0.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

Unofficial Sonic Storytime Thread #15

Unofficial Threads #1: >>441769 #2: >>442938 #3: >>444299 #4: >>445531 #5: >>446501 #6: >>447788 #7: >>448671 #8: >>449430 #9: >>450408 #10: >>451275 #11: >>452685 #12: >>453667 #13: >>454689 #14: >>455816
Sonic Future: >>442673
Sonic Genesis: >>440714
A Sly Encounter: >>440121
Sonic Adjacent Threads: PSYN: >>444737 Sylvanna: >>446269 Klonoa: >>454356 Sticky Floors: >>455066 There’s Something about Tails: >>456731

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/CP3XHLar
Password: zCXhuqLwAv
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: https://mobiuscomics.com
Unofficial Ride Website: https://the-ride.neocities.org

With another new thread comes another fancomic to start things off. Let’s do the first several pages for a Silver comic. Not much of a plot right now but it seems promising. This is Tethered Futures!

0-2.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

I do like the IDW design. Simple and easy on the eyes.
1.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

>after the last time idw was compelling in any way
2.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

>not checking to see if the rabbit is some mutant
3.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

Good job, Silver. You finally have a future that isn't fucked.
4.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

Nothing's on fire, there's no old mammoth guy talking about a traitor but not elaborating on who, none of that stuff!
5.jpg, 2440xNA, 1 times posted

6.jpg, 2440xNA, 1 times posted

Yup. Just Silver and random animals that aren't mobians or whatever Sega eventually decides on them being called.
7.jpg, 2440xNA, 1 times posted

Turns out that Silver is too used to a hopeless hellscape virtually devoid of life.
8.jpg, 2440xNA, 1 times posted

Silver misses those game-only characters like you wouldn't believe. And that's it! The series is still updating.


Nice read.
While IDW characters are frequently used in fancomics, not a lot of artist actually specifically set their fancomics to fit in the IDW continuity.
StH 105 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #57
Sonic #105-107
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Let's be real, with the Absolute State of IDW right now, we're not that far removed from more fans deciding to build up the lore of the comics
Colin was a terrible father and deserved that

I mean, IDW is basically the game universe and if we are supposed to believe, is canon. Sometimes i just see people add them in
Random thoughts: but we like to meme about sally cheek tufts but you think that’s like something considered attractive among mobians? Like sonic liking when sally has real nice fluffy ones but hates when she shaves them
ship numbers.jpg, 552xNA, 1 times posted
Sounds about right.
Which Archie issue had Sonic gaining his modern green eyed look ? I stopped following the ride for a week or so ever since that one was posted.

Issue 71

Looking forward to more of this one. I've put it in my RSS feed so I'll know when more pages are out
Some interesting stories today. I liked that Eggman's really starting to relish being evil in a way that's similar to his game counterpart, but the domestic abuse side-plot was just awful. Oh, and I know it's a controversial take, but I actually like lanky Lim Sonic. It's badass and 00s AF!
Terrible father, wonderful butt
lmao, I wonder how Sega feels about the number one ship being Sonadow

What community is that? Discord?
I imagine he likes to stroke them with his hand, but I don't think Sonic is the kind of hedgehog to tell his girl how she should look.

>I actually like lanky Lim Sonic. It's badass and 00s AF!
Lanky Sonic could work if his face wasn't an abomination. And the other characters look so weird. Sally doesn't seem as off as the others but with Butler previously drawing her like a supermodel, it's not that far off.
>What community is that? Discord?
Having finished reading through the last Archie thread, people really, REALLY need to stop bringing up Modern Sonic in discussion of Sonic's in other continuities. It's never fucking relevant and shows they really don't get the concept of different continuities existing. The entire point is that Game Sonic is not only useless, but literally impossible to use outside of the games because he's not complex enough to actually carry a wider continuous narrative on his own beyond WAKU WAKU autism, and yet that's what they insist people try and do with him.

This is why Movie Sonic has a family (and incidentally why Tails and Knuckles are his brothers), why Archie Sonic has his loyalty to the crown and Sally, why Fleetway is dedicated entirely to his job as a hero, etc. The only Sonic's anywhere close to Game Sonic in characterization are IDW and Prime, and one is a total psychopath and the other is such a total himbo you wonder how he remembers to breathe - and even THAT is arguably far more complex than Game Sonic has ever been depicted.

Absolutely. Maybe if he was a better father and person overall, Snively wouldn't have turned out like he did.

I dunno, I think SA2 and Black Knight brought a good story with him. And there is Frontiers too.

I agree in that anons need to stop talking about game Sonic when saying stuff like Sonally doesn't work or he would just leave and go on adventures around the world. Knothole and Mobotropolis has his friends, family, and Sally. He cares so much for his parents and uncle that he'll do anything to save them. And when he lost them, he was depressed. He itches for adventure and is addicted to fighting Robotnik but he doesn't want to leave unless there's a reason (like tracking Naugus).

Imagine someone saying "Fleetway Sonic would never call Tails pixel-brain because that's not what game Sonic would do!" It's that mindset that keeps people from enjoying things outside of the games. Because it's NOT MUH SONIC!

>somebody spent countless hours seething over dinosaurs in the sonic general
I try not to bring things up from there but oh my fucking god, that is pure autism

Agreeing and basically saying the same thing but yeah, it’s a different sonic. No shit. He still loves going on adventures but likes to still greet his family and friends.
0.jpg, 3373xNA, 1 times posted
Don't ask for any more context, that's all there is and that's all you need.

To be honest these threads are pretty autistic to begin with, with people frequently lusting over furry porn while extolling how deep their cartoon animal comics are so often its taking over the entire board.

Weren't the sonic comic posting going to get their own board on plus4chan (much like other series such as Avatar/Airbender had)? Presumably its still being worked on.

No way, someone is streaming Sonic X!


The creepy blank stares Sonic and almost everyone else have are really the only parts of the design I don't like
I agree some anons (mostly the schizo) make unfair comparisons between Archienic and Gamenic, but I 100% disagree on the rest.

Game Sonic is a straightforward character with some subtleties that come through in his interactions with others. While he doesn't grow or change as much as others, his main deal is how he causes those around him to grow and change. He's also had some fantastic stories and characterizations, particularly SA2, Unleashed, and Black Knight. He could also work in an extended narrative since the OVA perfectly captures his personality, it's just most other media want to put their own spin on things.

I genuinely enjoy Archienic and Fleetwaynic, but their personalities are completely different. I'm totally fine with that because they were designed to fit the sensibilities and interests of American and British kids in the 90s (i.e., cool and sarky guys who are trying to save the world from evil). Similarly, Movienic's personality was designed to reflect modern moviegoer's interests (found family, personal growth, etc) and is a really fun take too.

Primenic and IDWnic are easily the furthest from Gamenic (or any other Sonic's) personality. Primenic's a total himbo bordering on special needs and IDWnic's pretty much Scourge pretending to be Archienic.

Those were fantastic
Truu Farr!
StH 108 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #58
Sonic #108-110
Amy Flowers Roxie surge.jpg, 750xNA, 1 times posted
Have to remember to post another page of my comic tomorrow.
Reminder they paid respects for Eddy and fucking Tommy the Turtle but not Nate

Speaking of tommy, I hear he keeps showing up over and over. why
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Sonic Unleashed World Reimagined page 12.jpg, 1079xNA, 1 times posted

this shit s so gay.
Limnic.png, 708xNA, 1 times posted

Decided to make my own Limnic. If it looks bad then technically I'm drawing it accurately!
Oh that Knuckles!
These are absolutely adorable!
nectar__the_world_before_67_by_icys_dgi92em-fullview.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

Nectar: The World Before 67
Hey, remember old man Mammoth Mogul?

The ONE time he is not guarding the Super Emerald...

Interesting how quickly bump limit is reached, now, even with just 3 issue. Is the ride getting more popular, now?

Also, small update on the order list: the computer it was saved on just crashed and it is now send for repair. That's my luck. No I don't use cloud, but no matter what, the hard-drive should still be salvageable. It's just a txt file, after all. Worst case scenario, I can still retrieve the bits I already posted here and reconstitute it.
till a bit frustrating.

I should still be able to post the list from #51 to #100 (well #105, actually) once e reach issue #125.
0.jpg, 1168xNA, 1 times posted
Is the anon who is fan of Blaze there. This might be Circle's first take on the character.
Well, it turns out there effectively isn't much to work with, but it's not like the fandom hasn't worked with less than this.
Shadow and Amy - Interactions in Games

OTIS tries to nuke Eggman and he eliminates the piss pool
OTIS doesn't fuck around in trying to save Mobius.

Not bad but the monoeye is not square enough.
Any time now...
I do wonder if /sthg/ got a link or if people naturally went to the thread. That's why I start threads at the same time everyday.
And Benny Lee was supposed to be a lighthearted writer. Does a story where a rogue satellite is shooting nukes.


Now we need one of Tails and Cream for our friend lol
0.jpg, 1920xNA, 1 times posted
I don't know why Knuckles is making this face, but I like this art anyway.
Still not over how fucking disappointing Robotniks return was.
issue 5 page 5.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted
kvypim.jpeg, 1435xNA, 1 times posted


Too many chilli dogs.
0.jpg, 4096xNA, 1 times posted
We have a visual for Movie Shadow shoes.
GOTF.png, 624xNA, 1 times posted


Ahhh man....

Honestly if I was her I'd use some of that IDW money to give Okida so he can work on the series.
StH 111 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #59
Sonic #111-113
Kayllathecat Nine.png, 2074xNA, 1 times posted
I'm still suffering from cute Sally overload.

She was really fucking cute in that redraw. cute sally is a real selling point for someone to read a archie related comic
0.jpg, 702xNA, 1 times posted
Okay, really tempted to just put Issue #113 before issue #46. It doesn't spoil anything and is out of place where it is.
Normally, I tend to consider that stories that are meant to be set earlier in the series but that are actually published way later should still be read in the published order, as they often cary the tone of the series at the time of their publishing, but here, it's like it was actually written to fill the gap of Lupe not having been introduced...
sally is adorable.jpg, 1232xNA, 1 times posted

I like Yardley's tough girl Sally and Butler's super sexy Sally but ABT's super cute Sally is also great. So many great Sallys.

so cute!

And now it's really a shame he didn't get to draw her for official issues.

At this point ABT's skill is being wasted since he's allegedly being told to use 3D models for his IDW art. But he still has commissions open.

that style is mighty cute
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Turns out Art Mawhinney has included a bunch of Transformers Easter Eggs in various issues.

Very nice!
>Not bad but the monoeye is not square enough.
I just couldn't bring myself to do the square eye so I just did square pupils
They really should bomb-proof it at this point
I do hope we get some closure
>IDW money
I get the impression that most people working on comics don't get paid that well
I wish they'd draw him older ;_;
I still maintain ABT draws the cutest Sally
Ironically I'm planning on tracing 3d models to improve my art but there's no need for proper artists to do that. It just removes all the personality from his drawings
issue 4 page 22.jpg, 900xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 4 Page 22

Don’t you just hate it when all of the villains manage to escape?
file.png, 355xNA, 1 times posted

Holy kek, that actually made me laugh hard, classic eggman move. Keep on making him funny.

Also forgot to add, not really agisnit your comic but I like that model of it than the original but I guess that could be a future thing to happen lol. but dont take my nitpicking too seriously lol.

Now that's how Eggman should be: always with another scheme, and always gloating despite losing! Eggman not being able to hear Sonic was a nice touch too, really shows how much they anticipate each other's conversations
GAIh0Z-WsAAvZdy.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted
Who's aspergers?
Thanks! And yeah, if I did use that version it'd be much later.

He's such a fun villain!

I seriously can't wait for this. Ive been let down lately but this gives me excitement

>Who's aspergers?
Silver obviously!
Yeah, we talk about Sonic a lot (obviously!), but the franchise would be nowhere near as popular as it is without a villain like Eggman
It's going to be so good! It'll certainly be fuel for the Sonadow fans no matter what they end up with

>Yeah, we talk about Sonic a lot (obviously!), but the franchise would be nowhere near as popular as it is without a villain like Eggman
I do wish there were other recurring villains like him. Doesn't even have to be as popular as him. Like Mogul or Naugus but good.

Sonic bad guy gallery in the games is quite pathetic desu. They're mostly one offs. D6 are the only real ones we got lmao. That's why I love archie, even if they werent all hits like kodos, the variation was great for the most part
uma mother of the spider women_b.png, 1000xNA, 1 times posted
Someone in a prior thread asked for Uma as a pregnant Jessica Drew, and an anon directed me here. It's surprisingly harder to draw a pregnant character than one with multiple arms.
Regular Colours: https://files.catbox.moe/t5k0ce.png

Welcome to our secret hideout! Looks great, and a little creepy too with all the extra arms!

>Don’t you just hate it when all of the villains manage to escape?
Even Brutus escaped life.

Wait, with Eggman no being allegedly nuked, what ae they all doing still remaining in Knothole? surely, all of those mobiansjust didn't use to live in Mobotropolis?

Shadow Comic (Book 3, page 9)
Kiss and make up! Kiss and make up!
That would be nice. The closest we've had have been Mephiles and Infinite in the mainline games but sadly Sega's all one and done when it comes to non-Eggman villains
I always loved that they had such a wide variety of skills, personalities, motivations and threat levels. Really made the world feel lived in
Knothole was always a small village in the Great Forrest, with Mobotropolis being the Acorn Kingdom's largest settlement. When Robotnik took over, everyone who could fled to Knothole Village since none of the outsiders knew where it was. The Freedom Fighters originally lived in FFHQ, which is next to the village, but later on are shown to be living in the actual village. It's not consistent, but Knothole Village is supposed to be in a hidden valley only accessible through FFHQ.
When Robotnik took back Robotropolis, they decided to make Knothole their main settlement. It's a lot smaller, but they are expanding it (and there are obviously fewer citizens)
shadow_comic__book_3__page_9__by_mysterious_d_dgidyge.jpg, 800xNA, 1 times posted

And I forgot the image ;_;
he_s_an_angel__by_mysterious_d_dgidyyg.jpg, 720xNA, 1 times posted

As compensation for my slipup:
>I can be your angle, ...
damn_you____by_mysterious_d_dgidzfx.jpg, 720xNA, 1 times posted

>or yuor devil

>Who's aspergers?
Asperger is a form of autism, as far as I can understand, so shadow.
>Silver obviously!
Silver has Touret.

In that case, I would say that Silver would have schizophrenia. Accusing people of stuff they didn't do and having two different personalities.

Lol, nice
D961ATfUIAAvr0F.jpg, 1080xNA, 1 times posted
Good ol' official TwiX account for Sonic "Everything is Canon" the Hedgehog! Poor Tails!

I really wish I actually had some talent at coloring, because that ABT redo really beg to be fuly fleshed out.

>this picture has been Ian Approved.

>trust in your friends
>friends *plural*
Ian contorting the best he can to go around Sega mandates...
Counting the post numbers, I've noticed that the past dozens of posts with the exception of a couple have been in this thread. I knew we were the majority of posts but I didn't realize by how much. I know /pco/ gets a lot more traffic.
q4ljcn.jpg, 1302xNA, 1 times posted
this sthg drawfag has absolutely been killing it with these drawings. you might like this one conductor
0.jpg, 600xNA, 1 times posted

Conductor's favorite character i on that cover.
And Sally is there too.

It's both sad and hilarious that this is one of the few things from Archie that ever got any kind of mention from Sega after the comic ended.

Surprised they made such an obvious reference to begin with.
sth_excedis___pg9_by_roseduelistbbshm_dgighbw-fullview.jpg, 1024xNA, 1 times posted
Excedis Page 9
manic_meets_new_manic___manourge__by_sonadowstudios_dgigg4g-fullview.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
>Commission Comic No.1 by ShimeCM

Being Tails is suffering

what a slut

At least they are not too far away.

You could also argue Blaze is a hallucination of his since she doesn't actually interact with anyone but Silver in 06
Don't let your dreams be memes! It's not like a lack of skill and talent's stopped me from assaulting the thread with my art, or from lettering that comic
That reminds me, I need to do more of There's Something About Tails!
Very nice!
It's like this artist's stealing my lewdest thoughts and turning them into comics!
I feel personally called out here ;_; Manourge is cute, cute!
Sonic Unleashed World Reimagined page 13.jpg, 1166xNA, 1 times posted
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StH 114 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #60
Sonic #114-116
Axer is edgy af
axerbio.png, 520xNA, 1 times posted

You're not wrong!
byronbio.png, 520xNA, 1 times posted

I ship them!

i mean he wanted to draw Saffron being killed by Nack with a Garrote wire
shadowpoem.png, 420xNA, 1 times posted

Damn! I'm honestly surprised Charmy's life was going to be even worse than what we got

>that poem
I kneel.
squikimallbetternowpoem.png, 510xNA, 1 times posted

I do like his poetry, and that he was making amnesiac gun-toting hedgehogs before Shadow was announced. Absolute 00s-kino
Hey conductor, just curious, what are the comments you get about you comic on other social medias usually like?
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sonally headacanon due to above post: sally sometimes wears the pants in the relationship (even tho both dont wear pants) as a sometimes habit of being a princess but otherwise tries to be equal

>You could also argue Blaze is a hallucination of his since she doesn't actually interact with anyone but Silver in 06
06 Blaze never existed and Silver deludes himself into thinking the other Blaze is a reincarnated version of his friend.
I like his old more military and tacticool Sonic stuff that he's been posting on TwiX lately.
All good. General praise and sometimes questions.
I like Sonic's attitude always being matched with Sally's so they sass and snark each other until they make out. It's how they flirt.

It's really cute when they flirt. I know someone people think sally makes sonic too dumb for instructions but I dont think thats always the case. He's capable as hell and its just team work really. Just has that sometimes tendency to jump ahead without looking and thats where the cute jabs from sally comes from.
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I like the idea of Sally acting a bit girlier when she's not dealing with Royal or FF things.
It creates a nice sense of balance, considering her character has to deal with a lot more heroic stuff than the average princess.

Well, Sally is a tomboy. I mean she is a girl but she's spent more of her life freedom fighting out than real royal stuff of being too proper due to eggman.
1701045420422983.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted

The princess stuff usually makes she look even more tomboyish because it often puts her into positions of authority or doing things like pic related.
And there's a difference between a tomboy and a man in the body of a woman, and from what I've seen Sally is a pretty good example of the former, at least from what I've read up to now in the ride.

Makes sense
0.jpg, 632xNA, 1 times posted

Wait, It's the J. Axer? th guy who made Nine Inch Nails Tails ended up doing Archie Sonic comic?

How come I never realised this before?
twitter_@JayAxer_20231120-204132_1726702336930910661.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

>I like his old more military and tacticool Sonic stuff that he's been posting on TwiX lately.
I have an entire folder of that to dump sometime! Glad to see he's posting that stuff again
>I like Sonic's attitude always being matched with Sally's so they sass and snark each other until they make out. It's how they flirt.
Yeah, the main reason I like them as a couple is they're the only two that can keep up with each other's bants
The one and only!
THoaM 8-16.jpg, 1171xNA, 1 times posted

The Heart of a Monster 8-16
Even Knuckles agrees, Chip is distractingly hot!
sun_mp2-1730409296771342524-20231130_181140-vid1.mp4, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
nicole_vs__sage_pt_31_by_b1uewhirlwind_dgikx49-fullview.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

Nicole vs Sage Page 31
Oh, you thought the fight was close to being over?

Fights kinda dragging a but whatever
alexapdos || artist & vtuber ☠️ - I need as many people to see this as possible-(1024p).mp4, 576xNA, 1 times posted

That's how you know it's the good shit.
570.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
What did evan mean by this?
571.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
572.jpg, 867xNA, 1 times posted

Would you all be fine if Okida decided to start drawing the end of the GoftF crossover, once he is done with Turtle Power?

Art wouldnt be as pretty but god yes. Anything than just being stuck to words
sonic it's better than nothing.jpg, 640xNA, 1 times posted

Okida's a whole lot better than not having a conclusion.
jasmine_sally.png, 1000xNA, 1 times posted
From the last thread. Would have posted earlier but I knocked out after I finished.
codenames_by_magisterofoz1_dgilf6l.png, 1200xNA, 1 times posted
Sally the bisexual slut monster.

Very nice! If only we got an actual story of it. The pieces are all there.

0.png, 659xNA, 1 times posted

Alright, good news, I have retrieved my PC and the txt file with the order list was retrieved.

With that said, remember how I wanted to put a story between issue #41 and the Sonic quest mini-series sot that st John being there at the end of #41, but Quest showcasing him as if he had been gone for a while, implying events had happened in-between? and how I really wanted to put a story there so that it would effectively be so? And how I had picked Sonic Blast?

Well, I have come to the realisation that I can't actually do that, because Blast start with a reference to the end of Sonic Blast, so it explicitly take place after. So I am back with having Sonic Quest right after #41. I could actually put Sonic Super Special #5: Sonic Kids there, where it would still work. One thing I am sure of Issue #43 should follow right after #42, as it kinda conclude the arc started with #41 and Quest and allow more a new adventure like Blast and Live!

So doing this:
Sonic #41
Sonic Super Special #5: Sonic Kids
Sonic Quest mini-series #1-#3
Sonic #42
Sonic #43
Sonic Blast special
Sonic Live! special
Sonic #44
(also, Live! is better before 44 because then Knuckles Quest 2 has already happened and it make sense Sally ask Knuckles about its progression)

On an other matter, Issue #113 has an interesting aspect in that it establish that it's from that point Sally and the Freedom fighters start reaching for other Freedom Fighters, so it should be at a time where the F doesn't seem big yet, but also, after Dulcy was introduced, because she is mentioned in that issue. Thus I'd place it right after issue #29 (where Dulcy first appear) which would take place right after Tail's mini-series, where he learned there are other freedom fighters. So it would make sense Sally would want to find a way to reach them. Does that seems right to everyone?

OR.... Or I could put issue #113 between issue #41 and sonic Quest, like this:
Sonic #41
Sonic #113
Sonic Quest mini-series #1-#3
Sonic #42
Sonic #43
Sonic Blast special
Sonic Live special
Sonic #44

But then issue #113 come a bit late to consider they only really start to network after issue #41.

But maybe trying to put a story between those two issues is a mistake to begin with and I should stop being bothered by St John being gone for a while between tow consecutive issues. And simply do:
Sonic #41
Sonic Quest mini-series #1-#3
Sonic #42
Sonic #43
Sonic Blast special
Sonic Live special!
Sonic #44

What do you all think?

> but I knocked out after I finished.
A rest well deserved.
0.gif, 498xNA, 1 times posted

Me, for 5 minute after reading this
(don't worry, I get it now)

>the bisexual slut
The codename of Khan and the other guys seems to suggest that she is mostly into girls with a few exception.
dear thirstposter, pls check your email.
0.png, 1114xNA, 1 times posted

You'll be forgiven for missing it, TP but someone at desu archive played a prank on you...
StH 117 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #61
Sonic #117-119

Yeah, his art's really improved and I'd love a conclusion in comic form
Very nice!
She can't keep getting away with it!
Glad to hear you got your computer working. Highly recommend looking into some backup software. I just use a cheap external hard drive, but the piece of mind is priceless
Honestly not sure on which one to go with
Most generally have a large preference for one sex, so that checks out. Also, Sonic's an Olympic-level athlete with the stamina of a long-distance marathon runner and the flexibility of a gymnast. Who wouldn't make an exception for that!
Oh wow, that's extremely rare! Essentially, someone posted that Spiderman image at the exact same time as the Konductor did and 4chan only distinguishes images by post time. I'll have to swap it with the correct one.

>Oh wow, that's extremely rare! Essentially, someone posted that Spiderman image at the exact same time as the Konductor did and 4chan only distinguishes images by post time. I'll have to swap it with the correct one.
It's oddly fitting, for the story that issue covers.

Weirdly, it's not even the first time it's happened to the Konductor. I'm just glad it wasn't anything from the red boards. It used to happen if an image was posted at the same second, but now it has to happen at the same millisecond
>>It's oddly fitting, for the story that issue covers.
Not really up to speed on Spiderman, but I did like the Spiderverse movie where there was a lady Doc Ock
cosmic_tales_christmas_special_pg4_by_riosd_dgil4tx-375w-2x.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

Cosmic Tales Christmas Special pg4
Honestly, I'm only invested in this story because Manic's in it

>Not really up to speed on Spiderman, but I did like the Spiderverse movie where there was a lady Doc Ock
Well, it's still about Various version of Spider-Man meeting each others.

Ah, that makes sense. I'd say it'd work better as a cartoon than a movie, but it's not like Sonic Prime did much with the concept
I found this silver fan comic

Tag yourself I'm Amy

All the best Sonic characters are bisexual. Anyone who isn't already bisexual can be therefore improved by making them bisexual. Don't believe me? Make your fave a bislut right now.

All Mobians are bi, I declare this both cute and canon!

Based! SaTFFs bi dating arc when?

We've actually been covering it from their deviantart account I really need to update the website ;_;
Next issue when Sonic dumps Sally for Knuckles of course! Seriously though, the Konductor did say he considers his Sally bi, but it doesn't really come up in the comic since she and Sonic are exclusive.

Just noticed your vip thing. neat.
>the Konductor did say he considers his Sally bi, but it doesn't really come up in the comic since she and Sonic are exclusive.
Oh yeah I remember. They should have them make jokes on what people they think are hot for scene lol

>Just noticed your vip thing. neat.
>Oh yeah I remember. They should have them make jokes on what people they think are hot for scene lol
Yeah, I could totally see them doing that!
For those that wanted the link to the Tails Doom mod

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Some interesting armors
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I'm storytiming There's Something About Tails again: >>457008

Thanks! I've added it to the website

Added a link to the TSAT/Mobian Combat Doom mod here: >>457060
And done!
Next thread will be four issues, otherwise it stops in the middle of a two-parter. Then after that is the Xorda thing. Then space stuff. Then Dreamwave Mega Man.
Congrats on the VIP! I'll have to pay more attention to which posts are mine now.
Also, holy fuck, that one anon that was mad about Amy being ignored and Mina taking her spot is gonna be soooo pissed.

>Next thread will be four issues, otherwise it stops in the middle of a two-parter. Then after that is the Xorda thing. Then space stuff. Then Dreamwave Mega Man.
Yeah, there's just no way to always split things into three comics
>Congrats on the VIP! I'll have to pay more attention to which posts are mine now.
Thanks, I've already caught one anon out!
It's always interesting to see what riles up some anons. Of course I'll be even more mad that Mina's taking valuable screentime away from best boy Ash! Seriously though, I completely forgot he doesn't show up until after the space arc

>Dreamwave Mega Man
Be my first time reading it!
Found out that someone made their own fan made trades of archie sonic. pretty neat
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>Sally Acorn, a top reporter for Mobius NOW, Sonic's loving wife, and retired general of the rag-tag Freedom Fighters during Eggman and Infinte's takeover! Quite a woman. (Oh and I suppose a "Milf in progress" as Sonic put it)
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>It's always interesting to see what riles up some anons. Of course I'll be even more mad that Mina's taking valuable screentime away from best boy Ash! Seriously though, I completely forgot he doesn't show up until after the space arc
I will say that I can understand that anon's frustration. It'd be like Sally being replaced by another character that's just like her. While Sonic gets other love interests they're not quite like her and Fiona doesn't become the evil counterpart of Sally until Ian starts writing her. Then again, it's not like there wasn't plenty of Amy content outside of the comics back then and now.
It's an interesting series. Sadly it died fast and IIRC it's a pretty slow start.
>here's the entire pre-flynn era condensed as much as i feasibly could without removing good issues or major storylines, but w/ bad plot points and filler removed.
I'm a bit of a purist in that I want to experience it all, good and bad.
Fleetway Sally doesn't get a lot of love, mostly because she doesn't appear much but I'll have a bias to seeing any Sally get with Sonic. I do wonder if an older Fleetway Sonic would be any different as a character. He always felt like someone that would still be the same grumpy hero that prefers to be alone regardless of his age.
I need to get back to saving these pages for the inevitable storytime of volume 2. I've been numbering them and the last one I have is page 178.

Fleetway Sonic is just too shy to admit he likes girls. So he keeps up a super cool image and gets annoyed

I never subscribed to the idea that any Sonic was asexual but Fleetway Sonic felt like he was the least interested in romance. Not even a flirt. I do think Amy would best suit him for the fact that she would be chasing after him and taking care of him. But Fleetway Amy stopped being like that. Too independent and preferred hanging out with a green bird girl. Maybe someone like Kintobar would interest Sonic. An altruistic person that doesn't have a negative bone in their body. Another person for Sonic to like being around and wanting to always protect.

I think it's kinda telling the only time to freely show interest into a girl was when he's around kintobor. Who he has no problem sharing personal thoughts with since he's like a father to him.

>Maybe someone like Kintobar would interest Sonic. An altruistic person that doesn't have a negative bone in their body. Another person for Sonic to like being around and wanting to always protect.

That actually sounds pretty fucking perfect. I could actually see him falling in love with a girl that nice and pure hearted. Probably a bonus for him if they're smart
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>putting issues before the first issue just because they take place in the past
The very thing I am trying to not do. Those are meant to be read later on. Especially the Sally and Knuckles thing...

With that said, I can understand the desire to remove all the Geoffrey stuff, but it's just not honest.

I'll admit that the only Sonic I care about is Archie Sonic and that's because of the world and stories. Fleetway Sonic only had a fraction of stories in comparison so I'm not as invested in his romance life. I'd be fine with him having more non-romantic stories. But I am curious what the Fleetway writers would do if they kept going and preferably only did Sonic comics for several more years.

They might have gone back to making amy go after sonic due to sega, but it'd just make amy look like as she was in the 2000s lol

Shipping and soap opera drama is a cancer.

I'd like to think the Fleetway writers wouldn't be messy about it. They had a great Amy. Maybe they'd just adventure together a lot and then there'd be a story where they become some kind of a couple. Not all that romantic but there'd be hints of it here and there.
StH 120 - 01.jpg, 1987xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #62
Sonic #120-123
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Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 4 Page 23

Say goodbye to Little Planet and Amy! Don’t worry, we’ll see her in the future! And another Zonic sighting. The tricky thing with showing him is trying to slowly reveal what’s up with him. Not only for those who know who he is but for those who don’t. Either way, readers will learn something new about this version of the character.

repostin my exact comment cuz thread dying but
>I dont want to sleep on the couch again
Really looking forward to more of this zonic

Married and with two kids.
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Tho Ive been thinking lately on if that job was forced on him and if he has true freedom tho or forever bound to it. Thats would be kinda sad even with that.

It's good because they get a second chance at life and have No Zone to live in along with everyone else and are tasked with protecting the multiverse.
It beats the alternative which I decided not to go with.
Only Archie Sonic survives and he is the only Zone Cop.

Reminder that Julie Su foster parents were Egg Graped, so this is their last appearance with her.

I guess that's not too bad tho I can guarntee sonic would have thought changing the first letter of his name to z was dumb and probably still refers it to be Sonic.
oof. that would have been actually depressing.

So much genocide from one thing.
The worse option is actually one that makes more sense but I went with the first one because Archie Sonic deserves some kind of a happy ending. As for the name change, he'll have to suck it up.
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Damn you conductor. You've made me fall in love with archie sonic. So it just makes me sad knowing what happens. Sega completely disregarding any mention of even reboot, doesn't help either. Or other fans just being completely mean spirited to you for liking it. How do you guys deal with it.

Easy. Fancomics. There are so many Archie Sonic fancomics. I got my own but I wish the others updated more. Bu there's a good number of them.

I guess that makes sense, and I kinda do that already with yours and ASF/ASO. Pain just kinda hurts at times lol. Like I've always liked archie but waiting for the ride really made me love it.

There's Heroes Come Back which starts off as a Silver and OC comic (the OC is great though) but then it really gets into continuing preboot Archie. It has unfortunately been years since it stopped updating. Sonic Retold is another and while the art is great, I'm not that big a fan of the edgier stuff that happens. Scourge Eternal Blackout has been updating consistently but it's currently doing Steel aka Anti-Silver's backstory and that's been going on for a while. And who can forget A Sly Encounter? The weirdest of the Archie continuations because it's also a Sly Cooper crossover with an emphasis on characters not wearing pants but it's still very entertaining.

All that and IDW Sonic struggling for years make fancomics the superior choice.

I've checked some of those out, but might got for a reread soon after the current reading. And yeah, fancomics can be pretty good, just the schedule for some of them can be a super long wait. Yours is probaly the fastest one to put pages out

I have been thinking of doing all the big Archie fancomics on 4chan after Archie. It might be the last thing I do on that site. Of course A Sly Encounter is a no-go. I already got banned trying that the first time but it does have its own thread here.

Pretty decent way to end your time posting sonic there. And hopefully we'll still get it. There's always that concern about it being slow, I've even brought it up a couple times, but really, even if slow, i'd rather just have a nice comfy sonic place to post in with you and whoever else

Yeah it's nice. I hope we get more regulars posting here.

Just gotta remind people ocasionally to give it a try

Yeah. Just can't be caught.
issue 5 page 7.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted
This fucking guy.

I like how his robotic hand looks like his glove but the contours separate it. Also cool egg drill
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>I have been thinking of doing all the big Archie fancomics on 4chan after Archie. It might be the last thing I do on that site.
So wait, does that mean that after that you will move your station here?
I mean i will not say that it's a bad thing but you were the reason why i still browse /co/ on that site.

I am sure Zal will be understanding

but she'll definitely remind Zonic he own her a few daddy-duties for her own girls-night-out

(also, you might have noticed already, but there is a typo in Brutus's name (unless it's his phantom Ruby enhanced name?))
Did anyone get the feeling that Eggman's writing got weaker after he stopped being Robotnik ?
Not sure how to explain it, maybe its the lack of fat jokes, or his transition from comic yet cruel villain to just cruel, or his interactions with Snively. Theres something missing with Eggman that we had with Robotnik.

Although Im saying this based on the current issue the Ride is at right now, not sure how it changes in future issues.
ForFree.png, 992xNA, 1 times posted

>I mean i will not say that it's a bad thing but you were the reason why i still browse /co/ on that site.
A Janny and a mod decided to be super dick and not allow more than one story-time to exist at a time. the rest of the mods don't give a fuck.

Like, even creating a new thread while the other was pruning was deemed worthy of deletion.

what a shame, i guess i will have to bookmark this page then for the future.

Yes, it gets better with Ian

Eggman has style!
By the time I finish we should have our own board and hopefully more people frequenting these threads. 4chan is getting worse by the day and I prefer the freedom of posting here.
>(also, you might have noticed already, but there is a typo in Brutus's name (unless it's his phantom Ruby enhanced name?))
In typical Sonic fashion, Zonic gives Brutus a funny name. This one rhyming with uterus.
Seeing how the mods don't give a shit, I can't either.

>In typical Sonic fashion, Zonic gives Brutus a funny name. This one rhyming with uterus.
Ah, his Zonic "enhanced" name, then.
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I’m still seeing Ian writing for Archie. I really do think that if IDW collapses, he’s going to push Archie to get the Sonic license. I just wonder if he’d go for a reboot or continue the series where it left off.
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Post this stuff here cuz someone would rage in the main threads, but its a kinda nice AU idea you know
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>cuz someone would rage in the main threads
What main thread?

Also, kinda wholesome. Sonic being a transman has kinda become its own thing in the fandom.
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Not even Once!

Someone would probably bitch if i posted it on our /co/ threads


Only the shitposter would make a big fuss. I don't know if he was the anon that was editing the trans Sonic gag comics. Every once in a while I'd post something like that. Sonic Desolation and Sapphires or Reality Alternate also have trans characters. At most you'd get a couple rude comments. But that's the fancomic threads and almost everyone will at least not complain about that. There are plenty other things they'll complain about. But the Archie threads get more people, a chunk probably from /sthg/ so there's that to consider. Ultimately, just do it if you can ignore a few bad comments. Then again, our threads do get packed pretty fast as is.

StH 124 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #63
Sonic #124-126

>st*g just calling any female character sally
lol. just kills any serious discussion, espically when lanolin is brought up but she's really not even like her except the skunk whos shes most like.
Thoughts on the new game, conductor?
Sonic Dream Team [Apple Arcade] 100% Playthrough: Episode #01 - Scrambled Shores & Dr. Crabulous
Sonic City | Sonic News, Media & Community🦔💨 - All things must come to an end. #DailySonic | #ArchieSonic | #IDWSonic | #Sonic-(720p).mp4, 800xNA, 1 times posted

After skimming, I didn't see any enemies or bosses. Just an open area where the player runs around and collects stuff.
Replace that IDW issue at the end with some fancomics and I'd be able to relate to that.

>people saying amy now has that dynamic in dream team like sally has with sonic
lmao. conductor won somewhat

So basically Sonic Boom.


>That Amy voice
How do you fuck that up ?
Can't believe how close to the slap we are. That's gonna be one hell of a shitstorm of a thread
>the Brotherhood did nothing to protec their planet
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Egg Dimension Comic Pg 32
I'm really only posting this out of obligation
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Sonic Desolation 3-09
I can't believe Sonic's dead ;_;
Found this comment on a sonic thread on when talking about the ride
>The one before it was better. This one has way too many gay furries in the threads lusting over every background character that shows up
Fucking LOL. But that just makes it fun
The more and more I read the more I say fuck you to the guardians. Except spectre, I like him. But yeah lmao, ken will way they’re a global watch but barely do anything even if it threatens their existence
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Looks like we might be a little while longer on Sonic: Chaos Control. Their Sonicsona's so cute bros ;_;
The drama in this comic sustains me
>I will say that I can understand that anon's frustration.
Yeah, there's always a weird or dumb choice that'll rile up any reader in Archie, myself included
>It's an interesting series. Sadly it died fast and IIRC it's a pretty slow start.
I kinda want to storytime all their comics at some point
I see him as someone with too much guilt to consider romance until he's restored his friend/mentor. I genuinely think he doesn't consider himself worthy of love. I can fix him!
>I'll admit that the only Sonic I care about is Archie Sonic
Really nice way to tie everything up
Claiming Zemington!
Our special friend's generally asleep between 4am and 9am EST, so that's when I generally post links to here
I'm still disgusted by that and pretty much only post over there out of spite now. That said, once we have our own board I'm planning on doing some storytimes of some of our favorite fancomics just to attract more anons here
lmao, I thought that was Stripes from the thumbnail I still miss him ;_;
It's not stopped me storytiming several comics where Sonic has top scars

Found it! >>>/4chan/v/659480163
How dare they, I also lust over the foreground characters!

> I genuinely think he doesn't consider himself worthy of love
Damn, I can see it. Aside from obvious bad guys, the person he hates most is himself
TP you put the the Dreamwave MM comics at the blueballsiest spot. Imagine me ending tomorrow's thread with how the last issue ends and then announcing we're taking a detour for a day.
Just like everything else that sucks, should be fun.
LMAO I have been totally slacking on posting fancomics.
They're just mad because they keep missing out on twinks to claim.
>Really nice way to tie everything up
Admittedly I would have liked at least five more pages but the Sonic CD arc has gone on long enough.

Yeah, I can see why some read him as asexual, but guilt-ridden Sonic makes more sense to me. He was just a kid that was trying to impress his friend/mentor and accidentally created Robotnik out of his friend, likely doomed the entire world, and even created his own evil personality in Super Sonic. That's a big part of the reason he plays the smug hero with the bants, it's to hide the fact that he still hates himself. I'm just glad we got closure in the end by the original writers in STCO
>TP you put the the Dreamwave MM comics at the blueballsiest spot. Imagine me ending tomorrow's thread with how the last issue ends and then announcing we're taking a detour for a day.
Yeah, I just couldn't help myself!
>LMAO I have been totally slacking on posting fancomics.
I've been using RSS feeds to keep up to date
>They're just mad because they keep missing out on twinks to claim.
And to think I haven't even been claiming any of them!
>Admittedly I would have liked at least five more pages but the Sonic CD arc has gone on long enough.
Yeah, it's hard to strike the balance between giving a satisfying ending and dragging things out but I think this one ended in the right spot. If there's one thing I've learnt from these fancomics (and from Penders), it's that it's way too tempting to just extend things

What a fucking cunt.

I feel ya', Knuckles and Antoine.

>calling Brutus "Bruterus"

>a comic so cursed even Thirstposter would rather not touch it

I never got to mention this in the other thread, but if I had to pick a love triangle, this is my favorite. There's something about the drama of unrequited love x3 that's really engaging. Then again, I do love Miraculous
He's been spending too much time with Fleetway Sonic
Their other comic, The Curse of the Cross-eyed Moose was fine since it was at least funny. This one's just needlessly cruel. Actually, I dislike the ProfessorMegaman comics for the same reason
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Pretty funny twist on an infamous scene. Don't look up the rest of this artist's work.
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The Heart of a Monster 8-17
Looks like the Himbohog means business

>Sonic Adventure 2.5 Alpha
Does that mean in Japan, it's Sonic Adventure 2.5 Zero?
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Comic looks interesting
Since we're getting close to Penders taking over. I decided to see what Bollers has left as the main writer. 141 is the last one where he consistently writes but he has other issues after that. He does a backup story for 145 and then he does a two part story for 153 and 154. After 141 and the other issues before Ian comes in, it's mostly Penders and "Romy Chacon." And we're getting closer to the start of Sonic X. Despite doing 3-4 issues a night, I think we're making good progress. It's just going to really, really suck for a week or so.

Ahh fuck.
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Eclipse 127
Well there's no way this page would survive on minuschan

Nice twist on Amy getting kidnapped, and very nice to see more of this comic again!
>mostly Penders and "Romy Chacon."
The actual dark age
StH 127 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #64
Sonic #127-130

Decided to Dreamwave Mega Man as well.

Nooo, I wanted to bully the anons with a whole day of Megaman when all they wanted was to see Sonic get home!

TBH I'm just glad to get it out of the way. All that's left is Sonic X. Gonna sprinkle those issues throughout all the threads.

Fair enough. There's not many multi-part issues in X so you should be able to get away with doing one or two a thread
I'll say it again but damn, that megaman comic was really fun! Thanks conductor

Yeah, it's a nice little change of scenery from the Sonic comics. Shame there were only four issues
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next thread is the day sallys reuptation gets forever tainted. big oof. poor sal.
actuyally the thread after probably but still

Tomorrow is the Home arc and after that is The Slap, ushering in the true Dark Age.

It's just sad for what happens to her. I'm skimming the issues for grams and just jeez. I dont like what im seeing for most of it.

It's bad but it's fleeting compared to Ian taking over at issue 160 and being the main writer until the end. I just wish he didn't take his goddamn time and then immediately do Mecha Sally. Goddamn Ian, let them be happy for a bit longer!

Yeah, its just too fucking depressing without more happy and then reboot erases that even more. goddamn thanks for asf, aso, etc, its my cope to say they be happy

This is why I fell in love with Sonic fancomics. People continuing and doing what can't be official made anymore.

Me too. I'm always grateful for those.
Just checked and the first issue of Sonic X came out on September 2005 which is when issue 153 came out so whatever thread that has that will be the start of doing an issue of X each day unless I feels there's a reason to do something different.
I just wish they updated more.
tail wag.jpg, 744xNA, 1 times posted
Something I missed. That tail wag. I've seen that in a lot of shipping art but I don't think I've really seen it in official comics.

That's cute as hell
Scourge Eternal issue 6.2 page 21.jpg, 2692xNA, 1 times posted
issue 5 page 6.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted
Another page done.
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To be fair everything is getting drowned out by the first trailer.
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Decided to check out rediscovered frontiers by jumping around and got myself depressed over the absolute existential nightmare the SGW entails. Worst fucking mistake of my online life. I don’t think I can ever really finish this. I’m not strong enough bros
But hey, nice page!

And most of it is shitposting.

It's adorable and should happen more.

Speaking of Dream Team stuff though, I was fucking right. Tails' Dream Team model is nearly a full goddamn head taller than Cream. In fact, Cream is so short ingame that she's practically a midget in comparison to the rest of the cast. That guy claiming they were the same height was unbelievably full of shit.

Tails is too busy fanboying over Eggman to care about how evil he might be.


>Metal turning his head and doing an eye roll

That's one fucked up Omega.

Now you know my pain, anon. I literally can't read through all of it because it's so depressing and it never becomes easier to handle.
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And the author hasnt even run out of depressing content to use. Especially echidna stuff.
If it isnt Knuckles killing himself after he gets his memories restored, it will be Julie whenever Knuckles finds out about her mass murdering and starts seeing her as a monster.

Who is that claimable bat?

Why does Rouge like to invite herself into Tails' house?

Freeloaders Paradise.
i now realize Manak made some actual Spy vs Spy strips
Thankskenpenders disabled her Tumblr asks because people kept coming in demanding Ian Flynn's head on a pike.

Poor tails, everybody wants to eat from his fridge and sleep on his couch.

Are you fucking serious? Why in the fuck would people do that
Sonic IDW Issue 67
What do fleetway fans think of archie issue 126?

I guess a buildup issue was all they could do at this point.
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From chauvels tumblr

Scourge: Selfish, brash, and one rude dude. Scourge joined the Suppression Squad because it granted him freedom to do (almost) whatever he wants.

My "What-if Rebooted" Scourge is almost the same as the old Archie version, personality wise anyway. One big difference is that he will often flirt with Alicia, who shows no interest in him. In fact, she treats him rather poorly.

Another thing to note is that in this world, no one is inherently "evil". They were not born just to be polar opposites of our heroes. They just live in a universe which circumstances branched out differently than their "prime" counterparts.
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Alicia: Arrogant, snobby, and the most feared princess in the world. A sadist at her very core. Her father, King Maxx, spoils her rotten.

Probably my favorite out of the new Suppression Squad to write (surprise, surprise). She has a cold demeanor but sometimes she can be absolutely sadistic.

Her father is the one who's truly in control of the kingdom, but Alicia thinks he's too soft at times. If she was in charge things would be a lot worse. So her father assigned her as the the leader of the Suppression Squad. Keeping "Egghead" from forming a rebellion against them.

Alicia has fallen for Sonic because of his free spirit and good heart nature.... and she's obsessed with breaking it.
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I remember when I wrote an outline for a fan comic about the Suppression Squad (post Archie Sonic Reboot) some years back. Alicia and Scourge's relationship in the story would be at best categorize as "complicated".

Alicia would always dismiss Scourge's advances and treated him poorly, but that never stopped him from trying. Only when he's in immediate danger or badly injured Alicia would show some sort of concern.

(As for Patch and Alicia, he's not interested in her in a romantic way. He finds her spoiled and pompous).
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Man I really wish the anti ffs got actul focus. espically sally and sonics counterparts together to really really show that contrast of their relationship
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>espically sally and sonics counterparts together to really really show that contrast of their relationship

To be honest, reading the first stories with those characters at least, Evil Sonic and Evil Sally's relationship initially seems pretty similar to Scourge and Fiona's later on, Alicia became more of an Evil Blaze in terms of personality.
sonic universe 1.jpg, 658xNA, 1 times posted

For comparison.

>cucked by the Bem and Nate Morgan
Uncle Chuck bros...

There is a psychotic hate brigade against Ian on Tumblr, so they probably found her blog.

Oh fuck, those fuckers. Fuck them
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Loving Papier's art as always.
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When you think about it, Sonic movies is the only place where Sega can't stop them from using Sally. But that would requires someone at Paramount (or Tom Hesse) to care about Sally in the first place...

then again, once they are done trying to adapt Sonic Adventure 2 and try looking for new material, I am not so sure they will be willing to adapt much of what come next. Maybe Frontiers, or making an original story of their own...

Idk if movie sonic would even fall in love with a sally

You wankers are obsessed.
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Did someone ever make a Blaze edit of this scene ?

people making edits of someones art to add their preffered ship is kinda of a dick move desu
dr__wily_and_his_nephews_by_julianivorobotnik_dcgpdct-414w.jpg, 414xNA, 1 times posted
Do you think Wily "nephews" are actually robots?

>kinda of a dick move desu
What edits like this say is essentially: "I actually think this is pretty good, but wish that X character was actually Y instead."
I don't really see any problem with them.

I've had it happened to me so I'm just not a fan of it
StH 130 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #65
Sonic #130-133

Didn't made the art. Just a thought that came to me seeing it.

Might not have the same dynamic, but movie Sonic still has the golden hear Sally fall for.
So conductor you asked the question to everyone but how do you feel about sally being so traumtized and crying for losing sonic

Character regression for the sake of creating drama. The best I can say is that it helps explain why she freaks out next issue. I do wonder how it would work if the editors wanted to break up Sonic and Sally but instead had it so that Sally is with Sonic, nearly gets killed protecting him, and everyone agrees she's safer at home and Sonic breaks up with her to keep her at a distance. Either way, it sucks.

I see your point kinda how far regression is it would you say? Because I can kinda see why she would freak out, all that shit happening to her and the bs she dealt just to add sonic dying in her eyes

Too submissive to her parents again, too emotional, and wanting others to fight Eggman when she knows full well they were losing without Sonic. And even after The Slap, it gets worse because Penders gets to be the main writer again. The only consolation for torpedoing Sonally and making Sally act like a crying and angry wreck is that it's tied up to the worst era for Archie.

Oh okay, I understand now. Really sad how they did that and I really hate that thing with her just listening to her parents

Not him but I think it kind of betrays Sally's previous characterization.
She already was committed to dealing with Sonic by herself if something like him getting roboticized or mind-controlled happened.
Or to trying to deal with Eggman if Sonic simply happened to be gone like it already happened in the comic.
The way she acts there would make more sense if she was just a random girl who happened to be Sonic's girlfriend, and not a leader that was accompanying him in most of his adventures up to now.
Her heroic side needs to be completely ripped out to enable these plots.

I see
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It is interesting to see anons arguing about if it's in character for Sally to act the way she is. We'll see how everyone takes the next issue tomorrow.
68.png, 1299xNA, 1 times posted

Nectar: The World Before 68
Next page better be a BLOWout!
Dosing up on sonallyium (totally real) before tommorrows thread. Will make the pain hurt up

*hurt less
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Oh, the timing couldn't be any weirder.

Cool I guess for those shippers. But that comic so fucking forgettable this'll leave my mind soon.
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next thread is gonna be like.jpg, 1200xNA, 1 times posted

Just be ready because it's going to make the next Archie issue very interesting.
I can't help but smirk. The shitpost potential is just too good.
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Shadow Comic Book 3 Page 10-11
>tonight's episode
>the artist's barely-disguised ship
shadow_comic__book3__page_11__by_mysterious_d_dgj9cwq.jpg, 800xNA, 1 times posted

One of the days, Tails is going to need to upgrade from tablets.

I'm surprised Tails never just mass produced the Miles Electric and make money

Not a bad idea, but how much money does Tails even need anyway, he has like 7 labs already and god knows how many planes
What happened to that Twitter comics where Sally was asking Amy to help in the preparation of a Pecan pie while also having some hint of Shadamy? What's its name again?
10.jpg, 696xNA, 1 times posted

Cream the Firestarter. Unfortunately the artist hasn't updated it in months or done much of anything on TwiX. I'll post this one since Sally is cute despite being a dangerously bad cook.

I like to think Sally likes to order out food alot because of her bad cooking skills

>Cream the Firestarter.

>Unfortunately the artist hasn't updated it in months or done much of anything on TwiX.
Too bad. too bad. For a SoL comic, it really looked like the author was up to something.

Probably has a fridge full of food Antoine cooks for her and various packages of nuts for her to snack on.
>cream acting as wingwoman
It is a shame.
Got myself banned... Again. So you know the deal, I'll post grams and you repost them for me please
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Good luck with the upcoming thread, You'll need it, conductor

Sure thing. I'm only doing three issues though.
StH 134 - 01.jpg, 1980xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #66
Sonic #134-136

Alright I'm also doing 137.
StH 134 - 19-fixed.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted

And here's the canon version of The Slap™
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>because Sonic Grams anon was a very, very naughty anon
N-n-no I wasnt!
I was.... I got a bit too silly with posting slutnic

In all serious, I read a bit of the tthread but need to read the entire thing in full. I did read up to the slap tho. I'm absolutely furious and even more when I reread. But I cant imagine your rage conductor. What a hit to the soul.

I wish there was some version where Sonic and Sally talk it out and stay together while Sonic resumes being on the field.
It sucks but I know that it gets washed away by Ian. And we'll have to deal with his shit as he does the exact same thing but instead of a slap it's... well...

Fancomics help.

I guess they do help, and hey, the good thing, you're in charge of your own to create better drama and stories that doesnt completely betray their characters. also you get to make them have kissies whenever you want!

People say the slap ruined Sally as a character but Ian takes over as writer longer than anyone else and he gives Sally more respect than anyone else and he works to undo the damage. All the slap did was give ammunition that already didn't like her. And with the series dead for several years now, it's good to see so many comics continuing the series and still supporting Sonally.

True. People wanting to see their OTP happy sure helps to give them drive to do it
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thristposter is gonna really like opening this
issue 4 page 24.jpg, 900xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 4 Page 24

And this is the final page for this issue and the birth of Shard! This differs a bit from the Archie comics. The first Metal Sonic ends up becoming Shard and Eggman builds a new Metal Sonic which is the one everyone knows. For this series, it’s a separation of one robot. Instead of there being two versions of Metal Sonic running around, there’s one with no emotions and his personality is now a separate virtual entity. I wonder how that’s going to affect Metal Sonic over time. There’s also Nicole. Isn’t she cute? Oh, and Cyber Space. A whole other world in need of heroes.
according to bolllers the slap was gray idea
why can't he accept some responsability and blame the bald faggot editor too?

Nice! And holy kek, what a charmer. He really is like sonic but sure he’ll be more unique over time. Also Nicole a cute!

Oh man, Rock's one of my favorite lewd fancharacters!
I can't believe we've already finished issue 4, congrats!
Honestly, I wouldn't want to take responsibility either. I still blame Gabrie and Bollers though, Gray just drew what the script told him to
issue 5 page 11.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted

>page 11
I have two artists working on different sections of the comic. The first one is doing the Freedom Fighters portion and this artist is handling the Eggman and Kukku stuff. Other artist is currently working on page 8 and 9 and this artist is now working on page 13.
Nicole is in need of some romancin', so says Dr. Shard!
>I can't believe we've already finished issue 4, congrats!
Thanks! We're finally off Namek... I mean Little Planet!
Based Knuckles following his father footsteps by not letting Sabre die

Oooh nice. How long is the sonic 2 arc gonna be? 3 issues agin? Also looking forward to seeing these two bickering and their differing views. Will be cool to see tails deal with
Also just noticed the lil snow effect. Neat
Someone post how the STCO forum reacted to issue 134

Meanwhile Spectre is going strong and being the edgy badass the Brotherhood needs.
Two 24 page issues. Villain team ups are fun because they never work out.

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Decided to check out the IDW thread and the comic was as drawn out as expected. Still, I liked the Rough and Tumble part at least. Only a few complaints about The Ride this time. I guess our special friend was too busy flirting with Boco. What a slut!
M30YL would've worked so much better as a hentai doujin
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I dont care about idw much either but I saw this and what in the actual fuck
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Oh my fucking god, just why
I checked in to see someone seething over the ride, lol
Did Jon really take the blame for the Slap ?
Sausagenic.jpg, 432xNA, 1 times posted

There a lot of reused art, not to mention three (3) non-comic pages at the start. Maybe I'm just cranky since I hate the constant recaps so many comics seem to love doing. We have wikis now, we can catch up ourselves!
Also, I try not to be too harsh on the artists, but pic related was just a really unflattering angle. I do like the bedroom eyes though
I have no idea what's going on with Flynn, but that's just not how anyone would react! It's all so bizarre.
>I checked in to see someone seething over the ride, lol
No complaining about the gayness in our threads though, we must be slipping!
elias.jpg, 640xNA, 1 times posted
Megan gets to fuck THIS?!?!
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Eclipse 128
I still can't believe she's not a Mobian!
I kinda want to commission a Remington one

>Also, I try not to be too harsh on the artists, but pic related was just a really unflattering angle. I do like the bedroom eyes though
Imagine Ron Lim working for IDW.

I kinda want to see all the crying lesbians with square eyes. On the plus side, he wouldn't need to do many action scenes so we'd get so many wide-eyed stare reaction images!

It's funny how when the readers mention issues by their specific number, none of them goes further than #133...

i am soo going to enjoy these next issues.

Mostly for battle kukku but i will not mind see how you will take the characters.
GAtfqM9XYAAXQ1v.png, 1131xNA, 1 times posted
It's been a while since we did this story but I always find it interesting when something recent and relevant gets posted. I don't know if TwiX has caught on to my preferences or if the trend of drawing Sally is still going. Either way, keep it comin'!

I'm curious to see how the reception to the cover and first three pages will be.

>Instead of there being two versions of Metal Sonic running around, there’s one with no emotions and his personality is now a separate virtual entity. I
That works well...
Knuckles #29 is still the worst issue.

>what in the actual fuck
>Oh my fucking god, just why
>I have no idea what's going on with Flynn, but that's just not how anyone would react! It's all so bizarre.


Is starting to smell like fried Kukku

>You are a complete hack, Robotnik.
>And you look like someone who should be deep fried with 11 herbs and spices!!
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Just curious conductor, have you played or at least watched tails adventure for the adaption? Like I know you'd pull a ton from archie obvs but wondering if you did for some extra things. espically when you do adaptions of other games too
speedy.jpg, 1048xNA, 1 times posted

I watched little gameplay and mostly just read wiki information on the game and going off of what the Archie comics have done with the characters. But there's another layer to it and has to do with Tails' parents. I'm not using diaper Speedy.

Oh ok, sounds cool. also lmao. his reboot look is so much better
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A Sly Encounter Page 122
>upgraded form gives her a bottomless costume
Of course.
>also shoes
Sorry toebros...

You win some, you lose some.

Okay, every girl being bottomless is just weird.

That's been the theme of the comic since the very beginning.
I've seen a lot of discussion when the Dark Ages of Archie started but today is the end of Bollers' run. Penders and Gabrie take over and it will undeniably be the Dark Ages tomorrow.

Nicole being cool and cute.
Also Sonic Grams anon doesn't have to post the ones for today's thread since I already have them.

Even the fan art and stuff? Nice then
StH 138 - 30.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted

Yup it's all there!

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Turtle Power Page 147
Always fun to see animal rivals.
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I wish I had eyes that glowed in the dark.
"You're not a violent person!" | Amy Vs. Surge | 16-bit Animation

It's kinda sweet, with the snow in the background...

Great pixel art.
StH 138 - 01.jpg, 1983xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #67
Sonic #138-141
fianna mccool 2.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
Is there any place where I can find this comic?

It feels surreal we're already so far into the series. Legit feels just like last week we were starting out.

Best bet would be Butler's patreon. Not sure if the whole thing is on there but earlier this year he posted some stuff for the second book. Otherwise, may have to find a place selling it. Doesn't seem to have been uploaded online anywhere.
If I wasn't such a poorfag, Id get some comm from butler. Love his art alot. Also, thanks for todays thread. I guess my sonic grams days might be over too but I enjoyed putting them together.

Yeah it seems that they're included in the issues now. Anyway, thanks for posting them!

NP. I always wanted to make sure the ride was more complete

>penders makes sonally a thing
>in a boring af story where sonic becomes an asshole who’s at fault for ending the world

We have been making a lot of progress. I guess the other thread went through issues faster.
It just tells me that Penders knows Sonally is endgame. Also interesting that Geoffrey is never mentioned in the future.
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Yeah, more and more, I keep thinking Sally should've obviously been the ruler making those decisions. While Sonic just becomes the guy whos there to support his wife but not actual king stuff. Like hell, as sonic puts himself, just being a basically dad is good for him. And since he still loves his personal freedom, he could always just continue the stuff hes already doing with his constant adventures to help people just given that royal title of course but nothing would really change.

It would've been sick as hell to see sonic take his kids to hang out doing cool stuff. Sonic would be an awesome dad.

He's more or less that when Ian writes him. At most Sonic has to make a speech in front of everyone. And Sonic still has some adventures, you just never see it and only hear about it. Aside from that, things are mostly peaceful on Mobius. That seems to be what really gets him. He's doing all this king stuff but there's no constant threat and endless adventures to go on.

I kinda get it, just dont see sonic being an actual king doing king stuff personally. him just being the royal consort is fine as paperwork such would drive him mad. Basically he'd just be a "commoner" husband who gets some nicer privileges how'd i like it. A good dad there for his kids and queen wife but goes out to adventure in the name of good as he was. like i'd imagine he'd always be in communcation with them while out, sending pictures, bringing back souvenirs

I only see Sonic going to meetings and making decisions in place of his wife. He probably enjoyed dealing with the overlander uprising but hated having to do all the negotiations and peace talks afterwards. He's got a lot of responsibilities without an endless supply of robots to destroy. The real problem is his attitude towards others. The way he ignores Tails and even dunked his son in the pool. It really does sound like he's having a midlife crisis and taking it out on everyone. And yet he has the best chemistry with Knuckles, the guy he spends half the time arguing with.
Barby lost
Remingtonbros, our stat-oh who am I fucking kidding, our guy became a mindbroken simp.
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Kinda funny how I kinda got what i wanted with bollers setiing up the consort thing but penders gotta penders and did with the king shit and unfotunely bollers kinda went back on that with the slap issue but I wont keep repeating myself so much. so moving on to what we actually got
Ken clearly hates Sonic. That's what I gather. Sonic ignoring Tails for THAT long?!?! Get the fuck out of here with that shit. Even worse when he made Sonic out to be bad when he saved the universe in those times. It's just ridiculous

Sex with Barry.

Sigh. I'll at least accept her being bottomless.
mina won.jpg, 1072xNA, 1 times posted



And I'm sure that The End is seething somewhere now that there's even MORE shit running around in its prison.

>Sonamy in IDW
>meanwhile in Archie:
On the one hand as the biggest Sonamyfag here, this is sweet. On the other, it's fucking IDW.

Mina is such a weird pairing for Tails. It's kinf of nonsense. I unironically would like to have seen him get with barby. They actually talked.

They have a couple games they could adapt. Biggest would probably be an 06 or Unleashed adaptation, but Frontiers would also be a good fit since it already feels pretty cinematic.

He definitely wouldn't. Archie Sonic's love and loyalty to Sally is a combination of being childhood friends and his specific personality meshing well with hers. I don't think Wachowski would even dream of going to war against Robotnik for as long as the FFs had, let alone not just murdering the man outright rather than letting him go.

This Eggman is unlikely to go that far. He's basically just an amoral scientist rather than Archie Eggman levels of evil.

Tails will absolutely make some well-done chicken though.
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Tethered Futures 1-09
Poor Silver ;_;
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Poor remington. Your husband got it rough, tp
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oooh, found some cool concept art by gray on some site. IDK if thats the true place where they were first posted but these are nice regardless
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Just learned one of my favorite artists, liris-san, deleted all their stuff. was in a full sad mode until I figured out someone saved their art and kintobor story on wayback and Internet archive. It really sucks when that happens
Oh... just learned some of the kintobor stories never got archives.... Fuck....
I never got to read them and now they're gone. I'm mad and sad

I thought it would be a bigger deal. I'd say it's the most platonic way of asking Amy out but I see it as Ian doing what he can given the mandates. I don't see anything major happening between the two but there should be enough bits for shippers. The only place I can really see Sonamy happen are the live action movies and that's assuming she even shows up in that. Right now it's all about Shadow.

He really did ;_; I really do have to make some art of him in this outfit
He's perfect just the way he is Julie-Su!
Interestingly, the tattoos never made it to the final comic, even though other characters like Stryker (senior, not the cyborg one) have them
He really was into Megaman at the time
Well shit. I've got her DA archived and an archive of her blog. The blog archive has everything (I think), but the images don't reference properly (wget is hard ;_;). If the waybackmachine has everything, I might just use theirs
THoaM 8-18.jpg, 1171xNA, 1 times posted

The Heart of a Monster 8-18
Werehog jazz intensifies

This is what peak performance look like. You might not like it... Wait, who wouldn't like it?


Should have kept his tattoos.

Despite being God, Chip is still a dork.
super form.jpg, 1560xNA, 1 times posted
After Penders' Light Mobius, here's Riszi's version. I prefer their take on King Sonic.
"Prior to the release of Mobius: 25 Years Later, another possible future storyline was planned out for use in the Knuckles the Echidna comic series. Known as "Knuckles: 20 Years Later", it would have featured Mobius coming under attack from some unknown threat 20 years into the future of the comic and a new villain called Dr. Ian Droid (originally introduced in Sonic Super Special #7), which in the layout for this cover, has text removed from later revisions of the cover that, according to Penders, was meant to be a subtle hint at Doctor Ian Droid secretly being Dr. Eggman in disguise, a plot point which was ultimately scrapped. [7] This is the same threat that Locke was shown a vision of by the Ancient Walkers, prompting him to the experimentation that made Knuckles into a mutant echidna, and which Princess Sally saw during her first contact with the Source of All. Penders also claimed that Sonic Super Special #9 was originally meant to feature the debut of the "Knuckles: 20 Years Later" storyline. In addition to layouts for a potential cover being drawn, three fourths of the original script was completed, and layouts were drawn for the first twenty pages. [8] Said plotline was ultimately scrapped in its entirety, but would be re-tooled eventually into the "Mobius: 20 Years Later" storyline taking place in Light Mobius.

Events that would've appeared in Knuckles: 20 Years Later include:

Lara-Su would've still been a teenager, but at the age of 14 rather than 16 as her Mobius 25 Years Later counterpart is.
The future timeline that was featured in "Sonic In Your Face" would've also been featured with Sonic and Sally's children, Sonia and Manik, who by this time would have been about 13 years old.
Just like in Mobius 25 Years Later, Lara-Su would have "knuckles" like her father, but hers would have been retractable.
There was going to be more emphasis on Lara-Su portraying her as a main character such as Knuckles in this storyline and some possible others.
Lara-Su's character design would have been similar to her current design, but was to incorporate more of her mother's appearance than her father's, whose personality she was going to have.
Knuckles' appearance would've been a little different. For one thing he would've had a metallic left eye and besides the outfit he has in Mobius 25 Years Later, he also has a metallic hand similar to Kragok.
As for Julie-Su, Ken Penders made it very clear that just because she has less cybernetics than before that it doesn't mean she has become some domesticated housewife; she still has the same kick butt attitude she had since she was a teenager.
The story was going to open up with a doctor telling Julie-Su she was pregnant, but that was just to tip off the readers that this was going to be a storyline like no other."
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I really like their Manik.

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>archive of her blog
Like a personal one? did you manage to archive all the stories?

Oh my god, why was ken so bent on shilling Ian droid. No one gave a shit about him
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So how do guys feel about SEGA's announcements last night?

I honestly only care about sonic and not other sega things, so nothing
Preview page for Sonic the Hedgehog #68.jpg, 435xNA, 1 times posted
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Visually I'm mostly just interested in the new Shinobi.
When it comes to gameplay I can't really tell just from that short trailer, but I want to see how the new Golden Axe and Streets of Rage will play.
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Archie Sonic Storytime #68
Sonic #142-145

A bit eerie, but I like it.
So one thing i keep hearing about sally is that she cheated or whatever over the years for hate towards her but I may be wrong but I havent reallyseen it aside the geoffrey thing but that was just weird.

Sally kissed Geoffrey a few times and dated Monkey Khan briefly. Aside from that, she's only been with Sonic.

Really then. Why do people say those things like that


Oh ok
I will say there is Sally almost being married to "Antoine" but that doesn't happen and then there's her marriage to King Shadow but Ian said that was a loveless marriage.

What was even up with that antoine marriage. why did they do that.
issue 5 page 8 wip.jpg, 1064xNA, 1 times posted
Angry Sonic is angry.
You mean Penders. Not like it matters since it gets annulled before the ceremony is even over. The truth is that it was all for drama. It was never intended to happen.

Sonic is kinda scary when he’s pissed. But yeah, I wonder why he would think those are good things to do with the characters. Just makes everything look bad.

Some editors and writers want as much conflict as possible. Happiness and stability are what they hate and will do whatever they can keep that from happening. Even Bunnie and Antoine were not safe but they got lucky because aside from the shit being pulled right now, they were mostly left alone and Ian made sure that wasn't a problem when he came on board.
Oh wow, someone leaked the idw special a few days ahead. lmao.
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Look how big conductors wifes milkers are. God damn.

We just passed 600k visitors and 1.1m pageviews on the website!
Still better than MXYL
I've got all of ovikintobor.wordpress.com
The idea is that he'd eventually replace Robotnik, and Sega would use him in the games. And by use, I mean license him from the great Ken Penders
Absolutely love their chemistry
>dated Monkey Khan briefly
Personally I see it as two friends who needed someone to talk to and wanted to take themselves off the dating market
>that was a loveless marriage
Yeah, they'd both rather be married to Sonic!
I do love that the artist gives Sonic a regular mouth and not that sidemouth
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Cosmic Tales Christmas Special pg5
More cute Manic!
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Infested 1-24
He's alive!

>I've got all of ovikintobor.wordpress.com
Can you please yours put it in a mega or something. I'd love to have it
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nakey apron barry

Sure! I was planning on hosting it on the website once I'd got the images to link properly. They're all in there at least
Here's the megas I use (base64decode.org will give the urls):
What a slut!
Last couple threads filled up fast with four issues and I'm going to keep it going until Ian comes on board. Maybe even keep it up afterwards. We at least have to get to 160 as soon as possible.

Thank you!
>I was planning on hosting it on the website once I'd got the images to link properly
That's even better. I can at least see all the pics for that site. Dunno about able to open the text for the stories though. Hopefully you can get that working thats really cool! like when you did you even make this archive.
Was actually able to scroll through and it really seems the stories were really saved. I can't wait for the real implentation on your site. Thanks so much, thristposter. You're such a bro.

Yeah, I'm just getting in before the end!
No problem! I made that one in April so it's as complete as can be. The text is all in there, although mostly in Russian. I ran a few pages through various translators and they do pretty well. I'll probably just take the text and images, and make pages for each blogpost.
Happy to help! It's easily one of my favorite fancomics so I really wanted it all archived. Here's one of the pages (without images, obviously):

Guardian Land

Probably, in those days when life was in full swing on the heavenly island, it looked like a miniature model of the world, carefully protected by the Main Emerald from external threats. Deserts, ice caves, dense forests, jungles... Due to a special dome, the nature of which we have not yet been able to establish, this diversity was maintained, thanks to which all kinds of intelligent living beings could live on it in harmony, under the vigilant eye of their deity, Chaos. Chaos gave them life, and Chaos subsequently took it away.

Since the disaster on Angel Island, time has seemed to stand still. Its fragments sank into the ocean and became the seeds of new life. And the “father island” remained in the sky. From now on it is silent, and clouds wash its coast.
All that has survived to this day is information about Pachacamac, the great conqueror leader, son of Quilia and Inti, about his disagreements with the high priests of Chaos, and the disaster to which he led the Island.
Having instilled in his fellow tribesmen the belief in his chosenness, Pachacamac convinced them that it was the Echidnas who were the “beloved children of Chaos,” for whom Angel Island was created. The role of the priesthood, in which his mother was a member, was abolished, and nothing else was an obstacle for the new leader in dividing the inhabitants of the island according to their species origin, destroying some peoples and displacing others. The era of fratricide has begun. More and more, under the pressure of Echidnas, the inhabitants of the heavenly lands became alienated from each other. Those tribes that escaped destruction preserved their memories of the bloody years in chronicles and legends. Even in the cultures of some human nations, tales remain about the “Greedy Pachcha (or Pachanak), who split the world.”

I'm sure you would tell me much more about him, Guardian. Much of what once befell your people, you are now observing from above. But were you really a contemporary of Pachacamac? Did you really walk shoulder to shoulder with your leader during the capture of the Temple of the Master Emerald?
What happened on the day of the schism is told in “The Will-o’-the-wisp’s Tale,” a manuscript found on the South Island in 1814. Chief Pachacamac and his warriors burst into the temple to demand help from the Chief Emerald in the fight against “the people of the water.” Guardian - by Liris - 2015 city,” but were met by Chaos, who, having awakened, “saw all the blackness in the hearts of those who came to him.” The angry deity began to mercilessly destroy Echidna, but “one of the strongest warriors, faithful and proud,” who, for his remarkable strength, was nicknamed “The Fists of Pachacamac,” managed to survive. Pain and remorse forced him to rise from his knees, and, in front of Chaos, the warrior with his last strength rushed to the Main Emerald, which immediately swallowed him up. For a long time, he, neither alive nor dead, remained in a silent, black void while the fate of the entire Island was being decided, but the saving light for him was “the mercy of the leader’s daughter.” Thus the Guardian was born.
After Tikal “pacified the soul of Chaos, and its hatred went into the Border World,” the warrior again found himself on Angel Island, in the “holy of holies” - the underground Hidden Palace. Changed, he came out into the light and looked at his house with different eyes. But Knuckles did not ask himself why he was so cursed, Knuckles was not proud of the fact that he was chosen. The “heart of the island”, the Master Emerald, beat in time with his own heart - this was enough to accept the fate prepared for millennia to come.

The comics may be bad but they're not boring. At least 25 Years Later had stuff for people to complain about as well as Butler drawing babes. And there's still so much more crap to do. We still got the wedding and DESTINY.

DESTINY is pure kino and you know it! I'm still enjoying them, I've actually got a soft spot for this era since #158 was the first issue I read (it was the latest issue at the time). I still wonder what the comic would be like if Penders had stayed on, and had to work with Flynn

Penders may have a massive ego but he seemed content having the B stories and doing his own thing with Knuckles. That's probably why he went from Sonic to Knuckles and only quit when he was the main writer and had more limitations on what he could do. Ian would get Bollers' spot and Penders would stick around doing backups and eventually get whatever Sonic Universe would've end up becoming. I don't know if Penders did any Sonic X issues but I can't see him liking that. Then the Pendering would never happen. Not sure if Kaminski's licensing shenanigans would've been stopped.

A Penders' Universe series would be absolutely terrible and amazing! I could honestly see him being content to work on B plots and Universe, so long as he didn't have to read anything Ian wrote. I really would've liked to see him finish off that Gerald plotline even if it was pretty dumb. My guess is Kaminski would've been content to ignore Sonic if they hadn't spent all that money on Worlds Unite or the Penders lawsuit. I still think Penders would've quit when it became obvious the fans liked Ian's stories more.
As for Sonic X, it's all Joe Edkin until Ian starts in #16. They then alternate with a few other writers

Oh, and ignoring the kino wrestling stories by Ian, the best Sonic X stories are all written (and usually also drawn) by Tracy Yardley

I remember seeing Yardley's art for the Sonic X series and barely recognized it. He (unfortunately) copied the show's style amazingly well. His usual style is much better.

Yeah, even Butler's art's almost unrecognizable in X. Yardley did do some really cool robot and monster designs for it at least

Decided to have a go at making the archive. I've done the first two blog posts, but should have time to do more later

That invisible Chilidog know what it did.
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Pink Sally with fuchsia jacket. I think it works.
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when you get turned into an hedgehog, but who is also a werehog...
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Too bad there's some horrible demonic parasite inside him.

Oh wow, I thought I wasn't still mad about the shit Ian said about The End but nope. Still just as angry as ever.

That the End is now dead?
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Sonic Desolation 3-10
What was even Lock's plan, there?

I am not sure what that "decoy letters" things is supposed to be or how it is meant to stop any kind of inquisition?

Is the point to make so no one suspect Sally is actually Aly, purposely making it blatant that "Royally Scared" is actually Sally so that no one suspect that Aly is sally and no one would imagine that someone would actually pour her heart in the open like that intentionally?

I must be watching too much Tamers bcause I thought that Sally's feet were Sonic's butt cheeks
And now we know why it's called Christmas Island!
The flippance really rubbed me the wrong way, but then again Twitter isn't exactly designed for nuance
A happy ending all round!
He wanted to investigate Shadow and find out what he is and how he can use chaos powers, since they're supposedly a Guardian-only thing. Basically, he's sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and being ineffectual, so regular Guardian stuff!
Love and Loss story made me now ship Chuck and Rosie.

Too bad I am going to ship Chuck with Queen Aleena.

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Archie Sonic Storytime #69 (Nice)
Sonic #146-149
Tomorrow I'll do three issues and see how that goes. It's going to be a shitshow.

>the "nap" scene in #150
>the disassembly scene in #152
Not a good time for Bunnie fans

At least Antoine and Bunnie immediately get back together after the Patch fiasco. No such luck for my ship. Not for a long ass time.

I think most Sonic fan actually like this story. At least at the time. People just pretend to not like it because of what Ian said he had planned to do but never could so now some want to complain about it and blame it all on what never happened anyway.

It's a good and touching story anyway.

Oh, wait, you are talking about an other, actual shitshow...

Thirstposter alludes to some of it and then there's DESTINY! Stargazing is fine and all but the rest is not.

Added a few more translations. I'll probably need to clean up the writing though since Google Translate isn't perfect. I also don't know how to do inline images or thumbnails, but I figure it's good enough
Yeah, my understanding is Sally wanted to hide her identity as Ally, and also wanted to give herself some advice
Yeah, at least there's that.
>No such luck for my ship. Not for a long ass time.
I'll bet Ian's still kicking himself for not getting them together earlier
Yeah, I genuinely enjoy DESTINY because it's silly and fun. Stargazing's great too, but the other stories are just awful
lol, tailsfags amiright?

It's just our special friend. I guess he's back from shitting up other threads
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Even without the Tails shitposting, I knew that thread wasn't going to last long. We'll go with three issues tomorrow.
>I'll bet Ian's still kicking himself for not getting them together earlier
He took so fucking long.
I still have no idea what shadow was even doing in that arc lmao. What a mess with the added Isaac lore dumping. like wtf. If anything, I really enjoyed the art, it was nice.
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We are a special kind of breed. God, things are going to get even worse
thoughts on archie/satam tails?

I prefer him being a genius than a dumb kid that's Sonic's sidekick. He's almost there in the comics but not quite. I expect Ian will make the full conversion while also shitting on him and denying him any romance to the point that Yardley has to throw a bone for him later on.
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Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 5 Cover

Knothole attacked! Freedom HQ destroyed! The chaos emeralds stolen! And Sally kidnapped! Eggman is more powerful than ever and the Freedom Fighters chase him to West Side Island, Tails’ first home. But they find it under siege by Eggman’s newest allies, the Battle Bird Armada! Sonic has to control his anger and become the leader he never thought he could be. And Tails learns more about his past and what may have happened to his parents! Also, the birth of…

Very cool! Can't wait
>those eyes in the back
Oh my

I do hope they end up together
>He took so fucking long.
I'm still mad!
It was just Penders being Penders. He quits soon after this and Ian (fortunately) just decides to drop these weird plot points
He's kinda boring in SatAM, but has some good development and character interactions in Archie. Ironically, Ian did some good plots with him, ignoring House of Cards and The Slap Mark II. Ultimately, he's better written in AoStH, Boom, the OVA, and the games
OH boy, this one's going to get some interesting reactions!
>Also, the birth of…
EggKukku shipping!
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Someones making a movie shadow fan film
PROJECT SHADOW (2023) | Final Trailer (INTERNATIONAL Eng) -ft: @Freshfilmesoficial
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Would be even funnier if she didn't have any clothes in panel 3.

Never thought I'd see Elias in a Nico Nico Douga animation
I am so down for this edgekino! Was not expecting Mike Pollock to be in the credits
After The Slap™, Sonic should've gotten Sally's cheek tufts

What is even going on, in this pic?

There was clearly plan to develop him more in season 3 of SatAM, but even before that, he got his moments.
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It's from the Idol Amy artist so my guess is it's a possible future where they got together and had a kid that looks suspiciously like Sally. A lot of her non-comic art's just for fun though, like pic related

You can see the guy is a real fan.
Wish he had done more.


No, you don't get it, he IS the one who put her in clothes...

>where they got together and had a kid that looks suspiciously like Sally
This is is a bit too disturbing for me.

This kind of creepy shit is to be expected of STH shippers.

They could've adopted or used surrogacy. It's not always mpreg! As for looking like Sally, regular Sally doesn't seem to exist in this AU so it's not too weird

>so it's not too weird
Its incredibly fucking weird.
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Across the Spider-Verse. Implying Sonally because the baby is Sonic's.
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You know, learning after the facts that Aly was sally all along it's funny to look back at her replies to Mina and Amy.

Because, while objectively good advices and, assuming Sally identified who wrote those letter (and she likely did), it can also be boiled down to "Stay away from MY MAN!"

Oooh, it's Sonia.
Actually make more sense then.
(can't believe I didn't get the reference, I am usually good at this).

Also, it looks like someone else to add to the list of people who equate MJ with Sally.

It's also advice that both girls should take seriously but don't which will make things more difficult for them. Especially Mina.
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The Sonic & Knuckles Show - Eggman the Echidna
Thirstposter, your ship has their own fan animated sitcom series.

The Voice Actor really captured the tone and inflexions of Boom Knuckles.

I know it's spider-verse based but I can see Sonic bamboozling Shadow unto watching his kids.
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A bit later than what I promised, But here is the continuation of the Archie Sonic the complete and definitive reading order

We start with a slightly updated version of issue #1 to #50 (and some more)

-It was the best of times, it was the silliest of times:
Sonic original mini-series #0-#3 (partially non-canon)
Sonic #1
Sonic #2
Sonic #3
Sonic #4
Sonic #5
Sonic #6
Sonic #7
Sonic #8
Sonic #9
Sonic #10
Sonic #11
Sonic #12
Sonic #13
Sonic #14
Sonic #15
Sonic #16
Sonic #17
Sonic #18
Sonic: In Your Face! special
“Everything Old is Newt Again” from Sonic Archives vol. 5 (non-canon)
Sonic #19
Sonic #20 (minus "Deadliest of the Species")

-Getting more serious(-ish?)
Sonic #21
Sonic #22
Sonic #23
"Deadliest of the Species" from Sonic #20
Princess Sally mini-series #1-#3
Sonic #24
Sonic #25
Sonic & Knuckles special
Sonic #26
Sonic Triple Trouble special
Sonic #27
Sonic #28
“Growing Pains: Part 2 of 2” from Sonic #29
Tails mini-series #1-#3

-Echidnas, echidnas everywhere!
“Knuckles’ Chaotix Sneak Peak!” from Sonic #30 (single spread teaser)
Knuckles’ Chaotix special
“Lost… and Found” from Sonic #31
“Prisoners” from Sonic #32
“The Big Picture” from Sonic #33
“Fathers & Sons” from Super Sonic vs. Hyper Knuckles special
“A Sense of History: Part 1” from Sonic #34
“A Sense of History: Part 2” from Sonic #35
“A Sense of History: Part 3” from Sonic #36
Knuckles mini-series #1-#3
Super Sonic vs. Hyper Knuckles special (minus “Fathers & Sons”)

-Roboticisation intensifies
Sonic #29 (minus “Growing Pains”)
Sonic #113
Sonic #30 (minus "Sneak Peak!”)
Sonic #31 (minus “Lost… and Found”)
“Tundra Road: Part 2” from Sonic #32
Sonic #32 (minus “Tundra Road: Part 2”)
Sonic #33 (minus “The Big Picture”)
Sonic #34 (minus “A Sense of History”)
Sonic #35 (minus “A Sense of History”)
Sonic #36 (minus “A Sense of History”)
Sonic #37
Sonic #38
Sonic Super Special #5: Sonic Kids
Sonic #39
Sonic and Knuckles: Mecha Madness special
Sonic #40

-Oh yeah, there is a King to rescue, right?
Sonic #41
Sonic Quest mini-series #1-#3
Sonic #42
Sonic #43
Sonic Blast special
Sonic Live! special
Sonic #44
Sonic #45
Sonic #46
Sonic Super Special #1: Sonic v.s. Knuckles Battle Royale

-Gentlemen, we are in the End Game!
Sonic #47
Sonic #48
Sonic #49
Sonic Super Special #6: Sonic 50 Director’s Cut

I removed the Sabrina Crossover from it and added issue #113 right after the story with Dulcy's introduction. I set it as early as possible where it can fit so that it remain plausible, after having recently learned other resistance groups exist, it's at this point, she reach for them, it's chronologically right after Tails came back from his adventure, so it still works. Let's completely ignore Stripe and the First Freedoms fighters, please.

Finally, I decided putting no stories between issue #41 and Quest. Was almost tempted to put Spin City there, but in the end, it's just a distraction from the ongoing arc of rescuing the king. We'll just assume Geoffrey went and came back between issues.

Also, putting Blast right after #43, making it the next time we see Snivelly. That way it make sense he is still upset about serving as a cushion for Robotnik in Quest. Sally say to Knuckles in issue #44 she didn't tell anything to Sonic about being secret friends, but in Blast, Sonic doesn't seem to know anything more than what Bunnie might have told him. Next time there is a mecha Madness, you'd better watch your tongue better, Sally.
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Archie Sonic the complete and definitive reading order, part 2: Electric Boogaloo

-This trully was a Brave New World
“Down and Out in Downunda” from Sonic Super Special #4: Return of the King
Sonic #51
Sonic #52
“Sonic Spin City” from Sonic Super Special #15
Knuckles #1
Knuckles #2
Knuckles #3
Knuckles #4
Knuckles #5
Knuckles #6
Sonic Super Special #2: Brave New World
Sonic #53
Sonic #54
Sonic #55
Knuckles #7
Knuckles #8
Knuckles #9
Sonic #56
Sonic Super Special #4: Return of the King (minus “Down and Out in Downunda”)
Sonic Super Special #8
Sonic Super Special #7: Image Comics Crossover

-On the road again
Sonic #57
Knuckles #10
Knuckles #11
Sonic #58
Knuckles #12
Knuckles #13
Knuckles #14
Knuckles #15
Knuckles #16
Knuckles #17
Knuckles #18
Sonic #59
Sonic #60
Sonic #61
“On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Part 2” from Sonic #62
Sonic #62 (minus “On His Majesty’s Secret Service”)
Sonic #63
Sonic #64
Sonic #65
Sonic #66
Sonic #67
“Lupe and the Wolf Pack: Part 2” from Sonic #68
“Lupe and the Wolf Pack: Part 3” from Sonic #69
Knuckles #19
Knuckles #20
Knuckles #21

-Guess who's back, back again
Sonic #68 (minus “Lupe and the Wolf Pack”)
“Statue of Limitations” from Sonic #70
“Princess Sally: Ascension” from Sonic Super Special 11: Girls Rule!
Sonic #69 (minus “Lupe and the Wolf Pack”)
Sonic #70 (minus “Statue of Limitations”)
Sonic #71 (minus “In the Beginning…”)
Knuckles #22
Knuckles #23
Knuckles #24
Knuckles #25
Knuckles #26 (minus “Friend in Need”)
Knuckles #27 (minus “Those Were the Days…”)
Knuckles #28 (minus “Below the Belt”)
“Friend in Need” from Knuckles #26
“Those Were the Days…” from Knuckles #27
“Below the Belt” from Knuckles #28
Sonic Super Special #9: Sonic Kids 2
Archie & Friends: A Halloween Tale (non-canon)
Archie's Weird Mysteries (sep 99) (non-canon)
Sabrina the Teenage Witch #28 (probably non-canon, possibly set in same continuity as "Everything Old is Newt Again")
Sonic Super Special #10: Crossover Chaos (crossover with Sabrina series in this Special probably non-canon)
Sonic Super Special #12
“Law of the Land” from Sonic Super Special #14
“In the Beginning…” from Sonic #71
“Tales of the Great War: Part 1” from Sonic #72
“Tales of the Great War: Part 2” from Sonic #73
Sonic #72 (minus “Tales of the Great War”)
Sonic #73 (minus “Tales of the Great War”)
Sonic #74
Sonic #75
Sonic #76
Sonic #77
“Tales of the Great War: Part 6” from Sonic #78
“Tales of the Great War: The Conclusion” from Sonic #79
Knuckles #29
Sonic Super Special #11: Girls Rule! (minus “Princess Sally: Ascension”)
Knuckles #30 (minus “Hiding in Plain Sight”)
Knuckles #31 (minus “The Best of Friends”)
Knuckles #32 (minus “The Worst of Enemies”)
“Hiding in Plain Sight” from Knuckles #30
“The Best of Friends” from Knuckles #31
“The Worst of Enemies” from Knuckles #32

-What Time is it?
Sonic #78 (minus “Tales of the Great War”)
Sonic #79 (minus “Tales of the Great War”)
Sonic #80
Sonic #81
Sonic #82
Sonic Super Special #13: Sonic Adventure
Sonic #83
Sonic #84
Sonic #85

-"Green" means "inexperienced"
Sonic #86
Sonic #87
Sonic Super Special #14 (minus “Law of the Land”)
Sonic #88
Sonic #89
Sonic #90
Sonic #91
Sonic #92 (minus “Premonition”)
Sonic #93
“The Best Laid Plans…” from Sonic #94
“Premonition” from Sonic #92
Sonic #94 (minus “The Best Laid Plans…”)
Sonic #95
Sonic #96
“To the Brink” from Sonic #97
“What Goes Around Comes Around” from Sonic #99
“Welcome to the Dark Side!” from Sonic#100
Sonic #97 (minus “To the Brink”)
Sonic #98
Sonic #99 (minus “What Goes Around Comes Around”)
Sonic #100 (minus “Welcome to the Dark Side!”)
Sonic #101
“Life’s Realities” from Sonic#102
Sonic #102 (minus “Life’s Realities”)
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>This truly was a Brave New World
Robotnik is finally defeated. Let's see how quickly the writers run out of ideas. Penders actually still has some to spare, but I wish he didn't.

This part was rather easy, as the writer actually cared about the chronology accross the different series. putting “Down and Out in Downunda” right after issue #50 is a nice way to wrap up all the events of End Game, and the FF deserve a good ol Ewok celebration. It doesn't completely mesh well with the dialogue at the start of issue #51, but we can imagine that at the start of #51, they just left for a bit and Sonic is asking why they aren't coming back to the celebration. “Sonic Spin City” fit right after issue #53, as a thematic continuation of the story in it and make for a first foray in the clean-up duty seen in the Brave New World Special.

I moved the Super Special #8 way back there because it establish a moment of rest for Sonic at its beginning and it's the only real time it happens for non-green eye Sonic, before he goes after Naugus The Monkey Khan Story taking place there doesn't cause any visible continuity problem either, even if I put them before the event of “Arsenal of the Iron King” in Issue #60. Also putting the Image Crossover right there. I am slightly annoyed that it ends with Sonic already departing for his journey, but it's obvious it's meant to be a small peek into the future before the events of issue #57
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>On the road again
After finally curing the king, Sonic use the first excuse he can to get as far away from him as possible. Seeing how things turn for those who stay, we can't really blame him. Knuckles has a journey of his own but who care? What truly mater is the introduction of a new character.

I decided to keep going with the Knuckles stories after Knuckles #12, as the Chaotix Capers story also tell about his return home and #16 star with Knuckles just having returned, as well as establish the return of "Tobor" in Haven, so I might as well continue with Knuckles #17 and #18. Then we can finally have some Sonic. I am nice like that.

All in all, still an easy job. Just shuffling bits a little for the placement “On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Part 2” because it's in direct continuation of Geoffrey opening a door. Same Situation with “Lupe and the Wolf Pack: Part 2” where part 2 start directly where part 1 had left things. Still slightly annoyed by the placement of part 3, which should chronologically take place after issue #71, but as I have been told, let's keep things together. Making the great storm happens at the same time in the two series is still a satisfying result for me.

For the rest, I can at least pretend there is enough wiggle room and simultaneity of events to keep the issues whole.
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>Guess who's back, back again
Sonic is finally returning home and he is not the only one. Far from it, actually, as things are about to change radically. And by that I mean returning to a pre-#50 status quo. At least Sally hasn't been completely benched. Yet.

You might have heard me cursing this part, but in the end, I am quite satisfied by the end result. I was almost tempted to keep issue #69 whole as a way to keep things chronological, but removing that story actually allow to transition directly to the continuation of the dropped grenade in #69 right into #70. It's better that way, and part 3 of Lupe story take place at least after issue #71 anyway.

There seems to be only one night between issue #68 and #69, which is the best place to put “Princess Sally: Ascension”. At this point, she has just learned about the existence of Elias and that he will be the one to take the throne. Elias not admitting to her yet that he does not want the throne, as he'll finally confess in #73 and instead just telling her that he'd prefer to let her rule if she want to finally make sense, continuity wise, and remove contradictions this story used to cause. amazing, isn't it? It certainly can't take place after Robotnik kick them out of Castle Acorn and even less so after the Castle and the Source get nuked. And Sally deciding to leave the throne to be with sonic nicely explain her attitude the next day when she see him again. Meanwhile it's the only place where Sonic can have the dream of “Statue of Limitations”, as he get green eyes soon after.

Speaking off, have you ever noticed that issue #69, #70 and #71 all tightly follow each other, with almost no wiggle room? You'd almost wouldn't notice that the "end" of issue #71 has Sonic just having safely return Nate to Castle Acorn. It wasn't the initial intend, but having stripped each issue of their bonus stories result in a more smooth reading of the events. I like it.

Now, I wish I could put Knuckles his Nazi adventure somewhere else, but in the end, I preferred to have Knuckles #21 be followed directly with Sonic #68. We are not letting a knuckles story interrupt a stream of Elias content. After that, we can finally have Knuckles reuniting with his father and getting on his first date. And put the Mighty story right after that I will pack together as a single streak for better reading and chronology.

Then I can put a bunch of Super Special there, keeping them more or less in publishing order, starting with Sonic Kids 2, introduced by Green Eye Sonic, then putting all the Sabrina crossovers all together. I moved Archie & Friends: A Halloween Tale back there as it has too much reference to the Sonic Image crossover to put it before it. Not that it matter, it's non-canon. Putting the Archie's Weird Mysteries while we are at it and finish with the complete crossover and the Super special #10 that, that way, wee keep all the sabrina stuff together, it's for the best.

In plus of ending the Sabrina crossover story, Super special #10 has some actual canon Sonic story. Seeing it takes pace at a moment of peace for Sonic, it can only happens between issue #71 and #72. This story also has the first visual hint at Eggman coming, beyond some finger pushing buttons to move satellites. Reader could be confused as to who was pushing button if he was in the Underground universe before that point, but maybe he has done some back and forth to manage them? I think that's good enough.

Then, we have the Super Special #12 with the Sonic and Knuckles mind switcheroo, which I am glad to announce now has ZERO continuity contradiction. So glad they remembered Bunnie was still meant to have her old limbs back at this point. The end in Super Special #10 can even serve the fake-out for the "Robotnik" appearing in that story. This actually works great.

Finally, always for the same reason that it start with Sonic feeling bored, I am assuming Eggman hasn't returned in “Law of the Land” from the Super Special #14 and putting it right after the Super Special #12. It's also super funny because it means Anti-Sonic escaped quite quickly after Zonic arrested him. Zone Cops at their best. Look like the only thing they are good for is abducting Sonic when he could actually enjoy a moment of peace.

And now, after we have put the part of the story of the Tails and Amy learning about the war stories in a single pack before issue #72 and #73, as they are meant to take place before at least the main story of Issue #73, we can finally progress with whole issues as the writers make good work of creating simultaneity and/or continuity between the main and side stories. Still moving “Tales of the Great War: Part 6" and it's conclusion right after issue #77, as it is meant to follow part 5 directly with no wiggle room.

By the way, the main story of issue #77 end with Sally emotionally distraught at seeing the state of her mother. Kinda recontextualise her attitude toward Antoine and Knuckles in Knuckles #29 which might as well take place the next day. Still doesn't excuse her trying to justify her father's wish for robot genocide, but there is only so much reordering the stories can do...

And now that Eggman has made his full come back and (almost) everyone has safely escaped to Knothole, we can finally put the rest of Girls Rule! Oh and some yoyo-story too. I heard it's important. Packing all the parts of Espio's story together after as it allow no wiggle room.

Aaaand... that's it. that was a big chunk of mess, but in the end, it works out. And the best news for me? I no longer have to juggle with finding a way to place the Knuckles issues. What more could I ask?
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>What Time is it?
Sonic and his friends are suddenly set on an unexpected jouney none of them could have seen coming. Not even the writers, but all in all, everyone do a rather good job. One question remain, though: WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT COPPER ROD?

This one is very straightforward. We can keep the issues whole and assume a simultaneity/continuity of events. We just need to set aside the war stories that have already been placed earlier. If only it was always this easy.

By the way, how many of you noticed that it's Issue #78 that kickstart the SA arc?
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>"Green" means "inexperienced"
After saving the day, Sonic returns to Knothole to make everything worse. Guess there are still some lessons he need to be taught. There is a place for that... As for Knuckles, not having plagiarised Spider-Man enough, our Echidna learn that with great power come the capacity to create an even greater mess. Also, a friend is lost, but who care?

Not as straightforward as the previous batch, but still straightforward enough for my liking. I am adding issue #101 and #102 for the sake of having a more completed arc. “To the Brink”, “What Goes Around Comes Around” and “Welcome to the Dark Side!” all follow closely to each other with almost no wiggle room, so I am putting them all together. But they more or less happen at the same time as the end of issue #96, #97 and #98. In the end I think it's best to keep issue #96 whole and having the end of the events of issue #97 uninterrupted so they can be followed directly by the events of issue #98. Moving “Life’s Realities” right after issue #101", as I think it's best to have the explanation of all those timeline reboot afterwards. It's more fun pondering what the heck is going on for a little while. but it's still better to have the knuckles side of thing concluded, before we conclude with the main story of #102.

That's it for now, but it look like I am almost set to start working on the next #50 issues. Unless I decide to wait for issue #160, I don't know if it also mark the end of a clear new arc arc...

Again, if you feel like giving any input or correction or continuity contradiction I might have missed, don't hesitate to tell me. I hope at least one or two has find this interesting.
uooh.gif, 480xNA, 1 times posted

Those critters look so fucking cute.
Very cool to see all the godo hard work to straigten out the comics
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if only you have let Fiona use weapons

Thanks. Glad to know my effort being appreciated.

Also, Jesus is the arc about Robotnik 's return a big Chungus. That's the biggest chapter yet. And the note that goes along to explain my logic is of the same proportion. Doesn't help that I crammed all the Sabrina crossover into that one.

At least now, I won't have to deal with mini-series, spin-off titles and other Specials for a while, now.

Yeah, they adorable.
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Cool Sally
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Slightly cursed

Actually, very cursed, it's meant to be Sonic and Sally having swapped species AND gender.
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Don't look into this guy's work if you don't have a genderswap kink.
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Look like he he is on a run with that concept and can not be stopped...

That is cursed if kinda cute. He looks his nicky self a bit too
would you prefer to be ruled under eggman or mogul?
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I saw that we are getting close to the peak of tails in archie.
it reminds me how, while i was checking out the booru for cool art to see, i found this monstrosity of a drawing.

I legit hope this gets reposted in the thread when that happens.
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Tails's new wife.

My EYES what the fuck
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Archie Sonic Storytime #70
Sonic #150-152
Bump limit so fast and it was only 3 issues. Still thinking whether I should start with all Sonic X issues or do 1-2 while covering Bollers' last story.

>Bump limit so fast
Wut? Didn't even realise that.
I thought there would be less posts at this point, with only 3 issues...

DESTINY alone brings in the people but we also got all that shit with Bunnie.

> but we also got all that shit with Bunnie.
I am actually kinda into that kind of edgy storyline...
But only as long as it end with the charaters overcoming the adversity.

At least I am not on Alan Moore's level and simply refuse to have outright rape in long-going stories like that with characters that I care about.

>DESTINY + sonic fucking around + bunnie getting melted like it's some edgy sci-fi anime
You should've expected that.
Ngl bros, been feeling pretty miserable reading the comic after return to angel island. I love it still but god its hard reading through this age

I did. That's why I only did 3 issues. Just a little faster than I was anticipating.

Take it from a Sonallyfag that had to deal with all of that Geoffrey nonsense, The Slap, and soon the wedding. Just know that Ian will soon come in and fix a lot of stuff (while fucking other things up) before the Pendering comes a knocking. Penders' run is short and Ian's is the longest.

Thing is, I'm a sonally appreciator too. I feel it.

8 more Sonic issues and Ian comes in. And we got Bollers' for a couple issues before that. Almost there...

Can’t wait
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Well, no comment other than

It's cursed, but it's also pretty cute.
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>I do hope they end up together
Thirstposter, pairing anyone up with Idol Sonic is a fate worse than death.


Sad Tails makes me sad :(


I want to lick those abs.

Tails makes me sad
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Damn, my Christmas came early!
It's all coming together!
The rarest ship (thankfully)
829 posts today! I'd try to keep them to 2 a thread since they're not exactly fan favorites
He really does love destruction
He's so handsome bros ;_;
Him being an absolute disaster only makes him hotter
I recognize that artist, pic related!
julie_su_fight_by_slayerlazenca_dgjnn9b.jpg, 887xNA, 1 times posted
>Published: 2 days ago
I see you and I love it.
>829 posts today! I'd try to keep them to 2 a thread since they're not exactly fan favorites
Really seems like Tails always make anons go crazy.
the_freedom_fighters__by_mrasombro_dgjxges.jpg, 2300xNA, 1 times posted
Interesting designs and based Sonallychad.

>I see you and I love it.
30 years on and we're still getting art of these characters. This fandom really is something else
>Really seems like Tails always make anons go crazy.
Tails is the real menace and I'm tired of pretending he's not! Seriously though, even ignoring our special friend, he really does attract the most unhinged anons
I want to kill someone after those issues
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>he really does attract the most unhinged anons
Some things never change


It's weird how people have been consistently demanding more Tails content for like 30 years by now and Sega just kind of ignored that after those two spin-offs in the genesis era.
>Sarah Rose
>Sally is a diminutive of Sarah
>Sally Rose

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>penders did the patch twist to explain antoine's change when bollers wanted it to be the real antoine the entire time
>penders hated the slap and break up and was planning on getting sonic and sally back together or at least have sonic realize that sally was the only girl for him
Despite how bad Penders and his run was before Ian, he was based in these two instances.
SHE’S SO DEMONIZED AND FOR WHAT??? #sonamy #sonally #sonic #sonicthehedgehog #sonicfanfiction #sonicfanfic #art #sonicart #artist #digitalart #digitalartist #sallyacorn #amyrose #sonicfandom #fanficti-(1920p).mp4, 1080xNA, 1 times posted
Lmao, this is sad but so true
Something something broken clock

Woah, Mama!
THoaM 8-19.jpg, 1171xNA, 1 times posted

The Heart of a Monster 8-19
You know, I don't think Sonic thought this one through

lmao I could tell the artist just from the thumbnail! Easily my favorite gripper artist
I hate to sing his praises but he has always been consistent about Sonally being the canon future pairing
I know it's horrible, but I absolutely love evil queen bitch Sally in those Sonamy comics
Did we ever get any indication of remingtons past as they hinted yet? I dont remember aside from that one political guy saying he would reveal something
issue 5 page 8 wip.jpg, 1104xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic's been showing one emotion for a while. Pissed.
>I hate to sing his praises but he has always been consistent about Sonally being the canon future pairing
As always his intentions are hampered by how he goes about it. Despite it being his endgame, he's not that good at how he handled their relationship.

I sure hope Sonic getting upset at losing someone close to him doesn't cause him to go psycho overprotective over his brother

Lien-Da did some coy hinting, and the Echidna family tree does have a slot for him
If Tails would just build a seat for him in the Tornado, maybe Sonic wouldn't be so angry!
>As always his intentions are hampered by how he goes about it. Despite it being his endgame, he's not that good at how he handled their relationship.
1005 agree, he's just terrible at writing relationships (and lots of other stuff too!). While I do like the idea of Sonic and Sally briefly dating other people before ending up together, Penders did an absolutely horrible job of it, and their relationship in MXYL was bland and even kinda hostile
I can see his anger clouding his judgement and causing him to make mistakes. Ironically, riling up Eggman so he isn't thinking straight is how most Sonics defeat him
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Hey to the anon who posted it...
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Sonic boom but this is what we get. What happens?

Why is the mp4 videos no longer playing in my firefox webbrowser (I had to replace my PC hardrive and reinstall a lot of program, if that's useful information)...
Why does he hate Bunnie so much?

Beautiful. the current snowing the website has also contribute to it.
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I couldn't get that one to play in the browser either, but the others in this page work fine. I'm also using firefox

Maurice, stop. Just because you can grope Sally doesn't mean you can grope any head of state.
Today storytime won't be as bad
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Confident scientist Tails is so cool
Cute Rabbit twink(?)
Scourge Eternal issue 6.2 page 22.jpg, 2692xNA, 1 times posted

>stealth Classic Amy dress
Like it.

Claiming Goth Not-Amy.

Montage - Team America OST
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The slap is talked more than titan tails for some reason

Titan Tails led to a lot of arguing over Tails for a variety of things, mostly game stuff, and made last thread one of our fastest to bump limit and most packed thread. I thought there'd be more talk about The Slap when we got to it.
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Indeed you did.
Indeed you did...
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It's sad really, Tails Adventure 2/new solo game is one big never ever
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Man, I really love posting sonally stuff. It makes me happy. Although, I do love it, I'd wish more newer archie content in general would be made than just ship stuff so I can share it.
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StH 153 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #71
Sonic #153-154 and Sonic X #1

#70 Sonic #150-152
#71 Sonic #153-154 and Sonic X #1
Messed up the desu links for the last two threads.
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she spin

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s-s-shes fast!
Schizo did his usual thing to hit bump limit faster. Not that it matters.

i don't think he likes sonic at this point

i mean on the internet

In terms of controversy, yeah, The Slap is talked about more but Titan Tails is very memeable.

Some guy gets really bothered by Sonic and likes to bring up self inserts alot li mean ive met sonicfags like that but still, he just gets really mad those guys lol
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Hey conductor, just curious, Will bunnie and Antoine soonish get more focus in ur comic? I’m not saying you’re like totally side lining them or something, but I’d like to see more of them in stuff for stories as the others got more time a bit

There's some upcoming pages that focus on them a bit.

Thats good. I asked cuz character balance is kind of a concern of mine with stuff and since it ffs is in the name, i just wanna make sure all of them get it good

Balance is tricky for groups. I see it as episodes for a tv show or comic arcs. Each arc get their focus. Antoine and Bunnie are tough to give an entire arc to since I'm going through the games which is why I give them moments and have them contribute to fights and various scenes.

Okay. Just wanna see them shine thats all
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With Ash shenanigans last thread, I thought I'd say that I plan to make Mina and Ash twins. I'm going the Tiny Toons Looniversity route. Why the hell would you date someone that looks like you? Also, the original show is Tiny Toon and the reboot is Tiny Toons. What the hell? Not like it matters. It'll be years before we get to the arc that introduces them.

He never did. Pixy hates Sonic at his core - he's just convinced himself otherwise. Nobody gets banned from every other Sonic forum on the internet without truly hating Sonic deep down.

>giving fuel to the incestfags
This will not go the way you think it will, Conductor. That and like, people ship plenty of characters who share looks or species - so I don't think Mobians care.

Exploitable Tails here.

Claiming that rabbit!
tails likes.png, 367xNA, 1 times posted

Doesn't matter. I have another reason I have to push him off to the side.

Ah, so that's your master plan. Sasuga, Conductor.
Turns out I'll have to throw in multiple issues of Sonic X whenever I can to keep up. Each thread will have four issues so expect threads to archive around the same time.

>Tiny Toons Looniversity route.
This is a cursed path. But it's Mina and Ash, so I don't care.

>Why the hell would you date someone that looks like you?
That's the chipmunk rule. Also, it's how you make parent of a character too. almost nearly identical clone to their children.

>That's the chipmunk rule.
I meant to say "Alvin and the chipmunk rule". Not tlaking about Elias and Sally, which is a whole other can of worm in the fandom.

It's so fucking funny that Elias is literally a married man with a kid but almost 100% of his porn is with Sally.
0.png, 1117xNA, 1 times posted
The one thing that has surprised me in this ride is coming to the realisation that Lien-da might have gained her name in infamy (in a well written villain way) AFTER the start of Ian's run. I thought she had already been established as a truly evil woman during the dark age.

She's always been a hot back stabbing bitch but she doesn't get more usage until 25 Years Later and RTAI. But Ian and Yardley really set the standard for her later.

You magnificent bastard!

How can this bigoted Mongoose even outmatch the sweetest Boom Fox and Best koala girl?

hohohoho! Quite devilish
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It's tied to the big surprise which I won't reveal because it's part of a bigger thing. Making less than popular ships happen requires work to make it appealing. I already figured out Knuckles and Julie-Su although that's mainly to get rid of a lot of messy echidna stuff introduced by Penders. As for Tails and his other ships, I find them cute but there's not that much to any of them. I guess Cosmo has the most material already established but... you know...

Don't deny Tails his plantussy. pls... not again...

What? You don't want me to kill her like in the show? Next thing you'll want me to reveal that Maria survived somehow.

...maybe lol
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Barby got the blessings of Butler, Ardan Norgate, Fakeryway and that one RPG where Sonic marries Sally at the end, so it'll always be my favorite non-game pick for Tails.
Time for X or more drama?

Hot take but I think Sonic and Sally should kiss.
StH 155 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #72
Sonic #155-156 and Sonic X #2-3

That is hot.
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Actually appalling how ken has been treating the characters. Like what the fuck dude
I’m at least glad that sort of shitposting happens at the end. Jeez

Funny how Sonic X slowed the thread down. I feel it would've hit bump limit by now if there was only one or no issues of it.

Partly due to more people invested in the main comic even with penders antics

It slowed down talk of the Penders issues and then it started up again when I finished the X issues. I'm scrolling down the thread and as I post more Sonic X pages, there's less and less posts between the pages. Even the shitposter waited until I was done to start up again.

crazy how x just saps the life away lmao.

Like that stopped me shipping Rough and Tumble!
I can't believe you're shipping Tails and Ash, absolutely cursed!
It's genuinely my favorite Archie ship for Tails, they're just so fun together
I guess we've finally found schizo repellent
The dulcy story doesn't make sense canonically.
Nice last effort Art...
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>I guess we've finally found schizo repellent
Sadly, only temporarily. He was in the thread from the start and then ramped up again afterwards.
Holy shit, I'm looking at the thread now and it went to hell real bad when I went to sleep. Schizo was working overtime.

As someone said in the thread, it's probably a butthurt tailsfag. He really hates Sonic

That's the schizo. The same one that talks shit about Sally and brings up Geoffrey. It's all the same person because they have done the same thing for years at this point.

Yikes. Thought I'd recongnize that somewhere. It's just crazy how he always goes on about UM SONIC FUCK BUNNIE AND ANTOINE IS A KEK, etc all the time. christ. get a life.
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Sally, no!
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Shadow Comic (Book 3, page 12)
I told you not to touch it! Arthur: "I Told You Not to Touch It!" Scene (1080p)

i get the feeling several of the backup stories were written way earlier and only published because they didn't have anything else
Just keep storytiming Sonic X until his brain explodes then!
The sad thing is we're probably the closest thing he gets to social interaction
Now if we can just get Julie-Su to date Rouge we'll have cleared the board for Sonxnux and Barby x Tails!
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Cursed Sonally
new asf pages
007.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted


She's for sure dead. At least ASO still have her alive lmao

That's one less headache Knuckles has to deal with.

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Things got real bad, almost glad that I missed out cuz work
StH 157 - 01.jpg, 1988xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #73
Sonic #157-159 and Sonic X #4
sonic_renegade_issue_1__page_5_by_joopitor_dgkf9je.png, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

Sonic Renegade Issue 1, Page 5
For those that don't remember, this is the one where Sonic's a thief that's being pursued by Blaze

We've finally done it, we're through the last of Penders' stories! Of course, if he releases THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES: BEGINNINGS in April we'll have that to look forward to ;_;

I cant believe its been over a fucking decade of him saying itll comme out. what has he been doing in all that time
So conductor, thoughts on penders run

It's maddening since I've been waiting for this trainwreck the entire time. As for what he's been doing, mostly procrastinating and arguing on Twitter. He also "finished" his first feature film THE REPUBLIC (you know it's by Penders because the title's in all caps), but he's still to release it. Of course, that was supposed to be a "Trump gets elected and turns the country into a fascist dictatorship" so it was supposed to be released prior to the 2016 election
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That's the worst thing about him. He did all that shit and did fucking nothing.

Grateful that it's over and we can get to what is easily the most consistently good part of the series. Even better knowing that there's more issues of it if you count Sonic Universe, Mega Man, and briefly Sonic Boom.
issue 5 page 1.jpg, 900xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 5 Page 1

Before he met Sonic, before he got his nickname, and before he lived in Mobotropolis, young Miles lived with his parents on West Side Island. Things may not have been perfect but life was relatively peaceful and full of love for the little boy. That is about to change in the most unexpected way.

I just looked it up and the first trailer was made in 2010. At least there's some videos of it:
New The Republic Trailer
The Republic: Sneak Preview Episode
Such a pity, we've been denied some Neil Breen-tier kino. As for him doing nothing, my guess is he didn't actually want to make anything, and just wanted Archie to pay him royalty checks and consultant fees for "his" characters

Are we sure those are his real parents? They haven't said anything about democracy yet! Also, knowing smile! I don't think the anons will guess what you have in store for them

He's cute!
>not able to hide it like I can
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Eclipse p129
She's so stacked! I'm hoping that's a twunk Espio throwing that star, you heterofags have been eating well for too long!
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In the dark ages I've seen Sally go from a competent leader of a group of heroes and princess who could play the role of monarch if the story demanded it and also had a great relationship with her childhood friend Sonic, probably the best in terms of dynamic in the series, even if a few problems happened from time to time to a confused girl who had no agency or leadership capabilities and who had such fucked up relationship problems that it would probably be better if she just hooked up with Tails instead.

I'm not even exaggerating when I say that at the end, this is probably why people also like to pair Sally with Nicole who in personality is way way closer to Tails than Sonic.

All these problems seem to come from the writers not wanting Sally to be a proper leader or a proper princess, and sadly Ian is only going to fix the first part during the entirely of his run.
Even people who like Sonic and Sally's relationship together struggle massively when it comes to the monarchy stuff and either try to ignore it or erase it.
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Ngl I kinda stopped reading your post when you mentioned the Tails thing lol

That's fine, the main message of the post was in the first part, it's about my dissatisfaction with what the comic did with her character during this era.
I'm storytiming There's Something About Tails again: >>457749

And that's me done for now! I really should do these when people are awake, but that'd require a healthy sleep schedule!
issue 5 page 8-9.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic sure is mad in these pages.
Know that I'm there in spirit.
age_of_nonsense_by_shieltar_dgkib02.jpg, 1920xNA, 1 times posted
>How SEGA's sonic characters are portrayed and behave is totally disconnected from the ages that SEGA say they are.

>• Cream is officially 6 portrayed as a child
>• Tails officially 8, portrayed as a very young adult
>• Sonic oficially 15, portrayed as an experienced adult
>• Amy officially 12, portrayed as a love struck stalker for over a decade by SEGA...
>The more you think about this, the less it makes any sense.

>Do Mobians have there entire teenage years between 6 and 8? How long does infancy last? A week? Or was SEGA just smoking something illegal when they decided these numbers?
>This is why I treat the characters like their the ages their portrayed as and not the ages SEGA says they are.
I too ignore what Sega says and does.
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>She's for sure dead
Tis but a scratch !


>Jail time for the entire family
Based Amadeus
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This piece by butler I found is really nice. Only thing that ruins it the amy crying part. I just hate mean spirited things like that in any ship art.

I don't think it's mean spirited. It'd be in character for Amy around the time Butler was most active to be like that. It'd be the same as Geoffrey in the crowd with a frown on his face.
Since we are on the topic, according to the newest Twitter Takeover, Tails was a homeless orphan that used to sleep outside a lot. He also developed a fear of thunder thanks to that.

Was this a commission ?

It just ruins the vibe for me personally
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S.T.C Issue 22 Page 1
Is it just me or is Tower kinda shredded?
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Remember that Tails CD game? Apparently, it's still being worked on and bullniku posted this teaser scene from it and WEW! What a teaser!

Sonic was never the same after someone stole the last chilli-dog
>Know that I'm there in spirit.
I just see them as relative ages. Tails is the youngest of the group, so he's more naïve, Amy's a bit older, Sonic, Shadow, Jet, Blaze are the standard age for the setting, with Knuckles and Rouge being a bit older. The vibe I get for the various ages of Sonic are:
Mid-teens: Classic Sonic, SatAM, AoStH, OVA, early Archie and Fleetway. He's been a hero for a few years, and goes on dates. Tails is portrayed as a kid/young teen
Late-teens-early 20s: Modern Sonic, later Archie and Fleetway: He's been a hero for several years, Tails is about the age Sonic was in the earlier stuff
mid-20s: Boom. They've been fighting Eggman for so long it's become part of their routine. Tails is about the age as Modern Sonic, lives independently and runs his own business
He's still got it!
Mai waifu!

Princess Sara is the best sonic girl by a mile.
StH 160 - 01.jpg, 1987xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #74
Sonic #160-161 and Sonic X #5-6
Tomorrow we got a three part story and I want to do another issue of Sonic X. I expect that one to hit bump limit fast as well.
fiona.png, 435xNA, 1 times posted
Did any fan works every try using Fiona in her Trinity look ?

Im really digging it.
Remember to not take the bait

Too late, the naive fools already got the thread archived.

It's mostly him replying to himself, but it should die down in a few days since he has a very busy schedule shitting up other threads. Interestingly, the posts linking here (that totally aren't by me!) haven't been deleted lately. I wonder if he still has janny privileges?
I get criticizing ian and all but i dont get using shitpost tier inusults all the time when doing so. To me, that really isnt asking for a geiune conversation about anything

That's the shitposter. It's the same person that's been shitting up Sonic threads for years. There are plenty of people that hate Ian, mostly from /sthg/, but 90% of the time it's the same person. It's the janitor that hates our threads and has been posting the exact same thing for years. It's almost always them. And even if you ignore him, he'll reply to himself.

Sad. That shit really just ruins any discussion, and it kinda doesnt help when someone keeps replying to him as seen in the thread. Never makes anything better either
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The Heart of a Monster 8-20
Poor Himbohog ;_;
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Okay, so I was looking through the site stats and for some reason we got over 50 thousand visitors yesterday. It has to be bots, right? It's kinda terrifying to think there's that many people reading our threads

>suffering from success

I like to think of it as a healthy dose of paranoia! I do like the idea that there's 50k people suffering through my gushing over Remington in the threads though
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What if Surge was an evil scientist?
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I'll be starting a new thread soon. Might as well post the full fourth issue of my series and I can post the preview-less version that's posted on the website.
If you ran ads you'd get a nice spike in moolah!
new_manic____manourge__part___2___2___by_nigelsonadow_dgkpdsb-fullview.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
>part 2 of 2
Damn. Stopping before it gets good!
Wait, does this take place right after their first attempt to steal it?
Wait, I thought there would actually be an origin for his scars. It just appear with the Master Emerald upgrade?

Does this count as incest?
fucking finally!
And this is only now that I realise that Scourge has the colors of his eyes and fur swapped.

No because it's a copy of Manic created specifically to avoid incest. Think of it as a Sonic OC that isn't related to Sonic but looks like Sonic but in this case it's Manic.

Cowards, they are. Either go home or dont. Incest is wincest

So slutty without the baggage.

That's wonderful and extremely well animated.

More and more, it look like Sally is actually Lesbean with a few exception.

She is over-dressed.

It's perfect. Even Bunnie has her old robot-limbs.

Nevermind, it's actually caused by Locke. I initially missed that.