake
Mephiles wants a cake Silver just baked but has no mouth to eat it with. Frustrated, he decides to ruin everyone’s day.

August 23, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Yesterday’s Dream
Beautiful animated comic where Amy disturbs a shrine and unwittingly unleashes a vengeful spirit.

August 21, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Black and White: Chaotic Intent
The totally not evil Dr Finitevus has escaped from the Special Zone after 4,000 years, and is about to commit his most heinous crime yet: being a bad roommate to Sonic!

August 19, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Pandemonium
Nicky the Hedgehog’s a shy kid living on Christmas Island, but when disaster strikes can he muster up the courage to save the day?

August 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Regrets and Mistakes
A Sonamy comic that doesn’t appear to have any Sonamy. Everyone acts very oddly, it’s unclear what the point is, but it’s certainly interesting!

August 15, 2022
| Hiatus
Team Dark Amy AU
Looking to find direction in life, Amy joins G.U.N. and gets assigned to Team Dark.

August 7, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic with a Gun
Move over Shadow, Sonic’s packing heat now! An edgy comedy in the vein of Tails Gets Trolled.

August 5, 2022
| Abandoned
Ultimate Sonic (2021)
An unofficial remake of Sonic the Continuation, itself a continuation of the original StC. Excellent comic, and one of the best Sonic designs.

August 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Turning Points
Short comic from 2001 where Knuckles, Julie-Su, Mighty, and Ray beat up some Dark Legion goons.

August 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Ultimate Sonic
One of Ian Flynn’s first comics, and first attempts at blending various continuities into a unified canon. Sonic and (girl) Tails are running a delivery business when they get a visit from G.U.N., Sonic’s old employer.

July 31, 2022
| Complete
Conspiracies with Tails
Tails is convinced Shadow’s a vampire and hijinks ensue when Sonic and Silver try to prove it.

July 28, 2022
| Abandoned
My Past
Silver grows up in Soleanna and is part of the royal family that has adopted him. Basketball, bullying, Blaze, and bloodsport await!

July 27, 2022
| Abandoned
A comic about the messed up origin of Zonic the Zone Cop, an artificial hedgehog who was grown in a tube and given the memories of the real Sonic.

July 26, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Sonic X Deep Future With In
After waking from stasis in the near future, a slightly older Tails finds himself caught between warring military factions with powerful weapons and abilities.

July 23, 2022
| Ongoing
Blue Prisoner, Blue Murderer
The comic that answers the question “what if Sonic really was tortured for six months during Forces?” Not for the faint of heart.

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Follow Your Rainbow Zine
A LGB-etc Sonic fan zine celebrating gender and sexual diversity where the proceeds were donated to charity.

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Party
A sequel to Special Stage where Sonic and friends go on a vacation with their good friend/mentor Yuji Naka. Everyone is still very attractive.

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Special Stage
A retelling of Sonic Adventure where Sonic and friends are (very!) attractive and (mostly) human.

July 21, 2022
| Abandoned
Shadow’s Sleepover
Rouge is having a sleepover with the girls and Shadow isn’t going to let her have all the fun. So he’s going to have one as well with the guys. What a horrible, horrible mistake.

July 19, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Blitz
An interesting Amy-focused story where Sonic won’t even date her in her dreams.

July 16, 2022
| Complete
Chaos Sonic Comic
Eggman’s killed Sonic’s family and when Sonic goes Super to stop him, he becomes corrupted. Determined never to let anything like that happen again, he now rules Mobius with an Iron fist. Can the Freedom Fighters defeat their former friend?

July 15, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Five years after the events of Sonic Forces, a death has triggered a series of events that has put Amy in the middle of a power struggle.

July 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic's Mistake and other comics
A collection of comics where sonic characters are forced to wear embarrassing outfits or swap bodies.

July 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Back to the Future Rebirth
A retelling of Back to the Future but with Sonic characters.

July 8, 2022
| Ongoing
Emerald ghosts
Emerald ghosts takes place 220 years in the future, following an isolated shadow, a tired tails, and a very worried silver.

July 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic the Continuation
Okida’s current magnum opus, ongoing since 2013! A continuation of Fleetway that incorporates aspects the games, cartoons, and even (gasp!) Archie.

June 11, 2022
| Complete
Kyuuketsuki: It’s Japanese for vampire! From all the way back in 2001 we have a comic where Sonic becomes a creature of the night.

June 9, 2022
| Complete
Kiss of the Vampire
Sonic’s just taken in Shadow, a mysterious lodger with sharp teeth and a fancy outfit. What could possibly go wrong? Ruffled shirts and ruffled sheets await!

June 5, 2022
| Ongoing
Tails Gets Trolled
When a fox named Tails is suddenly trolled by two individuals from a nation of real-life Internet trolls, it initiates a chain of events leading to an all-out war between several opposing factions, influencing the lives of hundreds of characters.

June 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Future
Eggman is dead, Sonic is having a midlife crisis, but there’s a new girl to flirt with. Only problem is Shadow likes her too. If only there were some way to resolve the relationship triangle that didn’t leave anyone out.

June 3, 2022
| Ongoing
A complete reimagining of Sonic 06, combining original lore with parts of Sonic Adventure 2. A must for fans of edge-kino!

June 3, 2022
| Complete
A sexy take on Maekawa’s master plan where Shadow lewdly interrogates Sonic.

June 1, 2022
| Complete
Strawberry of Love
Wholesome Sonamy comic where Amy’s got a secret strawberry garden, but Eggman’s hatching a plot to steal those strawberries!

May 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Master Emerald Chronicles
An alternate version of the Archie comics where Sonic’s “Tossed in Space” storyline never happened, and Knuckles never died and lost his powers.

May 30, 2022
| Abandoned
Other M
Sonic awakens after a recent battle with Dr. Eggman to find himself in a new world, surrounded by strangers with familiar faces. Will Sonic ever find a way home?

May 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Shining Star of the Resistance
An ask blog run by Manic set during the events of Sonic Forces.

May 29, 2022
| Complete
Mina and the Heartbreak Melody
After making up with Nicole, Mina is having doubts about her music.

May 29, 2022
| Abandoned
Sally in Wonderland
Someone tried to do a Sally in Wonderland comic TWICE. Never made it past a few pages both times but let’s take a look at them. Sonic’s very handsome as the Cheshire Cat.

May 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Halo on Fire
Based on that Nazo flash cartoon comes a story of lore, fluffy Neopet-looking twinks, and perhaps Nazo’s redemption.

May 25, 2022
| Ongoing
FoxieSkullz Comics
A fun collection of comics with occassional homoerotic undertones.

May 24, 2022
| Hiatus
Sonic Reborn
Time has passed and Amy’s slowly becoming a cat lady until she takes pity on a strangely familiar blue hedgehog with a messed up face, setting in motion a race for the chaos emeralds with the entire world at stake!

May 23, 2022
| Ongoing
New Generation
Silver’s back in a dystopian future Earth after the events of 06, but this time it’s due to a long dead Eggman’s machines rising up to destroy humanity.

May 16, 2022
| Complete
Chaos Diamonds 3
Sonic’s an actor, Eggman’s a good guy, Tails works in his repair shop, Shadow’s around, and uh… what’s going on with Tails and Amy?

May 13, 2022
| Abandoned
Shadow and Amy’s Family
Amy and Shadow have just had a baby Silver due to time travel shenanigans, but an adult Blaze will do anything to get her man back.

May 13, 2022
| Complete
Trick with the Hat
Cowboy Knuckles takes Sonic and friends on a camping trip and absolutely nothing gay happens.

May 13, 2022
| Abandoned
United Souls
A TMOM-inspired comic where the Triple-S crew must become the Guardians of Time.

May 10, 2022
| Complete, Purged
The pinnacle of Tails edge-kino, answering the question “what would have happened if Tails didn’t meet Sonic until much later?”

May 7, 2022
| Complete
Tails Forces
It’s Sonic Forces time! Sonic’s getting tortured but it’s okay because Tails is here to save him and the day!

May 5, 2022
| Complete
The Adventures of Silver the Hedgehog
Seeing the endless cycle of war Tails concocts a plan to bring abut the end of Eggman and all of the world’s troubles once and for all.

May 3, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Got Amy Pregnant
Cute comedy where Sonic tries his best to be a father while working a dead-end job at Sega.

May 1, 2022
| Ongoing
The Cursed Amulet
Amy’s invited to an archeology dig by identical twin twinks, but her absence throws off the team’s fight with Eggman.

April 28, 2022
| Hiatus
Darkness Falls
Follow Tails’ dad as he fights in the trenches of the Great War, struggling to lead his band of twinks to victory.

April 28, 2022
| Ongoing
Darkness Is Not All Black
Best edgy Tails. Takes the Sonic.EXE lore and crafts a compelling narrative centered on Tails and the lengths he must go to in order to protect the ones he loves.

April 27, 2022
| Complete
Chaotix Super Detective Team
Follow the wacky misadventures of our favorite semi-competent detectives as they try to make some money.

April 22, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Unbound
Okida’s first magnum opus, weaving Fleetway, the games, and anything else he could think of into an epic tale 5 years in the making!

April 20, 2022
| Abandoned
What Binds Us
Some time has passed and now everyone’s hot and wearing cute outfits. Tails is an edgy twink that wants to gun down Eggman.

April 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Silver tH Comic
Silver and Blaze are cleaning up temporal anomalies after the defeat of Solaris, when they’re ambushed by the the total himbo hunk Titus. Now they must work together to stop Mephiles’ latest scheme.

April 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Silver the Hedgehog
What happens to Silver after the events of 06? Team Sonic made a good future, but when Blaze appears, Silver doesn’t recognize her. Also, Shadow’s the head of GUN now.

April 15, 2022
| Abandoned
Two worlds? How about three! After being transported to Mobius and separated from his siblings, Sonic’s been fighting Eggman on Mobius and Earth. Manic’s built a machine to send to send him to where Sonic disappeared to 6 years ago but he and Sonia end up on Earth instead.

April 14, 2022
| Hiatus
Spring Is Here
Tails and Amy are in high school but Tails doesn’t know how to deal with girls so Amy offers to teach him.

April 13, 2022
| Ongoing
ArsworldS Comics
A collection of comfy Boom comics where Amy wins the Sonicbowl.

April 10, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Hyperspeed
The Eggmans are up to no good! When Eggmanland appears in both the present and the future, it’s up to our heroes to find out what’s going and stop a nefarious plan spanning 200 years!

April 3, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis
Edge-kino set in a version of Archie where everything’s fucked and Sonic and Tails haven’t even met yet. Nice art that’s Too hot for co.

March 29, 2022
| Ongoing
Stepping on Shadows
A mysterious thief breaks into a former Resistance HQ in an attempt to steal the Chaos Emeralds.

March 28, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Sonic Second Chances
Sonic cares for Tails so much that he… doesn’t want to work with him anymore? Replacement’s a morally dubious raccoon twink.

March 25, 2022
| Complete
Sonic High School
Sonic and friends are in high school. Why? Because they’re undercover agents tasked with investigating the new principal Dr Eggman!

March 24, 2022
| Hiatus
Sonic Mars
Edgy and cool dystopian future of the Boom universe where Shadow and Orbot must work together to restore peace to the world.

March 21, 2022
| Complete
Beach Comic
Amy ditches Sonic for Shadow, hilarity ensues. Just five pages, but nice art.

March 20, 2022
| Abandoned
Operation SQ
Knothole runs low on food supplies one harsh winter. This time Robotnik isn’t the major threat, it’s nature itself. Nice art and cute OCs.

March 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Knux Redux
Penders thinks he’s so good with his Knuckles origin and convoluted family backstory but let’s see how someone else does it! And for good measure, we’ll add in some Nolan-inspired Batman training to it as well!

March 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Ever wonder what GUN would be like in Silver’s timeline? And how about if Silver’s world isn’t a barren wasteland?

March 18, 2022
| Abandoned
The Tale of Two Sonics
What happens when Archie Sonic and Game Sonic swap worlds? Art’s a little rough to start with, but is pretty good by the end.

March 15, 2022
| Ongoing
Star the Hedgehog
The future is now, old man! Time has passed and Sonic and friends have gotten older and had kids. Nice art, but the artist seriously needs a scanner.

March 14, 2022
| Abandoned
Night of the Were-Things
What happens when you take the humor of Sonic Boom and add some horror to it? Laugh at the jokes, swoon over the cuteness of Sonic and Tails, and cry because this comic is unfinished.

March 13, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Adventure 3
Taking place after Sonic 06, Station Square is under attack by a military group of echidnas called the Red Scar. Lots of cool fights, and the art’s nice too.

March 12, 2022
| Abandoned
Blaze had a tough time growing up, what with everyone resenting her for having Iblis sealed inside her. Prequel to Teaching of Fear.

March 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Teaching of Fear
Another Sonic Forces comic, but this time the focus is on Infinite, Metal Sonic, and Eggman. OC Portal’s really cool. Infinite sure does get tied up a lot.

March 1, 2022
| Rebooted
Eggman fucks with reality and Saiyans are brought to Mobius in the bodies of Mobians. Lots of cute OCs, and the art’s pretty charming.

February 28, 2022
| Abandoned
World of Shining Stars
Sonic and his friends are spirits tasked with helping people that can’t see them. But not all spirits are good. Very cute and sparkly art.

February 27, 2022
| Abandoned
Challenge of the Elemental Jewels
Stylish fights, cute OCs, dragon robots, lore! Shame it abruptly ended a decade ago.

February 25, 2022
| Ongoing
Child’s Play and Teenager’s Play
Sonic, Shadow, and Silver they trade places with child versions from an alternate universe. Child’s play follows their child counterparts.

February 24, 2022
| Abandoned
Secrets of Mobius
Reboot Archie where Sonic has been having strange dreams with Schizo Super. Artist’s become very good at drawing twinks now.

February 21, 2022
| Ongoing
Cosmic Tales
It’s Archie, Underground, and everything inbetween. Lots of recolors, lots of cool fights! A must for Dragon Ball fans!

February 20, 2022
| Ongoing
A Sly Encounter
A Sonic and Sly Cooper crossover where Sally’s too hot for 4chan.

February 12, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Bonds
Cute comic where Sonic and Tails are in the arctic and save an OC who’s dropped in from the future.

February 9, 2022
| Ongoing
Hangin Out
Has that same crazy energy of The Vulture, every character is off the wall bar Sonic, who’s well adjusted. Tikal is especially amazing. Art is fantastically distinct.

February 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Chaos Cycles
After losing to Sonic (again), Eggman decides to explore some ancient ruins for the power to defeat the blue hedgehog once and for all.

February 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Misty Island
Sonic and friends are invited to Misty Island for a vacation by a mysterious benefactor, what could possibly go wrong?

February 8, 2022
| Ongoing
A post-Forces comic where Metal’s jobbed so many times he’s starting to bypass his programming and become self-aware.

February 7, 2022
| Abandoned
Pickle Unleashed (and others)
Really funny shitpost comic. Art’s nice too, shame it’s unfinished.

February 7, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Sonic ReColors
What if there were 7 Sonic’s, each with their own color-coded personality?

February 7, 2022
| Complete
When You Wish upon a Star
Black Knight comic where Silver is Shadow’s kid.

February 5, 2022
| Ongoing
The Heart of a Monster
Based on Sonic Unleashed, but with the twist that Sonic’s friends tag along to help him. Also, Sonic’s a fluffy himbo raising Chip with Shadow. Beautiful art too.

February 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Finik comics
A collection of short comics by the artist behind Heroes come Back. Expect lots of cute antics between Stripes the Raccoon and Silver the Hedgehog!

February 2, 2022
| Abandoned
Breaking the Code
Boom comic where Amy’s clearly stealing from Sally’s wardrobe and Metal’s joined the team with a fleshy holographic body.

February 2, 2022
| Ongoing
JoeAdok comics
The undisputed champion of integrating every Sonic continuity and character, no matter how obscure. Shame there aren’t any longer comics.

February 2, 2022
| Complete
Sonic & Sonic Adventures
Sonic and his best friend Sonic wreck havoc on the world.

February 2, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic 1.5
Fun but unfortunately incomplete comic taking place between Sonic CD and Sonic 2.

February 1, 2022
| Abandoned
Archie Reboot
A unique and stylish reboot of Archie where Rotor’s clearly hogging all the food.

February 1, 2022
| Ongoing
Shadow and Jolt
What happens when Shadow gets a partner that’s a cute girl with electric powers that has a crush on him? Shenanigans!

February 1, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Can’t Find the Bathroom
Eggman’s master plan is in full effect: making sure Sonic can’t find the bathroom.

February 1, 2022
| Complete
Sonic Dimensional Collisions
Short unfinished comic set in the Boom continuity where the heroes face off against Metal Sonic.

February 1, 2022
| Ongoing, Rebooted
Sonic: Chaos Control
Cool comic where Sonic wears clothes and gets transported into the future.

January 31, 2022
| Complete
Save Sonic
A short comic from the creator of The Murder of Me where Sonic must battle his inner demons, literally!

January 31, 2022
| Ongoing
Starline and OCs
Some short comics about Dr Starline by an artist who is clearly his number one fan.

January 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Rift
Sonic Forces comic that takes place three years after the game. Sonic and Tails have very pretty eyelashes.

January 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic: Phantom Forces
Sonic Forces comic that asks what happens when Sonic joins his mortal enemy?

January 28, 2022
| Hiatus
Heroes Come Back
Silver and the Secret Freedom Fighters after he helped rescue Mecha Sally. Great plot and the art looks official.

January 27, 2022
| Ongoing
Brotherhood’s Twist
A sequel to Sonic Lost World but actually good. Sonic and Tails swap ages and hijinx ensue. Very nice art, Zeti’s actually have character.

January 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Fallout: New Mobius
Short unfinished comic based on an AU that mixes Sonic with the Fallout series.

January 26, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic: Protectors of Mobius
A My Hero Academia inspired take on Sonic. Not so much a comic but art and descriptions that lay the groundwork for what will (hopefully!) be a comic.

January 26, 2022
| Abandoned
Tails Away
It’s Tails’ 18th birthday and he’s leaving his friends for a solo adventure! But he’s got a stowaway, a violent storm, and sky pirates to deal with!

January 21, 2022
| Ongoing
The Murder of Me
Very edgy, very nice art, and lots of suffering. Foot gore and foot lore!

January 20, 2022
| Hiatus
Scourge: Eternal Blackout
Find out what happened to Scourge after he broke out of Zone Cop Prison. Excellent art and fun plot.

January 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Skyline
Cute and whimsical comic based on Drawloverlala’s Sonic Skyline AU.

January 17, 2022
| Abandoned
The Vulture
Delinquent twink Silver repeatedly tries to save Blaze from a horrific fate in his dreams. While awake, he hangs out with his best friend Asbestos.

January 17, 2022
| Abandoned
Through the Star Post
Easily one of the best takes on a more realistic approach to the Sonic characters.

December 1, 2021
| Hiatus
Ghosts of the Future
One of the most famous Sonic fancomics. Sonic’s dead, but that doesn’t stop him flirting with Shadow. Art improves rapidly. Expect suffering and feet.

Tag: updates
April 8, 2023
Website update, 500k pageviews milestone
New banners
Videos finally work
Reader feedback
Videos finally work
Reader feedback
February 9, 2023
16 comics added, finally caught up!
Frontiers: What if
Sonic meets Tails
Mobidolls vs Hero Boys
King Arthur x Sir Lancelot comic
The Story of Stripe
Sonic Archie Comic Redraw Collab
Sonic ‘06 Re-Run
Various comics 13
Knuckles and Rouge Post Frontiers
Shadows and Lights
Sonic Church
Infinite Comic
Sonic the Comic Reillustrated
Jetorii comics
Chaos of the Souls
Sonic meets Tails
Mobidolls vs Hero Boys
King Arthur x Sir Lancelot comic
The Story of Stripe
Sonic Archie Comic Redraw Collab
Sonic ‘06 Re-Run
Various comics 13
Knuckles and Rouge Post Frontiers
Shadows and Lights
Sonic Church
Infinite Comic
Sonic the Comic Reillustrated
Jetorii comics
Chaos of the Souls
February 7, 2023
3 major, 7 minor comics added, 160k milestone
Lonely Desert
New yoke
Surge the Gamer
LeniProduction comics
Fanartist2020 comics
Various comics 11
The Forbidden Fruit
What Have You Done
Ashes to Dreams
Various comics 12
New yoke
Surge the Gamer
LeniProduction comics
Fanartist2020 comics
Various comics 11
The Forbidden Fruit
What Have You Done
Ashes to Dreams
Various comics 12
February 6, 2023
13 new comics added
Hopeless Future
A Lovely Christmas with Sonic and Blaze
Rougechao comics
ChaosCroc comics
Project prism
Amy Adventure
Beef-Ramen comics
Things You Said
Sonic Forces Ending
Shadow Comic
Prince Sonic Our First Adventure
Various comics 10
A Lovely Christmas with Sonic and Blaze
Rougechao comics
ChaosCroc comics
Project prism
Amy Adventure
Beef-Ramen comics
Things You Said
Sonic Forces Ending
Shadow Comic
Prince Sonic Our First Adventure
Various comics 10
February 5, 2023
13 new comics added
Sonic Growth
It’s a Small World
Silver x Blaze
Various comics 8
Dark sonic
Sonic Cannibals
Winter Love
Emotwo comics
Gregarlink10 comics
Various comics 9
Pockets Full of Rosy
Galexyrybak comics
LaDenny comics
It’s a Small World
Silver x Blaze
Various comics 8
Dark sonic
Sonic Cannibals
Winter Love
Emotwo comics
Gregarlink10 comics
Various comics 9
Pockets Full of Rosy
Galexyrybak comics
LaDenny comics
February 4, 2023
12 new comics added, 400k pageviews milestone
Love Challenge
The Chronicles of Sonic the Hedgehog
Silvaze comic
Various comics 5
Taeshilh comics
Xaolin26 comics
False Mirror
Various comics 6
Burning Arrow Wildfire Heart
Knuckles Echidna
Kime-Cupcake comics
Various comics 7
The Chronicles of Sonic the Hedgehog
Silvaze comic
Various comics 5
Taeshilh comics
Xaolin26 comics
False Mirror
Various comics 6
Burning Arrow Wildfire Heart
Knuckles Echidna
Kime-Cupcake comics
Various comics 7
February 2, 2023
14 new comics added
Waiffleu comics
NickOnPlanetRipple comic
A Mighty Return
Nexus Denial AU
Kathrime comics
Jealousy and more
cArDoNaNaVaS comics
The Final Goodbye
d0d0-b0i comics
Sonamy Comic
More than Figure
Love Struck and From Me to You
Sonic Mew
Jungle Encounter
NickOnPlanetRipple comic
A Mighty Return
Nexus Denial AU
Kathrime comics
Jealousy and more
cArDoNaNaVaS comics
The Final Goodbye
d0d0-b0i comics
Sonamy Comic
More than Figure
Love Struck and From Me to You
Sonic Mew
Jungle Encounter
February 1, 2023
8 new comics added
Robotnik vs Eggman
Sonic vs Cold
Lunar Emerald Saga
Project Shadow
Opening Up
Voodoo dolls
Various comics 4
Sonic vs Cold
Lunar Emerald Saga
Project Shadow
Opening Up
Voodoo dolls
Various comics 4
January 31, 2023
13 new comics added
Chaos Impact
Secret at Sunset
Crystaitzel comics
Finni-NF comics
MJWaiteDesign comics
Sonic Video Game Warriors Opening
Amy in Wonderland
Adricastillo comics
MysteryShadow29 comics
Toxikku comics
Time to Change
Phi-Unit comics
Various comics 3
Secret at Sunset
Crystaitzel comics
Finni-NF comics
MJWaiteDesign comics
Sonic Video Game Warriors Opening
Amy in Wonderland
Adricastillo comics
MysteryShadow29 comics
Toxikku comics
Time to Change
Phi-Unit comics
Various comics 3
January 30, 2023
13 new comics added
Tails: Friend or Foe
Sonamy Comic
Amy’s School Days
The Story Of the Ring
Feelings and other comics
Sonicboomnextgen comics
Assistant Tails AU
Shadamy Ultimate
EnvyOverkill comics
Aimieaimeriie comics
Sonamy Comic
Amy’s School Days
The Story Of the Ring
Feelings and other comics
Sonicboomnextgen comics
Assistant Tails AU
Shadamy Ultimate
EnvyOverkill comics
Aimieaimeriie comics
January 29, 2023
12 new comics added
Sonic.EXE Relinquished
Nico–Neko comics
ojamajodoremidokkan comics
Ghenwyhar Shadow and Blaze comics
Secret of Project Arc
Missplayer30 comics
Sonic Reverie
Jessblix1 comics
Cy-Creations comics
Various comics 2
Nico–Neko comics
ojamajodoremidokkan comics
Ghenwyhar Shadow and Blaze comics
Secret of Project Arc
Missplayer30 comics
Sonic Reverie
Jessblix1 comics
Cy-Creations comics
Various comics 2
January 28, 2023
14 new comics added
As the Rose Wilts Away
Must Go Faster
EvilLexie comics
Pumpkin Hill Rap Dance comics
A Sonia + Tails Comik
A Hero’s Tale
Sweet Dreams
Sonic and the Magic Books
Sally’s Hibernation
Blaze vs Tails
Lines on White comics
(Still) Not Enough Rings
Must Go Faster
EvilLexie comics
Pumpkin Hill Rap Dance comics
A Sonia + Tails Comik
A Hero’s Tale
Sweet Dreams
Sonic and the Magic Books
Sally’s Hibernation
Blaze vs Tails
Lines on White comics
(Still) Not Enough Rings
January 27, 2023
15 new comics added, 1st issue of Sonic and the Freedom Fighters released
The Island of Ruin
Silvaze Script Comic
Sonisis comics
Sonic the Hedgehog: First Operation
Sonic the Hedgehog: Downfall
aimy-neko comics
MisterHyeon-In comics
RRiesgo comics
GABS SAM comics
Deya Vu
Get Rings
Middle child Sonic shenanigans
The Island of Ruin
Silvaze Script Comic
Sonisis comics
Sonic the Hedgehog: First Operation
Sonic the Hedgehog: Downfall
aimy-neko comics
MisterHyeon-In comics
RRiesgo comics
GABS SAM comics
Deya Vu
Get Rings
Middle child Sonic shenanigans
January 26, 2023
14 new comics added
Sonic Revolution
A Sonic Story
Lanzo000’s Shadow and Tails comics
ASO April Fool’s comic
Shock and Awe covers
The Ultimate Plan
The Big Boom
Fallen Hero
Broken Spirit
The New Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Enerjak’s Curse
AshofOurTime’s Sonic and Dragon Ball crossover art
A Sonic Story
Lanzo000’s Shadow and Tails comics
ASO April Fool’s comic
Shock and Awe covers
The Ultimate Plan
The Big Boom
Fallen Hero
Broken Spirit
The New Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Enerjak’s Curse
AshofOurTime’s Sonic and Dragon Ball crossover art
January 25, 2023
16 new comics added
Sonic Resurgence
Infinite Origin
My Beloved
Scourge Hercules parody comics
Sonic 06 Fandub comic
Sonic Mischief Fanzine
Dumb Luck
Sonicstarr comics
delSHARK comics
Sonic Turn Tables
Dark Tower
Archie Comics Test
Sonamy Boom comic
Small Talk
Ninja School
SweggyLlamaQueen comics
Infinite Origin
My Beloved
Scourge Hercules parody comics
Sonic 06 Fandub comic
Sonic Mischief Fanzine
Dumb Luck
Sonicstarr comics
delSHARK comics
Sonic Turn Tables
Dark Tower
Archie Comics Test
Sonamy Boom comic
Small Talk
Ninja School
SweggyLlamaQueen comics
January 24, 2023
14 new comics added
Sonic Conic
Shadamy comic
Sonic Forces comics
Charged AU
Kiimmyko comics
Sonicomics What If: Envy
Super Mario Bros Z Tribute
Sonic: Tales of Mobius
Chochi comic
For Better or Worse
Girl Trouble
He’s Alive
Sonic Season 3
Sonic and Tails discuss Valentines Day
Shadamy comic
Sonic Forces comics
Charged AU
Kiimmyko comics
Sonicomics What If: Envy
Super Mario Bros Z Tribute
Sonic: Tales of Mobius
Chochi comic
For Better or Worse
Girl Trouble
He’s Alive
Sonic Season 3
Sonic and Tails discuss Valentines Day
January 23, 2023
10 new comics added
Professional Relations
Sonic Interstellar
Sonic Fan Film Storyboard
Amy’s Decision
Sonic/Shadow Future
Sonic Teen Heroes
Shadamy Wedding
The Way
Massoholic comics
Sonic Interstellar
Sonic Fan Film Storyboard
Amy’s Decision
Sonic/Shadow Future
Sonic Teen Heroes
Shadamy Wedding
The Way
Massoholic comics
January 22, 2023
10 new comics added
Chaos School
The Curse of the Cross-Eyed Moose
Sonic the Gothhog
Running Wild Part 2 Reillustrated
Various comics 1
Blaze vs Surge
The City Lights
Why Tails Left
Silver Comic
The Curse of the Cross-Eyed Moose
Sonic the Gothhog
Running Wild Part 2 Reillustrated
Various comics 1
Blaze vs Surge
The City Lights
Why Tails Left
Silver Comic
January 21, 2023
9 new comics added
Light Mobius comics
Sonic: Heart of Mobius
Wish You Well
Jet True Beginnings
Chinchila010 comics
Own Heart
colour-ice comics
Holoskas comics
Sonic: Heart of Mobius
Wish You Well
Jet True Beginnings
Chinchila010 comics
Own Heart
colour-ice comics
Holoskas comics
January 20, 2023
6 new comics added
IDW Fan Annual
New Intern
Sonic: GUNShot
Sonic Married?!
Sonic: The last Hope
Rise of the Forgotten
New Intern
Sonic: GUNShot
Sonic Married?!
Sonic: The last Hope
Rise of the Forgotten
January 19, 2023
6 new comics added, awards page update
Sonic Vs. Knuckles: Gaia Complex
Sonic.EXE Remastered
Sonic Underground: New Ride
Biology Buddies
CaptainMolasses comics
Sonic.EXE Remastered
Sonic Underground: New Ride
Biology Buddies
CaptainMolasses comics
January 18, 2023
5 new comics added, 300k pageviews milestone
A Sticky Situation
Sonic X
Twice Told Tails
Enemies by Birth
Qkora comics
Sonic X
Twice Told Tails
Enemies by Birth
Qkora comics
January 17, 2023
11 new comics added
Silver 1763
Blaze Boom
Jemy AU
Metal Sonic AU
Quartz Mania
Sonic: Desolation
Sonic: The First Ring
Sonic Superior
Heartludwig comics
KinoSelynn comics
Soleildiddle comics
Blaze Boom
Jemy AU
Metal Sonic AU
Quartz Mania
Sonic: Desolation
Sonic: The First Ring
Sonic Superior
Heartludwig comics
KinoSelynn comics
Soleildiddle comics
January 16, 2023
8 new comics added
The Other Side of Me
Nameless0404 comics
Sonic Pulse
Tales from the Emerald Coast
From Life to Chaos
Two Sides One Coin
Hyaee sketches
Nameless0404 comics
Sonic Pulse
Tales from the Emerald Coast
From Life to Chaos
Two Sides One Coin
Hyaee sketches
January 15, 2023
7 new comics added
Folktale of ReMun
My Gal
7violetmadness7 comics
mistyigel comics
The Last Breath
My Gal
7violetmadness7 comics
mistyigel comics
The Last Breath
January 14, 2023
7 new comics added
A Really Manly Tails
amckaz2y5 comics
Wipp comics
Lost Hero
Tails’ Dilemma
Rero comics
amckaz2y5 comics
Wipp comics
Lost Hero
Tails’ Dilemma
Rero comics
January 13, 2023
12 new comics added
Sonic and the Black Door
Inner Darkness
Fotia-Kouneli comics
BanelSpringer comics
Sonic’s Gotta Go’s
Master and Chaos
KissTheThunder comics
missyuna comics
Sonic Unleashed
The Days that Shadow Died
Sonic Band AU
The first kiss
Inner Darkness
Fotia-Kouneli comics
BanelSpringer comics
Sonic’s Gotta Go’s
Master and Chaos
KissTheThunder comics
missyuna comics
Sonic Unleashed
The Days that Shadow Died
Sonic Band AU
The first kiss
January 12, 2023
14 new comics added
Team Dark: Supernova Odyssey
Sonic Epilogue
DomesticMaid comics
Sonic Forces comic
Inconvenience Store
The Inferno: Wings of Darkness
Signal Lost
Sonic Realm
My Friends Next Door
Tale of the Seedrians
Sonic Adventure 3
Mock Sonic Covers
Chauvels Comics
Sonic Epilogue
DomesticMaid comics
Sonic Forces comic
Inconvenience Store
The Inferno: Wings of Darkness
Signal Lost
Sonic Realm
My Friends Next Door
Tale of the Seedrians
Sonic Adventure 3
Mock Sonic Covers
Chauvels Comics
January 11, 2023
6 new comics added
Awakening of Metal
Sonic Adventure 2 Special
Bury the Hatchet
Sonic 06
Will Be Our Secret
Sonic Adventure 2 Special
Bury the Hatchet
Sonic 06
Will Be Our Secret
January 10, 2023
16 new comics added
Shadow: Third Eye
Just Me and My Shadow
Mecha Madness II: Galvanized
Poker Face
SonicWind-01 comics
Sonic Adventure Spoof
Amy’s Affair
Just One More Chance
Knuckles vs Rouge
Tails the Douche
Under Control
Your Dork
Wedding Woes
moonlitoasis37 comics
Just Me and My Shadow
Mecha Madness II: Galvanized
Poker Face
SonicWind-01 comics
Sonic Adventure Spoof
Amy’s Affair
Just One More Chance
Knuckles vs Rouge
Tails the Douche
Under Control
Your Dork
Wedding Woes
moonlitoasis37 comics
January 9, 2023
11 new comics added
Cupid Sonic
Dreamcastzx comics
Chicaaaaa comics
DredgeTH comics
Espio’s Suspicion
SmilesFPS comics
Hide from Your Shadow
Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked
Dreamcastzx comics
Chicaaaaa comics
DredgeTH comics
Espio’s Suspicion
SmilesFPS comics
Hide from Your Shadow
Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked
January 8, 2023
15 new comics added, new procedure for adding daily threads
Sonic Blood Moon
Project Blackout
Single Parents Night
Sonic: War of the Omni-Emerald
Sapphires of Reality Alternate
Not Enough Rings
Master Guardian
Sonic New Adventure
What If Sonic Stayed Behind
Mario vs Sonic
Fourth Member of Team Dark
Sally and Nicole comics
Sonic Champion
Just Doodle Kat comics
Ponic and Fails
Project Blackout
Single Parents Night
Sonic: War of the Omni-Emerald
Sapphires of Reality Alternate
Not Enough Rings
Master Guardian
Sonic New Adventure
What If Sonic Stayed Behind
Mario vs Sonic
Fourth Member of Team Dark
Sally and Nicole comics
Sonic Champion
Just Doodle Kat comics
Ponic and Fails
January 7, 2023
Plus threads update, 31 new comics added
Sonic Next Dimension
Shadow Babysits
Sonic Steampunk
Hell Hath No Fury
Mystery Sonic Theater 3000
Sonic Future Adventure
Sonic Shuffle
Manic Boom
Sonic and the Singing Light
GioisArt Minicomic
Chili Dog Stand Off
My Fakest Best Friend
The Lost One and the Bat
Sonic Underground Remixed
Sonic Legends
Sonic Special
Sonic Reboot
Sonic Adventure Fan Comic
Sonic the Hedgehog
Long Fox
The Shadow of Chaos
Turbo: Bonus Round
Green Hill Zine
Knuckles and Rouge comic
Yanime comics
just getting started
Killer Smile
It’s a Perci Day
Toruhiiyi comics
Shadow Babysits
Sonic Steampunk
Hell Hath No Fury
Mystery Sonic Theater 3000
Sonic Future Adventure
Sonic Shuffle
Manic Boom
Sonic and the Singing Light
GioisArt Minicomic
Chili Dog Stand Off
My Fakest Best Friend
The Lost One and the Bat
Sonic Underground Remixed
Sonic Legends
Sonic Special
Sonic Reboot
Sonic Adventure Fan Comic
Sonic the Hedgehog
Long Fox
The Shadow of Chaos
Turbo: Bonus Round
Green Hill Zine
Knuckles and Rouge comic
Yanime comics
just getting started
Killer Smile
It’s a Perci Day
Toruhiiyi comics
January 5, 2023
11 new main comics added and 100k milestone
Shadow Christmas Comics
Sally’s Christmas Morning
Twelve pages of Sonadow
Sonic Christmas Carol
Silver Christmas
A Sea3on Christmas Carol
Sequel of the Past
Sonamy Special Comic
n0ughtsense comics
The Black Rose
Out of the Darkness
Sally’s Christmas Morning
Twelve pages of Sonadow
Sonic Christmas Carol
Silver Christmas
A Sea3on Christmas Carol
Sequel of the Past
Sonamy Special Comic
n0ughtsense comics
The Black Rose
Out of the Darkness
January 3, 2023
2 major & 35 minor comics added
Say the Word
The Lion and the Griffin
Let Me Out Roaring
Lost and Found
Sunset Rebels
Sonic Boom: Zombot Delusions
Strengths of a Bond
Knuckles & the Beanstalk
A Stupid Comic
Sonic Sample Pages
Tails’ Marvelous Journey
Dead or Alive
Flight Lessons
Charity Chaos
Captain Marine and the Sea Witch
Out of the Blue
IDW Sonic Issue 20 Fan Prediction
Sonic Forces: Shattered Pride
Sonic Rewound
Eggman’s Player 2
Sonic the Hedgehog the Comic
AbbyStarling comics
HowXu comics
Sonic Movie Comic One Shot
Blind Virus
Knuckles and Rouge comics
New Mettle
Sonic 06 Retold
Sonic & Mario’s Big Beat Down
Scourge’s Bane
Menace on Mobius
Sonic & Tails R
Sonamy comics
Sonic Adventure DX Director’s Cut
Endangered Species
The Lion and the Griffin
Let Me Out Roaring
Lost and Found
Sunset Rebels
Sonic Boom: Zombot Delusions
Strengths of a Bond
Knuckles & the Beanstalk
A Stupid Comic
Sonic Sample Pages
Tails’ Marvelous Journey
Dead or Alive
Flight Lessons
Charity Chaos
Captain Marine and the Sea Witch
Out of the Blue
IDW Sonic Issue 20 Fan Prediction
Sonic Forces: Shattered Pride
Sonic Rewound
Eggman’s Player 2
Sonic the Hedgehog the Comic
AbbyStarling comics
HowXu comics
Sonic Movie Comic One Shot
Blind Virus
Knuckles and Rouge comics
New Mettle
Sonic 06 Retold
Sonic & Mario’s Big Beat Down
Scourge’s Bane
Menace on Mobius
Sonic & Tails R
Sonamy comics
Sonic Adventure DX Director’s Cut
Endangered Species
January 1, 2023
Updates page added, 14 new comics
Sonic Unity
Sonic Heroes 2
Rouge and Sticks
Beats a Hard Kick in the Face
Sonic Heroes Legacy Z
Older shit brother
Love & Life
Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian
Nine and Tails
Sonic Afterstory
Friggin Chibis
The three knights
Sonic Heroes 2
Rouge and Sticks
Beats a Hard Kick in the Face
Sonic Heroes Legacy Z
Older shit brother
Love & Life
Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian
Nine and Tails
Sonic Afterstory
Friggin Chibis
The three knights
December 28, 2022
10 new comics added
Make It Alive
Shadow’s History
Second Chance
It’s Not a Date
Princess Amy
Sonic and Zonic
Sonic Duality
Temple of love
Sonamy/Silvaze white day 2019
Shadow’s History
Second Chance
It’s Not a Date
Princess Amy
Sonic and Zonic
Sonic Duality
Temple of love
Sonamy/Silvaze white day 2019
December 27, 2022
17 new comics added
Sonic Adventure 2 Comic
Sonic Sunshine
Big Fish
Boom Knuckles and Amy
Unbreakable Bonds
The Visit
Mobius University
IDW Sonic Issue 19 Rewrite
Gambits and Gambles
Classic Hates his Future
LeatherRuffian comics
Sonic Freedom
Blood of Ages
Rival battle (Gigi-D/Zavraan Collab)
Sonic and the Door to Chaos
In Chaos We Dance
Sonic Sunshine
Big Fish
Boom Knuckles and Amy
Unbreakable Bonds
The Visit
Mobius University
IDW Sonic Issue 19 Rewrite
Gambits and Gambles
Classic Hates his Future
LeatherRuffian comics
Sonic Freedom
Blood of Ages
Rival battle (Gigi-D/Zavraan Collab)
Sonic and the Door to Chaos
In Chaos We Dance
December 24, 2022
New thread pulldown menu, 9 new comics
Anjelicamontoya96 Comics
Is Mine
bunny0rgans Comics
A Little Push
Songs of Silver
Silver Wants to Get Stronger
Sonic Aether
Amnesia: a Sonic Frontiers comic
Is Mine
bunny0rgans Comics
A Little Push
Songs of Silver
Silver Wants to Get Stronger
Sonic Aether
Amnesia: a Sonic Frontiers comic
Tag: ~after-dark~
January 14, 2023
| Complete
King Arthur x Sir Lancelot comic
Short comic where King Arthur attempts to flirt with himbo Sir Lancelot.

January 11, 2023
| Complete
Mobidolls vs Hero Boys
Sonic and Tails have a wrestling match with Amy and Sally. Definitely not someone’s fetish.

December 24, 2022
| Complete
Sally's Christmas Morning
A very NSFW short comic where Sally opens her Christmas present from Sonic.

December 24, 2022
| Complete
Twelve pages of Sonadow
A very NSFW short comic where Shadow gets snowed in with Sonic on Christmas.

December 17, 2022
| Complete
The Lion and the Griffin
A NSFW comic from the artist behind Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian, it’s the occasionally lewd side story covering how Grifone and Ruggiero met and became lovers.

December 16, 2022
| Complete
The three knights
From the artist that brought us Duke of Anjou, it’s a wholesome comic commissioned by thedarkshadow1990 who brought us Sonic’s Mistake. Come see the unholy union of armor/disguise appreciation and outfit/transformation appreciation!

December 4, 2022
| Complete
Say the Word
A very NSFW comic where Sonic sneaks into Sally’s bedroom for some ~after dark~ “strategizing”.

November 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Too Tall Amy
Something bad has happened and Amy has gotten into some… big trouble! A rare non-Boom macro comic.

July 22, 2022
| Complete
Follow Your Rainbow Zine
A LGB-etc Sonic fan zine celebrating gender and sexual diversity where the proceeds were donated to charity.

July 12, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic's Mistake and other comics
A collection of comics where sonic characters are forced to wear embarrassing outfits or swap bodies.

July 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Stranded and Lost in the Forgotten Island
A pair of comics with what can only be described as a fetish for characters being stranded on deserted islands and all the women getting pregnant.

June 9, 2022
| Complete
Kiss of the Vampire
Sonic’s just taken in Shadow, a mysterious lodger with sharp teeth and a fancy outfit. What could possibly go wrong? Ruffled shirts and ruffled sheets await!

June 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Maximum
Sally infiltrates Robotnik’s base with the help of Bunnie and Nicole. The ladies are mega stacked and mega thicc.

June 3, 2022
| Complete
A sexy take on Maekawa’s master plan where Shadow lewdly interrogates Sonic.

May 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Shining Star of the Resistance
An ask blog run by Manic set during the events of Sonic Forces.

May 25, 2022
| Ongoing
FoxieSkullz Comics
A fun collection of comics with occassional homoerotic undertones.

May 21, 2022
| Complete
Retelling of Sonic 1 using hand-made 3D models. Some of the jokes are actually pretty funny and the artstyle is very endearing.

May 13, 2022
| Complete
Trick with the Hat
Cowboy Knuckles takes Sonic and friends on a camping trip and absolutely nothing gay happens.

May 5, 2022
| Ongoing
A lewd magazine focused on the feet of Sonic characters, only a few (non-lewd) pages were covered.

May 2, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic's Prank Wars
Sonic decides to play some pranks on his friends, he has some suspiciously fetishistic tastes.