1.jpg, 1020xNA, 1 times posted

Unofficial Sonic Storytime Thread #10

Unofficial Threads #1: >>441769 #2: >>442938 #3: >>444299 #4: >>445531 #5: >>446501 #6: >>447788 #7: >>448671 #8: >>449430 #9: >>450408
Sonic Future: >>442673
Sonic Genesis: >>440714
A Sly Encounter: >>440121
Sonic Adjacent Threads: PSYN: >>444737 Sylvanna: >>446269

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/CP3XHLar
Password: zCXhuqLwAv
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: https://mobiuscomics.com
Unofficial Ride Website: https://the-ride.neocities.org

This is just a simple Knuckles and Rouge romance comic. It’s pretty amusing for various intentional and unintentional reasons. It’s also the only comic from this artist that isn’t focused on feet tickling and licking. Anyway, this is Knouge Comic!

2.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Behold these... drawn... breasts!
3.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Considering the rest of this artist's gallery, I'm surprised that there's not a lot more feet in this comic.
4.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Shadebros... Shadowbros... we lost...
5.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Just like in my Egyptian scriptures!
6.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Cockblocked by the sea!
7.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted

Kisses from girls are Knuckles' weakness. Kisses from Sonic is fine though.
8.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Lot of Rouge fanservice in this!
9.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted

10.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted

Don't you just hate it when you give your girl ultimate power and she becomes corrupted by it?
11.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted

I'm sorry but Knuckles crying all through this is hilarious.
12.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted

Touching boobs is also Knuckles' weakness.
13.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Turns out Shadow is a player and he loves playing with his stalker chicks.
14.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

>insulting MUH RIA to shadow's face
Big mistake.
15.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Holy shit, Shadow!
16.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Silly Knuckles, you can't go to the restaurant wearing just gloves and shoes.
17.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Uh oh!
18.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Rouge is a pussy.
19.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

These two just love to throw down in public places.
20.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Just relax Knuckles.
21.jpg, 1007xNA, 1 times posted

Lips and tongue action!
22.jpg, 1005xNA, 1 times posted

Surprised there wasn't a confrontation with Shadow in the restaurant? Well that's because it was going to happen here!
23.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

Good job, Shadow. Your jerkiness has helped these two get closer.
24.jpg, 1003xNA, 1 times posted

Hug it out!
25.jpg, 1005xNA, 1 times posted

Good to see Silver about to get some.
26.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

What's the matter? You don't sleep in sexy black lingerie as well, Knuckles?
27.jpg, 1005xNA, 1 times posted

Sleep confession!
Locke_navbox.jpg, 500xNA, 1 times posted

This is why the rest of the Echidnas laugh at the Nocturus.
28.jpg, 1004xNA, 1 times posted

I guess there was going to be more but the artist decided to stop it there and treat this as the last page so that'll be it!


Knux is shredded!
Oh my!
Cute butt!
>Kisses from Sonic is fine though.
Cute and canon!
Aww, he needs someone to wipe his tears away. Someone blue preferably!
Shadow? More like Jerkdow
Fucking hell
So fancy!

>Good job, Shadow. Your jerkiness has helped these two get closer.
All according to keikaku!
Still, it's a nice place to end it

>Knux is shredded!
I was not expecting the random six pack looking like ab armor.

defeated_by_zavok_remade__by_kajikimaguro427_dg9odem.png, 1500xNA, 1 times posted
From one of Thirstposter's favorite artists.

I remember this.

Come for the boobs
Stay for the domestic violence.

Thanks, Conductor.
SSR 00 Cover.jpg, 1572xNA, 1 times posted
Shadow Retrieval
abduction_by_kajikimaguro427_dcsewca.png, 1000xNA, 1 times posted

It's so unexpectedly detailed!
Specifically, that's my favorite Sonic tummy artist! I've gotten so many warnings for posting their SFW but lewd art
1.jpg, 1095xNA, 1 times posted
Various Stories #163
boopis.png, 1000xNA, 1 times posted
sanic tread

did I miss something?
nude amy by SonixJax.jpg, 1600xNA, 1 times posted

Christ. Sonic characters should never take off their gloves (or shoes), they certainly don't need those horrific looking paw pads on human hands.

Also, heart.
0.jpg, 1560xNA, 1 times posted
A Dark World
20230304 - Evil Tails vs Eclipse⧸⧸ Animation⧸⧸ The Resistance⧸⧸ FlipaClip⧸⧸ [vqSjgM7vY30].mp4, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

Let's do some videos by this artist! Here's Evil Tails vs Eclipse,, which is based on their other comic
20230615 - Demons⧸⧸ Tails. Exe and Zooey⧸⧸ Animation⧸⧸ [m1DXIHKIpTE].mp4, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

I don't know if schizo has been replying to himself this whole time or if others have taken the bait.
20230618 - Knuckles Rap⧸⧸ Animated Music Video⧸⧸ Read Desc...⧸⧸ [BDVTLZ2qwFM].mp4, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

Word, yo!
20230720 - Evil Tails Sings ⧸Monster⧸ Ai Cover (made by @Foxmike00 ) [OLXzVWrK9Ps].mp4, 948xNA, 1 times posted

Please no bully Tailream-schizo!
It's mostly himself, but I think a few have taken the bait. I guess he's getting all riled up because the Archie Ride's about to start
20230715 - Tails Completely Loses His Mind⧸⧸ (Ft. Cream) [98ooFn12Wtw].mp4, 636xNA, 1 times posted

Whoops, meant to post this one. The one I did post is a surprisingly good AI cover. Honestly Tails' voice translates really well to AI music

What the fuck is up with Shadow looking at tails like that? He made everything worse.

>which is based on their other comic
Woops, nevermind, I thought it was based on Today's comic.

The struggle of the desire to create and the desire to make shit you actually think is good...
icup by 9474sOul.mp4, 1152xNA, 1 times posted
Amy and Metal may have debuted together but they rarely interact, especially in modern.
0.jpg, 1868xNA, 1 times posted
Chaos Control and Sonic Redux Issue 4

It's mostly him samefagging, but there are no doubt actual posters falling for it too. Really, the best way to deal with schizos is to either ignore them or trick them into making enough retarded posts in a vacuum then report them all so the mods are forced to delete them & ban them.
DIF 00001.jpg, 2894xNA, 1 times posted
Dance in the Fire and Hopless Future Chapter 2

A Sly Encounter Page 120
GotF 01-00 Cover.jpg, 1300xNA, 1 times posted
Ghosts of the Future #1
20121224 - Ghosts of the Future: The Motion-Comic Issue 1 and 2 [j5iiGVBAgwQ] 1.mp4, 492xNA, 1 times posted

And here's the video! I've cut it into two parts so it would fit
20121224 - Ghosts of the Future: The Motion-Comic Issue 1 and 2 [j5iiGVBAgwQ] 2.mp4, 492xNA, 1 times posted

And the second part
GotF 05-28 YouTube video-- GOTF.mp4, 480xNA, 1 times posted

And here's the video the post on 4chan was actually referring to

>Tikal: Evan Stanley
Welp, gotta say, she does a good Tikal.
GotF 06-00 Cover.jpg, 1800xNA, 1 times posted
Ghosts of the Future #2
GotF 06-15.jpg, 1800xNA, 1 times posted

Here's the unedited page with the big fat bat tatts!
GotF 06-16.jpg, 3600xNA, 1 times posted

And the other!
Oh this thread won't last through the morning.

And by this, I mean that.
I'm surprised the Sonic x Violet images are still up, same with the Rouge pages.

Every once in a while the janny seems to not be around only to come back in full force later.

Hopefully it never comes back.
Also great thread, one of the most active ones in a while!

Thanks. Thirstposter was a big help getting all the pages under the maximum filesize and for setting up The Archie Ride which I need to prepare for.

Yeah, I was sure I'd be getting a warning for the Violet ones
Speaking of, they don't seem to be deleting plus links anymore. Let's hope things stay that way
No worries! I just sorted the images by size and then adjusted the quality slider until each came in under 4mb. Oh, and I'm up to page 6 of lettering that ABT redraw. Man, placing speech bubbles is way harder than it looks!
0.jpg, 994xNA, 1 times posted

>Man, placing speech bubbles is way harder than it looks!
Boy isn't it? My one attempt at it on just one page turned out to be a much more difficult and time consuming exercise than I expected. And half the job was already done to begin with.
GotF 11-00 Cover.jpg, 3105xNA, 1 times posted
Ghosts of the Future #3
GotF 06-25 extra 1.jpg, 3000xNA, 1 times posted

Well I didn't get a warning, but this was deleted from the last thread
It's certainly made me realize I'll have to be a lot less wordy, and that I'll have to do the speech bubbles at the thumbnail stage. Or maybe just make everyone mute!
That one anon REALLY wants to talk/complain about the Frontiers DLC.

I am not saying it would be out of place to talk about the lore it introduce, but it would be best to wait a couple of weeks or more so that all the shitposting get enough time to get digested before engaging.
GotF 15-00 Cover.jpg, 3105xNA, 1 times posted
Ghosts of the Future #4
Since people were asking, here's the link to the two megas I use for the comics, including Archie. They're in base64, but you can convert them at https://www.base64decode.org

Reposting pages from last thread to kill the current one faster? Huh.

As the animals on the Flintstones say: It's a living. Or it would be if he didn't do it for free

I can start a new thread soon.

LOL he actually instantly deleted the thread! I'll just do it again when the old thread gets to page 10.
Pretty sure only a mod can do that so either the janny has the mod on speed dial or it was the work of a mod that's been harassing us. And now they're saying that I'm the faker even though the thread is still archived on desuarchive.

This dude is the saltiest schizo/janny I've ever encountered on an imageboard. The fact that he's been at this for years is hilarious as it is sad
I'm guessing it's a mod. Imagine sucking up to the mods for 2 years as a janny just to level up your do-it-for-free status.
16902854375820498.png, 637xNA, 1 times posted

>thought the cancer janny/mod fucked off
>it came back
It's all so tiresome, I really hope the Archie Ride doesn't suffer because of it.

Yeah, sorry. I just assumed you were the schizo since it happened so quick and it coincided with him trying to spam the thread. But I'm not even surprised that it's our usual psycho mod/janny combo.

Considering the state of /co/ and that we're the ones getting targeted is like an orphanage in Detroit getting closed down.
I just don't think about it. What happens happens.
No biggie.
The Sonic maid got deleted. Maybe best not to aggravate them or else they'll go crazy.

At least we'll always have here. Our special friend wouldn't dare post anywhere he doesn't have his janny powers
It was incredibly fast. I guess he was filling up the thread and waiting for that to happen
>Considering the state of /co/ and that we're the ones getting targeted is like an orphanage in Detroit getting closed down.
Imagine if he put an ounce of the effort he puts into our threads into actually doing his job. 4chan's /co/ might stop looking like a crack house
>I just don't think about it. What happens happens.
Same. I just remove his posts from the archive and continue having fun in the threads
And that's why I post crossdressing Knuckles in non-maid outfits!
0n8.jpg, 610xNA, 1 times posted
Thirstposter got really fucking lucky posting those Frenzy coom images.

I'm still not sure how I got away with it. Clearly it's because neither of them were wearing maid outfits!
StC/GotF Crossover Aftermath
Let's see how this goes.
Here's the thread that one anon said was deleted before their post was deleted.

I actually worry the mods won't let the Archie ride start until the aftermath story time reach page 10.

I don't say anything anywhere because I don't want to give them ideas.
Thirstposter, just want to make sure that everything in the zips are in order. Not that I doubt you but I'll just be going through the folders as they're arranged. Also curious how the other series are arranged. Basically do I go on autopilot the entire time? Which is perfectly fine for me.
0.jpg, 600xNA, 1 times posted
Warning show tits and Vagoo, definitely NSFW and not something I could post on the main ride at all. Borderline /pco/, I hope this won't be trouble.

But look what I unearthed from the early days of the internet 2001, when everything was new.
StH Miniseries 0 - 01.jpg, 2098xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #1
If all the Archie threads are going to hit bump limit that fast then maybe a side Unofficial thread will be necessary.

Can we even do that?

I don't know.
Well it looks like we've got a heap of new anons in the Archie thread. We also got 1,500 visitors to the website and 15,000 page views!
Whoops, guess who slept through the thread? I guess spending the night lettering pages wasn't the best idea! Yeah, just go by the first numbers. I tried to keep the original numbering from the Thanks Ken Penders blog so we go decimal at some points. Have you got everything downloaded?
Wow, haven't seen that in a long time!

>Have you got everything downloaded?
I've got the Early Years downloaded. TBH I'm planning on downloading one part, posting all the comics, then deleting them or putting them on my dropbox.
Alright, some of our posts in the fancomic thread are getting deleted. Need to figure out what about them triggered the mod.
So talking about threads will get your post deleted.

Fair enough, I'll keep them up until the end of the Archie Ride, then move them to the Internet archive
He's so salty, we're not even criticizing anything!

If the threads here could consistently get a good number of people I would be tempted to just stay here all the time. Imagine the 4chan thread activity without the schizos and mod abuse.

I'd be 100% onboard with never setting foot in that cesspit ever again. Just think, we could talk about maid outfits, walruses and cleavage without getting banned!

Funny thing is if the mod allowed the links to here to stay in those threads, I could do a better job of getting people to visit her more often and maybe just give up on 4chan altogether. He'd finally get his wish.

Exactly. I do wonder if including the plus links in the OP is worth another shoot. I could try posting links again next thread

I think it's kind of too late for that. The extra people we get from /sthg/ don't care about any of that. They did mostly behave though.
I think I like the idea of a side Unofficial Thread at all times, only making a new one when the other is close to archiving. Any new comics should still be linked in the OP so it'll be easier for others to find.

Yeah, the extra posters were from /sthg/ but we did get thousands of lurkers if the website's stats are anything to go by
That'd be nice. Let's hope our special friend doesn't get too shitty about it

>Let's hope our special friend doesn't get too shitty about it
They've been so active the past 24 hours they're going to burn out if they keep it up at this rate.

Yeah, usually they're up for around 30 hours and then are burned out for a few days. It's kinda interesting that we're technically torturing him just by having fun talking about a blue rat. Also, lol at them deleting the Chat Noir image, it wasn't even lewd!
0.jpg, 2100xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic Legacy Issue 12
6.jpg, 1305xNA, 1 times posted

Cosmic Nexus Page 6-7
Looking at their bodies, they're definitely not kids.
7.jpg, 1305xNA, 1 times posted

>make shadow hotter
>make rouge hotter
>fill GUN with hot female oc's
I see and I agree.
StH 001 - 01.jpg, 2071xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #2
Mod is back and just deleted a bunch of posts.
20230805 - Pregnant Sonic - animated music video [X0RP6oQsDVE].mp4, 1920xNA, 1 times posted
Someone posted a link in the daily thread, but it deserves to be immortalized here
Pregnant Sonic - animated music video
Oh man, I am so glad this is continuing! Easily one of my favorite bratty twink artists
I guess he woke up
0.png, 1108xNA, 1 times posted
Jesus! I expected a deletion, but this? And for off-topic posting?

He isn't even trying anymore.

I suspect he'll be like this for weeks since we're storytiming Archie. He had a massive meltdown about people making threads for the second Sonic movie when it came out, to the point where he autosaged threads and got in trouble. I used to get off-topic warnings about posting links to the website a while back. Can't remember why he was salty about that though
Things I learned today:
1. Never post a Sonic Frontiers comic.
2. Abandon thread and hope they migrate to an IDW thread.
Dancenic the Dancehog.mp4, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

Anything involving Amy just turns into a shitshow, which is why I immediately just leave the thread whenever people start arguing.

There's a reason I've long since stopped mentioning Frontiers or Amy in the threads despite being a massive Sonamyfag and as someone who actually likes Frontiers. It's just not worth dealing with the turbo schizo.

Sad thing is you can't even mention anything even VAGUELY related to Frontiers without him having a meltdown. Sage? Has a massive fucking bitchfit over how she "ruined" Eggman if you do. The End? Spergs like a motherfucker. Kocos/Ancients? A meltdown almost as large as when he shits himself over Sage. Amy/Sonic/the Sonamy stuff? Thread will be completely and utterly derailed without any hope of recovery.

He's basically Ashfag 2.0., but unlike Ashfag who you can ignore and avoid so long as you don't mention one specific character, this faggot makes it so an entire topic of discourse is irradiated.

Cool animation, btw.
0.png, 961xNA, 1 times posted
Sexy Professor Sally.
StH 005 - 01.jpg, 2071xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic Storytime #3
Three issues worked out better than four and it feels like less people from /sthg/ showed up so it's a little busier than our usual Unofficial threads but not crazy busy like the last two threads.

Less issues means that the archie ride will last longer, though.

Not necessarily a bad thing and we can have an Unofficial thread on the side.
1.jpg, 940xNA, 1 times posted
Various Stories #164

Yeah it's good that the thread wasn't instantly at bump limit when I checked it out today. Three issues from four was a good idea.
Also what it up with anything to do with Rotor getting deleted? Just because of that one anon that has him as his husbando? He seems pretty damn harmless but his posts are just instantly deleted by some janny. IMO I think his love of Rotor is kinda cute honestly.

Not just that but anyone posts Rotor will get their image deleted. We've even had actual fancomic pages with him deleted. I even had pages deleted when I had my name on. The mod is just using it as an excuse to delete them for some reason. And Rotor-anon says he hasn't done anything to get his stuff deleted on sight. So I think it's only because he thirsts for Rotor and it makes the janny/mod uncomfortable.
0.png, 1091xNA, 1 times posted
Welp, actually banned for 6 days for mentioning a matter about Patreon in general. I guess it wasn't directly related to the thread topic, but it was still tangential to it. Oh well.

If anything, I was sure what was going to cost me a ban was the video showcasing actual plap plap sound effect. this is so weird.

I try to effortpost about the comic to get things back on topic but some anons will just not shut up about it. It's a shame since there's a lot about Frontiers I want to compare with the comics
Yeah, I missed the thread but was still able to post in the end
Some /co/ janny/mod has a hateboner for Rotor-bro. It's ostensibly for "ban evasion" but he's always able to post on the other boards without issue. It's as the Conductor said, either his love for the walrus makes the janny uncomfortable, or Rotor-bro's unintentionally done something to wound their ego. I always respond to Rotor-bro, even though it sometimes gets my posts deleted. I never get any warnings for it though, since I'm not breaking any rules
That's our salty mod for you, no fun allowed means no fun allowed! One of the reasons I respond to multiple posts at the same time is so I can smuggle slightly off topic content past our special friend. I also try and relate it back to Sonic, and mention 'comics' and 'cartoons.' It doesn't always work though

You can appeal? This is a perfect time to go over everything the mod has been doing and posting links to examples of stuff getting unfairly removed. You can point out how the ban is excessive as well. You should definitely go all out but be professional about it.
wtf did the archie thread just get sent to the shadow realm?

Yeah it did. That shit fucking sucks

Seconding this. If you could also mention these threads got deleted, that'd be great:
Two threads did
0.jpg, 1080xNA, 1 times posted

Worst fucking timeline

Just got a temporary block for both /co/ AND all boards. He is 100% defending IDWkun/Pixy - hell, the fact he immediately identified what the overall issue was before telling us "lul, you have another thread" speaks volumes.

We are never getting rid of this schizo janny. Not until ABIB fucks off and dies, or someone else on the staff removes him.

Same. Probably because I posted
where he outs himself as a janny

Both GR8 and all the board-slecific rules are just excuses that the staff can use to slap you with lengthy bans for any arbitrary reason that suits them. I'm most likely going to be eating two bans for calling them out in the Ride thread just now.

Funny thing is, since I spend most of my time in the weeks now at a campus with its own network their bans won't even fucking matter long-term - I won't be able to follow the storytimes or image dumps (since the place refuses to open images in most cases) but I can post just fine.

The fact that 4chan has become a place where free speech is suppressed almost on the level of Spacebattles or SV is fucking depressing. This is what happens when powertripping tyrants are allowed to run wild with nobody to keep them in check.

At this point, even fucking Tumblr is less cancerous now.

I lived, bitch!
That's so odd. A least you can read the archived threads on the ride website
It's a fucking dump and I've given up on posting there (aside from our threads of course, there's no way I'm letting them win)

There was a Tumblr post that really resonated with me - it was basically just stating that we should absolutely stop pussyfooting around or trying to 'sanitize' our dialogue when dealing with shitty people or shitty opinions. It was basically saying "we should absolutely bring back telling these people to fuck off or kill themselves for having terrible takes online instead of trying to be nice to even the scummiest of people" and was throwing shade at all the bullshit where you literally can't say any no-no words to anyone anymore without being permabanned from almost all platforms.

And it hit me that if this exact same post were made on 4chan today to call out our staff, the jannies, and all of the schizos they're implicitly defending with their inaction, it would be banned faster than you could blink. That's when it truly hit me that 4chan was irreversibly fucked when fucking Tumblr was advocating for more free speech than we ever have in two decades.
StH 008 - 01.jpg, 1498xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic #4
I will say that we would be better off just being here. But like I said before, the turnout just isn't there. Unless we get a whole lot of lurkers that I'm not aware of. I just pay attention to the posts we get.
9.jpg, 634xNA, 1 times posted
It is, for all intents and purposes 100% fucked because of that gigafaggot abib. If he's defending this severely autistic janny we are done. There is literally nothing we can do now.

People are content with their normal and won't readily change - I should know, I'm like that a lot IRL and even though I'm aware of it, it's still difficult to break. I didn't even start out liking coming here, but I think repeat bans over bullshit forcing me to start posting here instead actually helped break me from the belief that I need to use 4chan as my primary means of interacting with these threads.

So unless something similar happens to most of the others, these threads will always remain very slow and empty compared to the 4chan ones.
So many deleted posts today. At least we can read them on the website, which is one of the reasons I made it in the first place. Can't moderate independent websites!
It can't be saved without firm leadership that's involved with the community and that's never going to happen. I totally agree about gatekeeping. We need to just tell people they're not welcome if they're going to be distruptive
I'd rather post here, but I'll stick around for any threads on 4chan. I've given up posting in non-ride threads though
If he is IDWkun, then someone needs to contact the mods on IRC when he's asleep. He never deletes posts between 4am and 9am

It's a shame. I have tabs for both 4chan and here open at all times. I have the Sonic threads pinned on 4chan and check to see if there are new posts here often. The best thing about this place is the freedom (within reason). So wonderful being able to post comics and not worry about someone deleting them for nearly no reason.
I know what I want to do but I need to figure out when I can do it. New thread but do I wait until the old thread hits bump limit or even longer until it just about archives.

I get banned relatively often (but not today, eat shit janny!) so I'm used to interacting here. I used to think 4chan was the best place to interact anonymously with people but it's becoming increasingly not worth it. I don't even recognize 4chan anymore, and you're here forever only works if the 4chan you knew still exists. Honestly, the lack of anything for the 20th anniversary really drove that point home for me.
They're making up the rules as they go along so it's hard to advise. I say start the next storytime in the current thread, and then move onto a new thread once it gets near page 10. Ultimately, they can't go much further than they already are, so if we can adapt to this, we win. We just passed 190k posts in these threads, which is 190k losses for our special friend
This whole ordeal sucks but I guess we need to just deal with it and change accordly.

When that thread hits page 10 I'm going to redo today's Archie comics. If it survives then I'll continue posting new Archie pages. I can manage doing a continuous Archie thread and keep going until it hits bump limit. But again my concern is when I make a new thread because the old one hits bump limit, do I just keep waiting until it hits page 10? Or do I keep posting in the old thread right up until it hits page 10 and then start a new thread?

who knows, hope we can sort it out.

The only clear cut solution is start an Archie thread, let it die, then not make another thread until it's time for the next one. If people want to talk about Sonic then they'll have to come here. I just don't think many people will. Also, hard to link to here for those that want to know because those get deleted.
So I SEEM to have somehow avoided eating a double fucking whammy of a ban courtesy of ABIB and IDWkun - as in, both temporary blocks were revoked before they could conclude so it apparently didn't go through. Meaning either another upper-ranking mod like ABIB intervened and told him and our schizo to stop being utter nonces, or ABIB realized how obvious it would make his involvement seem if a bunch of people simultaneously got banned after calling him and IDWkun out + him literally showing he's aware of our situation by directly acknowledging our multiple threads, so he pulled out from banning us.

Either way, I'm counting this as a win.

The one silver lining is that ABIB gives up extremely easily to active resistance, so it's entirely possible that he might give up on defending him if enough people complain and take it up with the staff about his bullshit. Unlikely, but still.

Yeah, this is a tricky one. It's easy enough to fill up an Archie thread and start a new thread a few hours later, but then we're back in the same position we were in today. My suggestion is we have one thread up all the time, and when one archives, we do a single issue in the new thread but do the full storytime at the usual time. I could potentially make a new thread if you're not around, but I'd restorytime the last issue you did so you can still do the proper storytime
n10q.PNG, 934xNA, 1 times posted

I will continue to have hope that if we push hard enough abib and the mentally ill janny will finally fuck off

I didnt want to say this in 4chan but cant we help slide the thread faster into page 10 ?
Have some anons bump the bottom threads until the sonic one is finally at the bottom ?

>He never deletes posts between 4am and 9am
Which timezone ?

>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating /co/ 1 - Off-Topic, Comics/Cartoons Only.
This block will expire in 5 minutes.
Well, I guess it was bound to happen. I wonder what will happen next.

If I want to talk about Sonic I'll jdut go on /v/ and start a new "AI Sonics" thread then post abominations for however long it takes me to get it out of my system or get new inspiration. That or make a powerlevel thread and watch the posts roll in.

We could do that, but I'd rather we had a 24/7 presence there since that annoys him so much. I'd obviously prefer to talk here though
Yeah, I got two temporary blocks, but no one banned me. I guess there was too much scrutiny
I hope so too, but it's just a symptom of the larger organizational rot within 4chan. Ultimately site culture (and long-term viability!) is defined by the approach to moderation
We could, but then we'd be playing into their games

Its funny how they are literally forcing us to make a general thread.
I'm actually bothered by that anon that keeps siding with the mods like we're spamming.
>hey, maybe you shouldn't breathe so much, just hold your breath because the mod doesn't like you taking in oxygen

>im-fucking-plying that's not our special friend rejoicing as we are forced to eat shit

EST. I did the calculations here >>450897 based on 4chan time. Looks like it's actually 5am to 9am, but he's usually in bed by 1am
Welcome to the club!
It's all so they can force us to post in /sthg/ instead of having comfy threads
That's probably the one thing that genuinely annoyed me today. I expect this attitude from our special friend, but not from fellow anons

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Nothing like getting victory lapped after the judges look the other way or high five the steroid user.

Probably because he's the fucking janny/mod I'm sure of it.

Actually that's a good point, he does sometimes sockpuppet as a less schizo persona
Two of the posts replying to this got deleted
I am now 100% sure its the schizo janny

How did you get the data to make a histogram of that schizo's deletion history ?

Yeah, if we're being completely honest with ourselves here. These trheads we've been having have been low key a general already sorta. but they are literally better than sthg by infinity. You guys make the threads so good.

I was also kind of hoping I was maybe speaking to another mod that was pretending to be anon and giving them reasons for what I'm doing and why the mod abuse isn't necessary and makes things worse. One thing I've noticed is that when the mod goes crazy, he stops for some time and then comes back later. Like does it burn them out or they take some time off and then come back to do it again?

I'm surprised he has enough self-control to do that, but he managed to fool people even when he was still screeching and calling people "diaperfags".
What I don't get out of all this why Sonic in particular is targeted. When all other shit gets to have their threads just fine. Like we dont even cause much trouble and are tame
Waait, does this mean we're gonna have to compete for a spot in the catalog whenever an IDW issue is out ?

I don't think so as they are completely things. And IDW issues come out every months instead of a more daily thing.

Personal grudge against Sonic. When Sonic 2 first got its teaser, all threads for it on /co/ were deleted. In /sthg/ there was a mod that made a post saying that talk about the movie would be deleted and the anons there laughed at him and told him to fuck off and continued posting whatever they wanted. I think it's the same mod and there's some stuff where they outed themselves on /sthg/ when they were posting as anon. It's believed to be IDWkun because he hates Archie and has tried to fuck with threads constantly.

I did have my suspicions, which is why I just gave him a (you)
I have a databse of all of our threads so I can make the archives for the website. It was then just a matter of finding any deletions over 30 minutes (those can only be from jannies) and plotting the deletion time. Some might be legitimate deletions from other mods/jannies, but there's a definite pattern.
I suspect there's a mod hierarchy and someone tells him to knock it off for a bit. They're massively understaffed so they can't really drop any of the mods unless they really misbehave
He's been at it for a long time, and while he still slips up, he has been trying to improve his tactics
It's just one guy who has a hateboner for our threads for whatever reason. He's perfectly fine with IDW threads being a cesspool
>implying a new one will be out anytime soon
Seriously though, I hope not

He seemed to fuck off just before the archie ride since the GOTF storytime seemed fine until the 3rd thread.
Remember Rouge didn't get removed neither did the Frenzy stuff.
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Do I tell him ?

You guys wanted to populate this place but I'll understand if you dont want to attract the schizo here.

Someone already did

Oh yeah, I remember that about the movie. shit sucks man. I hope future rides dont have this shitty problem people were dealing with

Nevermind, someone already gave the link.

I don't get to say it often, but good job /sthg/ for telling him to fuck off. They may be schizos, but they're better than our special friend could ever hope to be
The schizo will never post here since this site has actual moderation that even drops in to chat with us
Let's see how long it stays up!

Someone already did. I don't want to invite trouble here but we've talked to the admin here who does pop in sometimes. They're cool. If there's trouble and it's reported then it would likely get dealt with.
Not entirely related to his current convo but I just noticed there's still super old archie sonic threads in the catalog. I wonder if they can be archived on a site like TP's one to see them incase they go.
The 20th Anniversary 4chan Hat.png, 400xNA, 1 times posted
On the topic of shitty moderation, here's something that kept getting deleted across all of 4chan's boards, even /trash/
And it's gone!
I've been thinking about it!

Yeah, if you archived them. that would be nice and there's something I heard. Apprently Ian said something about scourge fucking fiona on sonic's bed here lmao on this site and im wondering if thats true.

>Weekly /co/ creation thread can link plus4chan just fine
>we aren't
Lmao fuck this janny

That was me. I'm the guy who contacted the faggot mods in the first place. Shame there's much lesser activity here, I would leave in a heartbeat to not deal with those autistic rats.

That there's someone actively snooping around Ride threads just deleting things for no reason is just fucking strange to me. Do they have nothing else to do? Go like do actual janitor work instead of whatever this is.

IMO i think its for the best this place is just kept out of reach for stuff

We're on thread 10 here and despite all the talk about moderation there's a lot of comics posted here that can't be posted on 4chan. But yeah it's slow here. I still post stuff from time to time. You can also post videos with sound. This place has a lot of perks.
Well but back to the storytime plan.

So its going to be always a single thread ? And if it needs a sequel we'll just have to wait for the old one to archive ?

If it takes to long for it to happen, would it be an issue to continue the sequel in it ?
Just got my ban from all boards for two days for calling ABIB out. Guess he decided to take the chance after faffing about for however fucking long.

I'll look into it then!
Potential new strategy, find a recent post on co with a link to Plus and use that instead. You can find the most recent non-deleted post on desu:
He's obsessed with our threads
I want more lewds and coom on /pco/

He does it for free.
Might as well start posting new pages of fan comics in here for the foreseeable future if the mod/janny combo doesn't like two Sonic threads at the same time on the entirety of /co/ for the whatever in-their-own-head reasons.
I want to make a new Archie thread when the last thread hits bump limit. I just need to know if I should wait until it hits page 9/10 or just go for it immediately when it hits bump limit.

He will probably delete it even if it immediately hits bump limit. I've seen the mods delete threads for that before if they're not on page 7 or above.

>He's perfectly fine with IDW threads being a cesspool
I still can't get over the fact the fucking asshole was fine with drawn CP staying up on that latest IDW thread for like a solid 1-2 hours, but God forbid the Conductor posts a page of a comic with Rotor in it.
lmao, so he is IDWknu!.png, 2092xNA, 1 times posted

Wow, you certainly wouldn't see me getting banned for that! Tries to post something. Oh for fuck's sake!
I've been waiting for one to finish so I can post it. It's really good for heterofag smut
Same. Not like I have a choice now anyway!

>just go for it immediately when it hits bump limit.
Wouldnt hurt to leave a break time for post talk.

At least you only got banned for a day. I can't post until the 6th jokes on them though, since my campus has a vastly different IP.

I'd wait for page 9/10 this time, and see how that goes
It's bizarre. I actually report that stuff, but they genuinely don't care

If its not something that would bring the entire fucking site down to host like actual CP, the mods genuinely don't give a single shit. Hell, they often don't care even then.

He cant give longer ban times or else people could appeal it and get other mods involved in it.

Welp, looks like I also got a 3 day ban for my deletions post.

He did give an anon a 6 day long ban, but I think he realized he fucked up there, since he could appeal that.
I want to talk to the 4chan admins and mods now.

Fuck. Anyone wants to take the bullet and post on the thread about the 3 day hiatus ?

It will definitely get deleted, but it will still be archived on desu for anyone that looks it up.

I'd do it, but I also got hit with 3 days.
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Please do, we have an entire mountain of evidence that they are acting like vindictive retards. How dare you post comics on a board for comics!
Fuck them.

All you have to do is say that there won't be any threads for three days and the others will get it.

Fun fact: IDWkun used to spam bench tails and actual gore in our threads, which is why I've had to write code delete some posts from the archive before they go up on the website
Exactly. I only ever get short bans since anything over 3 days means you can appeal.
F. Sorry to hear that Konductor. I'd do he next one myself if I wasn't already banned. I could do the Thursday and Friday if you want
Want to try the IRC?
Just a reminder that Ride threads, back in the good days of /v/, were fucking sacrosanct and anyone who complained about them or tried to report them was rightfully told to fuck off or were the ones banned themselves.

How things have fallen...

You really should.

>Want to try the IRC?
Sure but I don't know where or how.
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>Fun fact: IDWkun used to spam bench tails and actual gore in our threads, which is why I've had to write code delete some posts from the archive before they go up on the website
What is it with powertripping mods on every website and having an endless stream of CP, gore and gross hentai to spam at their targets? Is there some fucking supplier website akin to an IRL teacher's supplies stores that I'm not aware of?

The sorts of people who become moderators are the most likely to have truly depraved stuff stored on their hard drives for whatever ungodly reason. I have never figured out why - but I guess that's just what happens when you think you're an untouchable god-king over the lesser plebians of the internet.

Are you fucking serious?

Yes. I have always done my best to dance around issues and not straight out call out moderation but when the anon was able to interact with mods and they were asking for examples, I had to take the opportunity to post examples and then they got deleted and I got banned for it. Ain't that some shit?
Note the massive fucking gap between the temporary blocks being revoked wnd the bans being issued. This paired with the one anon who got 6 whole days but could appeal, and it's likely that ABIB and IDWkun intended to give out even longer bans but had to massively backpedal so as to not get the rest of the staff hot on their ass - which is why they took so long giving these ones.


FUCCCKK! That really sucks man. So like, is anyone gonna take over? Do you have anyone to do it?

I've never used it, but there's a link here:
They trade it amongst themselves and other degenerates. Unfortunately where there's demand, supply will always show up
It really is disgraceful

You need to remember that no sane person would moderate for free, why do you think websites such as leddit are so fucking bad that if you say wrongthink you get instabanned?
Same reason here. You need to be terminally online, anyone normal likes touching grass. These retards do not. they legit have no life and the only dopamine they get is when they inact their shitty little power fantasies upon people.
Im scared our valid complaints will get sonic banned all togther if we keep saying it out in the co threads. so i think we really gotta wait for conductor to be back so we dont push our luck.

I... don't think I'm doing it right.
At this rate it's going to happen that way anyway. There have been times where all Sonic threads were deleted. We even got someone that complained about it happening and then that post got deleted.

>Im scared our valid complaints will get sonic banned all togther
Nah, that schizo tried this as hard as he could and still couldnt make it come true



If you got a short ban then you dont get that appeal tool the link is mentioning.

Is it like in this example ?

Yeah part of me really has that fear. Like, we're obviously not the ones doing anything wrong, but the ones with the mod/janny powers are the ones who ultimately have the final say in the matter.

Honestly the effort to have all the Sonic stuff "contained" into a singular thread makes me think they want the Ride to become a general so they can nuke it off /co/.

No anon you don't get it, 4chan is only for COOL stuff like guns, gritty games, ecchi anime and being a Republican. It's only supposed to be for complaining about the latest AAA game having a "they/them" option in the character creator, spamming completely unrelated slurs at those who disagree with you, and for making fun of people if they share custom content and they aren't good at it yet.

Any earnest, polite fun must be shot out the back like a rabid dog.
AI.PNG, 1589xNA, 1 times posted

Need more room for those shitty AI threads

>Honestly the effort to have all the Sonic stuff "contained" into a singular thread makes me think they want the Ride to become a general so they can nuke it off /co/.
That's exactly what they want. Though given IDWkun's blatant biases towards IDW threads, that will obviously never happ3n. For no other reason than him being self-defeating.

Funnily, I actually made the AI Sonics one - simply because I like posting the eldritch abominations it generates and some of them are pretty inspirational for actual art.

No fucking clue why they're letting the rest stay up though.

I just don't understand why they wont just make an AI board already, every fucking board from /a/ to /tv/ has dozens of AI threads up right now.
just a lil guy.png, 964xNA, 1 times posted

When it comes to the horrors beyond, homemade are always the best!

Because they don't care.

Did some new AI tech pop up recently for all these threads to show up ?

I love this lil' guy like you wouldn't believe!
I'm in but I don't know if I should just type stuff or if I really need to specifically pm someone.

I'd say ask thirstposter to help and guide you because I don't know shit.

Could you imagine it becomes the next /mlp/

I think? But I think it's also contrarianism, there's been legistations getting passed that disrupted or are threatening to disrupt some of the generators, as well as more public outrage as more prominent creatives are getting shafted by certain generators, not just literally-who book cover artists and whatnot.

Yes - Bing's new Imagge Creator using DALL-E 3 which is free and broadly accessible, so everyone is trying to get as much mileage out of it as possible.

You should first plan on what you want to talk about with them exactly.

Your ban appeal ? The imposed rule on Sonic threads ? The janny and mod behaviour ( keep in mind we arent supposed to know that the batshit guy is a janitor ) ?

All three of those ?


I don't care about the ban, I can sit out three days. I just want to talk about not having threads get deleted. I would like posts not breaking rules to not be deleted.
I just want to talk to someone like that one anon did.

Microsoft got the rights to show off the new DALL-E3 image generator through their Bing search engine, so anons are making pictures with it in droves. Mostly because it's one of the better ones out right now, making actually pretty cool pictures if you give it the right prompt. Hell people are even making ecchi smut with it with sneaky prompts, be it human or anthro. It's probably its golden hour at the minute before MS decide to utterly gimp it and make it super boring just like with what happened to ChatGPT after that got way too popular
Oh fuck now I realized it. Any troll could make a Sonic thread to block off the storytime one if this retarded rule sticks. We really need to solve this with some admin.
Legit was looking forward to hang out with you guys and then this unfair shit happens.

Yep. It's 100% a means of getting some retard to snipe the threads to death.
Well I got one response from that one mod. I laid some stuff out but waiting for a reply.

>from that one mod
It's ABIB isn't it...

Yes but I might as well see what he has to say. Assuming he's willing to talk. The worst thing is getting no response.
All I got was "Sonic threads shouldn't clutter the board" from the guy and nothing else.

God fucking damn it. I'm glad I'm not there because I would've absolutely pestered him about the AI shit, the Twitter screencap threads and ESPECIALLY about the Peridot spammer.

I didn't want to do that or else it might torpedo any chance at getting some kind of an agreement. I'll just go ahead with a constant Archie thread. I'll have a few days to think about how I want to do it.

Damn. Thanks for trying at least. I guess that confirms they don't care about moderation outside of their own interests, or that this guy is in cahoots with our special friend. I might write up an effortpost on all the shit we've had to deal with over the next few days. I'll share it around on pastebin for feedback

Oh, and do you want me to run a thread once I'm unbanned? I could finally do that Birdstone comic!

If you want. I'll be able to post again on Friday but the next thread won't be until Saturday.

Well I did threaten to post it if you ever got banned again, and I'm a degenerate of my word! I'll just go through the main Birdstone comic since I'll only have 2 threads. That way if you get banned again, we can do the even longer spinoff!

What did you ask him exactly ? If you could make the sequel threads when one was at bump limit ?

Yes but I only got one reply after I introduced myself. I was expecting at least some dismissive comment after going over some stuff but I got nothing. Waited almost an hour.

>"Sonic threads shouldn't clutter the board"
>Two threads on the entirety of /co/ is "cluttering" the board
Yeah this is just malicious. They just personally don't like Sonic media so they're creating arbitrary rules to keep it off /co/ or at list minimize it. Just literal powertripping.
The workaround is constant Archie threads. One hits bump limit then another is made. I have two things I need to figure out.
1. When to start a new one. I've mentioned many times I need to figure that out.
2. What to start a new thread with. If I post more comics at 7pm EST everyday, what do I post for new threads not at that time?

The alternative is make an Archie thread, it dies, and then if anyone wants to discuss Sonic they'd have to come here. Then the next day make another Archie thread.

I'd probably start a new thread around the time the current thread reaches page 9 or 10 after bump limit. If they're not happy with that either they can suck eggs.
I can't believe it... /sthg/ WON. The Ride is cancelled... now what?

I think they consider Sonic toeing the line because he's really a video game character. So they probably think "If we allow Sonic, why don't we just allow every cartoon and comic media of video games all over the board". Technically, that isn't rule-breaking at all because of the media basically still being /co/-related, but I can see someone going "No" towards it.

Good news, there's even more Birdstone spinoff content!
1. I say wait to page 9 or 10 at first, and then try going earlier
2. Maybe post a single issue, or just the first story?
It's not canceled, it's just evolving into a more resilient form

They just don't care. One of them is doing what they want and the others aren't bothering to stop it.
0.png, 821xNA, 1 times posted

As tempting as it is, I think the mod might perceive mentioning those janny's missaction as abuse of the appeal system and I should restrain myself to focus solely on my personal...
Alright, I will mention this this is fucking too far. Hope it reach someone who has decided to give at least half a fuck.

I wonder if the janny is using your mention of your Sonic and the Freedom Fighter comic as a break of the the "no promotion" rule. that would be BS, but I'd see him being able to get away with that explanation. Either that or he see the Archie thread as thread spamming, regardless of the many thread with similar topic existing oat the same time...

This sucks, but I did what I could.


/sthg/ actually liked keeping comic things contained in /co/, even if they did storytime IDW issues when they were released. If we headed there and started storytiming Archie because of this they would bitch out to 4chan admins almost immediately.
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Conductor is correct, the actual answer is that these people care not for whether or not Sonic counts as /co/, they're just shitting up threads because of some incredibly dumb personal vendetta.

But in all seriousness, I'd argue Sonic is much more /co/ than he is /v/ at this point. The franchise is defined by it's multimedia outreach. Many fans of the series are those who grew up with the comics/shows first and the games second.

The franchise had enough momentum in the comics space that it netted a second line of comics once they got nuked from its original publisher of choice. It's had not one, not two, not three but six cartoons so far. It's got two movies with the third one in production.

Talk to kids and teens in your life that sport Sonic merch and most will tell you in their own way that their introduction to the franchise was something like the movies or Sonic Boom or Prime.

And, obviously, the fandom aspect. There's games and ROM hacks, sure, but the bulk of the media the fandom produces is in the form of art, fancomics, fanfics and animated videos/shorts.

TL;DR: I think I might be autistic

The GOD of 4chan.
The least we could do in the next thread is try keeping the posts that have "metadrama" separate from the ones that show the comic panels, so that the schizo hopefully doesnt delete pages from the storytime.

Also if anyone else wants to do it, post the desuarchive link to the previous issues as an answer to the OP. You know, to the anons that might have missed the storytime. Dont have to say anything more, just let the anons see for themselves what happened.

That was a one time thing. I always sidestep stuff like that while posting. I only did that one time because an anon was talking to mods asking for examples and I wanted to get that done while posting. Turns out nothing happened, the posts were deleted, and I got banned for it.

Here's the link to the start of the Archie issues in the Unofficial Thread because the two times I tried to make an Archie thread were deleted because this thread was still up.
Why not just close the fancomic threads and focus on the Archie storytime if a Mod is going to have a problem with multiple Sonic threads?

Because the Archie thread dies before the night is over. So either there's around a 16 hour period with no Sonic storytime threads or another Archie thread has to be made right after that. And that's tricky because what do I start that thread with?

No problem, I know this is just bullshit behaviour they forcing onto us to cover their fuckups, and its being spiteful to the point they are even deleting pluschan links.

Had to remove the "p" for it to redirect to the post

Because if they force only one Sonic thread to be up, any troll like the one we know of, can make a "discussion" thread about Sonic comics just to block the storytime from happening.

Maybe we could hijack any troll Sonic threads that are up and storytime in them. The schizo might somehow manage to delete the posts for being "offtopic" to the discussion, but I honestly dont think he has that power. He would have used this on the countless times there was a discussion of archie in other threads.

>two threads are "cluttering the board"
Yeah, the other anons are right - this is targeted maliciousness. ABIB even personally 'oversees' /v/, so he fucking KNOWS what ACTUAL spam looks like. He just doesn't give a shit unless it's to sperg at something that personally offends him, and Sonic is definitely that.

Yeah, this is one of the few things that if someone mentioned it to /sthg/ and specifically mentioned that the likes of ABIB are involved, they'd 100% side with us on this and immediately start maliciously fucking with the staff until they give in. I'd say somebody here (who isn't banned) should mention it to them solely to piss off ABIB, IDWkun, and their fellow cocksuckers.

Because once he manages to consolidate us to one thread, he can then either 1) delete our threads at will the second any other schizo makes a troll thread that's "older" than ours, meaning we'd have to wait God knows how long for the shitpost thread to die before we could make a new Ride thread or 2) he can Nuke us off the board entirely with the justification that "Ride threads are a Sonic general" - which is blatantly false, but so long as ABIB is backing him up, it will go through.

>The schizo might somehow manage to delete the posts for being "offtopic" to the discussion, but I honestly dont think he has that power.
I know for a fact that jannies and/or mods can do this - they've deleted posts that spam either previously done Sonic fancomics in our threads before or literal Sonic porn, so if either ABIB or our special friend wanted, they could view our posts as "spamming" or "offtopic" to have us banned. It's not worth it, and even less to have our threads associated with the types of schizos brought over from there.

The best option is unironically to have someone make /sthg/ aware that ABIB and his pet janny are intentionally sabotaging the Archie Ride after having left it alone for years. They hate the staff on principle FAR more than they do us, and will almost assuredly make shit absolutely miserable for them if need be.
I already have a good idea what to do. It'll be different but it'll cover a lot of bases. I would like to be a little risky to test something but aside from that it should be fine. We'll see on Saturday.

It's ABIB, Conductor. He always had no intention of actually giving you a proper answer - he was always stringing you on and expecting you to kowtow to blatant moderator tyranny. He always does this shit and it's why all of /v/ that isn't sucking up to him for shitpost reasons wants him dead.

Welp Conductor, looking forward to what you have cooking up. It's a shame we gotta wait three whole days before you can start up again.

I'll also add that ABIB is a massive Nintendofag with blatant biases and has broken board and overall site rules multiple times before as it suits him, and gets away with it due to being part of the staff. He hates Project Moon threads and tried to delete them under the grounds of them not being a "cultural phenomenon like Smash", was insta-deleting XIV threads since 2015, and more. He genuinely does not believe the site should be used for any thing other than Nintendo discussion and shitposting.

It's absolutely possible he has a full on culture/tribe war mentality regarding Sonic having been a rival to Nintendo's biggest IP back in the day and has a chip on his shoulder about it having constant threads because of that. He's that mentally ill.

Oh, and he was removing Snootgame/Goodbye Volcano High threads over on /v/ when it just released. Keep in mind that this is a game created by someone who used to post on /v/ and made updates about their progress.

He has always hated the purpose of this site, and has always hated the posters on it for not discussing what he believes should be the sole topic of discussion. He was never going to hear us out from the moment he came in defending IDWkun fucking us over.

/sthg/ is at a stage where they will likely call it based and say "All Sonic comics with their OCs and OOC shit should be banned off the chans tbh!"

"No new thread until the previous one has reach bump limit/pruned" is really a new rule, though, as there was never an issue with making a new unofficial one when the previous one was still kicking.
0.png, 815xNA, 1 times posted

Well, bad news. Look like it ended up in the queue of the wrong mod.

Welp, I tried.
Can’t believe some of you actually retarded enough to suggest /sthg/ to help us. Don’t do that shit man. We shouldn’t be that desperate and I hope none of you actually brought up this situation to them or I’ll fucking punch your throats

> moderators are the most likely to have truly depraved stuff stored
Keep it about how the existence of a fan-comics dedicated thread shouldn't prevent the making of an Archie Sonic story-time thread.

It should be the sole focus.

Pretty much this.

Shame about that anon.

Might want to be careful about keeping your IP address covered up, champ.

Wait, "Janitor" is the official term used by the moderation of the board, right? It would really be a downer if the reason the appeal was thrown away was because that term was considered "offensive".

Fuck. I even had been careful to erase it the first time. Oh well. It's dynamic IP anyway, it'll change on its own eventually.
0.PNG, 1828xNA, 1 times posted

>how dare you have more than (1) Sonic thread!

I still prefer that over AI threads.
Sonic Epilogue.mp4, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
Hey, remember Sonic Epilogue? Well it turns out there is an ending of sorts, in AMV form! You could watch it on YouTube in 4k, but that one has replacement music. The original was timed to fit Numb by Linkin Park. Since it's one of my favorite songs, I've decided to recreate the original, enjoy!

Sonic Epilogue [4K]

>Hey, remember Sonic Epilogue?
Wow, that take me back
>Well it turns out there is an ending of sorts,
It barely had a beginning...
>The original was timed to fit Numb by Linkin Park. Since it's one of my favorite songs, I've decided to recreate the original, enjoy!
That's the most 00's thing I have seen in a while and I loved it. Thanks for finding it.
robotnik family tree by sophbun.png, 1500xNA, 1 times posted
Is this really all that's known of the Robotnik family tree? Of course there are the other "kids" but I have been curious about Maria's parents and any other humans in here. And Archie has others like Snively, Hope, Colin, and maybe some others.
0.png, 1500xNA, 1 times posted

The way that line was drawn bothered me so I moved it a little. Anyway, this lineage will always make me wonder about the age-gap between the related parents of Maria and Robotnik.

Also, My head-canon is that Robotnik also had a sister who married some guy who already had a son from a previous marriage and that son is Snivelli, hence how Robotnik ended up being his uncle by alliance/adoption.
latest_80.jpg, 722xNA, 1 times posted
Thirstposter, I have sent you an email.
In the Archie comics, Colin is Snively's father and Robotnik's brother. He gets turned into a metal statue and is destroyed when Robotropolis gets nuked.

Look what stress did to Snively. You'd expect the father/son relationship to be the other way around, looking at how they look.
scourge_eternal_blackout_issue_6_2_page_8_by_sukajisplats_dgb3r94-fullview.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
Contrary to what some thought /sthg/ is not happy that the Archie ride got fucked by the janny.
Some are even annoyed that they could not even find the thread yesterday.

At least they know what happened and that it's not our fault.

I doubt it but whatever

Free free to check yourself doubtful anon.

*Feel free

hmmmmm ok...

No worries! I figure now's an important time to be posting rare and cool stuff
That's it unfortunately. Eggman does mention that his family spent more time fussing over Maria than him, which made him jealous. That does place him in his mid-50s
Being Robotnik's main chew-toy would prematurely age anyone
Responded! Viva La Résistance!
I had a look and I'm glad to see they're pissed about it too. Frankly they're next on the chopping block

>check co
>no ride thread
F6v7CBLWcAAfQLJ.png, 836xNA, 1 times posted
temp.png, 1024xNA, 1 times posted

I've actually gotten several month long bans just for posting Rotor, and I don't even visit /co/ all that often
It's been kill on sight every time for me
amy everyday i struggle.jpg, 371xNA, 1 times posted
So here's the thing with doing Archie Ride threads here. The file limit is 350 and that includes images and videos. So we would do one thread every other night. By the time we finish, most of this board would be for just that. Also my usual concerns about thread activity being low.
>What the fuck is going on with them? I was hesitant to talk about ian yesterday during a discussion on him because I was afraid of them randomly banning me again
>Wait... So I wasnt the only one who got banned for 13 fucking days just because I was making edgy jokes about ian flynn in a thread?
>Jannies need to be replaced with new staff, cuz holy hell they basically banned nearly everyone so far I hear. Or they're hardcore Ian supporters
>That's likely the case, his connections run deep in the fandom after all.
>Flynney Boy can't handle jokes on the internet This fandom is doomed
What? They think it's because of Ian shitposting? Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see much discussion about the threads being deleted because two threads at the same time is considered "clutter." Also there's a lot of post deletions there as well and bans. This whole thing blew up bigger than I was expecting.
Also, you won't be able to post the same image twice here. Even if they're different threads. Sucks for reaction image posters.

Yeah, that’s why we gotta them on 4chan and not here. It’s just easier and admittedly I just don’t like this layout for the site

It was because they were spamming “(kill/hang/maim/strangle) Ian Flynn” over and over again. They were death threats. I also remember posts being deleted the same way when /sthg/ spammed stuff about Lange (Sonic Utopia dev) a few years ago, although, they weren't threats. They were shitting on Ian normally when the Frontiers DLC came out and nothing was deleted and nobody was banned.

They blame everything on Ian over there - because they're horrifically retarded. But yes, they've had the staff trying to delete or /trash/ them before.

I'd say someone should inform them that it's ABIB and Pixy (IDWkun) doing it, but you'll probably be instabanned the second you do.

Rotorfag ban evades and there is also a mod/janny who REALLY has it out for him to the point where posting Rotor is more or less outlawed.

Yeah, not even remotely surprised that they're shitting themselves over their spam being deleted. At the very least though, they're with us in hating the staff, albeit for terrible reasons.

Christ. Ian does have some faults but these people are literally unable to blame the japs for their messes at all

The whole situation is basically fucked regardless. ABIB is a Nintendo cultist and Pixy fucking despises Archie Sonic, and ABIB will have Pixy's back because he creates further division and chaos within the Sonic fandom on the site.

Thing is, that for all his dogged persistence in fucking people over, enough resistance can and will get ABIB to give up. The Project Moon threads won their freedom from moderator tyranny just by the sheer number of threads they made per day and their absolute refusal to budge even an inch when ABIB kept trying to force them off the site. He has no real way to get rid of Sonic threads and he knows it - he's mostly just hoping that in letting Pixy fuck us over, he can get us to drop the Ride or that we won't incite other Sonic fans across the site to start lashing out against the staff.

I certainly have no clue how he intends to stop threads about the Knuckles show coming this month from being made without going full scorched earth on everything.

Understandable. It took me a while but I got used to it. For example I had trouble with the threads as they are on the board where you expand the entire thread and have to scroll up but once I noticed that going into the thread by clicking on "No." next to the post # I got into the thread and that made things much better. The rest was just adjusting to the changes.
To think they completely missed the point and are blaming Ian is so hilariously /sthg/. And more making death threats? Might as well burn down your house and blame that on Ian too.
Yeah there's no solution but to play by their rules to the best of our abilities. I think I have a solution so we'll see if it works starting Saturday.

But on the other hand, the Sonic fandom IS divided, and while ABIB truly has no way to get rid of Sonic as a whole on the site, Pixy's hatred for Archie Sonic and media he considers adjacent to it will likely be the only parts of Sonic that will suffer on 4chan, and there are other sects of Sonic fans who will either be indifferent or be happy with it.

Same. The good news is I'll be doing a the Birdstone comic once my ban expires. I'll post here once I've started
That really does suck. I can't even imagine what it'd be like to have so much obsessive hate for a single poster that you ban all walruses from the site
I'd be fine doing it here, but I wouldn't want to colonize the board with Sonic threads. Also, I go into withdrawals if I can't post yes_hahaha_yes.png every few days
>What? They think it's because of Ian shitposting?
It's a separate incident. Someone made a shitpost about hanging Ian and half their thread's posters got banned. Some of them (wrongly) assumed that our threads got deleted because he worked on Archie and has some sort of backchannel connection to the mods
At least we know ABIB's the mod IDWkun sucks up to now
That's good to know. Honestly them trying to kick us off has only made me want to stick around
>I certainly have no clue how he intends to stop threads about the Knuckles show coming this month from being made without going full scorched earth on everything.
I can't wait!
He can't stay awake 24/7, so if he wants all mention of Archie gone he'll have to enlist more mods and jannies to his cause
Imagine if we had our own board on here. All half dozen of us. The entirety of Archie Sonic preserved here and then other threads for other Sonic stuff like fancomics.
Walrus.jpg, 1200xNA, 1 times posted
The janny? He fears this.
Since we have nothing better to do rn. Just asking a random question but what’s your guys personal reason for liking Archie sonic? Personally I really like it’s unique world

Similar reason to yours. Archie Mobius is fantastic and the definitive version of it for me.
Okay question, who is Pixy? I've seen some people mention they've been banned from most non-anon Sonic fandom spaces. The name rings a bell but all that I can find when I look them up is someone who works on that Freedom Planet game, and I seriously doubt that's the same person.
tumblr_15acd4bc4b0ab2e9bb1a86889877076a_01904d44_2048.png, 2048xNA, 1 times posted
In the interest of at least keeping up with some comics here, have this recent E-Vay comic.

Some rando from the farms that keeps being blamed for 99% of Archie hat/shitposting and it’s kind of autistic to do so desu . Fyi I don’t hate Archie before someone says something
tumblr_4235c84fa40e91e61b0d210e0ea67f5d_fdd96846_2048.png, 2048xNA, 1 times posted

He's some delirious schizo that /sthg/ found out was the guy always raving across multiple boards about "Richmunk", calling people "diaperfags" for the merest mention of Archie or them using the term Mobians, and was the same guy who obsesses over IDW and praises it as being "actual canon" unlike "Fartchie". Then they dug even deeper and found out that he's a supreme autist who got himself banned from literally all of the Sonic discussion forums that aren't 4chan-related.

Oh, and he's also from Kiwifarms. Make of that what you will.

Anon, he's not just a rando. He literally outed himself not just as a janny on 4chan, but also as being a turbo schizo from kiwifarms who did the exact same autistic shit hating on Archie like he does now - and said schizo meltdowns are what led to every Sonic-adjacent forum banning the shit out of him until he fell into our laps.

If he was just a rando, it would be easy to ignore but he's done this for years.
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I personally think Knuckles is making sense.
tumblr_adc0c215db57829ba572464dca379678_6253fd66_1280.png, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

I said this before and I’ll say this again. You know those pics and spam of insults using diapsrfag, Archie whatever, etc that using tangle pics or whatever. Well I found out at least that person who also happens to take up that shitposting was a previous rider who decided he just didn’t like Archie sonic. It’s fine to not like it but it seems he just decided to be Malicious about it for whatever reason. Found out about this shit because that dumbass doesn’t change his files

good thing that walrus isn't purple, that would be too scary
tumblr_ffb03f1d545232f6f5ea59511ae8dab9_fc29970e_1280.png, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

>KiwiFarms faggot
God fucking damn it, every single time it's always one of those motherfuckers. Hands down the worst site tourists come from. They're so shameless about the way they've brought most of the blue boards to shit, too.

Older Amy is doing things to me. Also is her and Sonic's daughter a preemie or something? She's fucking tiny!
tumblr_333831a6e12ca130686b36f97cc6e276_bf49cbc8_1280.png, 1280xNA, 1 times posted

>I know the answer
Tails...? Is there something you want to tell us?

Have you seen real world hoglets, anon? They're absolutely tiny - you could squeeze one between your fingers if its early enough and lacking developed spines. This is actually one of those things fanart gets consistently right when it comes to the sizes of baby hedgehogs or echidnas.

Also, Aurora probably seems smaller because Boomverse Mobians are lanky giants.

He also seems to have mindbroksn himself obsessing over Richmunk, himself a super schizo with some truly disgusting habits. Seems to be pretty common with schizos basically creating other schizos in some form of incestuous ouroboros.

What was really fucking funny for me one time is seeing him go between the schizo mode and “regular “ posting in a thread one time. I even called him out on this and he never replied lol. Again, I think that guy just went off the deep end with the hate to shitpost and even false flag sometimes. But also I ant to let you know too that not everyone who does that is the same person in just the case I’ve mentioned I actually know
where in the world is rouge the bat.png, 2600xNA, 1 times posted
What if she was more like Carmen Sandiego

>Sonic is going to stranngle Knuckles while Knux smugly bribes others to victory
I love despite being Fathers, Sonic & Knuckles are still incredibly petty to each other.

Honestly, that'd be perfect. We could have a thread for general discussion and then threads just for comics
It's simply too sexy for him to handle
Same. I mostly got into it because I'd heard it actually gave a backstory to Knuckles and even gave him his own series
Aww, they look so cute dressed up
>Knux in a dog suit
Well I guess one more fetish can't hurt!
I'm not 100% convinced he's from there since his poststyle seems different. I haven't done a thorough look though, and he does like to sockpuppet
I agree!
And to think I've been planning on storytiming his movie pitch storyboards! It is pretty funny to think IDWkun's got the hots for Kuta
It's good to see they kept up the rivalry

>And to think I've been planning on storytiming his movie pitch storyboards!
Link to them?

And a bonus link to the trailer (coming soon in 2011!):

Thanks. Can’t believe this was a thing and failed. Just like how pathetic rally 4 sally movement lol.
God that’s so embarrassing to all fans of archie

>next on the chopping block
good, i've been waiting for that general to die a slow and painful death

at this point, regular 4ch is just too volatile. it's much easier to just stick here and be done with it
how do we restore satam/archie reputation in the fandom?
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note: Eggman created Breezie, a robot that looked like a normal hedgehog, to seduce Sonic. It failed and Breezie was abandoned because she was deemed no longer useful. But the idea of a robot that doesn’t look like one is something Eggman didn’t consider further possibilities for. Breezie will. But what to call robot mobians…

Hmm, maybe 'robians'? No, that would never catch on...

Get rid of absolute fuck tards like kuta out of it first, and give more attention to the good people.

Hey conductor, on DA can you make folders for each of the issue please?
1.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

There's actually some fancomic stuff that has come out lately that should be posted somewhere. With the rest of Archie Sonic Forever's backup story done, here's the entire 8 page story. This is Network Not Found!

Yeah, that sounds way too silly and lame!
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The problem with SatAM and Archie isn't those two pieces of media in and of themselves (for the most part), it's the rabid fanbase they acquired that dominated English-speaking fandom spaces in the 2000's and early 2010's.

Take Sally for example. How many people actually hate just her as a character, and how many people hate her due to overexposure from the fandom or because they've seen one too many annoying fans of her bash other female characters of the franchise?

Robians? Mobots?
2.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

>threatening mighty's little sister
This badnik is so lucky he's on the other side of the world.
I'll look into it. No promises. I have a dozen things I should do but haven't.
3.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

She's strong just like her big brother.
I'm reminded of Moobot and I shuddered at the thought of that unstoppable menace!
4.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

It's Uncle Beauregard! I bet he uses margarine out of spite.
5.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

Good to see that the reunion is peaceful enough.
6.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

Big sis Bunnie!
7.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

Bunnie being busy.

Damn, shores really decided to make bunnies boobies really big in the art.
Also, I saw on their Twitter, they apparently also decided that Matilda had autism and actually did research to writer her, not kidding on that and kind of neat they did the research for that.
8.png, 800xNA, 1 times posted

>that costume
>on bunnie
F7oSMOHXEAAlyJj.jpg, 811xNA, 1 times posted

Now for some story summaries for the next issue. Sounds like it's going to be packed.
>Here's the cover for our next issue!
>Archie Sonic Forever ends the Mecha Sally saga with a bang.
>In "At All Costs Part Two", Lien-Da's plans lead to an explosive end, and the Death Egg's greatest asset is the key to Sally's rescue -- but will she come back the same as she left?
>In "Segfault Crash", Bunnie's role in a grand scheme comes to light, and her relationship with her uncle Beau will never be the same again.
>In "Forgotten Tether", Gae-Na makes a deal with the devil -- and he's allied with an unexpected, familiar face.
>And in "Snooping As Usual", the Secret Freedom Fighters investigate Geoffrey St. John's strange behavior, and Elias discovers a long-buried secret about himself.
>Damn, shores really decided to make bunnies boobies really big in the art.
Not to mention Nicole's body. Gotta love it when artists give the girls some meat.

Pretty cool to see echidna stuff. And man, I can’t wait for both fan comics to finally move past the naugus/mecha sally stuff I want to see something new!
> Not to mention Nicole's body. Gotta love it when artists give the girls some meat
Tru dat
15.jpg, 1600xNA, 1 times posted

Chaos in Order Page 15-21
This series has been updating and I didn't even notice. This is the one where Shadow was sent to another world by Eggman. Now he needs to find a way back.
Page 1-12
Page 13-14
>Pretty cool to see echidna stuff. And man, I can’t wait for both fan comics to finally move past the naugus/mecha sally stuff I want to see something new!
Some fresh Archie fan content will be very welcomed. ASO will probably wrap up Naugus in the next issue, Retold just got Sally back but she's still Mecha, Heroes Come Back may not come back, and I'm not sure what else has been trying to resolve those plot points.
16.jpg, 1600xNA, 1 times posted

I resized these pages to reduce their file size.
17.jpg, 1600xNA, 1 times posted

This comic gives me the vibe of an artist that likes Sonic but also wants to do their own original story so just put a character in one.
18.jpg, 1600xNA, 1 times posted

I like Shadow's attitude in this. Seems to be enjoying being an ass.
19.jpg, 1600xNA, 1 times posted

>order spear
Of course.
20.jpg, 1600xNA, 1 times posted

Peaceful pussies.
21.jpg, 1600xNA, 1 times posted

And that's it. I'll be sure to keep a better eye on this series.

They were failures for the same reason, Kuta was involved and he loves starting drama
We may have our differences but they should know they'll be the last remaining place to discuss Sonic on 4chan. I'd rather stay here, but I'm going to keep posting comics on principle now
Cool that you're keeping her a robot.
You could call them Robokens or Morristonians after the robots in Boom I kid, I kid
>I bet he uses margarine out of spite.
Oh mah stars!
Very nice!
Oh shit, I love this one!
>This comic gives me the vibe of an artist that likes Sonic but also wants to do their own original story so just put a character in one.
We've covered a few of those now
Jerk-dow best-dow
No talking about the Maekawa Master Plan in front of Shadow!

Mighty felt a disturbance in the world and was on his way until it suddenly went silent.

No Bunnie, don't do it!

A rare case where Order isn't presented as inherently unhinged or vile in a Sonic comic.
I'm a wee bit bored (by bored I mean I went to check /sthg/ to see what the fuzz was about and was left with permanent psychic damage), gonna play reporter.

>Favorite game?
>LEAST favorite game?
>Favorite character(s)?
>LEAST favorite character(s)?
>Favorite show?
>Favorite official comic?

>>Favorite game?
S3&K for 2D, SA2 for 3D. Special mention to Black Knight for the best plot
>>LEAST favorite game?
Lost World. I actually enjoyed the 3DS version though
>>Favorite character(s)?
Sonic and Knuckles
>>LEAST favorite character(s)?
Komi-Ko. She knows why! Seriously though, I guess the Zeti, but I'm more indifferent to them than anything
>>Favorite show?
OVA, or Boom if it needs to be a TV show
>>Favorite official comic?
Archie, but Fleetway's a close second

Higher res here (as well as the full 5 pages of comics)
I swear Queenie had a lewd art only twitter but I can't remember or find it.
Might be no threads on /co/ right now but it's nice to know that you all are still here, at least the ones that came around.

>Favorite game?
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
>Least favorite game?
Sonic Blast
>Favorite character(s)?
The Chaotix
>Least favorite character(s)?
I don't particularly have one, though I'm not that much of a fan of Marine cause she's annoying
>Favorite show?
Probably a toss up between the OVA and AoStH
>Favorite official comic?
Overall, I guess Archie. It has the largest spectrum of vibes and was pretty entertaining

Matilda looks so well drawn in this.
bubble_trouble__ft__rouge__by_edtropolis_dgb5ups-fullview.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
Feels good posting lewd stuff without worry.

Ahh I remember this one as well. Love the watercolors and this strange odyssey that Shadow is going on.
Unofficial Sonic Storytime: Sonic and the BirdStone
Be there or be square nerbs!


I will be there in spirit. Also make sure that the thread is dead by Friday/Saturday.

Won't be a problem, I have almost 800 images ;_;
Thanks Konductor!

Absolute madman!
0.png, 1397xNA, 1 times posted
Why Is Sonic and the birdstone comic suddenly in my recommendations on DA?

What have you all done?

>middle left one
0.jpg, 1024xNA, 1 times posted

Pic related.
Stolen art, though.

Well I'm exhausted. I have no idea how you do it. Off to nap now
lmao, it knows you read the threads! Also, there's over a thousand of them, so there's a good chance at least one will show up

I like a lot of the very unconventional characters introduced in the comics with fun species choices or just very charming yet still stylistically fitting designs and the fact that the game/show characters despite some spotty writing periods before 160 and very rarely after, can get great moments to shine such as with Sonic Universe arcs or Eggman getting an unambiguous victory over Sonic in the Egg Beater
IMG_8271.jpeg, 1382xNA, 1 times posted

It's following you.
Peridot spammer killed the thread and half the board is them. Ironic.
What the hell!
STC had got an animated commercial to advertise it

Somehow our threads are as bad as peridot faggot cluttering the board

For Italy. You didn't mention the most disturbing part, there.

It’s the blue arms isn’t it

At that rate, you could get your own entire board to spare +4 /co/. Maybe even move the existing threads there, problem is that there's no function for moving threads, and if I move them manually the backlinks would get permanently broken.
I suppose I should start working on that.

>It’s just easier
I'd argue that posting here is easier due to lack of captcha, but for image dumps the duplicate rule is indeed an issue.

>and admittedly I just don’t like this layout for the site
What don't you like about it? I'm always open for feedback, but no one is giving me any.

>you expand the entire thread and have to scroll up but once I noticed that going into the thread by clicking on "No." next to the post # I got into the thread and that made things much better.

Basic navigation should work the same here as it is on regular 4chan, including the part where you can click on the "No." for the post link, or the postnumber to open quick reply. The only difference is that we have inline backlinks, which on 4chan is optional.
041023_by_guchi_22_dgb6eol-fullview.jpg, 1024xNA, 1 times posted

> What don't you like about it?
I’m just too used to using 4chan with X installed and just can’t get used to this one desu. No offense

That would be amazing! If it's too much trouble I wouldn't mind starting over on a new board with new threads. Then I wouldn't mind doing more storytimes here. I do feel like I haven't done enough to get more people to frequent here but 4chan moderation is doing a good job helping that as well. I would try to promote this board over there whenever I can to further incentivize people to stick around here.

Being able to post the same image in different threads is fine if possible for those that want to post reaction images. Even if it's limited to just one post of the same image per thread.

I don't know if you can do anything about it but I will say that images load slower when expanding compared to 4chan is. I can work towards reducing file sizes but I'm not sure if there's a way to make it faster on your end.

I still think we should just do them on co for people to go there, but a board doesn’t sound so bad I guess. What is gonna be your method to use on Saturday anyway?

Again, if you can give me specific examples, I can look into if they can be implemented.

No promises, but I'll look into it. More than a few things are needed to get it done in an optimal way. I'd like to move the existing threads there too, it would be better to give you your own fiefdom instead of having +4 /co/ be exclusively your threads. /tnt/ was made for the same reason.

Image duplicate rules can be either once per board, once per thread, once every 15 minutes per board, once every 15 minutes per thread (no limit if you post it in different threads), or no limit whatsoever. Problem is, our hosting space is limited, and the way the board handles images is extremely inefficient and wastes a lot of space. If I set it to no limit, I'll have to set either lower image sizes, or have the board do auto pruning. Except that the board software can't do pruning, and it's not easy to implement in a way that can't be abused.

>images load slower when expanding compared to 4chan is
Do you mean transfer speed or initial wait before transfer starts? I can't do much about transfer speed unless someone helps to bankroll the site.

It’s kind of hard to me to describe that feel when using it atm so I have to think how to word it better later. But I do appreciate that you are doing this for conductor and us to help.

May I suggest if this is happening conductor that we don't make it a blue board, that way we can post the stuff from /pco/ too. In a seperate thread of course.

Personally, I think it's best to keep a clear distinction. And I say this as the guy who might actually be the main contributor to /pco/
What’s the rule on types of lewdish stuff and limit you can post here anyway? Conductor already posted some saucy stuff earlier.

From experience (don't quote me), artistic nudity (so visible nipples and genitals) are allowed under a NSFW warning, but no penetration or masturbation and no sexual fluid.

Oh ok

I'm fine with one image per thread. And everything is up to you. You can even wait if you want. Things are kind of in flux for us. I don't want you to put in all this effort and then only a few people are consistently posting on this new board. Then again I'm sure you know the exact numbers of visitors our threads get.
It really depends on what happens but we're getting screwed more and more on /co/. I still go to other threads but I hide so many and disregard a lot because it's all shit. It might get to a point where threads are sabotaged even worse then they've been now. That's why I don't want to publicly say what I'll do but I have a clear plan moving forward.
I'm fine with either although I don't really post NSFW stuff.

Makes sense. Tho if we did get a board. I’d move to post on it with you guys for storytimes and other
Sonic related things

There's no outright rule other than that if you post a lot of porn, use /pco/ (or the other porn boards), and even that one is just about being prudent.
Personally I'd consider 3 levels of NSFW: the normal boards, /pco/, and /coq/ and /cod/. On normal boards, you can use the NSFW tag to post /pco/ material. On /pco/ you can use it to post /coq/ /cod/ material. But even this is unwritten and mostly because people may have problems with the latter two.

At one point a mod removed posts from the Jenny thread for being NSFW, but even those were like... cheesecake at most, but some people thought it too much.

So there's no rule, other than "does it bother too many others".

It would be up to you since you'd be managing the board, in case I haven't mentioned that before. It's just that I'd have to add a bunch of functions that the board software should really have in its toolkit, but they're not there because we haven't needed them.
s_t_c_issue_21_page_12_by_okida_dgb99zz.jpg, 1378xNA, 1 times posted

Sonic the Continuation Issue 21 Page 12
Tekno in a tube top grilling Grimer because he's been keeping secrets from everyone, even Robotnik.

Thanks for the info

I'm fine managing the board. I'm monitoring these threads at all times anyway. I suppose threads for specific comics would be beneficial, like the ones for Sonic Future and A Sly Encounter although the first one is dead and the latter updates very slowly. I think most people stick to the main thread. I don't know if others would want to make their own Sonic threads like a fanfic thread, video thread, or dare I say it... an AI thread. Right now I intend to do the Archie threads on /co/ when my ban is lifted but if it gets derailed again then I'll do them here. Also, I would like to hear Thirstposter's input. He might show up later in the day.

Personally, I’d love that, especially with you looking over it. Cuz I know you’d stomp out the
Malicious anons if they appear lol.

>I'm monitoring these threads at all times anyway.
This is not completely altruistic on my part, since in the long term +4 will need someone other than me to look after it. Giving you your own board would be a start and get you familiarized with the available tools.

>or dare I say it... an AI thread
Not unless you start covering the hosting costs.
Hate bringing this up but would anyone here even consider donating? What would be a preferred way for that?
A Fox's Dilemma page 4.jpg, 1500xNA, 1 times posted
A Fox's Dilemma page 5.jpg, 1500xNA, 1 times posted

What happened?

'TiP JAR' and 'Buy me a coffee' are both easy to set up donation places, of course there's always paypal.



Asshole already started doing it.

What a cunt

lmao, and we're the bad guys!
>At that rate, you could get your own entire board to spare +4 /co/.
That'd be wonderful! I know how much effort adding extra functionality can be so no pressure if you don't want to move existing threads. If you do end up moving them, it'd be nice to have the old Archie discussions moved too. Actually some of the older ones seem to be missing. Not sure if you've still got them, but I'd love to read (and archive!) them
>What don't you like about it? I'm always open for feedback, but no one is giving me any.
NTA, but if you could add avif image support that'd be great. I'd actually suggest converting jpeg and png images to avif on your backend if you want to save space and reduce load times. I have 57GB of images from the storytimes and converting them to avif means I'm only hosting 9GB of images. The compression artifacts are barely noticeable when zoomed in, and it works really well for art. I'd also convert the gifs into mp4 if you want to save space. I ended up converting to webm, but that format is frankly garbage. avif can do animated gifs too, but the files can sometimes end up larger. Ideally I'd be using jpeg xl for everything, but chrome doesn't support it because webp's creator is salty his format's not as good
Another thing that'd be nice is an autoupdate toggle. 30 seconds would be fine. I keep forgetting to refresh before I post, but that's more a me issue
Currently, I make archives of these threads by manipulating the html, but it'd massively simplify things if there was a json view of these threads similar to desuarchive. Here's an example, but no worries if it's too much effort though
As for the site speed. It's pretty variable for me. Sometimes things are instantaneous, sometimes it takes about 20 seconds to update the thread. Smaller threads seem much faster though so you could always give us smaller image count/post limits.
>Do you mean transfer speed or initial wait before transfer starts? I can't do much about transfer speed unless someone helps to bankroll the site.
Images mostly load fast for me, but the delay between hitting expand and the image starting to load can take a while.
I'd be happy to contribute to hosting, although I have no idea how to use crypto. I've got a credit card and could setup a paypal or similar. I pay $5 a month to host the ride's website, but I'm guessing the costs here are higher. Also happy to help out with managing the board. Feel free to reach out on email if you like thirstposter@proton.me

>although I have no idea how to use crypto.
Oh, that one is simple:

May the Perispammer cleanse the board of his filth. Of course, his real punishment is that he'll have to run an Archie thread 24/7 essentially forever now. I hope he's got a lot of coffee, because I will be finishing that BirdStone comic!
lmao. I'm just saying the only donation method I can see is bitcoin and I have no idea how to look into it. Also, my investment portfolio is exclusively in something far more stable: Sonic memorabilia
IMG_8298.gif, 792xNA, 1 times posted
The hours to wait til Saturday is a bit agonizing for me bros. It’s so boring. The thoughts of a board to post sonic sounds cool though with the things we could do.

Why not hijack his shitty thread to storytime your stuff ?

Having the OP with the proper intro help the less persistent anons also find the threads.
For some reason this website is only running normally without timing out the connection when I use that Cloudflare WARP app.
I think coming up with ways to bring in people would also help. Not even just for Sonic but for the whole board in general. I know there are people in other threads and other communities. Not sure if those people come over here. Webcomics, furry comics in particular, might be interested in this board. Some webcomics get sent to /trash/ but the comic isn't even lewd. It does depend on how the threads in /trash/ are. There's also getting people from 4chan to try this site out. I know there's a lot of shitheads but it'd be like with our threads there and mainly focusing on people that just want to talk about comics and cartoons. I know some other threads have mostly good people that may be interested.

Well, a Sonic board is already a bit appealling to people I would say. Espically since it can be a place to have consistent ride thread which people are intertest in, and would use for other sonic purposes in the mean time for another archie thread. thats my opinion anyway

Oh and to add, it's definitely him (he used to shit up Death Battles threads). 4:30-5:00pm is his 3rd most active time, with his most active being 7:00-7:30pm, and second most being 11:00-11:30am. This is all based on the number of deletions our threads get
Because I don't want his threads to get any traction, that way he has to babysit them 24/7
That too
It's sometimes unreachable for me, but clears up after a few minutes
The Out Of Placers threads are banished to /trash/ despite being SFW

Putting the link to this place on the OP would be a start.

ABIB is a clown who doesn't actually give a shit about the site, but will lie and gaslight to you about reality in order to make you look like the onei n the wrong. Reminds me of my mother.

Smug Tails is best Tails.
gotcha.png, 1001xNA, 1 times posted

Went in there and asked. The troll sonic threads won't be able to do anything.

I think a small number of people from our threads would be interested. It's that convenience factor of people frequenting 4chan and coming to our threads from time to time. It would most appeal to those that only care about our threads and nothing else and I know that some are like that but not all or maybe even most. There's also the need to make it known. The most important thing is to let people know something exists.
>The Out Of Placers threads are banished to /trash/ despite being SFW
That's what I was thinking. SFW furry webcomics and maybe even the lewder ones that isn't completely NSFW could benefit from operating here if they don't like being on /trash/. I used to check out a really obscure image board, specifically their webcomic board. It was mostly furry webcomics, NSFW content was allowed with no censoring, and there were probably a dozen people that regularly posted there. There was a lot of arguing and complaining. Not the best collection of people.
I am curious if that will get us in trouble seeing as how posts doing that get deleted.
LOL! This is what they get for letting this shit happen. They really thought that this was going to quietly go away. I wasn't expecting several people going there to complain. Nice going everyone, especially since I assume everyone went there on their own and not encouraged to do so.

Good to know that for all he was a massive suckup to Robotnik, he wasn't THAT much of a simp that he'd sell out his home and family. Grimer has some good in him after all.

I mean, WWMH Tails is coming at this from a good place, but he's literally telling Nine to basically commit suicide.

Over t15 people? Jesus, are that many complaining for real

ABIB is lying by the way - when he says "multiple generals", he 100% means "you don't get multiple threads at all". He will absolutely look the other way if Pixy snipes us - mark my fucking words. He used a similar bullshit excuse to keep deleting Project Moon threads on /v/.

But lmao at them bitching over the number of complaints. Fucking retards should actually run the site properly AS IS THEIR FUCKING JOB if they don't want people hounding their asses.

Conductor maybe now it will be safer to do a new thread after bump limit.

It seems more and more like ABIB just didnt want the unnoficial ride and the archie ride being up at the same time.

>some other faggot spams
Mods sleep
>two sonic threads
OH well, tbh kinda wants to conductor to only do Archie threads then unofficial later but not to happen because of that. At least our ride can continue

The Ride is one of, if not THE most popular event on the board - possibly multiple boards. Thirstposter himself noted that there's an absolutely fuckhuge number of people who lurk our threads so it makes sense completely why so many are complaining. Not even mentioning /sthg/ being pissed at the mods being faggots.

ABIB is bullshitting my guy - he's freely allowed multiple Adventure Time/F&C threads to be up on the board and reach bump limit without issue (around 8 or so by my content earlier this morning) and those are all 'generals' by his loose definition. He's fine with multiple DC and Marvel storytimes in quick succession or two Death Battle threads being up, and those are literally closer to generals than we are.

Taking him at his word should never be done because he's well known to lie when pressure gets put on him.

>Conductor maybe now it will be safer to do a new thread after bump limit.
But when it hits page 9/10 because I already tried making a new thread when the schizo started spamming old GotF pages to force it to hit bump limit. I then made a new thread and it was deleted. There is no reasoning and when I told them this I was ignored. I can only imagine the headache if my new plan is screwed with. And yes it will be about maintaining one Sonic thread. I just don't want a new thread to get deleted when the old one hits bump limit.

Fifteen whole people, anon! That's as many as 15 different people! Far too many for one of the most frequented websites online.

A lot of those assholes just take up the janny/mod positions to censor posts they don't like. Even when it comes to moderating illegal content assholes post these people drag their feet, but God forbid you object to their practices.

If we all just report any shitposter at a time the problems should be dealt with if it happens

He got promoted from janny to moderator in 2009, and Encyclopedia Dramatica says he's been taking out his long-stifled aggressions on the boards ever since.
I kinda like the idea that our special friend has to start our threads for us. So helpful! I can just delete all of his garbage posts from the archive anyway. Also, he's already being bullied in his own thread, lmao
>SFW furry webcomics and maybe even the lewder ones that isn't completely NSFW could benefit from operating here if they don't like being on /trash/.
Honestly, the webcomics general on /lgbt/ could benefit from posting here since they wouldn't have to censor the occasional nudity or deal with their threads constantly dying
>I am curious if that will get us in trouble seeing as how posts doing that get deleted.
I put a link in at the
end of the storytime, but my thread got archived before the janny could look at it
>I wasn't expecting several people going there to complain.
That really made my day!
>Thirstposter himself noted that there's an absolutely fuckhuge number of people who lurk our threads so it makes sense completely why so many are complaining.
It's true! You can even see the uptick from there being no Archie thread
>ABIB is bullshitting my guy
Of course. Dude hates Sonic because he never grew out of the Sega-Nintendo rivalry

IDWkun is a janny anon - one personally defended by ABIB no less. I even reported his attempts to force the thread into autosage by spamming the GOTF pages and nothing ooccurred. He only very, very, very rarely gets his shit deleted or gets banned and never for long.

>converting jpeg and png images to avif
Won't happen. That would only make a significant difference if I destroyed the originals, otherwise it's storing +1 full sized file. If I converted and then destroyed the original, that would be even worse because one of the rules of the internet is "every post is a repost", and if you do lossy conversions on every repost you'll lose quality after a few iterations. It's why 4chan screencaps on funnyjunk are basically unreadable, it was reposted so many times. Also one of the things I hate on online artist galleries (twitter tumblr baraag etc) is that they all process the files in some way without keeping the original.

So it is not pragmatic and clashes with my principles. Same for gif to mp4.

Adding a 1280px wide intermediary format for expanding images has been considered, while keeping the "download original" button, but it needs more work and more testing.

>autoupdate toggle
Has been considered, we simply don't have enough regular posters to warrant it. This thread sure is proving me wrong though!

>json view
Has been considered (in fact the current frontend was built with this in mind), you are so far the first person who asked for it. The only real problem is 1. spending the time I need to brainstorm the proper type of json that would also be compatible with other imageboards, to make it easier on other scrapers to support plus4 with the least effort, and 2. if the site can return json then I'd want to put it in the thread updater and reference loader too to reduce the size of page loads, and that means re-creating the post renderer in javascript, which would be as extraordinarily complex as the lengths I went to to make sure the site can work with plain old html.
But I'll bump it higher on the todo list since someone actually asked for it for once.

>Smaller threads seem much faster though
Doesn't have anything to do with it. The block storage the site is hosted on occasionally gets screwed up and drops throughput dramatically. It was a problem in the past too and took me months to figure out. I messaged the host about it.
A solution would be if I moved the site to the SSD portion and symlink the media folder but that would be kicking the hornets nest that is the server configuration, and wouldn't help with the loading of full size images.

>I pay $5 a month to host the ride's website, but I'm guessing the costs here are higher
About $20, plus yearly domain costs, and that's about as much as I can afford assuming I don't lose my job. Inflation hit very hard over here since. If I got that much from donations that would at least keep the site secure. Anything more would go towards the Brotherhoods plans for world domination ascension.

>I'm just saying the only donation method I can see is bitcoin
Well, at least you looked it up. And for the record so far nobody sent anything on that address.

I did make this but haven't added it to the footer, I'm a bit worried if it leaks any personal info since it is literally just a paypal frontend.
If you see it drop personal info anywhere, I'll have to take it down.
Another option would be a patreon page since they mask person names, but I'm not sure the site would be eligible.

I was considering making it a Sonic Cult successor board, complete with a similar template, in case anyone here was active on that message board. But I first need to find a 24 year old version of Xara3d and try to recreate the logo.

As I recall that just gives their janitors an excuse to delete the thread faster since altchan links are hated by the current administration. It's why the good Conductor made his own site that links to here instead.

>Encyclopedia Dramatica
I hope you don't actually think of that as a reliable resource...

> Sonic Cult
Woah, haven’t heard that name in a long time
>try to recreate the old logo

/lgbt/ has a webcomic thread...? Did they ever storytime Buttlord GT there?

There was one janitor on /co/ who was posting referrer links in the Win-o thread en masse, something that's specifically against the rules, and used his janitor powers to clear any reports that were made of his own posts, plus delete any posts complaining about this. Basically abused his janitor status to make money.
25.jpg, 2692xNA, 1 times posted

>Has been considered, we simply don't have enough regular posters to warrant it. This thread sure is proving me wrong though!
I am very curious what numbers for the Sonic threads, /co/, and the whole board gets. Good to know that we're pulling in good enough numbers because of 4chan shitshow.

As for files, my only concern is them loading fast when expanding so for my part I'll do my best to keep images 1MB or less. I don't know how it is for others but it might keep people from lurking and reading if every image takes too long to load. I still like twitter's compression for files, the Scourge Eternal Blackout pages are so fucking small in file size despite the dimensions of the page. But it's like that only on twitter. The pages on DA are like 10MB for the same size.

Unrelated but you guys just reminded me of how /lgbt/ added pride flags, for whatever fucking reason decided to add a "chaser" flag, and had to rollback the addition as it just emboldened the guys being creeps to trans women there, lmao

>As for files, my only concern is them loading fast when expanding

There's no need to keep them super small for just that reason. When the host works fine, they load fast enough.

>Won't happen
Fair enough. I actually agree about preserving the original images and am frequently complaining about how almost no sites actually preserve the original images. Supporting avif as an option would be nice though

>Adding a 1280px wide intermediary format
That'd be great! I actually do something similar for the archived threads. I expand images in avif format, but the download link leads back to desuarchive/here

>This thread sure is proving me wrong though!
That's users for you, we always end up doing what you'd least expect!

>But I'll bump it higher on the todo list since someone actually asked for it for once.
Awesome! I'd just pick desuarchive/FoolFuuka's schema since it's the most popular. Having the thread updater use json would be really cool too, but I get why you'd prefer to keep it compatible with plain html. I try to do the same with my site, so visitors can still do everything even if they've disabled javascript

>Doesn't have anything to do with it.
Huh. Might just be confirmation bias on my end then

I can set up a paypal and ko-fi, but you might want too look into patreon. I already help fund the Conductor's comic through that

>I was considering making it a Sonic Cult successor board
Now that'd be a blast from the past! I always thought the black and green looked so cool

>It's why the good Conductor made his own site that links to here instead.
I actually run the website, but the Conductor and others help a lot with feedback. Interestingly, other 4/co/ threads can link here with no problem, but their administration's nothing if not inconsistent and lazy. Their current owner didn't even tweet about the site's 20th, and the only announcement we got was a "Happy Birthday 4chan"

It's hilarious when the lgbt crowd gets screwed by their own ideology like that. There was that snowflake who demanded that she be handled by female police or something, because reasons, and the police flat out shouted into her face "how do you know we don't identify as women?".

The funniest ones though, is when mtf trans are completely owning women in sports. Like that guy who finished 49th best in the male competition but is consistently a gold medal winner in female competitions.

Okay. I normally just aim for around 1-2MB when I resize stuff but I haven't heard complaints from others so I won't go too out of my way to do so. I sometimes do something similar for 4chan.

No, but the timeline tracks with other places
>/lgbt/ has a webcomic thread...?
It's actually really fun. They've got an interesting poststyle where the username is the name of the comic and the filename's something sassy about what's happening in the page. Highly recommend! The anons are really friendly and only make catty comments towards the comics
>Scourge Eternal Blackout
That one's always such a hassle to fit into 4mb
The flags were always going to be temporary. I generally stay out of t threads (which is hard, since they're 80% of the board now), but they do spend a lot of time talking about chasers. My guess is they added that flag as a reference to that

What? No. I'm pretty sure whoever added the chaser flag to /lgbt/ was someone hoping it would stir up shit. If they were aiming for inclusivity they wouldn't have added the option to ID as a horny guy looking for IRL futa.

Also without concrete names I'm not inclined to believe the sports thing. I always see it mentioned and the victories those trans people earn are either who-cares tier shit or ignore the droves of other athletes that ranked above them.

Don't be weird, this is not the Sonic the Hedgehog way.
Sonic says: I’m not gay or anything but the shit you’re describing about that board is making my sides in orbit rn

>Awesome! I'd just pick desuarchive/FoolFuuka's schema since it's the most popular.
Do you have a link for the documentation of their format? The only json reference I've seen is the one for the 4chan api, which has its own docs on github.

>I can set up a paypal and ko-fi, but you might want too look into patreon. I already help fund the Conductor's comic through that
Last time I checked Patreon will police you for stuff that goes against their TOS even if you posted it on your own social media instead of on Patreon directly. That's an issue because /pco/ has a whole lot of that going on.

>I always thought the black and green looked so cool
well gee now I'll have to look up the original stylesheet I made for the site around 2005 or 6.
6.jpg, 2795xNA, 1 times posted

>That one's always such a hassle to fit into 4mb
Which is why I prefer waiting for it to go on twitter and marvel how it's compressed on there. I'm sure better eyes can spot the drop in quality compared to the DA version but the reduction in file size is so insane there's no way either size on DA is better than twitter's unless you really want that flawless image. The one time I had to use the DA version I just saved it through photoshop and I think I reduced the image size as well to make it even smaller. Here it is. Let's see what the sizes were on DA...
>3105x4725px 18.21 MB
Jesus Christ!

Reminds me of when that MTF MMA fighter Fallon Fox broke the females opponent's skull.

Anyway Sonic the hedgehog lol

>Last time I checked Patreon will police you for stuff that goes against their TOS even if you posted it on your own social media instead of on Patreon directly. That's an issue because /pco/ has a whole lot of that going on.
I am very knowledgeable about this. Wherever you advertise Patreon it can't be on pages that have content that goes against their TOS. I assume it would fine if you advertised on boards that don't have stuff that break their guidelines. And Patreon isn't going to actually check. It'd have to be someone reporting you and Patreon checking and agreeing that you're breaking a rule. But Patreon has apparently gotten better so at worst they'll suspend your account and you'd have to work with their people to get your account back. But I'm 99% sure you'd never have a problem. Just keep it off /pco/ and other strictly NSFW boards.

>Also without concrete names I'm not inclined to believe the sports thing.
Lia Thomas

>Don't be weird, this is not the Sonic the Hedgehog way.
But anon, Sonic is pretty gay.

>Do you have a link for the documentation of their format?
I mostly just made guesses looking at the json and the original posts, but there is some documentation here: https://foolfuuka.readthedocs.io/en/latest/code_guide/documentation/api.html

Good point. Financial censorship seems to be increasingly popular now

>original stylesheet
A surprising amount of the site's up on the internet archive and if they do get rid of it, I've got a local dump of their archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20021205223142/http://sonic-cult.org/index2.php

And now you know why I'm always infodumping about image formats!
Ngl, thirtposter makes me feel dumb every time they get into technical stuff. So garsh darn smart

Ah, her. She didn't even break any records, lmao. They got her confused with another athlete who isn't trans. And she wasn't shit at all when she competed with men.

The fuzz about transgender people in sports is fucking retarded. It's just the "b-b-but the blacks have higher bone density" argument repackaged for the 21st century. Nobody gave a shit about women's divisions until they saw something they could use to drum up culture war bullshit.

>But anon, Sonic is pretty gay.
But he's not transphobic!

The Ride shares one neuron and 99% of the time Thirstposter is the one holding it.

So instead of putting the patreon link in the footer, I should instead create a static donations page, and link Patreon there? And on Patreon, I should link to the plus4chan main page, but not to /pco/?
That sounds reeeeeally dumb and I don't think they are so dumb that this would work.

>It'd have to be someone reporting you
I'm half certain that there would be at least one person who'd try that.

No worries, I still have my files back from when I worked on the site.

One question though: how exactly did you make a local dump of the stuff on archive.org?

If possible, just a banner/link for boards you feel are safe. I wouldn't link on the Patreon page back to the site. It's more important having a link to the Patreon page. The name alone is enough for anyone who manages to find the Patreon but not know about the site.
>I'm half certain that there would be at least one person who'd try that.
I've seen huge ass Patreon accounts obviously breaking rules doing fine. I don't know if you have any enemies but they'd have their work cut out for them if they want to get you that way.

lmao, I'm not that smart. I just get hyperfixated on things and know very little outside those areas. I also do a lot of programming for work, and enough of the skills are transferable that I can cobble together things from example for the website
>No worries, I still have my files back from when I worked on the site.
>One question though: how exactly did you make a local dump of the stuff on archive.org?
I used https://github.com/hartator/wayback-machine-downloader
It's pretty easy to use. Once it's installed, you just run:
wayback_machine_downloader -s sonic-cult.org
and it'll get everything

>they'd have their work cut out for them if they want to get you that way.
They know enough to go to our host directly, I'm not ruling that out that they'd want to fuck us over out of spite.

For now I'll keep the ko-fi link, if anyone here is interested in donating to begin with, I'll look into the patreon. But thanks for the confirmation, it gives me considerable hope.

Interesting to hear you worked on cult years ago. Was it really that bad as people say wise with the fans who inhabited it?

Thanks. Not sure how well it would handle the sonic cult though, since the pages had no folder structure and in fact the articles didn't even have a fixed permalink, the page IDs change with updates, which was a huge problem. For the static pages it oughta work. Anyway that's not what I need it for.
Looking at the twitter, it needs to be used more. I would say to advertise threads and use tags. I think actual links will hurt visibility for posts but there are ways to get around that. I'd have to think about what to do for a template of posts as well as what to post. Social media is a tricky thing but even putting in some effort can yield good results.

>recreate the logo.
Hopefully without cream
IMG_8309.jpeg, 552xNA, 1 times posted

Cream makes everything better

There's plenty of sites where promotion could work. Not just Twitter, we could try Instagram or Reddit. Hell, even Tumblr would probably net a couple people.

Dios mio, la creatura

Well imo along with just making people aware of it, yiu would want to list some god reasons why someone would use this over regular 4chan.
Oh no, the anons are still bullying our special friend over on 4/co/!
No worries. Yeah, getting the archive in warc might have been better, but there isn't much software to read it. Would be nice to have a proper archive hosted somewhere, but that's how it is sometimes
Axe Shadow best logo!

>There's plenty of sites where promotion could work. Not just Twitter, we could try Instagram or Reddit. Hell, even Tumblr would probably net a couple people.
Yes, as many sites as possible. This is why there are entire departments dedicated to social media.

4chan is doing a good enough job giving a reason. This site can be for others what it is for us. A refuge because 4chan has managed to get worse and moderation is making it worse. The only thing is that we'll get troublemakers but that can be dealt with when it comes up. Just like with money, mo anons mo problems.
>Oh no, the anons are still bullying our special friend over on 4/co/!
Yeah that thread is just the schizo talking shit that nobody is buying. And to think even /sthg/ wants the Archie Ride back.

> 4chan is doing a good enough job giving a reason.
Lol true. And already yeah it is better espically with what I’m assuming is the creator of the site talking with how on stuff which is nice

>someone mentions IDWkun in his thread
>thread is mysteriously deleted 2 minutes later
A least he cleans up after himself!
I've long suspected a number of those anons either lurk our threads, or post but with a more laid back style

No thanks, especially when you know what happened over there.

Reasons I'd recommend putting in:
>Ease of use
>The relaxed nature of the threads, less pressure to babysit them because they're not competing against shitposting in a busy board and stay up for longer
>Moderation doesn't consist of petulant assholes. Stuff that shouldn't get deleted stays up and stuff that should gets dealt with quickly
>Nature of the content covered and the thread atmosphere filters most assholes from regular 4chan, the threads being here ensure that any moderator with similarly shitty inclinations cannot interfere, either
oh no no no.png, 514xNA, 1 times posted


Fucking wow. This is just further proof that moderation has it out for Sonic. There's no reason the thread should've been deleted.

Also, we can have videos with sound and post sfw anthro comics
I'm pretty sure he deleted it himself after getting so thoroughly BFTO

Very good reasons
hahaha! This was from that Archie thread right?

>I'm pretty sure he deleted it himself after getting so thoroughly BFTO
Yeah. It was by him, shitted up by him, and deleted by a mod. That duo is going to be a problem and I don't think it'll be smooth sailing when I resume.

Sure was! The very last reply was actually me lmao. I'm surprised he didn't ban nor warn me.
Gay rights (Conductor/Thirstposter)

Gay wrongs (ABIB/Pixy)

Just wow. Imagine letting a couple of sonic fans making you this made to delete them. What a jerk
scp.gif, 204xNA, 1 times posted

Depends which part of the place you are asking about. The community, I'd best describe it as hanging out with your friends during the most fun years of high school. It was a mix of mutual respect, clowning around and doing unnecessary dangerous stuff, but also actually achieving a lot together when you got serious. It was like if Jackass was a sonic message board.

Obviously, the hypocritical really annoying guy you laughed at for being a hypocritical really annoying guy, well he didn't like that as much. And while the rest of you all went on and pursued other interests or became family men (as in, literally), those annoying guys are still around, post 60 times an hour on social media, and bring up how horrible the site was. And that's why you have so much negative connotation when the site is brought up, while the people who were part of it all remember it quite fondly.

That's not to say there wasn't a shitload of drama, vitriol, forum wars, very long hacking wars, and a lot of people who got dicked over (often justifiably so, since they were dicks to begin with). But at the end of the day it was still the number one site of its kind in its prime, thanks to its community. Even if the community hacked prototype roms and other message boards equally often.

>get called out
>immediately delete the thread

He deleted a fuckton of posts shitting on him (including some Ride semi-regulars) before finally deleting the whole thread once Thirstposter called him out. Pretty certain a bunch of people got bans before he finally sperged out hard enough to delete his own shitpost thread.

Ahhh ok, thanks. Def seem interesting.
cult-icecream.gif, 552xNA, 1 times posted

use the transparent version man.

>I actually run the website, but the Conductor and others help a lot with feedback.
now wait a sec, I thought that the ride page was made by the conductor. If it's your page then it's actually you I'd want to run a hypothetical sonic board here.

My bad. Do you happen to have that one where she’s hanging on the letters by her panties lol.
I hate creampedos so fucking much
cult-creamfall.gif, 549xNA, 1 times posted
cult-tailsko.gif, 547xNA, 1 times posted

ok, here's one for you then.

Creamchads are the life and blood of this fanbase.

Based thank you
Tails always looks good in girl clothes

>now wait a sec, I thought that the ride page was made by the conductor. If it's your page then it's actually you I'd want to run a hypothetical sonic board here.
Thirstposter runs the website and helps out with things like downloading images in bunches when I don't get around to it, and various other things. All I do is search for comics, organize what to post, and dedicate 1-2 hours everyday posting in the Ride threads and make sure the threads are there 24 hours unless I'm sleeping. My management skills are less technical and more about design, advertisement, and organization.

Back on the Cult forums, someone mentioned that they thought Tails was a girl back when Sonic 2 came out. You know, how the back story is that Tails always admired Sonic from afar, and in the game Tails literally runs after Sonic and always catching up with him, etc. A few others mentioned that they also thought Tails was a girl when first playing the game. A lot of others just thought that this was really funny.

So it became a running joke that Tails is actually a girl.

Apparently some dubs of the shows made tails out to be a girl too

>sonic games
>running joke

god damn it.

Yeah, that's me. Wow, that's seriously an honor! The Conductor's probably the more responsible one though. That said we're generally up at different times so between the two of us there's almost always someone around
lmao, I remember when everyone was insisting he was a girl

Oh speaking of that, doesn't the song that the game uses as the ending theme have a full version with a man and woman singing it, showing it's very clearly a romantic song? The upload of it used to be up on YouTube years ago but now it's gone and I can't for the life of me find that specific version again.

Do you mean the fact that they always use women to voice child characters?
Not sure what dubs we could even talk about since there wasn't even any dubbed shows except maybe the OVA. Sonic X came waaay later.

The Latin American dubs of the older shows make him out to be female

The "full" version (well more like a real instrument version) of the sonic 2 ending song is Sweet Dreams from Dreams Come True. I have no idea who sings what in it. The bassist of the band composed the music for Sonic 1 and 2. But after that they became famous and asked for more money, so Sega dumped them. Which was a huge mistake because the music in the later games were horrible. But then again the later games in general were horrible.

aaah, I see.

Can confirm, in the mexican dub of AoStH and SatAM, Sonic calls Tails little sis and they even went out of their way to change the real name, as in Tails real name was Bibi instead of Miles
1656950121900.png, 799xNA, 1 times posted

I'm glad that Sonic has consistently gotten Latin American localizations when it comes to shows and the movies (even if Sonic being voiced by fucking Luisito Comunica is fucking hilarious), but shit man, it just keeps reminding me how SEGA sucks hot cocks and outright refuses to give us anything but either the English localization or the shitty Spanish from Spain one.

There's so many good VAs they could very easily take from the shows and movies. The guy that did the dub for Jake Peralta from Brooklyn 99 does a pretty good Sonic in the Sonic Boom localization, for example.

*oops, forgot to specify. The shows and movies have pretty diverse localizations, but the only localizations for the games are in European Spanish and Portuguese.
Oh and before I forget, I've been meaning to share this weresonamy animation I found but I kept fucking forgetting:

La Pesadilla de Amy [Animación Parodia Beastars]
Female or male, tails unironically has more potential romantic chemistry with sonic than any other love interest.
936.gif, 357xNA, 1 times posted

Sontails is such an underrepresented ship for Sonic and Tails.
1643597372819.png, 458xNA, 1 times posted

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you literally can’t as they have the best chemistry is the entire franchise and it unironically wouldn’t be hard to believe if they started falling for each other
eclipse_p119_by_tierafoxglove_dgbb93a.png, 1132xNA, 1 times posted

Eclipse p119
>that second panel

We basically get nothing when it comes to games and even the localization of non-game media has been iffy, remember how in the Sonic X dub the names of many characters were literally translated? Too bad that Sega doesn't know that a good and consistent localization can turn a foreign IP into something extremely successful, just look at DBZ and othe animes.
127.jpg, 726xNA, 1 times posted

Sonic Now Page 127-129
Might as well start posting some stuff. Now!

Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note:
Yes, you can think of Breezie as Eggman’s daughter. What a neglectful father he is. Abandoning his “children.” Here’s hoping he doesn’t do that anymore.
128.jpg, 726xNA, 1 times posted

I don't know what's going on here.
129.jpg, 726xNA, 1 times posted

Hey, I recognize that guy!
8.jpg, 1305xNA, 1 times posted

Cosmic Nexus Page 8
>tower doesn't want to rely on sonic and his friends to save the world
>so he recruited a bunch of sexy mobians to help gun
sas_page_43__by_woforlife_dgbal0x.jpg, 2447xNA, 1 times posted

Sonic Adventure Soup Page 43
I hope it gets to be as interesting as it was when it was basically Sonic Boom the comic. Also, you check out the deviation description from this artist. They really do care about the best way to draw chaos emeralds.
_comic_commission__amy_s_new_attire_pg_1_by_cardonanavas_de9mk53-fullview.jpg, 800xNA, 1 times posted
And now for a 3 page comic commission of Amy trying out a new costume.
_comic_commission__amy_s_new_attire_pg_2_by_cardonanavas_de9mkmr-fullview.jpg, 800xNA, 1 times posted

What could it be?
_comic_commission__amy_s_new_attire_pg_3_by_cardonanavas_de9mkoz-fullview.jpg, 800xNA, 1 times posted

She's not naked, she's wearing shoes and gloves.
idw_sally_chapter_1__page_6_30_by_brandonking2013_dgay7oc.png, 2490xNA, 1 times posted

IDW Sally Chapter 1 Page 6
I'm not let down by the tracing but rather how all over the place the writing is.

It's very "I am A2 at English at most but God as my witness I'll corner the anglophone market".

Can't criticize it, though. I wasn't born fluent in English overnight, my early presence online definitely was like this.
1.jpg, 1256xNA, 1 times posted
Now for Darkleading AU. Seems to be mostly a bunch of drawings but here's some comics. And we start with Sonic suffering due to other people suffering.
I'm willing to overlook any awkward English the story jumps and changes every other page.
2.jpg, 1256xNA, 1 times posted

And then we get right into Sonic abuse!
3.jpg, 1256xNA, 1 times posted

4.jpg, 1256xNA, 1 times posted

Take 'em!
5.jpg, 1256xNA, 1 times posted

Can you be more cryptic, Shadow?
6.jpg, 1256xNA, 1 times posted

And that's it for this comic but there's more to all of this.
Dunno if this counts as Unofficial or Archie but Adam Bryce redrew that one infamous Archie issue (the one that was really poorly drawn)

7.jpg, 1971xNA, 1 times posted

Sonic wants to know.
8.jpg, 1971xNA, 1 times posted

That's why. But it would be nice to see the damage Sonic did.
Thirstposter has been working on that since the dialogue isn't included.
first peek 1.jpg, 1848xNA, 1 times posted

Now we get some visual confirmation on what Sonic did.
first peek 2.jpg, 1848xNA, 1 times posted

Last bit.
>censored even on twitter
There should be more of this but that's it so far. There's other illustrations and probably writing to better explain this AU.

I wonder what the context of this AU is.

Forget the himbo scale (for now), we need to rate Sonics along the woobie scale! I'm picturing a scale that goes from WAKU WAKU to pleadingeyesemoji.jpeg
the sacrifice 1.jpg, 1127xNA, 1 times posted

>I wonder what the context of this AU is.
Suffering. Here's more.
the sacrifice 2.jpg, 1127xNA, 1 times posted

It's okay, they both have super speed and have dodged lasers like this plenty of times.
the sacrifice 3.jpg, 1127xNA, 1 times posted

the sacrifice 4.jpg, 1127xNA, 1 times posted

Oh no!
the sacrifice 5.jpg, 1127xNA, 1 times posted

>go to my instagram for an explanation
Sorry, too lazy.
the sacrifice 6.jpg, 1127xNA, 1 times posted

So basically Sonic got corrupted, went on a murderous rampage, regained his senses, and got beat up for it.

Seems a bit excessive, Satan. Wouldn't be THAT much to talk about over multiple threads

Depends. We're halfway through our 10th thread in addition threads everyday on 4chan... before my current vacation. And there's a few Sonic comics that have their own thread. If The Archie Ride was forced to be done here then we'd have a new thread every other day.
Or maybe a new Archie thread every three days. Yeah I think that's what it be.
1639237917200.jpg, 224xNA, 1 times posted
You know, I am absolutely convinced Sonic has enough traction to warrant a board on the regular 4chan(nel).

>The franchise regularly updates on ALL fronts (games, animated series, comics, movies, general social media bullshit, merchandise, etc.)
>The fandom is so large and active that a hypothetical /sth/ would very easily outperform other boards in terms of activity, long after the novelty of a new board wears off
>The infinite potential of Original the Characters Donut Steel
>Multiple smaller projects that are tangentially related to Sonic that could benefit from being in a board that won't bury them to the ground (think what /mlp/ is to Them's Fightin' Herds)
>The absolute fucking Incomprehensible Horror that is /sthg/ over at /vg/, needing several threads PER DAY just to keep up, /vg/ audience definitely there
>The Ride had enough lurkers that ABIB got spammed-ish with complaints/questions, and there's near constant bitching about the comics in the board, the /co/ audience is there
>Would give us a place to go full Sonic autism and would appease/force ABIB and Pixy's hand into letting every single one of us be

Now that's a GUN I can get behind!
>check out the deviation description from this artist
I read that and I learnt way more about drawing chaos emeralds than I ever thought I would
Those are boots so technically she's more clothed than Sonic!
Just like my Sonadow doujins!
I do like all the drama
B-but we need more videogame boards! Seriously though, you could make a suggestion through the feedback form. It would be nice, but I just don't see them ever doing anything to improve 4chan
Perfect vessel.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted
Perfect vessel page 2.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted
Perfect vessel page 3.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted
Perfect vessel page 4.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted
Perfect vessel page 5.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted
Perfect vessel page 6.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted

Now Im wondering why Pixy never tried automating his shitflinging like Barney did to MLP posts.
Daydreaming.png, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
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Daydreaming page 10.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted

I love this guy's AUs

My favorite is the cannibal one.

Birdstone 2: Revenge of the Nerbs!


>You know, I am absolutely convinced Sonic has enough traction to warrant a board on the regular 4chan(nel).
It's not forcibly a good thing.
Left on its own, on /co/ there are sometimes threads on specific point of the franchise, the discussions and storytime about the current issues and show and of course the unofficial ride. And the Archie ride. It never took much of the board honestly (hence why "cluttering the board" was total BS)

Not enough for a dedicated Sonic board I am afraid that it would turn into navel-gazing and ongoing shipost thread for a need to feel the void. That's basically what happened with /mlp/.

Oh no don’t get me wrong, I’m aware it’s not 100% a good thing, and having an entire board would essentially force it to go the way of Pokemon and MLP, where discussion of it off its designated board gets shot down.

However, in terms of energy I do genuinely see it keeping a decent-ish structure longterm. /mlp/ devolved so much because G4 was on a steady decline and eventually wrapped up and G5 hasn’t captured the same lightning in a bottle even though it’s pretty neat.

Sonic as a franchise is less intense than MLP on its heyday in terms of audience engagement, but it’s much more consistent and longer-lasting.
I just had a dream where there was an animated idw sonic movie and it featured cream and belle being protagonists and I kinda want it now. Especially when cream was being a bit bratty in making fun of belle being a puppet

Quick question, does anyone know the image bump limit for 4/co/?

300 images

Well guess who's doing 300 images then ;_; Thanks!
I'd bump that thread... IF I COULD!
This is another thing I worry about when it comes to creating a new thread. If I do it at a time other anons aren't aware and it doesn't bump and then BAM Peridot spam kills it.

I can always bump it on my phone if things get dire. I guess the OP can't bump their own thread. Oh, and do you want me to do the latest chapter of THoaM? The last page just dropped.

The OP can after a couple hours but it's pretty wonky with our threads because I think someone has been messing with it. If you wait long enough then even your posts would bump it but that's not happening now. Even when I started a thread and finished posting, after a while my posts would bump the thread.
Maybe after your break, your posts were bumping the thread but then after posting so much your posts weren't bumping it anymore. But that's so weird and isn't consistent and nobody seems to know what's going on with it. I've been observing and keeping track of any irregularities but I still can't make much sense of it.
Yep, your last post was immediately deleted meaning that the duo is monitoring your thread and messing with it.

lmao, I thought there was something going on with the bumping! Yeah, that post was mostly a test to see if he'd woken up yet.

Still wondering whether to do THoaM. We've got enough images in the bump limit, but I'm also fine leaving it to you

You can do it. I won't be able to start posting around like 9-10pm EST.

Cool! Time to fill up that thread! Oh, and I can bump again

Yeah I don't know what's going on with bumping for threads like that or if it's just us. I'd have to see the same thing happen with other threads and I don't really see posting like mine.

And I can't bump it anymore (again). I'm 100% convinced it's our special friend messing with things
We're so back!
1665364227738147.jpg, 250xNA, 1 times posted
Girlies, we are so so back

Well I massively fucked up. I even planned things so I could post the last few images before you'd start your thread. You'd think hitting the image limit would trigger the bump limit! Oh, and fun fact, or special friend allowed me to bump the thread again as soon as the image limit was reached

It's fine. I was just surprised there was no discussion after the thread. So I thought that if archived that'd be fine as well but it kept getting bumped by 1-2 posts and then nothing for another hour.

In hindsight I should've opened with THoaM, that usually gets a lot of discussion. Still, we've filled it up now!

Unless it has changed, I thought it was 500.

It's 500 posts to hit the bump limit, and the image limit is 301. I made the mistake of assuming that once we hit the image limit that would trigger the bump limit
StH 010 - 01.jpg, 1498xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic Storytime Thread #1
Site is back up, neat
Ahh, so that’s your plan. Cool
Daydreaming page 11.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted
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Daydreaming page 16.jpg, 2048xNA, 1 times posted
For the ride, read http://hedgehogscantswim.blogspot.com/?m=1
Something that might be worth checking (though I don't have an IG account)
StH 011 - 01.jpg, 1498xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic the Hedgehog #11-13
The posts talking about why a new thread can't be made were deleted. Mine wasn't.
(Godot) Sonic Frontiers Game Over - CC Parody by AmeerAshour.mp4, 854xNA, 1 times posted
Someone did a bad end video for the Sonic Frontiers DLC.
honestly i'd use this more if i wasn't engaged with other things. 4chan x is too much of a handicap, i can never tell how often i'm supposed to refresh on sites like these.
it's a real shame given the state of the regular board's corrupted moderation
Not sure if you've done this thirstposter

Let me see if I got this.

big oof

Interesting. Even my sassy swipe at the adventure time threads was deleted
I try to remember to hit update in the navigator before posting. 4chan x has corrupted me to the point where I'm not sure I could actually post on vanilla 4chan. The captcha solver is a lifesaver
I have!
Beat me to it! Yeah, that's the format you need to use
season's greetings.jpg, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic Storytime Thread #2

Went surprisingly well today. Our special friend's still around, but no threads got deleted

We're playing by their rules and they probably don't want anymore anons coming into IRC bothering them.

Interestingly playing by their rules has dramatically increased engagement and viewers for the threads. The website's been getting over 12k visitors a day for the last few days. That's at least 12 thousand anons that are aware of our janny problem. I'd sure hate to be him!
we're number 1!.jpg, 1822xNA, 1 times posted

Forgot to add, all this interest has finally pushed us to the number one Sonic site on Neocities!

It's a lot more work but putting everything into one thread has worked out. Now if anything happens, they'll know who to blame.
Very nice!
Ah the Geoffrey bait. Surprising that he made that post but not delete the image.

First Neocities, then the world! Seriously though, if he acts up again I'll be writing an article with evidence of his agenda and linking it prominently on the homepage

>Curvy Sally still up
>Still baitposting
Oh boy, I sure hope a mod hasn't sent him to the naughty corner!

And it's gone! I wonder if he deleted it or had to report it

Nobody was biting so he got rid of the image.

The deletion was almost an hour since posting so he's not deleting them as a user. I can't even fathom the thought process behind willingly shitting up a thread and then cleaning it, especially if you're not getting paid. It's Kafkaesque!
Yeah, it seems everyone's either gotten wise to him or gotten bored of his repetitive posts

I feel half tempted to start an IDW Sonic Story Time at the same time. Or an STC one.

I know they would end up deleted (or worse, getting the Archie one deleted instead) but then there would be more anon asking what the fuck are the rules supposed to be.

No it's best to not start anything. Don't antagonize them and let them make the first move.
0.mp4, 1440xNA, 1 times posted
I still think it's ass that a new thread can't be started for the Archie story-timing of the day.

Absolutely no other story-timing threads series has to follow that rule.
Those who know will know, especially with the right DA recommendations, and I know that in any specific "fetish community" (or however you might call that) it's fairly common that when someone manage to come up with a new take, many other artists and commissioners will almost immediately emulate and repeat it. It's expected, even accepted.

But someone is being a bit too blatant about it and I think it's kind of scrummy, especially as, on top of that, that artist has repeatedly deleted and reposted their comic page, just so it would keep popping up on people's DA recommendation. All this to say "read the rest of my knock-off comic on my patreon). Some people have no shame...

(sorry if this rant make no sense to any of you, you are probably better not knowing)

Yeah, it's more fun knowing they're malding. We don't need to poke them like they poke us
lmao, thanks! I've never actually seen that scene dubbed. Completely different feel. With numbers like these, I really should get back to updating the comic entries!
It is, but it's workable and that's all that matters. We're 192k posts into our Ride with no signs of stopping!
No idea about the specifics but you see that a lot in various "niche" art communities, where there's a hot new trend and suddenly everyone's doing it. It's mega frustrating when they release the first few pages but then lock the rest away forever behind a paywall. Most artists make them free eventually, but some just never do. It's even worse when it's based on a franchise they don't own the rights to

>It's even worse when it's based on a franchise they don't own the rights to
Porn parody loophole.

I don't have a problem with them making money off of lewd art/stories/etc of franchises, but they should make the content free eventually. Then again, I'm very opposed to hoarding/paywalling content in general
1696789317227051.jpg, 3372xNA, 1 times posted

>honey in a bikini molesting sonic is ok
>so is v and sonic almost naked body
kek do flat females get a pass now?
twitter_@JyllHedgehog367_20230921-172807_1704910388675084619.jpg, 1900xNA, 1 times posted

Flat males and females get a pass, busty males and females get sent to the shadow realm

>meanwhile several coomer threads are up right now on /co/
I do hope one day we'll be rid of this retarded janny.

It's not just him. It's also the mod that works with him.

Ah shit
T-thanks for reminding me
It's a good thing I'm prepared for needing to start a new thread in the middle of Archie.

Yeah, everyone seems very chatty today
StH 014 - 01.jpg, 1498xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic #14-15
StH 016 - 01.jpg, 1498xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic Storytime Thread #3 (And Archie Sonic #16)
That was hectic but managed to work. Also, LOL at the /sthg/ anons mad about my comic's note. I realized as I was prepping this storytime that it'd trigger them but I'm not going to stop for that reason.

I was not expecting so much of an uproar on making Sally bi. You're not even shipping her with Nicole! Still, we've survived another day, despite our special friend's grumblings! Oh, and I'm still getting 12k visitors a day so all the extra discussion in the threads is probably genuine
I think IDW making everyone lesbians broke them


>post got deleted because I pointed out to the retard anons going "reeee why do we have fancomics in muh Archie thread?!" why it has to be this way
God, I want to kill both Pixy and ABIB.

lmao. I still remember how mad they got when I innocently pointed out that the only official same-sex could in IDW is the two bird dudes at the radio station
Imagine willingly moderating /v/ for the last 14 years. I don't think most of the mods even get paid
No fun allowed means no fun allowed! Still, it is nice our threads are staying up again. I guess they're stuck with us!
I don't know if I'm willing to explain this again. If people still need to complain, I'm going to ignore them. I might even get in trouble depending on what I say.

I'm pretty certain the "person" complaining is either one of them or just some dumbass from /sthg/ who hates the fancomics being posted. It's fine to completely ignore him.

>other post complete with Sonic image just got INSTANTLY deleted
Oh yeah, it's definitely ABIB or IDWkun in the thread. They're just baiting to get people's posts deleted/warned/banned if they engage in good faith and try to explain what's going on.

Yeah. Going off of how many people were posting in the last thread, that had a fancomic in the OP, nobody really has a problem with the way things are except that anon. They have more of an issue with me saying that Sally is in a committed relationship with Sonic but she also finds girls attractive and that it's based on something Ian said years ago.

Yeah it's not worth arguing anymore. You can still make vague jokes like I usually do. But you can't talk about who and why.

>I might even get in trouble depending on what I say
Yeah, you can be sure that guy is looking at those threads and salivating at the thought of getting you banned again.
I have quite literally never seen any other thread be moderated so fiercely outside of maybe a few special occasions like Stickies, and not even all of them.
For real guys, keep the talks about the retarded jannies on 4 /co/ here please.

Stickies are barely moderated. This is something else.

Also, they've absolutely caught on to the "nerbs" talk - they just deleted the post of the guy who was talking about them using that shorthand.

>I have quite literally never seen any other thread be moderated so fiercely outside of maybe a few special occasions like Stickies, and not even all of them.
>the /pso2g/ general ENTERS

yeah, that was me kek. For real, keep it here dudes

yeaaah feels like bait at this point. it's a shame really

How did you know they were complaining?

>that anon crosslinking the plus4chan link
Huh... I thought it would get deleted by now

Apparently the I-word set some off and started the same conversation seen in IDW and /sthg/ threads.

Doesn't look like a link to anything that's specifically about Sonic.

Really. Well I don't personally go there anymore but that's kind of funny knowing one is just lurking the threads here to just start shit there. crazy lot they are

>Stickies are barely moderated
Some are, depending on the topic being something a mod cares about, just like a few threads that pop in from time to time.
But this is the first time I see a recurring thread getting that kind of treatment, also I've only seen mods do this to threads they wanted to keep free of any kind of shitposting, not ones they seem to want gone from the site.

They're 100% hoping to vacation the Konductor again by baiting him into responding. Even I'm in my best behavior in those threads now
Delightfully devilish!
One Archie issue and the thread is still at 220 replies. I lowkey hope that some new people get invested in the fancomics which is why I only want to post the good ones.
Aside from the bait and certain hangups, I do like the liveliness of the threads. Silver lining with having everything in one thread.
StH 017 - 01.jpg, 1498xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic #17-18 and Sonic In Your Face!
They insta nuked the new thread

So much for waiting until page 10 now. Thread has to archive first.

Fucking hell. Why are they so fucking strict with us but everyone else gets free reign for threads?
sonic water.gif, 332xNA, 1 times posted
Admin, if you make a Sonic board here then I'll move the Archie Ride here. I'm kind of done with 4chan at this point.

It's autistic hate. They hate us and want us gone.

me too. its just bullshit

Really dumb how we are somehow bad as peridot fag or some other jack ass
infinite 1.jpg, 997xNA, 1 times posted


It's one janitor relying on the indifference of a mod to power trip.
The fact he hounds every single storytime thread seeking for posts to delete should be enough for you to not want to give him the sweet taste of seeing those threads gone but instead having to sit there for months babysitting them.

The mod is the one deleting threads and banning people because that's the power they have. That's not indifference. That's spite.

Lmao, I can almost taste the saltiness!
Agreed. I’m also willing to help manage the board (I’m the guy that runs The Ride website)
1.jpg, 1456xNA, 1 times posted
Sonic Storytime Thread #4 and Everything Old is Newt Again!
Don't let the mods/janny win, this is what they want you to do.
If we all bitched on IRC eventually they will fold.

Personally I don’t wanna push it

At this point I'm fine with spreading the word that things are getting worse. Let others do it if they really want it because saying nothing will only make things more difficult.
What's the worst that can happen? They ban all Sonic storytime threads? Because I feel like that will happen eventually regardless.

Just don’t wanna mess up things more desu. Everyone else is willing to do something tho

This. ABIB is a retard, but he KNOWS if he goes too far in pushing a certain community, they can and will come after him. He'll only keep going insofar as he believes that he won't get doxxed.

At this point I'm only continuing this here out of spite. But my job is getting harder and harder to do. If people really cared then they can put in some work instead of just me. Of course there's also Thirstposter and the others that post stuff and keep the thread going but they'll have to help out more if things get tougher for me to keep going. But having a board to post everything without worry would be great. My only concern is getting people to come over.

I mean we did get a lot of reports people doing stuff do it's not all lost I guess

The only reason they got away with what they did today was because everyone left when I finished the last issue. If it happens in the middle as in I would have to start a new thread with the next issue then they'd notice. It's still a pain in the ass to deal with this. And I'm tired of being the only one trying to make it work. I'm going to be more lax and let others do something. If they want the ride to keep going then they'll need to act.

>My only concern is getting people to come over.
well the board would be have to be made first by black hand first lol. and second if it was created, you'd just need to advetise at various places. I think the initial appeal of the ride and it being in a new board would get some people to stay and make threads during the hours until it starts again

All I'm saying is that if threads keep getting deleted for less and less of a reason then let others know why and who to blame. Or not. I won't be direct because I don't want to get my posts deleted and get banned again.

I'm incentivized more than ever to make it work.

I get ya. Again lets see what BH has to say. I'm sure seeing earlier, they'll be very friendly with a theortical new board being made and you running it.
Qiznol.jpg, 2448xNA, 1 times posted

I got in late, so sadly, I couldn't help spread the word. Sorry about the thread, Conductor.

All in all though, more people SHOULD be made aware until ABIB and Pixy get ousted from the staff or doxxed. Because they're not going to stop until that happens. They quite literally only respond to the threat of actual violence being taken against them and nothing else.
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Trying to get ABIB to fuck off seems like a lost cause. Dude's been a mod since like what, 2009-ish? And a janny for longer than that. 4chan is all he has.

Pixy on the other hand, we know he has a presence in KiwiFarms, but what about other sites? His incessant hatred of Archie/IDW and fancomics reminds me of a couple of people in the fandom in the more "normie" spaces (the subreddit, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.).

I know the Sonic fanbase isn't exactly the most... socially well-adjusted, and it's really big. But I swear to God the way he acts whenever he tries to shit up a thread on /co/ or over at /sthg/ is really peculiar and I could've sworn I've seen it before outside of 4chan/KF.
The silver lining is that if anything is deleted everyone knows the exact one person who it is.

>Pixy on the other hand, we know he has a presence in KiwiFarms, but what about other sites? His incessant hatred of Archie/IDW and fancomics reminds me of a couple of people in the fandom in the more "normie" spaces (the subreddit, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.).
Pixy by his own admission on /sthg/ (they intentionally baited him into outing who he was on Kiwifarms and from there figured out the rest) has been banned from every single non-4chan Sonic discussion forum. You can probably find him on most of them if you really look, assuming they didn't delete his posts when they banned him.

In fact, judging by what you've said, you've probably encountered him before under a different name and just forgot. He's that prolific apparently.
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Cosmic Nexus Page 9-10
>omega written out of the story
I'm sure he'll show up... eventually...
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>gun satellite notices weird energy signal
>eggman steals satellite
>team dark (minus omega) has to go and get the info the satellite gathered and then destroy the satellite

>team dark comic
>omega written out
name a worst combo than that
I think I'd like to try just doing Archie threads. One a day. When it archives I won't make another thread until the next day. And just stick to here after that.

wasn't it the original plan anyway? I thought the reason you continued with the Unofficial ride threads was only because the Archie threads got to be so popular in the first place, pruning before way too early.

Now lets hope trolls won't start threads juts around the time before you start your just to provide a reason to delete yours...

The plan was to have continuous Sonic threads like with the Unofficial Ride but now that I have to wait until a thread archives and the threads being the way they are now, maybe it's best to just do an Archie thread and let it archive and not start a new one until the next day. And if the schizo tries to fuck with that then everyone will know. I'll be fine with just posting here when there's no thread on /co/. Less of a headache.

It's really a shame.

Sorry I missed the thread, got caught up with things
I plan on hanging around, after all every new post about Sonic inflicts psychic damage on our special friend
>Because I feel like that will happen eventually regardless.
I guess we wait and see how far they're willing to go
>At this point I'm only continuing this here out of spite.
lmao, same! I'm happy to take the night shift and keep things alive (I do most nights)
Yeah, fair enough. It's not fair having you do all the work
Happy to eat a ban or two. It's not like I don't get banned regularly
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If it helps, I'm advertising your Ride right now to a couple of my (gay bara enthusiast for the most) friends I got, the bunch whom aren't that much keeping up with Sonic for the while, like Archie Sonic as well, not as narrow minded and jerky as your average nowadays Sonic fan, and that hopefully should increment both the userbase we got right, and its overall easy-going atmosphere.

I would be bummed out if you did stop the Ride on 4chan, but I won't force you, of course. I understand definitely, and all the same, you have my support no matter what.

Others have summed it up pretty nicely for the most, >>451462 especially. Whilst this has been happening for the while, we don't really know whatsoever is up with it. The heavy bans on me and others are far from warranted, as nothing we do is ever really disrupting the threads, making others feel uneasy or anything of sort.

The rule of thumb to remember: I'm not ever banned in sight in any other board ever. This is really only on /co/. Even so, I'm not really purged on spot when I'm posting in other non-Sonic threads, narrowing down what threads the certain higher-up often moderates over. I don't think they are targeting me really based on that, given the long absence breaks I took off /co/ yet still taking in place other people overly punished over a funny cartoon walrus. And if a janny would really have projecting weak self-esteem issues over me lusting after a fictional sea cow, yet keeps on his charge to moderate a site whose legacy involves lolicon, and even once housed a board meant for posting lolicon, I can only say that's funny.

>IMO I think his love of Rotor is kinda cute honestly.
You're cute too, man! Rotor thinks so, hoho!

It's really straightforward to evade bans, through proxies or merely resetting your router. Ban evading itself is a meaningless fearmongering concept over sites that don't take in matter registrations and setting up profiles, let alone that we've all got dynamic IPs, so soon or later we're bound to evade it, unknowingly so. Anyone can do it, not just highly privileged users.

Forbidding ban evading is a outdated early 2000s bit anyway, as is many more off da' rules at 4chan, not enforced anymore for the longest. Irrelevant ASCII macros? All request threads for adult content belong on /r/, and all request threads for work-safe content belong on /wsr/, unless otherwise noted? I hardly knew them! Irrelevant catchphrases or copypasta? Ironic shitposting? Troll posts, racism? Tsk-tsk-tsk. Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated? Oh ye mighty naive lad.
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Mobian girls in tight clothing erotic... ToT
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Still banned for two hour, so I am going to bring it up there!
TailsTube #5 (Remember When?)

(could be worth its own thread)
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Also, Knuckle's Chaotix is canon again. Not sure if they are going with the Japanese or US continuity, though. Knuckles just mention they helped him.

I guess it's nice of you to post them here, zero. honestly not a fan of it just being a memberberries thing desu
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And Gemrl sill exist. Probably stored in Cream and Vanilla's basement

>honestly not a fan of it just being a memberberries thing desu
Them being mentioned in Tailstube might mean they might become relevant again. Then again, it might just be like that human lady where they confirmed the one-world theory.

I just think that if anyone wants to talk about Sonic they can come here when the thread over there dies. I can start posting all fancomics here. There will still be Archie threads on 4chan everyday so it's not like it'll be completely gone. It's just that putting in that extra effort to have a Sonic thread at all times just isn't worth it anymore for me.
I can keep the Archie Ride going on /co/ and just do fancomic stuff here. The perk being that we don't have any ridiculous restrictions here or people in moderation with a grudge against us.

4chan plus has suffered from a bit of shutdown, though, recently. Is it due to the more important income of users?
Now I'm starting to think about what kind of threads would be best for this site. I think having one thread that lasts for weeks makes it harder to track new storytimes and pages. With the daily unofficial threads on 4chan it was more clear where to find batches of comics and even then, after I was done posting there were times when pages posted afterwards were hard to notice and comics needing their whole story reposted in the same thread to better see and understand what's going on. That won't be possible until we get the ability to post the same image in different threads on the same board. That would require a new board. A new thread everyday would still fill up a new board. Maybe a new thread every week. That way any other thread wouldn't be buried as long as someone bumps it every once in a while. Even a weekly thread on here could work.
Hopefully recent instability won't be a common or even uncommon issue in the future but it's not like 4chan hasn't had hours where it was completely unusable.

You know conductor, it's sad (im not making fun of you btw) to see you be this desperate and all this overthinking because of all the BS lately. Sorry you have to deal with this.

Coming up with solutions is actually not that bad for me after I get over any complications and think things through. I'm a creature of habit so any interruptions gets on my nerves so I'll try to figure out how to keep things going or even improve things.

Ok okay

all planned (and unplanned) maintenance is done, so there shouldn't be more issues unless they are beyond my reach.

Glad to know.

That's cool. Btw are you still thinking about making that board for conductor?

Yeah I'm now willing to try and make it work. Keeping a Sonic thread going on 4chan is too much of a hassle now as they won't allow a new thread until the other archives.

I hate that you stopping doing those thread on /co/ is exactly what the Janny want. But I get that you don't own anyone to fight this when there is a less stressful/annoying option available.

Still quite the mood killer for that Archie ride many where looking forward to.

The Archie Ride will continue there as is but any discussion after that thread dies will have to resume here. There's still plenty of fancomics to do and there can even be a thread discussing the Archie stuff. It depends on how things turn out but there are ways to make it work. I don't plan on discussing 4chan moderation that much when everything gets settled. I'd like to get back to focusing on Sonic comics.
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If we get a board, does that mean we can make a /sthg/ 2 in it

Having a general in a sonic dedicated board seems superfluous...

That's what /fast/ did while still having other stuff obviously.

The Unofficial Threads on here could be like that. If we fill up threads and move to the next one often then people will hop from one to another like on 4chan.

Maybe. Actually what is the bump limit here anyway?
issue 5 page 2.jpg, 1000xNA, 1 times posted
I'll post this here. I kind of don't care about posting in the one on 4chan right now. Feels good getting these pages done. Artist is WhiteSexyRabbit.

I forget what the bump limit is (maybe 200-300) but there's a file/video limit which is 350 combined.

>brown fur for Rosemary
Certain things never change...

This screams british vibes

>Drakon and Rosemary
What are you cooking, Conductor.

Weaving a very large web.
Hey... Unofficial, all the mods said was that you couldn't have two SONIC storytimes. What if you made a general fan comic story time, dumped something western and unrelated, then dumped the sonic stuff. That way it wouldn't be a sonic storytime, but a general fan comic storytime that leans towards sonic content.

That would be kinda obvious to the mods.

Because they're still going to delete it. There's a janitor and mod that are actively watching our threads and doing whatever they can to sabotage it. Any change I make will be countered in some way. The only thing I can do is make a new thread when the other one archives. Not a minute sooner. And I'm not going to bother with that. Just one Archie thread a day. If it dies, it dies. I'll make another one the next day. And if those two try to mess with it then everyone will know it's them and then go bug them.

That's retarded.
A thread made when the current one was at page 9 was deleted already, he's just scraping for excuses to remove them entirely.
The fancomic threads didn't need to abide for those rules and they've been going for months, so I think the mod's butthurt is very specifically directed towards Archie.

Genuinely convinced homophobia/queerphobia plays a big role in whatever fucking beef Pixy and the other cunts have against us. How come they delete and chastize us for homolust but let the endless whispangle seething and Cream porn stay up?
StH 019 - 01.jpg, 1498xNA, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic #19-20

Probably the last Archie Ride thread I'll be able to actually follow.

For what reason? Because of the other anons? Or because the thread will be archived before you can read it?

The latter. The change to one thread per day means that I literally won't be able to make it to the threads unless I'm right there when they're being made due to my schedule - especially since the threads start at 6pm for me. And I'm nowhere near invested or determined enough to go through a 400/500+ post thread for the sake of being caught up later and then inevitably have to do so again when the next thread archives in a day or two.

I'll probably just skip the Ride entirely being honest. Too much of a hassle to rework my schedule to account for moderator fuckery just to follow along.

Hey Rotor-bro! I'm pretty sure it's just one 4/co/ janny that's creepily obsessed with you. The fact that some of your posts get deleted even after a thread gets archived means the guy would delete all of your posts if he could. However, I noticed some of your posts stay up way longer than others or even remain up. I'm guessing the janny haunting our threads also deletes your stuff, but he's only been a janny for about a year so he's probably not your guy.
Couldn't agree more on the "ban" evasion. It's an imageboard not a forum, and frankly 4chan was started so people had a place to talk about things like anime without getting banned on Something Awful. I do find it funny that a site that was supposed to be counter-culture has become so obsessed with arbitrary rules. It's frankly no better than Reddit.
Yeah it's interesting that they'll leave up lewd art of clearly underage girls for days, but non-lewd art of an adult anthro walrus is here they draw the line
I got a warning, but no ban (yet)
Happy to save the fancomic stuff for here
Would be nice to have a series of general threads and then threads where we can storytime an entire series once a new chapter comes out (e.g., THoaH)
Same, coming up with ways to work around these issues can be kinda fun
Great work getting the site back up! Still happy to manage a Sonic board
If I'm being honest, our threads have been /sthg/ 2 for a while now
Looking great! I guess those who had Drakon x Rosemary can collect their winnings now

Sorry about that but at least the issues will be in the first half of the thread. Reading it shouldn't be difficult, just can't comment but honestly a lot of discussion's gonna be shit. There's also a chance that some threads last much longer than others. With all the talk about the IDW Ride being a shitshow, that went by without any real problems. The Archie Ride is unfortunately the shitshow and we've barely begun.

Sorry to hear that
> honestly a lot of discussion's gonna be shit
Yeah. I can already sense it and see it. I dont wanna sound like whiney fan boy who can't take anything negative about a character they like but my god. A lot of the possible upcoming drama in the threads will be about sally. Again not saying people cant criticize her but jeez, some people just got full schizo hate on it.
Thread dried up fast but not until some Sally shitflinging. I do think just one Archie thread a day is best, considering circumstances.
I'm waiting for some kind of confirmation from BH. For now I'll withhold the bigger fancomic stuff.

There's no official rule on having more than one thread about the same franchise, the real rule is they want us off the board and will come up with arbitrary reasons to delete our threads
I have to agree, pixy/IDWkun used to get all mad at my twinkposting
Feel free to catch up on the website if you like. You can expand all images and then just skip the text comments if you just want the story. It is pretty frustrating that they archive so quickly
It's mostly our special friend flinging shit, but with the influx of new readers, more of them are taking the bait
Yeah, I'm fine with one thread a day, since can do actuall discussion over here
>I'm waiting for some kind of confirmation from BH. For now I'll withhold the bigger fancomic stuff.

Generally speaking, once I miss one or two threads that's my investment and interest gone. I just can't be asked to catch up at that point, even moreso since I'll have no idea what the fuck anyone is talking about after even just one thread I've missed in the archives. I could handle it with the fancomics stuff since you'd usually repost them later and catching up wasn't too difficult, but it's a lot harder with this. And given I come in nowadays at 6: 59 to 7 or 8 on especially bad days? Yeah, forget it.

> honestly a lot of discussion's gonna be shit
I could already tell, which honestly only makes cutting the Ride out of my daily routine even easier - even moreso given I skipped the previous Archie Ride for the same reason and Ive missed all the others too. Only reason I'm feeling even slightly down about this one is because I really enjoyed the threads.

The Sally hate has always been overblown. I'm perfectly fine with calling out her faults. I even joke about it but there are those that will not like how she said something or any failure she faces and make a big deal out of it. Like the story where Sonic gets trapped, tripped, and blown up. But people only picked on Sally for rushing the team and almost getting them killed. Like stories aren't based on making characters do dumb things so someone else (mainly Sonic) can bail them out. Everyone has fucked up plenty of times (I think Rotor has been nearly flawless when it's just him). But I'll roll with it and ignore those people. They're not subtle so there's that.

True. I just think they let the hate get to their heads.

You don't have to give up. I've gone into archive to read comics. When things settle, these threads (or board) will be more focused on posting stuff and discussions.

Fair enough. Feel free to post here whenever you like. We'll be continuing the fanstuff here and our special friends won't ever post here
They're not sending their best when it comes to criticizing the characters

I might lurk here and post occasionally, but in all honesty, I'll be more out than in most days. At least until the Archie Ride ends and we go back to fancomics, so Pixy no longer has a reason to bother the threads more than he usually does.
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The Colour of Chaos, Chapter 5 cover
From the author:
>AAAAAND... Here it comes! Chapter 5! Did some of you have mental predictions?! How many of you have unknown psychic abilities?! What's the only think sexier than a car?! Yeah, Rouge's pose is not an accident. Me and Toso worked together to make it like, KA-WHAM.

>ALERT ALERT! It's important that I ALERT you, if you're new here, this chapter is not for the weak of stomach. It's harsh RIGHT from page one. If you get triggered, be aware that sex abuse is not glorified or prettied up in this comic. I'm not stopping you from reading, but YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

>Back to a lighter note, you signed up for sex, and sex is what you shall get. Also, Rouge is 23 years old.

Honestly, I still would this knuckles

>so Pixy no longer has a reason to bother the threads more than he usually does.
I firmly believe that the days where we can start a new thread while the last one is still there are gone. Even after the Archie Ride. And I don't want to bother trying and finding out.
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Honestly, that's fine. I won't blame you. But given my schedule probably won't change or get better at all (if anything, it's going to get worse), then that's basically just going to be the end of my Ride engagement more or less.

Wake me up when we get a board or whatever on here.

Same. Still, they can't get rid of us completely, and there will be a ton of Sonic threads when the new movie and Knuckles show come out

They know better after what happened when I got banned for three days. This is the best they can do. So it's a partial victory for them but the Archie Ride will go on... for about 7-8 hours everyday.
onnce again

The only victory that'll satisfy them is if we stop the Archie Ride, anything less is a loss for them. It's kinda funny that after the countless hours pixy/IDWkun's put into ruining our threads we're still here, still having fun, and still talking about the blue rat.
Actually, if he'd never shown up, I probably would've gotten bored of keeping the threads alive overnight so we'd be in the same position.
TND! (Total Nerb Death)

I probably would have still bumped the threads anyway because I liked having sp lace on 4chan where we could actually talk about Sonic. But now I no longer care. Even better that the threads will die too early for anyone who isn't right onto of them to be able to post. Means I can safely ignore them and do other things.
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From time to time I've seen a few complaints about how Ian wrote Sally like a man.
Looking at some of those very early issues I can see how people could actually think that.
I think Yardley's style when it came to Sally also didn't help.
In these she comes off as tomboyish while still being very cute.

>only other Sonic thread on the board right now is a shitty Prime bait thread
>can't discuss Sonic on /v/ because it's a shithole
>/sthg/ is /sthg/
>anywhere else either actively shits on Sonic or immediately autosages any threads regardless of how ontopic you make them like /tg/
Oh wow, this is actually making me irrationally angry.
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Kinda gay sounding, but you I really love being with you guys. Previously I was primarily dwelled at that cancerous sonic general and was a massive cunt of a shitposter. Like the really bad kind that made it fucking terrible for years. But I really do regret it after joining the storytimes on /co/. Outlooked changed after how nice it was. Stopped shitposting the general to death and tried making it better best I can, but I just left entirely since even without me, they're pretty bad so didnt want to deal with it anymore with their self misery.
TLDR Basically you guys helped me changed for the better.
Again kinda gay but I wanted to let something off my chest a bit on a basket weaving forum

>The Archie Ride is unfortunately the shitshow and we've barely begun.
You guys think so ?
Cause to me this general format you've been forced to use seems to be getting some increasing engagement. I mean, we've got 50 posters in this last thread.
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Which makes me wonder why they even bother. It's not going to stop and if they make it so that it's impossible then they'll have people bitching at them on IRC. All they stopped was the lull between Archie storytimes where threads only had a handful of people talking. And I have a thought. There could be a general fancomic thread. I know that it wouldn't appeal to a lot of Sonic-only anons but I have bookmarked some that seem promising. And I could still put in various Sonic fancomics. They'd have to outlaw multiple fancomics in general. It'd be funnier if anons from other fanbases got into those kinds of threads.
I still look at some threads that pop up but 80% of threads don't interest me and I hide some really annoying bait shit. I have less of a reason to check 4chan and I already never look at anything but /co/.

Thanks anon. That's very wholesome and actually did help alleviate some of my own anger at moderator fuckery slightly.

I'll miss the comfy nighttime conversations, but I'd rather talk here anyway. I've noticed that my use of 4chan has been dropping for a while now, to the point where I didn't even open the last few Tamers threads (I used to be very active in them).
It's strange to think 4chan's gone down the exact same path as Something Awful, with the owner neglecting the site and letting the mods strangle any semblance of fun or site culture from the place. I truly hope the future of imageboard culture is a collection of unaffiliated (or loosely affiliated) smaller sites centered around different topics.
Yeah, her earlier characterization's a lot of fun. It's the perfect blend of competent leader, energetic tomboy, and cute
That's why I just don't bother with 4chan outside of our threads anymore. I'm not going to waste my time in a place where I'm not having fun

You'd only be attracting shitposters from those fancomics fandoms into the threads. The reason Sonic fancomics worked out so well is that all the deranged schizos obsessed with hating on Sonic are so hilariously hard-filtered that they can't even stomach those threads, so they immediately ignore them.

Like, those Owl House comics alone would render those threads unusable - let alone the furry one.

NP, anon. I really did mean what I said by that from the heart. Things can be better and will.
So you guys are dropping the 24/7 idea ?

She is literally called the tomboy princess in the comics. That's her thing. She can still be feminine but most of the time she's tough and physical.
Give it time, it'll be much better to discuss Sonic here. Just need to get things sorted out.
And don't worry, there's plenty of gay to go around. You're not alone.
Well, before today's Archie issues a lot of discussion was arguing over the games and the crying lesbians and of course some talk about Ian. And the stuff during and after today's Archie issues was pretty shit and it feels like it can get worse. I've been to /sthg/ and in enough IDW threads to know what I've been seeing lately. I do hope things get better.

we have to, we literally abided by that rule and they deleted a thread for no good reason.
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>And don't worry, there's plenty of gay to go around. You're not alone.
True dat!
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Pretty much.

Speaking of though, since I'm no longer going to be all that invested in Ride threads going forward, I can probably use this as an excuse to storytime all of Terra Hypnagogica - especially now that indie projects like MD and the Amazing Digital Circus are getting some traction on /co/. I'd need a way to download all of the pages off of Tapas though since they don't let you do it on the site itself.

See... now I'm really curious. I've seen their generals but I wonder how they act outside of that. /sthg/ is really bad and yet the anons that frequented the fancomic threads were fine. I'm not saying I would do it but I've been thinking and have some bookmarks just in case.
Too much trouble. If I kept up with it, I'm sure things would be done to make it worse.

There's extensions that let you do it. I use Imageye because the one I was using before got discontinued and I couldn't use it anymore. It's not idea and you'll have to fiddle around. Or you can use gallery-dl and I'll let Thirstposter pitch that.

This place is basically a graveyard outside of the handful of regulars here. And any attempts to lead more people from the Archie threads to here will probably get deleted.

If anything, I'll just chill out on Tumblr until aomething is worked out. It's way more fractured and full of spiteful lunatics than here, but there's still some good stuff.

Awww, that's really nice to hear, you've genuinely made my day! I firmly believe most shitposters only do it because they've become disillusioned with the lack of genuine conversation so I've been trying to keep the atmosphere fun and laid back in our threads. After all if you can't have genuine fun talking about a blue rat that runs fast, what can you have fun talking about?
We're getting more engagement, but at the expense of increased janny scrutiny
Honestly that could be a lot of fun. There's a few fancomics I'd love to storytime that aren't Sonic.
if you guys want to have some good thoughts in these trying times, just remember that they do it for free and that you will never be as pathetic as them.

>I've been to /sthg/ and in enough IDW threads to know what I've been seeing lately. I do hope things get better.
I can see what you're worried about, but honestly the talk of that stuff felt mild compared to what happens in these other threads, and thankfully no one falls for IDWkun's bait posts anymore.
And again, this is just me talking, but it did fell like the people were getting more engaged in the comic with each thread, with the talks just being some afterthoughts they were throwing around. They might start talking less about the same mundane shit as the story builds up.

Whats the new format then ? Wait until morning or afternoon to make the new thread ?

The new format is "waiting until really late at 7pm EST before making a new thread".

Oh man, I'm gonna have to edit that into the actual comic page!
As the Konductor said, you can use gallery-dl. I've even got a tutorial on it:
Failing that, just send me the link and I'll archive it for you
Exactly. In the same timeframe that IDWkun became a janny, we've got our own website, had a heap of OC posted, countless comfy conversations, and even our own ongoing comic. All he's done is clean up 4/co/ for free and attempt to shit up our threads

> I've been to /sthg/ and in enough IDW threads to know what I've been seeing lately. I do hope things get better.
I think it well if when more people stop tolerating the bs from people like the guy with the sally hate boner.

The engagement despite any quality dropes, comes from the comic becoming more real story focused as time goes on. Gets the brain to think more about stuff.
shadow_comic__book_3__page_2__by_mysterious_d_dgbt91a.jpg, 800xNA, 1 times posted

Shadow Comic (Book 3, page 2) by Mysterious-D
Trouble in paradise?

>Failing that, just send me the link and I'll archive it for you
Here it is:
tomboy princess.jpg, 253xNA, 1 times posted

>She is literally called the tomboy princess in the comics
I know but there's a difference between a tomboy and a dude with eyelashes.
There are multiple tomboys in Archie and none of them really shined under Ian's pen.
And from what I've seen with some of the female characters from his original works I think he just struggles with this specific archetype in general and it's not just a Sonic thing.
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Let's take a look at the notes from Heart of the Hedgehog!
Cool, archiving now!

Still, isnt that a good thing ?

I guess, just saying where all the engagement is coming from
SMS꞉HotH 4-Notes-B.png, 940xNA, 1 times posted

Interesting they were able to make the lack of color part of the narrative
SMS꞉Hoth 4-Notes-C.jpg, 940xNA, 1 times posted

He certainly put a lot of thought into Shard's personality and development
SMS꞉HotH 4-Notes-D.png, 940xNA, 1 times posted

And that's it. Let's hope we get some more comics out of them in future!
>One surprise the story showed me was how well
Shard and Tails worked as foils!
That is a good point, and something we didn't really see in the original
Ugh, I just realized that my crops for future pages can't avoid a massive spoiler. Jeez.
I think this place can work with some tweaks and whatever the admin can do for us.
>Honestly that could be a lot of fun. There's a few fancomics I'd love to storytime that aren't Sonic.
I'm willing to broaden my horizons and see what happens.
They take down something good and allow shit to fester for free. That's the worst.
I hope more anons come around and realize that despite it's many, many, many flaws, Archie Sonic is great and it sucks that it's dead.
Time will tell.
I think Ian's Sally is fine, especially compared to how other writers have handled her. His Fiona is also good and she's pretty tomboyish. Julie-Su is also a tomboy but I'll say she didn't really stick out to me. Definitely not written well when Knuckles was Enerjak, too weepy for my liking.

Him writing Shard as not really a full good guy, but someone with the choice and freedom to do what he wants to do is an interesting take on him.
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Glad to hear! It's much more fun to have fun in earnest than just shitposting.

>That's why I just don't bother with 4chan outside of our threads anymore. I'm not going to waste my time in a place where I'm not having fun
SAME. It's awful in a thoroughly boring way. AIslop, Twitter screenshots, bait threads, people who cannot shut the fuck up about >trannies, etc. etc. It's only barely above Twitter in terms of being soul-sucking.

Tumblr's not that bad. At least you can actually curate your experience there. The Sonic side of it is infinitely more enjoyable once you block Random and the rest of his shitty clique

Dare I ask who Random is?

Not them, but he’s a faggot vore fag who wished Ian would die on his public account and part of the Ian hate cult on tumblr

We talked about him and the others a while back over at 4chan, QRD:
>Part of a clique absolutely OBSESSED with hating on Ian Flynn and anything he writes for in the franchise (so mostly IDW seething)
>Years of circlejerking amongst each other has rendered their views so extreme that they seriously think Flynn has an army of Devoted Rabid White Knights out to get them, the champions of logic and canon
>Cannot argue against others on their own, if you get into a disagreement with any of them, no matter how minor, everyone in the clique will dogpile you if you don't have them blocked
>Brain fried from chronically hating the Sonic franchise to the point that even agreeing with them will net you a dogpile if you don't agree with them in a way they like
>Random in particular is also a pedo vorefag, makes a shitton of vore stories revolving around Tails, his Tumblr blog is a 50/50 split between bitching about Flynn and fighting people and fantasizing about Tails swallowing him alive
>Random used to be on Twitter, but was permabanned after an infamous rant where he wished Ian Flynn would die to "own his rabid fanbase"

Are there any more legends of the fandom I can learn about ?

So far I've heard of Awf, Slashy, Sparky and Richmunk.
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There we go. It's going to be awkward but with color I'll be able to crop these better.
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Done! The pages will need renumbering, but it's all up in the mega now
>Ugh, I just realized that my crops for future pages can't avoid a massive spoiler. Jeez.
Just photoshop a Grifone over any spoilers, pic related! Unless he is the spoiler, hew hew!
>I'm willing to broaden my horizons and see what happens.
Just think how many ~after dark~ comics I could do!
>They take down something good and allow shit to fester for free. That's the worst.
I find it fascinating that they actually want 4/co/ to be shit. As Milton said: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven"
Yeah, she could've done with some rewrites under Ian
Yeah, that was a cool twist on the original story, and frankly fits in much better with the later plot. Shard being someone learning to be good, rather than just being good is so much more interesting
>SAME. It's awful in a thoroughly boring way. AIslop, Twitter screenshots, bait threads, people who cannot shut the fuck up about >trannies, etc. etc. It's only barely above Twitter in terms of being soul-sucking.
That's exactly the problem, it's not that it's bad, it's that it's boringly bad. It's like they took "no fun allowed" to heart
>vore fag
lmao, people with the strangest fetishes seem to have such mid opinions

You are honestly much better off not knowing or caring about those guys. It's not worth it.

>Yeah, she could've done with some rewrites under Ian
I can't wait to write her.

I can't wait to crudely draw over her with Sonic!

nice. just dont add any soul touch stuff lol
AI slop 28.jpg, 1024xNA, 1 times posted

The AI threads can be pretty fun.
Sadly it's only that way because for some reason they're the only threads allowed to have off-topic fun stuff that got banned everywhere else killing all OC from the website.
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I like seeing all the crazy shit people make
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The problem is that those threads are some of the last places on 4chan where OC content isn't automatically met with shitflinging from NO FUN ALLOWEDfags. The only way the site tolerates OC content is if it's extremely technically proficient, or in the case of AI shit, generated from thousands of images created by artists with said level of technical proficiency.

I went to check one of those OC threads on /co/, for example, and they're constantly getting pelted with shitposting from assholes that cannot comprehend the joy of just creating something and sharing it with others, regardless of skill.
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>shitflinging from NO FUN ALLOWEDfags
That never bothered me, but mods enter in threads where everyone is having fun and straight up delete them.
Our current issue with the storytimes is a pretty good example of that.

Basically I can either give you a board as-is on the current system, which means all the current threads would stay here and you'd have either no image dupes OR dupes are allowed but image sizes are very small (like /tnt/), or you wait until later this year until I upgrade things so posts are moveable and image dupes don't tax the hosting as much.

Also, suggest a board name / abbreviation, I won't promise I'll use it, especially if it's very generic. I'd prefer if it was a generic Sonic board for both games and comics.

Not the Conductor but I can offer some name suggestions:

We already have a fast board at /f/.
It's pretty slow.

not conductor either but also agreeing with the other anon, I like /ring/ or /sonk/ for the name for a board for talk any thing about sonic
Also conductor if you see this post, personally I recommend waiting for that thing
Also BH, thanks for being so nice to conductor and us

>Also BH, thanks for being so nice to conductor and us

You guys keep the site alive, so the thanks is mine.

Guessing aside from here, thread activity is low? but no problem and you are welcome.

I'll let the Conductor decide, but I'm prepared to wait until you've finished the upgrade.

I'd honestly just go for /sonic/, although we could probably reuse /fast/

Oh, did you give any thought on a Patreon? I looked into paypal and they basically want me to dox myself to use it. Also they're genuinely evil

Thanks for getting the site up again so quickly!


Oh I just looked it up, fucking vile. And people wonder why Hamas has such a chokehold over the people living there.

I'd wait for more ideal circumstances. /sth/ is what I would pick for a board name.
Sonic Prime thread took an interesting turn. Just in case it gets deleted.

what in the actual fuck is their problem? the threads are literaly harmless

I was just referring to them stealing from charities, taking artists' money, and being terrible to people in general, but I guess they're even more evil than I thought. Not sure if I should feel disappointed or vindicated
Getting spicy!

Looking at the desu link, there are three posts towards the top of the thread that were deleted at the same time and I have no idea why. Even the one about Tails later in the thread isn't breaking any rules. Did he really make his own thread and is moderating it to only allow posts he can tolerate?
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Nectar: The World Before Page 61
I'm going to be honest. Silver being a wuss is kind of annoying me.

He did this a few days ago (the one he immediately deleted as soon as someone said "Hi Pixy") actually. I guess it's his way of taunting us. It's really sad.

The best way to get back at him is to be positive and have fun in his thread. Turn it into a pseudo Unofficial Thread. Since it's a Sonic Prime thread, it's not actually a Ride thread.

Only one way to find out! If we can't have our threads running all the time, then every 4/co/ Sonic thread will be a Sonxnux thread!
I have so many webms to post!

Oh I am! I'm going to get really fucking gay for Dr Deep <3

>Oh, did you give any thought on a Patreon?

I've made some plans. First step would be making an extra static page for donations. Though the ko-fi link I dropped here got zero attention so I don't know if anyone would be motivated to donate anything.

>I looked into paypal and they basically want me to dox myself to use it.
For Paypal if you use a business account you can hide your private details - supposedly. That's also why I'd need someone to test the ko-fi, so I know if it's not just a "$1 for your private details" button.
Patreon was the only solution I saw that specifically firewalls you in that you pay Patreon, and then patreon forwards the money (minus their percentages and taxes).

Those are just abbreviations, what would be the actual board name? Please come up with something better than just "Sonic general".

Easy. Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic The Hedgehog would be the name

for fucks sake.
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I'd happily drop some money if I wasn't trying to get more money for my comic. And it's only getting worse because I kind of want to try and get another Sonic fancomic going. One step closer to a Knuckles ongoing!

>I've made some plans.
Cool! Yeah, I never used the ko-fi link since it needed a paypal account. I'd happily donate $20 a month if it were on Patreon or something else I could just use a credit card for
>For Paypal if you use a business account you can hide your private details - supposedly.
It's absolutely insane how awful their regular system is, and I have no faith that the wouldn't just leak data anyway
>minus their percentages and taxes
Yeah, you're basically taking a hit for convenience and a bit of anonymity
I saw that!
Consensus has been reached!
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Amy's Family - Ch 2 - 9
That's our Amy!

Psycho Rose strikes again!

I just don't get it. Eggman could have made her multiple lifelike Sonic sexbots and yet she chose to do this instead
Im gonna storytime issue 65 and the Halloween one shot in case anyone want to join it.
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Imagine a Psychonic and Psychamy power couple

Given how she seems obsessed with the real deal and the one she DID ask him to make ended up rejecting her the same, I think it's just a matter of wanting to make the real Sonic hers.

anything more original?
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> and the one she DID ask him to make ended up rejecting her the same
That fake-bot fully obey Amy, though. It was just ordered to act like Sonic would, but it is clearly playing a role and it is aware of it, if it has some actual self-awareness, that's it.

I am quite certain that if she ordered it to be her boyfriend, it would obey too.

Speed is the name.

Cult of Sonic, tee-hee
Exactly. And any problems she had would be more than outweighed by having as many of them as she wanted

>Cult of Sonic
I suggested it flippantly, but the name's growing on me. It keeps the Sonic Cult link and the abbreviation could be /cos/, which keeps /co/ as the parent board. Also, we could make the board Xenu-themed for April Fool's day

No thanks, don't want to be reminded of that place.
Something with mobius ?
I'm ultimately fine with whatever. But I always think what is easy to remember and can tell people so they can find it and that they'll want to visit.
/GGF/ - Gotta Go Fast?

lets just stick with /sth/

The Sonic Cult connotation is actually a really bad idea since you guys primarily post fan webcomics, and that site was specifically made to discuss the actual fucking games. Not the comic/cartoon inspired fan stuff, which was far more common and far more horrible at the time (and maybe still is?) than game talk/research.
Just for an example, on the boards we had to ban usernames containing animal names in them like "Hedgehog" "Fox" "Echidna" or "Bat", to prevent the very dumb people from registering.

I still want to make a similar stylesheet, but re-using the name would be in bad taste all things considered.

Yeah fair enough. A stylesheet would definitely be fun though. Here's a few (kinda okay to terrible) suggestions:
/fast/ Fancomic Appreciation & Sonic Talk
/sth/ Sonic's Tales Hoard
/ages/ Ardent Gathering for Examinations of Sonic
/sonk/ Sonic Obsession Network for fanKomics

>on the boards we had to ban usernames containing animal names
I shudder to think

>/sonk/ Sonic Obsession Network for fanKomics
So far this is the least worst, but /sob/ would work better.

>I shudder to think
It was primarily to prevent the board from being overrun by people calling themself "Red Lightning the Hedgehog" et al.
Wait, the board is gonna be a board to discuss all sonic right? Not just sonic fan comics as that would make it die quickly.

Yeah, fitting words into acronyms is hard. I'm happy with whichever. We could have it be the Sonic Obsession Board.

>It was primarily to prevent the board from being overrun by people calling themself "Red Lightning the Hedgehog" et al.
I figured it was to stop that sort of thing. It'd certainly be an interesting way to learn regex!

As for whether comic/cartoon discussions are better or worse than game talk/research now, I guess it depends on the community. Reddit/social media/etc are all mediated by algorithms so the conversations steer towards what the algorithms like. There's still forums like Retro that try to keep their discussions more mature, and there's 4chan's /co/v/vg/ where discussion is 90% irony-poisoned shitposting. My guess is most discussions now take place in small discords since you get the ease of social media but without the algorithm.
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Is there an overall post limit in a thread? We just hit 900.

I have no idea, but you might want to consider making a new thread anyway

>Sonic Obsession Board
>not Sonic Obsessed Bastards
I shiggy diggy

>There's still forums like Retro that try to keep their discussions more mature
Retro is a leftist shithole.

>My guess is most discussions now take place in small discords
Practically all small to medium sized message boards died out and moved to discords.

>Sonic Obsessed Bastards
That'd be a fun one
>Retro is a leftist shithole.
I didn't say it was good, just that they try and place themselves as the mature (lol) side of the fanbase. Personally I never joined because they seemed a bit snobby. Their work on documenting and archiving everything Sonic-related on their wiki is admirable though
>Practically all small to small to medium sized message boards died out and moved to discords.
Yeah, as the Internet becomes more homogenized, more people are splintering off into places that aren't publicly accessible. I can see why they would, but it's not good for archiving things
Finding out those retro types had a discord where they were all racist and shit being found out was hilarious. Those guys are crazy
ewds.png, 702xNA, 1 times posted

Think this could go to /pco/

Well things like that can be posted here as long with that tag apparently, just wanted to try it out hehehehee

haha, seriously? What's the link?

Sera is the best Sonic girl, she needs more lewds.

Only has to go there if the entire thread suddenly becomes a porn dump. No need to go crazy about seeing a nipple, if you are that sensitive there's plenty of other stuff in the posted comics that's way weirder.

>Their work on documenting and archiving everything Sonic-related on their wiki is admirable though

The problem is that a lot of the stuff they list is also plain wrong, especially for the non-sonic parts. As in not just missing parts but having straight up made up numbers.

>No need to go crazy about seeing a nipple
The nipple wasn't the issue
thing is, I actually like this drawing

Personally I'd draw the line at sex so Sonic stroking his hog is pretty much on that line for me. I did post a short comic about Sonic being horny about Amy and it ended with him rubbing one out but you only saw the tip poking out from his hand.

I'll keep that in mind conductor. again, was just being bit of a gamer to test it the tag hee hee

>Rouge is whoring again for gems
GUN's Top Slut everyone
Turns out I didn't post this yesterday so here it is!

Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note
“This world is filled with chaos! It needs to be cleansed! The anarchy of life that pervades every part of this corrupted universe needs to be wiped clean and brought under… Control!”

Imagine if someone could control chaos with some words…

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Trapped Inside Page 4
What's that? A comic with Team Dark but Omega is somehow written out? Wow, that's new!
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So next Archie thread start with an OP, this time?
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note
Might as well get ahead of the curve and talk about Tails, his past, and his parents. In the Archie comics, Tails’ parents were abducted and stranded on an alien world before being rescued by Sonic and their son. In the Fleetway comics, Tails actually originated from the Nameless Zone, a world inhabited by foxes (none with two tails) that were dealing with invading goblins. Just want to throw all of that out there before we get to issue 5.

>Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note
Interesting. You know in stc, it said he was writing to his family but we never saw them

Cute Silver.
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oops wrong image lol
Which Sonic bad guy makes you act like this

We all know the answer for Conductor.
and might tend to agree

Whats wrong with this one ?
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Archie sonic forever # 2 preview pages!
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Oh wow, just realizing how quick the posting times are. cool
I'll say it here because I'm sorta reading head just to get those sonic grams, but jesus christ at that ending to the mini series
Turned it from a alright to dogshit. I'm mad.

Okay that is hilarious
>Sera is the best Sonic girl, she needs more lewds.
Patrician taste! Sonic is a notorious human fucker after all
I more meant that they have scans of pretty much every magazine/poster/etc that's ever featured Sonic
Fun fact: you can use NSFW tags on /pco/ and /coq/ and the preview will say "Very NSFW." I mostly use it when there's dude on dude action in a mostly hetero comic on /pco/ or posting cboys on /coq/
Interesting! There's a lot of places you could take that
One day we'll get a mecha artist that writes out Shadow and Rouge for Gemerl and Shard
Knowing smile!
Rough and Tumble, Finitivus, Infinite, Zavok('s chest), Regina, Lien-Da, Enerjak (you know the one), the Grandmaster of the Frost Legion

Sally haters are going to love it. IDWkun will be so happy.

It’s an unfortunate thing.

lmao, maybe you should start the threads with unflattering Sally stories. Not only will he not delete the thread, he'll probably have ABIB sticky it!

I knew what I signed up for. I'll have fun with it as I die inside.
They just can't stop winning!

What gets me is that the ending doesn’t make any sense when reading the thing. It’s fucking stupid

It's pure Penders wank. Before he got attached to Knuckles, Geoffrey was his self insert and pet character.

He's such a weirdo man
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Archie Sonic #10
All I can do is pretend and laugh. It was indeed pretty painful to do that but we're done with it.
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Halo on Fire Chapter 2 Page 6-7
I didn't storytime the series and I barely remember what was going on aside from it being "OCs are mysterious and hog up most of the comic because they don't want to straight with Sonic and friends." But I do remember Shadow being confrontational with this guy
I know it's kinda hyporitcal for us to hate it, but it's fucking gross how she's underage when that kiss happened. just why
halo_on_fire_ch_2__pg_7_by_nazokg_dgbyoml-fullview.jpg, 1024xNA, 1 times posted

Art's great and I appreciate that the OCs aren't eating up pages standing and talking nonstop. Sorry for being a bit spiteful, I think the Sally mini put me in a bad mood.

Honestly the age difference doesn't bother me as much as everything else. He could be the same age and I would hate it. I've heard he's in his 20s or 30s and I think 20s sounds right. He's older but not middle aged. I don't like Geoffrey and Sonic is supposed to be her one love. And of course Penders' dashed plans to have Geoffrey take Sally's virginity and then him making them lovers in his comic that will never come out is just turd icing on the turd cake.

Aside age diff, whats worse is that it doesnt make sense if you actually read it. the romantic angle comes out of no where

It's mostly Nazo and his brothers(?) having beef, and Sonic & co ALSO having beef with Nazo so everyone is just fucking pissed at each other and all barely being kept from going for the throat in every interaction.

Honestly, understandable. I'm not following it, but from what I hear, it's miserable.

And it's not going away. It only gets worse when Sonic gets into the mix.

it really does, btw should we make a new thread at this point?

The comic looks like it'd be full of DBZ fights but it's mostly talking and the OCs take up too much time. But what gets me is that everyone talks a lot without explaining stuff. At least these two pages aren't that. Give us some action with the characters we know and care about.

A new thread can't be made until the current one archives and I'm not making a new one until the same time tomorrow.

Ahh okay. Also, not to be be a bother as I've mentioned it multiple times, but you'll do those books I suggested right? Looking at the TKP reading guide, I'd do it before the Freedom Fight era
Oh by new thread, I meant here, not on 4chan /co/

I defer to Thirstposter as he set up the order for the comics.
I'll make one eventually.
I was expecting a lot of shitting on Sally but it seems that the age thing has taken up a lot of the conversation in the thread. Better than what I was expecting honestly.
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This might not actually be true. When Thirstposter was doing the Birdstone, they let him have a new thread up when the second hadn't reached near bump limit (though I think it did archive beforehand or was about to) - and allowed the new thread to remain up afterwards with no complications.

They are very specifically targeting you and the Archie Ride (or anything they perceive as being connected to the Archie Ride), Conductor. It's the same reason Pixy is fine with the IDW thread one guy here started being up at the same time as the Archie thread - it's not Archie, so it's not an issue worth deleting. They don't care what title the thread uses, they care about the content IN the thread.

If you just gave up and went back to fancomics, Pixy and ABIB would most likely just stop actively sabotaging threads again. Their goal is to run the Archie Ride off the site, since they know trying to remove Sonic as a whole is a no-go. They didn't have a problem with our threads for the most part until you started Archie, which set them off.
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Just making this post for TP to get their attention but if you come here and see it
Can you add the golden books in this order Sonic's Shoes Blues, The Secret Admirer, Up Against the Wall, and the look and find sonic book all to the early years section of the MEGA for conductor to do please?
You can find those first 3 on tails kicks ass, and the look and find book here

The whole thing with not being able to make a new thread until the last one archived is something that happened a couple days ago. That was after the Birdstone. Before that I was under the impression that I could make a new thread when the previous one hit bump limit and was close to archiving.

>those contrarian shit heads popping up try to convince anyone that ending was any good and not bull
So the threads on /co/ can't have fancomic updates posted in them anymore again? Why?

I specifically remember you making the new thread at page 10 but then the page number jumped back up to 9 again, then back to 10. I dunno if there was trickery involved but...

It'd be an okay story if it wasn't for the Geoffrey wank. To think that kiss and Sally falling for Geoffrey is on the last page is how it ends.
I'm not going to bother with that. At least not for now.
Even then the page is on the way out. It's on the bottom of the catalog and can't be bumped.
Just used the feedback page to call out ABIB on his shitty moderating and made-up rules (there are SIX fucking DC threads on the board right now and they're not being deleted, the Spooktoberfags get two threads to themselves, and we all know why Pixy isn't deleting the second Sonic thread up). Probably won't do anything, but it felt cathartic and they'll still need to deal with that shit in their inbox for however long it takes until they delete it.

Given how frustrated they were with people constantly coming on to gripe about the Ride being sabotaged, I think if we got enough autsts to flood their feedback channel, they'd probably give up eventually.

Not enough room for them. That and Pixy could find some justification to delete them for being "offtopic".

Well at least you could post updates in here I guess.

Easily one of the worst story arcs, but at least it's over. It is impressive how dumb and yet needlessly complicated the plot it
That's pretty much it. Nazo's an edgy and angry neopet twink who used to be evil. Shadow has a beef with him despite having a very similar backstory
Sonic and Knuckles are standing next to each other, that means they're married!
He's massively inconsistent about their ages, but it's pretty clear they're written as being around the same age. I just think love triangles are dumb. I wouldn't even have minded Sally and Geoffrey doing some harmless flirting but that kiss came out of nowhere and was just gross.
When it comes to Penders, I consider everything he's said after leaving spiteful and non-canon. He turned Remington into a pizza delivery guy ffs!
I mostly just look at the nice art
That's because I started the new thread when he was asleep and the old one archived before he woke up. For the Konductor to pull that off, we'd need to start new threads between 4am and 9am
>Their goal is to run the Archie Ride off the site
Their goal is to run us off the site. We're having fun talking about Sonic and not shitposting and that's against their made up rules
Cool, I'll look into them! I'm actually planning on tidying up things and putting it all up on the Internet Archive, complete with comic metadata and a customized reading order

>if it was Sonic kissing a random girl you'd be all cheering durr
big lols were had

>Cool, I'll look into them!
Thank you. I've been a bit annoying about those books but I just wanted them seen done. Again thank you!
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Oh my fucking god. Superstars is confirmed to be mediocre from the leaks and streams
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heres what the new shitty character looks like

No worries, feel free to keep reminding me!
So many Sallies!
lmao. I do wonder what I'd hyperfixate on if it wasn't for the blue rat

>not a twink
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
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Look what shitty character even worse than trip showed up in the classic game
Not to be overly negative here but holy fuck, the level design is fucking ASS and so is superstars music.

Should have been a boy.

I mean, that's just a background thing. It's basically meaningless unless there's some true ending stuff where it gets involved - which I highly doubt. If it IS intended to be The End, then it's just an easter egg at best.

What animal is she ?
south african sungazer.jpg, 2000xNA, 1 times posted

One of these bad boys

That's no moon, it's a copy of Ikaruga for the Sega NAOMI!
I legitimately thought they were using Sonic 4's music as placeholders. I'm not spending $70 on that
Sungazer lizard
heres the stream link btw guys
oh some guy is posting a porn comic now. wow

That anon likes to live dangerously. Also, we have two entire threads here for story smut, just post it here!

Looks like it's just a sfw comic made by a porn artist.

Look at the page numbers.

And that's why I removed the page numbers when storytiming Trick with the Hat!
Either way that comic will get removed. You could have the most sexless comic with Tails and Rouge and it would get deleted. I remember when I posted an image with Tails and Rouge that were just images of them separate from each other and were part of one of MeanBean's AUs and it got deleted. Also, beefy Tails feels weird and maybe even wrong. I'm fine with him being older but he should still be pretty skinny.
Oh yeah, KrazyElf just dumped a whole ass porn comic which is seemingly set in the Sonic Unity continuity. So of you're interested in that Thirstposter, you can dump it in the usual place if you want

Oh wait, aome anon is already suicidal dumping it in the Ride thread lmao.

>Also, beefy Tails feels weird and maybe even wrong. I'm fine with him being older but he should still be pretty skinny.
You just have bad taste, Conductor. Beefy Tails is the way.

Someone got a leaked copy of Superstars? I'm guessing it's completely average?

Oh man, I've still got to do Love and Quills, and the new Sonknux comic by Krazyelf!

Huh, I guess I still had that highlighted. Watched a bit of the stream and it didn't look that different from Classic Sonic's battle with the Death Egg Robot in Generations
So the version of the game this guy is playing is the ps4/ps5 version. we all thought it was the switch. Meaning the graphics are really that shit. fucking lol

It seems wholly alright. Checked /sthg/ out of curiosity and predictably they're having a meltdown

A meltdown over what?

>One side absolutely trying to prove the game is utter shit to Own The Classicfags
>One side in absolute damage control mode to Own The Modernfags
>Random schizo complaining about trans people
The usual

Tails and his namesake can canonically cut through solid steel without the slightest amount of resistance slowing them down, implying incredible amounts of strength. He can support his own body weight with them and even when he gets tired, just a short landing on the ground is enough for him to be good to go again. And in the movies, he can support not only his weight, but both Sonic's and Knuckles' as well, and Movie Knuckles is the beffiest motherfucker to have ever existed.

Tails being ripped is probably one of the most canon compliant things you could make him. But in my case at least, I believe it makes more sense for Wachowski Tails since he's more likely to eventually engage in that level of physical exertion. But all Tailses should be pretty beefy by default, just by sheer nature of what they do.


If only we could harness them to dogpile the shitty mods, but instead they're doing...whatever the fuck that is.

Damn, that's not good
lmao, from that description they may not even know the game's streaming! They know and think the streamer's not very good at it
Tall and thin twink older Tails is best, but he should have more of a swimmer's build. Most of his muscles should be in his massive butt

You can't have a general thread on 4chan without one random anon having a meltdown about transsexuals for no reason. It's tradition.

They only care if the Archie Ride isn't up so as long as that happens the janny and mod are going to be left alone.
trip has the same eye shape of sally and "almost" kinda looks like her
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I was sorta growing on to ther but nvm
Yeah, I'm thinking she looks dogshit
1697072418426483.png, 365xNA, 1 times posted

Actually went to go check:
>angry about le meme rock (the end)
>angry about retcons
>some guy saying he doesn't give a fuck about mighty and ray and everyone seething at him
>angry about the graphics
>marioposters trolling
>hessefag posting
>some people lusting over nicole
>consolefaggotry between sony and nintendo
>something about frontiers update 3 filtering people
>shadally guy shitting up thread with garbage
>talking about fang jobbing to trip
>one tard mentioning that amy is actually a troon (clearly b8)
>complaining that the streamer is playing like shit
>complaining about what was the whole point of trip
>something something sonic team and arzest are shit
>something about the mania crew being right about how retarded sonic team is
>this neat knuckles thing
dgb42d3-405a144b-9348-4e2e-9d31-82e6746540a6.jpg, 640xNA, 1 times posted

How big is too big tho?

I'm so glad I left that hell hole.

At least you retrieved the one thing of value!
Would! That amount of muscles is probably my limit though. Also, lmao that's the artist that does all of those sexy Eggmen!
Well the guy stopped streaming. I only caught the start of the Trip mode and I think it just looks kinda lethargic? Bridge Island's music is pretty nice though, and it looks like Trip's main gimmick is that she has the wall scaling ability that Sonic used with the Spike wisp in Colors.
Ftnnoh5X0AouwRB.jpg, 936xNA, 1 times posted

I swear it wasn't always like this. 4chan is definitely not... socially conscious, but the Designated Tranny Hater in every thread is a recent-ish addition to boad culture, among other things. Hate that places like Twitter and KF are exporting their culture war bullshit to the sites their userbases fled to. Fucking tourists, man.

Honestly? I can kinda see it.

Sorry to say guys, but I think I will be Trip's number 1 hater. Like she screams mid, but to be fair to you guys I wont totally schizo out.

>Tall and thin twink older Tails is best
You speak blasphemy in my presence, Thirstposter!

I will agree he needs a fine ass though.

Titan Tails is the cutoff point. That one there still does things for me, but Titan Tails levels of muscle-growth is just too much.

If you start seething at her to the levels of seethe you have for Silver, I will strangle you with a garrote wire.

>shadally guy shitting up thread with garbage
This is the worst for me since I only check the booru sometimes without going there. And last time he fucking flooded it and seems to be doing it again. His ship is shit SHIT

Oh yeah, the shit with trans people living rent free in anons' heads is fairly recent, at least the past couple years. Who knows how it came about honestly.
Just gonna say no one was talking about trannies until someone decided to say amy was one (clearly and obviously bait)
It did not come out of nowhere.

He's probably samefagging, being totally honest with you.
God, that one comic has got me seriously down bad for more older muscular Tails art. Fuck.

Most likely since it had few replies

I'm curious. I haven't been to the booru so I never saw that. Exactly how bad was the spam?
I’m swear not defending the trans bait BUT I think it’s funny how Amyfags legit can’t stop taking the bait despite knowing it’s trolling

Probably because of that one /pol/ blazefag who kept fucking with them
eggman-rage.gif, 498xNA, 1 times posted


Over 300 and counting. I dont just hate him because of his shit taste in ships but also how fukcing low quality it is and how much space it takes. Its awful

Then better commission more lol

Yeah, I got bored pretty quickly
It is odd how often he thinks of them. I'm pretty sure I know the guy you're talking about. When I used to post on /sthg/ he "you will never be a real woman'd" me a few times. It was pretty odd since I'm pretty upfront about being a dude that likes dudes. Actually our special friend accusing me in the Archie thread as larping as gay was genuinely confusing. You meet the weirdest people on 4chan!
Hey, I'm just saying if he's going to have muscle, it needs to go where it's needed!
It'd help if Titan Tails had a neck
lmao, now you know what Boom Knuckles did to me!

>I think it’s funny how Amyfags legit can’t stop taking the bait despite knowing it’s trolling
It's only funny in the first few hundred times it happens.
Hey Conductor do you know when the next issue of Frenzy might come out?
I really want to know what the fuck is going on with Metal Sonic.

Each issue comes out every 3-4 months.


>"Oh these are just cute little quick doodles it couldn't possibly be that ba-"
>16 pages

The real question is when are we gonna get Sonic x Violet lewds?
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Everybody gangsta till the bara rendition of older Team Sonic.

Oh they do that a shitton in general. It doesn't matter if you don't even show a hint of anything gay, you'll get hit with that because trans women specifically live rentfree in their heads. Ironically I never get hit with that shit, despite being The Ride's resident tran, kek. It should give you an idea of how broken their "ability" to clock anons is.

Asking the real questions!
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Do coomers really?
You CAN draw right anon? don't let your dreams be memes.

Btw according to pixiv rules, any porn the artist does draw will have to be censored.

It's so weird, if you're gonna be a bigot at least put in the effort and use the corresponding insults!
Must be nice to live in so many minds rent free. As they say, it's free real estate!
The artist's been doing suggestive art of them for months, and we suspect some of the pixel world lewds so it's a matter of when, not if
>You CAN draw right anon?
Not really, but it won't stop me from drawing Remington lewds once I get the time!
kinda sweet how more progressive and open these threads are to other types of people. nice
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Yeah. It's not just with sexual/gender preferences, it's also broader acceptance.

Is it the fancomic discussion that egged this? The threads were already chill(er than the average thread), but the atmosphere has been pretty light everytime we focus on fan content. It's no surprise Sonic as a franchise attracts lots of younger and neurodivergent fans, and it typically bleeds through in the fan works they make.

To truly enjoy The Ride you have to leave your shit at the door and, in a way, give the artists covered a chance, at least that's how it appears to me. We cover a lot of unironically autistic shit, a lot of queer shit, but that hasn't made the stories any less enjoyable, if anything sometimes it's even added to the appeal. On shittier reasons to love these, they're also pretty good fucking filters for the typical slop and shitposting /co/ has devolved to.
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shitposters are filtered out by how chill everything is. we've had some cases but they all leave eventually
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Cosmic Nexus Page 11
Another page of the sexiest version of GUN that doesn't have Omega.
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I found some body horror kino over at Tumblr, let me see if I can get it to post it here.

They should give Shadow some tits, too
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Okay found it again.

Sadly the artist didn't draw more of it but the gist of the AU is that Sonic fused/absorbed a shitton of Dark Gaia.

media_F73uH9AWAAAqkIn.jpg, 1010xNA, 1 times posted

So many Sallies!
Seeing people genuinely trying their best to be creative is heartening, even if the results end up a bit rough.
Cool to see people still working on the the Adventure design since it's pretty much the S3&K sprite made 3d
Still would!
Exactly, either the chill atmosphere causes them to realize you can still have genuine fun on imageboards or it inflicts massive psychic damage and they abandon the thread
It's like he takes all my impure thoughts and turns them into art!
Would make for a great entry in the storybook games
Sexy Dark Gaia Sonic!
131.jpg, 726xNA, 1 times posted

Sonic Now Page 131
I can't wait that board so I can make threads for some of these fancomics. Now!
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Because I know this artist's mobiansona is appealing to twink enjoyers.

It's the boys. The lads. They're here... now!

He's a cutie squirrel that speaks with a surfer twang how can you not love him.

I haven't kept up but is plus4chan's admin actually making a Sonic board just for the fan comics and other Sonic things?

The (best) boys are back in town!
He's so cute! I would've posted it in the main thread, but didn't want to mix the fan stuff with the Archie comics
He has me enchanted!
BH has to do some backend things to make it work first, but we should have our own board at some point!

Why do they look so fucking cool.

How am I just now becoming aware of this - this is awesome.

He is pure sexo.

You need to check out his (and his wife's) twitter. Absolutely incapable of drawing characters non-sexo!

Well that's fun. I'll definitely check it out.
Though IMO won't discussion get kinda fragmented? If every fan comic gets its own thread?

I wish to see his grippers

Not every comic needs one. The vast majority of comics we cover are cancelled. But there are some that have been going for a while and have a considerable number of pages. Archie Sonic Online, Sonic Legacy, Sonic Frenzy, Sonic and the Freedom Fighters, etc. And there can be a new thread for various other comics and general fancomic discussion and then when it gets full, a new thread can be made and discussion moves on to there. And then there can be threads for other stuff like videos and fanfics. It'd be pretty easy to fill a bunch of threads fast.

I see I see. Looks like you've got this all covered.

I love Omegasunburst.

I might be lacking in my Sonic lore, but all I am seeing is Sonic and Amy.

I can't wait!
That purple moon is The End
0.gif, 480xNA, 1 times posted

TSSuBN.png, 423xNA, 1 times posted

I swear we are trying.

Oh? Well, I have yet to play Sonic Frontiers.

>>angry about retcons
What retcon?


As lewd as usual with KrazyElf. So passionate.

It was being sold before its launch date on a huge retailer in Brazil, streamer even said he saw some of his friends buying it as well.
So what's your guys opinion on the dragon thing ? A bit outside of the Sonic characters style ?

I like the design.
Would be interesting to see if Dulcy could be reworked to look closer to this. Though Iizuka would still hunt me down for including her pouch.

Instantly made me think of Dulcy. Very un-game like for Sonic but I'll go with it.
0.jpg, 1227xNA, 1 times posted

More like Toothless, from how to Train Your Dragon, no? Dulcy's species isn't really the first thing that come to my mind...

What is that, the new Super Sonic form?

It's Bender's final form.

I was just thinking bulky dragon that doesn't fit with typical Sonic character design. But yeah it's very much more Toothless then Dulcy.

Still more fitting than a Zeti.

He draws great cheesecake

Ngl, reminds me of MLP for some reason
0.png, 6043xNA, 1 times posted

I think I see where you are coming from.
its joever
Gameplay stages + final boss Sonic Superstars!

Why is there no sound?
adampixelrush-1710309086263181600-20231006_080036-vid1.mp4, 1280xNA, 1 times posted
The chubby Sally artist also has some animations with voice acting.

I refuse to click as the bueno would probably kill me
1697084935900814.png, 836xNA, 1 times posted
So Fang's addition in the game is pointless
ANotheer L for him

Well yeah Zeti are just alien blobs pulled and stretched enough to make new characters. Don't like Zeti and I never will.
Also I just noticed that plus4chan has a very random chance of having some kind of event happen when you refresh a thread, like the King of All Cosmos popping up. It's cute.

When has Fang succeeded to anything ever, honestly?

He succeeded in being less of a loser than metal sonic

Fang a shit, Nack is based (unless Sally is involved). We're getting close to when his winning streak against Sonic begins.

I'm expecting Sonic Team probably think that just him being in the game at all is a sign of celebration because he's officially back for the first time since like, 90s spin-off driving and fighting games. I wasn't as blown away because I've already played the Sonic Galactic demo so many times. He's real fun in that fangame.
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>all that meming about fang and trip being a thing
>its just abusing and she fucks his shit up

Doesn't look particularly great. Honestly looks painfully average.
Everything looks really flat and it kinda hits me the wrong way that they're just reusing so many Sonic Mania menu sounds and even just use the Mania act clear music just slightly re-arranged. That they want 60 bucks for this is robbery, Mario Bros Wonder is gonna wipe the floor with it in sales.
1697116545685714.webm, 640xNA, 1 times posted
What the actual fuck

Trip has the incredible and brand new power of being a literal background character.


She's basically just debug mode?

Yeah, definitely Toothless vibes.

>It's Bender's final form.

The robot from Futurama?
0.jpg, 1200xNA, 1 times posted


but also see >>452349

oh I see, the latest Original The Character from the games. You could've said so.

I just wanted to be cheeky about her wearing a tin-can costume.
IMG_8525.jpeg, 680xNA, 1 times posted
What sonic opinions will get you like this?
tumblr_cf86cfe685f9bf00a047228d071777ed_fe7067c2_1280.jpg, 721xNA, 1 times posted
I should honestly stop doing it, but I just can't help myself. So the Ian hate cult are unironically calling this art bad... And im like WHAT! It's like these shitheads don't know that these characters are cartoons and exaggeration is part of it.
I really wish they were baiting but they are really that retarded and the ian hate has rotten their brains.

I thought the art for both of these IDW issues was quite good honestly. Expressive and colorful, kinda reminded me of Jonathan Gray.

Despite my misgivings with the comic, the art is good. It's just insane they think it's this terrible thing when its not.
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Those people are completely insane. Even a major IDW hater can appreciate how nice the art looks.
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I wonder what time of day I should start a new thread and at times storytime fancomics on here. Can't be 7pm EST because the Archie Ride.

Whatever time you feel like it. It's not hard to keep track of threads here

I'd say 5PM, but it has shown a lack of activity on /co/, on that hour, so eve more likely here on plus.
Okay, so, I al starting to hear noise that X might be shadow-banning NSFW arts, now.

So, I guess we should expect some new exodus toward DA, FA and IB.
Tenny - don’t follow me-(720p).mp4, 720xNA, 1 times posted
Well Keith Giffen passed away. That sucks.

Not to sound rude, but who is that


Why post about it in the Sonic thread, instead of the actual /co/ threads on this board
media_F8HZX82bYAAmJhj.jpg, 2652xNA, 1 times posted
Very nice art from ABT!
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Because my stupid ass had this open thinking this was regular 4chan. Multiple windows like an asshole.
Read JLI & L.E.G.I.O.N. it's good stuff.

Love it.
turtle_power_page_143_by_okida_dgc1ihy.jpg, 1378xNA, 1 times posted

Turtle Power Page 143
I feel like we're getting close to the end... almost... maybe... at some point.
jake-internal-screaming.gif, 498xNA, 1 times posted

>The sheer amount of dick riding and copium on twitter for superstars even when it looks like ass
No fucking standards man
sonamytober_2023_day_3_by_wattsonrose_dgbylss.jpg, 1500xNA, 1 times posted

So in addition to several weeks every year, they get a whole month as well?

ngl, I think ship weeks and months are pure bueno and mental illness

Absolutely fucking seconded lmao

More the end of a chapter, but clearly not a resolution of the Turtle Power arc.

She actually kinda looks like the dragons from G5.
1697136410059556.jpg, 691xNA, 1 times posted

It's the most popular ship next to Sonadow for a reason, Conductor.

I don't really care about ship weeks/months - it just means more art for my preferred ship.

Rouge uses GUN resources to download the sluttiest Echinda Porn

Mikey is right though.

>It's the most popular ship next to Sonadow for a reason, Conductor.
One day you'll blink and every day will be Sonamy day. Then you'll be sent to the mines to harvest more comics for the Sonamy Ride which will have multiple threads everyday by various Sonamy Conductors on 4chan's /sonamy/ board that is guarded by the supreme mods.
Some universe out there is enjoying a world where sonally is more prevalent in the fan comic scene. It's not fair...
Can someone quickly provide me a list of the Archie and fancomic Story time thread that got stupidly deleted?
tumblr_f969a9c4cac8e4bb2c757373ba88ca7a_38db1f56_500.jpg, 402xNA, 1 times posted
are we doing this story eventually

That'd only happen if Sega actually embraced Archie and SatAM and had the characters from that appear in games and kept the show going. Man.
The one where I got banned for three days?
That's the one with Sonic and Knuckles in the Archie world, right?

Good thing we have your comic to balance things out!

>That's the one with Sonic and Knuckles in the Archie world, right?
Yeah and the sabrina special

>The one where I got banned for three days?
All the story-time threads that got deleted for daring to co-exist with already ongoing storytme threads?

So Archie Sonic threads being deleted because an unofficial fan-comic threads was already existing on /co/

And unofficial fan-comic threads being deleted because an Archie Sonic thread was already existing on /co/.

Even though there's quite a bit of Sonally, it's nowhere near as indulgent as most Sonamy comics. Imagine a pure Sonally romance comic.
I remember it from the last Archie Ride so it should be part of this as well.

>Imagine a pure Sonally romance comic.
Hopefully if more people donate to your patreon that dream can become a reality
0.png, 978xNA, 1 times posted

To be clear, I want to be able to show receipt.
tumblr_nplvyxhp9X1tu022ro4_1280.png, 1244xNA, 1 times posted

At least we have you and your comic. All I ask if to make the romance good with its own ups and downs at a reasonbly level. Also to make sure each freedom fighter has some sort of relationship with each other beyond sonic. like for example. antoine and tails. what is their relationship like when just them since thats a problem I've always had with this series


Ian, what are you doing here?

These were deleted when the Unofficial Thread was up.
This was deleted when the last Archie Thread hit bump limit and was on page 10. When the new thread was deleted the thread went to page 9 so some other threads were deleted as well.
Also ask if there are any rules against linking to plus4chan.
Bonus deleted thread. This is the one (allegedly) started by IDWkun, full of deleted posts despite not breaking any rules, and then deleted for some reason.

>when the Unofficial Thread was up.
>when the last Archie Thread hit bump limit
any chance you can also link to these threads?

I think it's best to work out one thing at a time.

I'm not sure if that might rub the other mods the wrong way as there are posts talking about the janny and mod harassing us.

>I'm not sure if that might rub the other mods the wrong way
It might. But I might keep it in reserve if there is request for more mod abuse.
When you have everything sorted out,
Ask why posting male sonic characters in maid costumes warrants deletions
Also why posting kissing characters also gets deleted

This is the thread and the post where I first tried to make the next Archie thread. I tried to make it twice and both of them were deleted.
Here's the thread that was on page 9-10 as well as the post where I announced the new thread that got deleted.

And remember that Archie threads were archiving in 7-8 hours because they hit bump limit.


Don't bother, linking to alternate chans has not been allowed for a long time.
Konductor, please one day have your site be easier to navigate specific issues and pages , and sorting folders for ur DA.
You can also mention how we went two years hopping from one Unofficial Thread to another. They almost never hit bump limit and when a new thread was made, everyone left it and posted in the new one. But there was one person that kept bumping old threads. Don't ask me to find those because I can't remember.

Anon, you're talking out your ass.
Only our links get deleted
I almost forgot! There was the end of Ghost of the Future that was sabotaged. When this thread was close to bump limit, someone started posting pages of the comic from the previous thread and then stopped when it hit bump limit. So I announced a new thread...
And it was immediately deleted.
Pretty weird how one thing happened and then the other did.

Damn. Alright.

So that's all the thread fuckery that had been going on the past 1-2 weeks.
0.png, 992xNA, 1 times posted

Thanks, though I am already walking on thin ice, there and trying to rub that mod in the right way. I'll limit myself to the most blatant cases.

Good luck

>One day you'll blink and every day will be Sonamy day.
If only.
0.png, 806xNA, 1 times posted

Not gonna lie, this could be going better. I think I have already exhausted the two fucks that mod was ready to depart from.

I have the feeling that last question will be left unanswered.

Good fucking luck. Mods on 4chan are turbo retards and you'll be lucky to find even one that doesn't agree with ABIB on fucking over the userbase for petty reasons.

Yeah, no. At this point all of the 4chan mods need to be killed. They manage to be more fucking smarmy, smug, and chronically petty than even the worst Reddit mods.

Where the fuck did things go so wrong.
im honestly just waiting for the new board desu. like with conductor, im done dealing with their bs, and a place to discuss sonic without it sounds like heaven

I think what makes it even worse is how disgustingly unprofessional they are when people come to them about legitimate problems with how the site is being run. At least two of the mods in the anons posts up above (including one who is a righteous ABIB dickrider) are busy making fun of the anon trying to explain his point and get an actual reasoning for why our threads are being fucked over, and are basically acting like fucking toddlers.

It's a goddamn insult to know we have staff who are probably more developmentally stunted than fucking Chris-chan running the show over there.

Thanks for trying but that just tells me we're not going to get any real help. Even if you get them to agree, the other mod will do whatever he wants and they'll not get in his way.

that's just because nobody reports them.

honestly not suprising to see the ones in charge just as bad as any shitposters. but I think the wait for a board will be worth it in the future.

I will state that apparently linking to things like Twitch streams or certain sites such as AO3 is prohibited under 4chan's "rules" (in the latter case, there's 'hidden rules' about embedded files or other websites that get you immediate multi-day bans without appeal if you unknowingly violate them), so they can definitely hit you with a ban if you try to link these threads over there.

Almost as bad as leddit mods, at least we don't banned for wrongspeak on /4cuck/

You can and certainly do get banned for that shit. There's a fucking reason they have the whole "no complaining about 4chan policies" rule. Literally all but the most heavy-handed subreddits aren't going to ban you for calling out the mods for being retards so long as you don't intersperse the post with multiple repitions of racial slurs or seething over trannies.
0.png, 938xNA, 1 times posted

Welp, I was just kicked out after saying
>To sum up, you clearly said that two Spider-Man story-time threads co-existing at the same time wasn't breaking the rules.
>How are two Sonic Story-time threads co-existing at the same time breaking the rules, then?

Sorry for wasting your time, I guess that, even within a debate it is not always possible to have a fairness and justice prevail through the use of logic and reason.

Who would have thought?

At least you tried anon. But yeah - literally only the threat of them getting doxxed at this point will make them take action. Nothing short of actual tangible consequences for being pieces of shit has ever motivated 4chan staff to even pretend to change.

I can only assume, during the recent janny application, the schizo janny was promoted to mod most likely. Which coincides with the GOTF ride where half way through things started going to shit.

You can try the feedback page as well using what you've gathered. It's unlikely to reach a mod who gives a shit, but unlike the IRC, they can't kick and silence you from that without taking down the whole page.

Thanks for trying

Hey, you gave us closure. That's definitely better than my attempt where I got one response and then was ignored.

What do I have to lose at this point.
artworks-jzSekOrOMGhoaOgx-l95NDA-t500x500.jpg, 500xNA, 1 times posted
jannie are you ok
I seriously wonder why the site stopped halfway through doxxing the mod team instead of doing it to all the rest. We probably could have at least partly avoided this if all of them were scared of some psycho figuring out where they lived.

Janitor on /sp/ gets BTFO

>but unlike the IRC, they can't kick and silence you from that without taking down the whole page.
Wait, what do you mean?
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In less depressing news, I was curious and looked up what Michael Gallagher is doing these days. And found nothing. But I found out he did a lot Marvel stuff. Even crazier was that there were some familiar names next to his. Bollers, Manak, and Spaz. I already knew about Ron Lim, horrible Sonic artist but great Marvel artist.
Personally I don't like talking about doxxing and harassing anyone IRL. Let them have 4chan and hope they lose their jobs that they do for free.

>Personally I don't like talking about doxxing and harassing anyone IRL

That nice to hear they got work, especially spaz who makes a living for doing art for books. Really wish they brought him back for sonic more

The feedback page is for anyone to use, and you can send as much "feedback" as you like regardless of how many times you've already done it. Unlike the IRC which they have full control over and can kick or block you from it at any time, the only way to stop people from using that page to bug them is if they literally deleted it.

>Personally I don't like talking about doxxing and harassing anyone IRL
I stopped respecting people's personal lives after it was hard confirmed that there are multiple groups organizing raids across 4chan or trying to do so to other sites, something explicitly condoned by 4chan's rules. There are entire discards of or people to organize spamming porn, discussing gross shit like CP, and other shit to derail topics they don't like and poison the well of discussion. Then there are all the schizos wanting to kill artists on Twitter for not drawing what they like or whatever.

I won't do it myself, but I'll gleefully egg on anyone who does at this point. If you want to fuck over and trample on others, then don't cry foul when you get fucked yourself.
It was a good effort but I don’t think they’ll listen guys so I wouldn’t care much about those stupid fucking mods, and continue with the Archie story time on co until we get a board without the bs
Also another boring yet practical suggestion for the new board.
>/sco/ - Sonic Comics & Cartoons
I'd still go with /sth/ or /sonic/.

No /sco/ is actually perfect

To give a good recent /co/ example since we're on the topic: Horrorfag. The guy from the Death Battle threads who got so mindbroken he started doing /dbs/-tier spam against every horror thread on the entire board and drove off most non-capeshit or Spooktober "horror" discussion. Any thread he went in got flooded with spam of him calling everyone "discord troons", "zoomers", "discord pedo groomers" and everything inbetween. He singlehandedly destroyed more threads than most current schizos can attest to and would freely falseflag and reply to literally every post in a thread to disrupt any and all ongoing discussion.

He only somewhat stopped when in an Angel Hare thread, he got so retardedly pissed off about the funny rabbit horror series that he made a YouTube comment outright exposing his channel for all to see and confirming that he's some ESL schizo with a grudge against all horror media. He still causes trouble, but nowadays it's never to the same extent.

You pretty much need to put the fear of God into schizos by actually confronting them with the reality that they're not as untouchable spamming or ruining other people's fun as they think. Otherwise, they will literally never stop. Pixy alone can testify to this given he's jumped from every Sonic forum around up until he managed to snag himself a cushy mod position on 4chan via nepotism and corruption.


I’d like if the board name was about the entire franchise than just comics

That makes sense. Invites more people and allows for more topics and threads.

Same. Just make a broad Sonic board.

It definitely would.

That was some of the best art in the issue. They're supposed to be cartoon characters!
I find that personally offensive. October 14th-18th is Sonknux week!
We're definitely doing the two Sabrina ones, but I'll look into this one
Thanks for trying, but it seems all the mods are garbage people who only do it to lord over the anons
4chan is just spicy reddit at this point and their mods are no different
The reason mods have IDWkun's back is because they're all shitposters that share a genuine hatred of people having unironic fun on the site
Sorry to hear that. I'd have given up on talking to them way sooner so you've got a stronger stomach than me. At least we have confirmation that they're all useless manchildren

Imagine wasting your days loading over other people online and doing everything in your power to ensure they can't have fun just because you yourself are utterly miserable and have nothing going for you beyond this. Narcissism really is a hell of a drug.

If theres one thing to be certain here is that they will not budge on the rule of "no fancomic and archie threads being up at the same time".
You guys might have better luck convincing them to not delete sequel storytime threads just because the previous ones wasnt completely gone.

Maybe I should look into the guy, it can't be all that different from tracking down Sonic artists across accounts. We had this kid that wouldn't stop shitting up the Tamers threads so I did a little digging and found out he was from Panama. Another anon posted a google street view to the place that he used as the background for his youtube channel and he mostly left us alone after that
It's fascinatingly pathetic just how much effort they'll put into wallowing in their own misery. I'm 100% convinced they got bullied at school and are trying to live out their dream of being the highschool bully themselves
Naughty naughty!
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Seriously?! Tamers threads sound pretty wild

>no Ray
They always leave him out ;_;
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Sonic: Infested CH 1 PG 19
It's daddy issues time!
They're a lot of fun, and we've got a heap of seriously talented drawanons

Spooky Black Arms lore! Oh, and that last panel is just confusing - the monoeye just does not work.
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SOoC Chapter 002 - Page 024
More like Sonic the grumphog amirite?

Grumpy boy.
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SOoC Chapter 002 - Page 025
Sonic ryona!
Yeah, I'm getting some Ron Lim flashbacks with that eye

which meme is this pic

I've seen it before but can't place it exactly
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Oh, hey, look what we have got:
There's Something About Knuckles (Part 6)

Really taken by this series.
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Archie Sonic Storytime #11

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The JP version of Superstars has a little supplementary booklet with official vore

>sonic is in Amy’s stomach
You can tell exactly when /sthg/ got the link and joined the thread. Things have gotten very lively!

He's so handsome!
They sure do have strong opinions on Tails. I have no idea what those opinions are, but boy do they have them!
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What the fuck are they doing with spongebob ?

Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note
Humans can’t harness chaos energy like mobians. But they have various ways to compensate.

What in tarnation....

Thank God I'm not in there.

>tatck ships Sonamyknux
Ah yes, the OT3.
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here's your super knuckles, bros
you rike?
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Eclipse p120
Looks like Amy's found a new weapon

What I can decipher with my limited Japanese:

First panel:
>Just information about how the Water Emerald Power lets you turn into liquid

Second panel:
>"The water from this waterfall is delicious!"
>Glu glu
>"I can drink from it endlessly!"

Third panel:
>Glu glu

Fourth panel:
>K: "Are you sure nothing got mixed in it just now?"
>A: "Yeah?"

This Sonic seems way more chill when he's not on the job.
I get the feeling the Geoffrey faggot shitting up the storytime is a tails faggot butthurt so he’s fucking with it.

Well he's definitely not doing it in the IDW thread, which managed to stay under bump limit for almost two days now.

Maybe because there’s nothing to seethe about really. It’s just nothing like a lot of their output
The Geoffrey shitposter is IDWkun. He's been at that for a long time, even in the fancomic threads.

Being away from not-Eggman probably helps
Yeah, it's our special friend. Sometimes he likes to have a few sockpuppets in a thread
Exactly. He really should get back to performing his duties for his well paid janitorial position

>few sockpuppets in a thread
Either the thread has been a slow one this time, or he isnt bothering trying to generate new IPs during the samefagging.

Ahh. With how much he talks about cucking, I think he’s actually into NTR shit

He used to be pretty good at that and have new IPs agree with his spicy takes. I guess he's gotten lazy
Funny thing is that by spamming and killing the thread faster, he's doing what I want him to do. Because I don't want to squeeze more comics into the same thread on the next day. People only there for Archie leave as soon as they read it and the regulars from the Unofficial Ride can just come here.

So how do you expect to get more people than just the regulars for later?

It could be yeah but I also think it's the same guy that throws a fit when there's a pic of Taiream since he also talks about cuckshit

He's probably trying to spite me specifically since he knows I like Sally. The thing about shitposting is that it loses impact the more it's used so at this point it's more amusing than anything.

You or someone else really should advertise this place more. I know it will be deleted but it will still be something archived for anyone who's catching up on the ride to see it.

That's a tricky thing. I don't know how many people come into these threads and we can't really post links. I'd like to at least start a new thread here before putting in some effort. The admin here seems to be happy with the traffic we bring.

>thread is already at 400+ posts
Yeah, I'm not keeping up with that. Wake me up when the Chaotix get here.

True. It just makes them look like a looney in the end.

I can put it in the pastebin when a new thread here is made.

Dude will not shut up about diapers and NTR, really makes you think!
>he does it for free for 4chan
>he does it for free for us
All according to keikaku!
Hmm, maybe I should convince him I hate Sonadow since it takes away from Sonknux!

It doesn't get crazy until halfway through the last issue. Then it's a clown fiesta.

He probably thinks he's won given we've gone from constant threads to threads that rapidly die in a day or two, so no reason to keep up appearances anymore. Not that he was ever good at that, mind.

Oh, I'm aware it's being spammed. I just don't care - I like being able to read and engage at my own pace, and a thread near bump limit is the antithesis of that. Him spamming it just makes it even easier to ignore.

Once we have our own board, I'm happy to sacrifice a few IPs to let the anons know
That's a good idea
He's certainly won in that his shenanigans have caused us to post fewer Archie comics. Of course that only prolongs The Ride to over 6 months! Also, it means that if there's no Ride thread up, I'll be forced to fag up all other Sonic threads on 4/co/
Our new board in the future should have threads dedicated to sonknux smut

Thirstposter pls

Actually, it would be cool if we could flag a thread NSFW, although I suspect that'd be a lot of work to implement. I'll definitely be making Sonknux threads though!
It wasn't me I swear!
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>current year
>sonics friends still have the piss mist for a super form instead of anything unique

Except Trip, who literally becomes a god-dragon.
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Yeah, there is no reason to at least give his friends some unique look

Would be funnier if Knuckles and Amy had screenshots taken with their eyes in mid blink so they look unenthusiastic like Tails.
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The janny got mad

I guess they are not ready to fully commit to them having their own transformation, maybe their reasoning is that them also having their own makes Sonic less special because they, more often than not, are always around, as opposed to the other characters that were created with one in mind for story reasons like Shadow, Silver and Blaze and have rare appearances. At the same those characters don't end up doing much of note after their first appearances because their story is done so maybe that's why they are okay with them having one, only Shadow is the one exception of being popular enough to become as omnipresent as the main cast. Still feels like bullshit now that SEGA is all about how the other 3 are really important for the series with FastFriends4Shit but they don't really give them THAT of a special treatment. I was bullshit when they did it to them back in Heroes with the bubbles and is still bullshit now.

The unfortunate implications of this dumb decision being that male hedgehogs for whatever reason are fundamentally superior to other sapient beings is hilarious. The Chaos Emeralds are canonically racist AND sexist now, all because SoJ is too lazy to give the other three main characters proper super forms.

>TaireamSchizo is also in the thread
It's either the same Geoffreyfag using a sockpuppet or this has become a proxy war of anons trying shit on any character and their fans
Tails niggers get the rope

>SoJ says that they don't want to escalate with more levels of super forms to avoid DBZ comparisons
>That is still unavoidable because 3 characters that have one are of the same species and one of them is even a fucking Future Trunks expy.
>Now there are fans that without a shred of irony say "Hedgehogs are the Saiyans of Sonic"
They are dumb, they have always been dumb
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I haven't been on the thread, I've just been having fun posting Shoggothnic on Tumblr

Wow, almost feels like i'm back on the thread


>fleetway fag is the disgusting geoffrey/tails/cream spammer janny

>Amy when she realizes that an eldritch abomination being madly in love with you only adds extra tardwrangling

What happened?

It's either that or we have our own rogues gallery. Whatever, I always knew the brits were evil hon hon hon

Tentacle Shenanigans sounds appealing at first, but then you realize they're attached to a clingy himbo
british sonic fans do not have souls.
I bet Shoggothnic watches iCarly unironically.

I think he would and I think he would be devastated if you told him what Dan Schneider did
The current Archie Ride thread isn't comfy and I'm miffed.

Shoggothnic probably gets invested in a lot of children's television - stuff that normal Sonic would ignore or not care for, he's obsessed with.

If Dan Schneider was a mobian, he'd have mobian carly show her blobs to the screen

His favorite movie is definitely Beauty and the Beast
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I want pink Knuckles back!
Yeah, he deleted a post calling him out
I assume they're all IDWkun (except for Boco)
He's so cute!
Genuine life goals right there!
I'm still mad at the ending, he should've stayed a handsome beast ;_;
Shoggothnic probably has an entire room full of Amy merchandise and his own version of Boom Amy's Sonic shrine, but Amy-themed. I bet he's even the first in-line to buy whatever new baked goods she makes.
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>Sonic Superstars has a shmup section in it
Who on current Sonic Team is putting shmup sections into every new game

Shmup section with the characters in their super form ?
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Do I really like Sonally and find it very cute with chemistry
as I was reading the storytime, we got to their future, and ill say. I do not like Sonic as a king. I just don't think it fits the character.
What I think would be more interesting for a sonally future where they had kids but Sonic doesn't decide to become a king due to his nature just not being fit for that. I think a certain person doing a archie related fan comic should do something like that hint hint wink.
I'd read the shit out of good drama like that.
Maybe we could invite the fan games anon here. He seemed cool to talk with.

Well, king/prince consort is a thing

Is that where you marry someone not royalty or something

It just means he's not the one with royal lineage, but is marrying with someone who is.

Ahh ok. Still, I think a non king sonic with sally would be hella interesting if done well

And usually don't have constitutional power. Basically the luxury of being royalty without the responsibility

Yeah, would love to see more posters over here. Would be nice to have fangame threads in the new board too. Some of them are seriously high quality now
You only get the title of prince as a consort, but you can have queen consorts (non-ruling, wife of the ruling king) and queen regents (ruling). Sally would be a queen regent, Sonia would be a princess, and Sonic and Manic would be princes (although only Manic and Sonia would be in the line of succession)

Eh, it's a different continuity and Archie Sonic is next to Wachowski for not having the same wanderlust as other Sonics. It makes sense for him to settle and enjoy a cushy royal life.

That, and he'd barely be administrating anyhow. He'd be a prince consort and wouldn't be expected to do much so long as Sally is there as the Queen - only filling in for her if she's unavailable.

>Some of them are seriously high quality now
You know any more of them besides these ones ?

For Archie I meant. I know normal Sonic has tons of fan games.
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I get it's a different canon. like hell, obvs sonally wouldnt work with game sonic. and their adventure autism isnt as big, but he still likes adventure and a guy like him constantly gets bored sitting around. So i cant see him being a king personally. King or not tho, I think he'd be a pretty rad dad.

When it comes to RPGs I know someone was working on a redo of Chronicles, but off the top of my head I'd recommend SRB2, the Unleashed Project, Mania (tee hee), Time Twisted, Eggman Hates Furries (it's actually really fun if you can get over the interesting sprite work) and Project 06. It's been a while since I've looked at fangames but every time I do, they've become more polished
Oh, I've got no idea. There's a heap of high quality ones here though: https://sonicfangameshq.com

Nah, they were piloting Egg Mobiles.

I honestly don't understand what people mean when they say that Sonic wouldn't fit as a king.
Traveling to new places on distant lands, meeting new people and solving conflict are things that both Sonic and actual kings do.
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Post more architecture’d Sonic else you’re a coward

They probably see it as a too sedentary job for someone like Sonic.
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Him getting bored easily is mostly when he's younger during the period of the early comics. By the time he comes back from being SPACE'd, he's pretty much done and just wants to get the fucking war over with so he can settle down in peace. He's thoroughly sick of adventure at that point in his life - when he's seriously considering spending the rest of his life with Sally. And it makes sense, given he's been fighting a war to free the world since he was a kid.

But is it really enough to be a king? A job with a TON of reponsiblity for a fast guy?

He's a prince consort - his responsibilities will literally amount to nothing more than staying home and watching the kids, showing up with his wife for special events, and maybe signing off on a new policy every once in a while. And I'm not sure about that last one since that's probably something Sally already covers.

He has all the perks of royalty and literally none of the actual tasks that come with it. He could laze about literally all the time if he wanted.

Hmmm. I guess so he would be able to do stuff... He'd probably go chill out and go do things with his kids. I guess you convinced me to be okayish with prince consort but full on king is something I won't agree with.

The only time Sonic is a full-on king in any media is Sonic & the Black Knight, and that's notably in another world where he doesn't stick around. A lot of the Black Knight specific AUs where he IS stuck in Camelot notably have him shirking his duties to go fuck around and adventure. And naturally, Black Knight lore doesn't apply to Archie for obvious reasons.
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He's just a creacher!

>I'm still mad at the ending, he should've stayed a handsome beast ;_;
Honestly same, how could they rob Belle of her sexy piece of ass, smh

I like the implication that Omega is an anthro/mobian by default

I also think it's fully dependent on the continuity. Funnily enough I think being a president or prime minister would work for him much better than being a king, what with the whole deal of constantly traveling for diplomacy reasons and all.

On a broader sense, I see a lot of people assume he's completely incompatible with any form of relationship period in the games, but to me that's not really the case? Settling down in one town/city forever, sure I can see why he wouldn't, but he could very easily just bring his plus one alongside him on his travels without the relationship suffering (obviously this is under the assumption his partner also likes that wanderlust of his). RIP to any potential kids he has under this dynamic, though, they're gonna grow up to be third culture kids.

Obligatory reaction image

So, he comissioned an other art...

At least share the sauce. Ya'know, coom is alright but I'm more of a fan of wholesome and cute pics of Amy x Tails.

Am I the only one that, for whatever reason, never imagines Scourge as having the same voice as Sonic?

Like, it's fucking stupid, of fucking course they would sound the same. But whenever I'm reading something with him talking I can never envision Sonic's voice coming out of his lines.

I imagine it as raspier.
New thread!

I don't even think he sounds like Sonic. I think he sounds super New Yorker.