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Sonic Storytime Thread #4

Previous Thread: >>139883991

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/pnWPy4ge
Password: yGDeiMT6W5
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: https://mobiuscomics.com
Unofficial Ride Website: https://the-ride.neocities.org

Everyday at 7pm EST new Archie issues will be posted in these threads. The start will be linked to the OP so you can be brought to it with one click!

To start this new thread, we’ll do an old story! A non-canon and lost comic that hasn’t seen print until many years later. It’s the return of an old foe and what would’ve been the first appearance of a new friend. This is Everything Old is Newt Again!

Question: Have you ever watched SatAM? What did you think of it? Did you know there’s a long running fancomic called Sea3on that continues after the show ended? You should check it out.

Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note: If the chaos emeralds become corrupted with dark energy of some kind, please do not try using them. Instead, please take each one to their corresponding temples for purification. And whatever you do, DO NOT let the Master Emerald get corrupted.
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Even though he's not a robot anymore, this guy is still pretty rotten!
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We find Sonic casually sexually harassing the Freedom Fighters. Antoine's underwear? I'm not asking.
It’s cool they reprinted this
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How does a big guy like that suddenly appear and get the drop on Sonic like that? I'm not asking. Okay, I just did.
>Non-canon and lost
When was it suppose to release if it ever did?
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Here's Bunnie! There goes Bunnie!
I do find lost stories to be fascinating, especially when they're different and made non-canon by other stuff.
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That sounds like it'd take forever... if it was anyone else!
Not sure. I'd have to look up the story.
those middle panels are unfortunately very exploitable
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Oh no! That didn't work! It made things worse!
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And that's Robotnik's Ted Talks.
Wow, Tails is actually the correct shade of orange/yellow this time.
>Question: Have you ever watched SatAM? What did you think of it?
Y'know, it's actually been actual decades since I watched it. I should revisit it sometime.

>Did you know there’s a long running fancomic called Sea3on that continues after the show ended? You should check it out.
Yes, you ran it during the Unofficial Ride.

To be fair, "canon" is a very loose concept during the early days.
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Hot foot!
It wouldn't be so bad if Sonic somehow came up with the underwear of a guy that's not even wearing pants.
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ENTER... Nicole? Yes, this is the first planned introduction of Nicole. How very Gallagher that she's simply ordered.
Weird seeing Sonic with green eyes here so early.
>I'm from SEC country
Holy shit Bunny confirmed not Texan but Dixie and also /mygirl/, unless she's from Atlanta
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Commando [REDACTED]!
I think it's because this was colored much later and not when it was intended to be printed.
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And that's it! So, new rule! New threads only when the last one archives.
He gonna end up in Shanazar
So this story which seems to be around the era of issue 4 was actually released as a lost story around the early 2000s? Tails is the correct color and Sonic has green eyes.
Did Universalamander deserve to become so small he basically stopped existing? You decide!
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kek'd and checked, will repost any time Archie is being Archie
He didn't deserve it.
Also the coloring here is shit.
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How did she know?
Well, she IS from the future.
The walrus that built her is kinda smart.
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>they just order her from a catalog
... Hot take. I unironically like this origin better than the time loop. It frankly makes more sense and raise s fewer questions.

Nicole, pls. Not wrong though. Goddamn, I'm so happy she's finally in the book.

She detecting a change in the creative staff and saw where things were going from there.
Who created Future future Nicole?
If they just ordered Nicole from a catalog then there must be thousands of Nicole units out there then. Bit silly, but then her getting created by an old Rotor and having it sent through time to the present to Sally is also silly. But that's just Archie Sonic I guess.
>then there must be thousands of Nicole units out there
Truly the superior origin story.
That's a horrible way to go, funny that i've seen this exact defeat be done with multiple size changing villains at this point
appearance.png, 300x506, 1 times posted
Imagine going to a store and buying your own nicole. Imagine customizing your nicole to your liking.
Who cares if Robotnik took over Mobius I got my own PDA wife <3
A_i_with_emotions_by_dantemustdie00-d37qwhu.jpg, 600x823, 2 times posted
>Imagine going to a store and buying your own nicole
>Imagine customizing your nicole to your liking.
I would just change her to the outfit with the cool hat
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No.139909196 [Post deleted 22:28:13]
It was printed in the Sonic Archives #5, in 2007.
We don't know for sure when it was meant to release originally, but judging by the GN and Nicole's proper debut, it would have probably been around issue 17.
Shrinking can be so OP at times, there's no real counter to getting shrunken out of existence, one would need to be a reality warper at that point to not be affected by it
Neat. Learning more about Archie Sonic then I ever have.
What a whiplash
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>thousands of Nicole units

>Bit silly, but then her getting created by an old Rotor and having it sent through time to the present to Sally is also silly.
It's also really damn confusing since she never actually appears in 20YL/25YL. My headcanon is that she went into standby mode at some point to prevent a paradox, and she'll come back online once Rotor realizes that he created her. Can just tell him that or it breaks the loop.
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You'd need to be able to counter it by also being able to grow on comand, but any character that can just shrink you to a molecular level could give you a horrific Shrinking Man style demise
imagine.jpg, 326x308, 6 times posted
>thousands of Nicole units out there then

>people from all over gather to one place every year to show off their Nicoles
>Websites dedicated to Nicole
>how to mod your Nicole
>tips for improving your relationship with your Nicole
Don't look up Satam Nicole origin story
imagine the competitions each year to see whose nicole is the cutest
Truly what needs to be done to make Mobius a utopian society
nicole_the_holo_lynx_by_rinkunokoisuru_daorza1-pre.jpg, 894x894, 1 times posted
It's crazy how Nicole went from being a glorified prop to one of the most beloved characters in the franchise.
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Pretty brutal to be quite honest.
its cuz she cute
I think it was ever since she was given a Mobian form. Now she wasn't just a talking PDA anymore and now a cute lynx girl.
Any other lost stories or unique stories in reprints?
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I think this panel also works for it.
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If Nicole is a >WORTHLESS CONSUMER MODEL, do you think there's malware for her OS out there in Mobius?
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Said lynx form coincided with a ton of good character development and plot intrigue, which probably helped a lot.
>First thing he does is scratch his ear with the finger the salamander shrunk on

Sonic, you monster. At least he didn't scratch his butt.
I'd say one of Robotnik's flunkies may have tried but it was too difficult. Robotnik didn't even think about it because it wasn't killing Sonic.
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No.139909787 [Post deleted 22:52:17]
If you mean Rotor with Buns or Nics, one could say so, but I would think mine personal ships are way, but WAY beyond the crackship territory, and being the sexually frustrated Rotor fan myself, it do be like that.

>Tastes great... less filling!
Prime Rotor character right there. Fuck yes.
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She is almost replaced by a much more interesting character at one point.
I think this story must be after issue 20 since the first page mentions sonic death being fake.
But Phage was just a generalist in a sense, she attacked any and all OSs equally.
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>My Nicole's face when
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Ah Phage. One of many proto-Sages, and the one closest to her in terms of characterization.

She's so gosh darn cute.
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No.139910064 [Post deleted 23:02:24]
Archie Eggman had a robo daughter tho
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I'm so glad we've finally reached the part of the book where Nicole joins the cast. Genuine favorite character. It's a tie between her and Rouge.
2019-08-30-CH7-24.png, 2100x3150, 1 times posted
>Question: Have you ever watched SatAM? What did you think of it? Did you know there’s a long running fancomic called Sea3on that continues after the show ended? You should check it out.
I've watched some, but not all sadly. And Sea3on is great - especially Gavin!

>Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note: If the chaos emeralds become corrupted with dark energy of some kind, please do not try using them. Instead, please take each one to their corresponding temples for purification. And whatever you do, DO NOT let the Master Emerald get corrupted.

I don't get you guys. You complain about Tangle and Whisper being debbie downers but praise Nicole who's worse than both put together. All she does is worry worry worry with a big frown all day, only there to dump exposition and then fuck off. Pairing her with Sally or Shard is a great disservice to both of these characters.
She's a kot. I like kots.
bichad the hedgehog.png, 503x479, 1 times posted
Replying to your shitty bait to state the following:

Love Tangle
Love Whisper
Love their lez antics
Love Nicole
Love Sally
Love Shard
Love all of their interactions
Love Sally and Nicole's friendship
Love Nicole and Shard's relationship
Love Archie
Love IDW
Love Sonic
Simple as
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>worse than Tangle and Whisper
Her helpfully providing exposition and hacking various Eggman computers is more useful than anything Tangle and Shitsper have ever done. Nicole also only cries during that one time when Mina Mongoose hurt her feelings, rather than crying in every appearance like Whisper and Belle do.
>Sticks is actually an SoJ character
Still can't believe this
Congrats for falling for bait
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Oops, my bad. It's hard to tell anymore; IDWfags will unironically say black is white and up is down if they think it'll make their shit comic sound better.
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What Sonic opinion got you like this?
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>a turn based RPG with Sonic characters could be fun
SA2 isn't very good overall.
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I genuinely don't give a shit about Tangle and Whisper "crying every issue" the way some anons here want me to care. It's obviously a result of the mandates dictating anyone who isn't exclusive to the comics be completely unable to express anything more than mild discomfort.

I hope everyone that unironically thinks Tangle and Whisper have "relationship drama" sticks around long enough for when we reach the love triangles and the ACTUAL soap opera shit.
sonic_run_page_3_by_qrdigital_dgbqvp5-fullview.jpg, 1280x1764, 1 times posted
Sonic Run Page 3
>last page was may 21
Big oof!
Taking them a real long time to build the courage to find those rings I guess.
>Her helpfully providing exposition and hacking various Eggman computers is more useful than anything Tangle and Shitsper have ever done.

The "Antis" don't actually read either Archie or IDW. They just shitpost as a way to get people to bite the bait. It's not their only trick, but it's the current popular one since Evan clearly does like drawing Whisper crying. Girl's got a Hurt/Comfort fetish but can't kill or cripple people william nilliam like in her fanwork.
Oh right, those two apprehended some powerless side-villain with a knife. My bad.
Legit can't blame Evan for it. Applying hurt/comfort tropes to Sonic characters is like a drug.
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It is fairly obvious that Evan has imaginary inhibitor rings on her wrists as she works on IDW. Not as much pure violence and also no bare feet with toes.
Because everyone here is is full "IDW bad!".
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Obvious bait is obvious but for anyone who seriously humors this argument: Can you even recall the last time any character that isn't Sonic has been awarded a big victory without Sonic's involvement in any way?
Universalamander shoulda been brought back in the modern era
Is it really fair to compare to AI to organic characters? This is like shitting on Knuckles because he can't do what Sage does.
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Personally, I think IDW is very mediocre after various things like the imposters shitshow, awful eggman city arc and finally that sorry excuse of a celebration special. But what I recommend to do if you don't like it, is to just stop reading it. I've stopped giving a shit about any thing new from it and it helps a ton. I don't understand the haters who for some reason constantly read it despite their hate for the comic.
her design is literally perfect and unsurpasable in either reboot or preeboot
a strong design and fun personality really did her justice
>Can you even recall the last time any character that isn't Sonic has been awarded a big victory without Sonic's involvement in any way?
I'm actually drawing a blank here.
It's quite frankly rare for characters not Sonic to have major Ws without him.
Well, there was the time that Nicole became Overclocked Nicole and beat Phage, or Shadow beating up various Metal Sonics and Black Arms, or the much-maligned Titan Tails beating Mammoth Mogul, or....

Fair enough, but Knuckles and all the other good-guy characters just make Tangle and Whisper even more useless and redundant.
my opinions on Silver and how much everything around/about him sucks, also probably the fact I really like Sally as a character suppose with how rabid people get on the topic of her
Everything went downhill when Starline died. All the plots are boring filler to me. Most of the characters just telegraph their dialog and the stories are such nothingburgers because they're becoming nothing more than "Things happens and Sonic and friends accompanied by OCs have to go fix it in about 3 issues or less" or wacky SoL hijinks.
Because it's bad. They wasted a third of the whole comic on the Zombot shit, have introduced a succession of increasingly useless crying OCs, and they killed off the one halfway-menacing villain they had other than Eggman or Zavok.
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Here's pic of Bunnie Rabbot AU design had commissioned from Mel-Sky, didn't go to overboard or fancy besides the arm being based on the E-Series in Sonic Riders
I think Tangle has a unique style with her tail and junk. Her personality can get a little grating, though.

Whisper on the other hand, is completely pointless to me. Her entire gimmick is the Avatar from Forces with a coat of paint from a Metal Gear character and cries to such an extent that it makes you feel numb to it even though it's supposed to get a reaction from the reader.
no words.jpg, 881x864, 1 times posted
Early archie has some TGT-level faces and im here for it
I think the writers are just losing a lot of steam after using up the big ideas already.
And yeah, after starline died, only real bad guys left are those two relative normies and the imposters. But the imposters are kind of a mess and lamer than the normie bad guys. Rough and Tumble are okay I guess
>Splendid, more (you)s! I knew /co/ couldn't resist another "I could fix her" Surge thread!
that time Infinite made Silver eat the dirt sticks in my mind...oh you mean in IDW, well I can't recall but Archie does actually later on let other character's except Sonic get some W's like how they ultimately beat the Egg Beater cause it wasn't made to counter them
E-10000R.png, 1280x1600, 1 times posted
Cool. I had no idea these guys were a thing.
She cute. Money well spent.
Agreed on both points.

I think Tangle could be a lot better if they didn't saddle her with Whisper. "Peppy ADHD heroine" isn't anything too original, but her putting on a brave face when the zombots infected her was more genuinely heroic than anything the other Resistance characters have done.

>Whisper is a ripoff of the Avatar from Forces
Not only that, but she's worse in every way. Gadget at least nuts up and commits to fighting after his team is killed by Infinite. Whisper's constantly on the verge of a breakdown. Mimic is also much less powerful than Infinite, so his rivalry with Whisper hardly seems worth it.
Say something negative about your favorite sonic characters.
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>but Knuckles and all the other good-guy characters just make Tangle and Whisper even more useless and redundant
Honestly hate this mindset. This is why the modern games feel so fucking empty. Not begging for the series to have 300+ characters again like it did in pre-SGW Archie, but my goodness at least let there be one or two characters so locations stop feeling like post-apocalyptic ghost towns.
Vector *still* hasn't asked Vanilla out on at least a coffee date
The thing is that when people see a character they expect them to do something.
mgrw.jpg, 750x728, 1 times posted
When will Penders' legendary echidna-tism begin
Mordred Hood got made into a pussy in the reboot and didn't hypnotise enough woman, also Vector doesn't really get to fight much which is a shame and despite being the physically strongest animal is usually the weakest of the strength characters. Lastly Blaze, although her setting is super cool and interesting is also wildly underused/not developed compared to Silver many boring shitty future's or Echidna lore.
You don't have to have those characters constantly pop up in every issue, though. Sure, Tangle and Whisper can show up if Sonic stops by the Resistance HQ or whatever, and the gay birds can show up if he visits that radio station, but not every issue needs to have these two comic OCs show up just to have Whisper cry and remind us of her tragic backstory.

It'd be like if a Super Mario comic had some lesbian Boo and Pianta characters show up every issue even if Mario was nowhere near a haunted house or Isle Delfino.
What counts as "something" according to you?
Knuckles series
If this was an actual good series, the world wouldn’t feel so small and only focus on a select few all the time and instead show the various tales you could tell about things around the world
aye I liked the arm design and thought that it'd be a cool way to include game visuals into her design while not loosing the parts of her past looks to, plus it has the bulky arm look for her robotic arm which I prefer
One thing I'm tired of is the phrase "Tangle and Whisper". I miss when these characters were singular, but now everything about them is being associated with the other. I'm not a fan of packaged deal characters unless they were introduced like that on debut or a very strong or interesting reason is given for why (I don't consider shipping a valid reason).
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Metal does nothing but job no matter what continuity he's in. He exists to make a cool entrance, dish out a few hits, and then get unceremoniously bodied
People expect them to be part of the story.
Tangle and Whisper (heh) have the same deal as Blaze and Silver. They will literally rarely be seen alone again due to shit like shipping mental illness, etc even when it comes to to detriment of them.
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Okay guys, make up your mind. Do you want these characters to actually be in the comics or not? Because you just agreed with my original point in an attempt to be a contrarian.
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Lately PDA Nicole has been growing on me.
Many of the fangames I'm trying have Sally use her as a weapon and I'm enjoying this way more than the blue rings from the reboot.
Which review/retrospective are you watching/reading for this Ride?
Yeah I have noticed that Vector doesn't really super get into fights when from shit like Heroes it shows he totally can. Roaring so hard he can knock people over, shooting bubble gum explosives out his mouth and just being a fucking crocodile with the strength that brings. He needs to get in the ring more.
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Let other characters on the spotlight you blue hog.

Also please for the love of God emote literally anything other than just anger or bliss, you creep me out.
NTA, but there's a happy medium between "showing up every issue just to job and cry" and "not being in the comic."

Just treat Tangle and Whisper like the Downunda Freedom Fighters or the Wolf Pack -- tertiary characters who only show up occasionally.
>showing up every issue just to job and cry
That's not just those two characters, though. Like, I think we've gone into detail multiple times that the whole "characters are useless and/or nervous wrecks without Sonic" thing spans the entire franchise nowadays. Hell, even Metal's entire purpose nowadays is jobbing.
yeah his physicality has been ignored in recent years even Archie had Mighty be way stronger though Vector did one punch Mordred at least and got to be cool in the final Sonic Universe story. It's just odd that he should biologically be the strongest strength character since he's a croc but is outdone by Big even, like he definitely shoulda pasted Rough and Tumble.
They probably just wanna write him more affably and not as much of a fighter. Like I get it, but the strength is wasted.
>Hell, even Metal's entire purpose nowadays is jobbing.
Metal Jobbed in his debut game.
The strongest characters in the series are based on tiny woodland animals lmao.
Also Vector grabbed a bunch of cars in the Metal Virus arc like they were nothing.
I remember watching those videos by some Youtuber that talked about how Archie went from a simple gag "stop robotnik from doing something" episodic comic into the madness it becomes later. They were very passionate about it.
He lost to a wall in his first game
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ソニックRace Em All 1993
I am loathsome copy
410,757,864,530 BAD FUTURES
That's true, IDW doesn't treat the game cast all that well either. But Rouge is at least being her usual snarky self, Amy is upbeat, Knuckles is gruff, etc.

Whisper spends every appearance crying about her tragic past, like how Shortfuse would constantly recount his backstory in Fleetway, but much whinier. It's annoying and transparently manipulative.
I thought the Tangle & Whisper mini-series would've had Whisper move on from that, but she seems more emotionally fragile than before.
yeah that's what I'm saying, he is the one who isn't a tinywoodland since he's a croc, though yeah was cool seeing Vector lift cars about, I'm at least happy the upcoming issue is Chaotix as they always no matter what are great whether it's games, Archie or even IDW
Yeah, when a current comic story is focused on the Chaotix I'm all eyes.
oh yeah I'm at least happy his personality is always done super well, no wonder his crushing Rabbit milf puss on the regular. It's just interesting that he's not used for more fight scenes or shown the array of capabilities he had back in Hero's
I would literally watch the Chaotix just shopping for groceries or trying to decide what film to watch, that's just how good their dynamic and individual personalities are.
Right there with you dude
Espio would want them to watch some Kurosawa or the Gamera Trilogy, Vector probably some romance film so he can touch up his technique or some schlocky action film and Charmy would pick the same movie each night and every night he can
Espio wanting to watch samurai dramas is a given. Charmy probably just wants to watch cartoons and yeah Vector would probably want shlocky action or romance.
Charmy would absolutely be the type of kid to watch the Minions “ironically”
No.139913108 [Post deleted 10:28:50]
ANy discord yet?
Threads like these getting a discord for whatever reason is pretty much the death knell, so no.
Fuck no.
Why did Archie recolour all these old issues with shitty gradients?
Even a subreddit would be less humiliating than that
I guess cause they wanted to match the coloring of the then recent issues. This came from an archive issue in 2007.
>Many of the fangames I'm trying have Sally use her as a weapon
>Sally fucking chucking PDA Nicole straight into Robotnik's face as hard as she can
Also where are you finding these fangames?
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Two of them, the SatAM RPG and Sonic Transitions(it's a small platformer with two stages) I've found on https://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forums/tags/satam/
The other two are this RPG called Twisted Mettle https://knuckleschaotix.net/twisted.htm
and Chronicles of Acorn, another RPG that was someone posted a download link in one of these threads.
They're all pretty basic but I've been having fun with the novelty of seeing those characters having game mechanics made around them.
Some teen wanted to make a SatAM/Archie Sonic RPG in RPG Maker and by golly they did. Good on them.
digital raspberry.jpg, 127x114, 5 times posted
>Lately PDA Nicole has been growing on me.
She's cute as both a cat and as a smart device.
I've watched it a few times, it was pretty good. I prefer Archie though
>Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note
Imagine a corrupted ME and a sexy corrupted Knuckles!
Giant grippers!
That's so bizarre
Thanks Konductor!
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This one specifically has been a pretty interesting experience.
Streams are crossing...
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You could say that.
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Today, I shall remind them.
Yes, that is seriously the sound lynxes make.
They don't even sound like felines. They sound like people pretending to be felines.
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It's a damn shame that they never meet. Given their respective characters, that could actually be pretty interesting.
Bat twink!
Apparently liking all the various continuities!
An improved Sonic Chronicles would be so cool
Glad to see it's updating again
Very nice!
Post SA2, Knuckles has barely done anything
lmao, we have something much better than that
A Sonic Chronicles that doesn't feel, sound or look like rushed garbage would be welcome to me. I did like how much Cream broke the game though if you found the chao that removed MP costs.
Oh wait, not removed MP costs, removing the little stylus tapping minigames,
It was really fun going around doing quests but the game had absolutely no depth. The fact that it was so short was also annoying
Yeah, attaching that one meant you could always use her healing, which was easily the most difficult stylus minigame
I'm still tickled to this day by the game's "ending" where Sonic and Tails just gush about how cool the Bioware devs are. Just... hilarious.
Yeah, that was a lot of fun
I liked how Sonic and Rouge actually got on and were fun, Amy lying about having a BF was dumb though and don't like the Gizoids being connected to Echidna's, liked the stuff with the Nocturne clan besides that and they felt way more sensible/believable as an advanced culture then the Archie equivalent.
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No.139914750 [Post deleted 10:29:22]
If you mean Rotor with Buns or Nics, one could say so, but I would think mine personal ships are way, but WAY beyond the crackship territory, and being the sexually frustrated Rotor fan myself, it do be like that.

>Tastes great... less filling!
Prime Rotor character right there. Fuck yes.
I like thinking of Rotor and Nicole as having a tender father/daughter relationship.
See usually I'd pick Razor, but that Cobar's looking very fine!
2023-nov23-cal-poll.thumb.jpeg.868d02fd2e648e9a141fc54b676f0dec.jpg, 1024x407, 1 times posted
Apparently Sonic won this poll and next month's wallpaper is going to be about him and Knuckles
Rather the Infinite one tbqh but whatever
twitter_@ZurySonicOnly_20230730-052942_1685523036261203968.jpg, 2000x1878, 1 times posted
Oh boy!
well we know who is gonna be happy, woulda been cool to see what Infinite or Rouge woulda gotten
To clear up some of the stuff with Archie Nicole: her existence is a bootstrap paradox, meaning there's no clear beginning or end to the loop. We know that she's supposedly sent from the future by Rotor to the past Sally, but that first requires Rotor to reclaim what was left of Nicole from the past who gets destroyed during the final fight with Robotnik in order to reverse-engineer Nicole back to functionality then send her into the past in order to ensure the events needed to recreate her can come to pass. This technically means then that we have no idea where the 'original' Nicole comes from, the one at the very start of the loop - and she most likely has no origin at all.

The nature of the bootstrap loop also means that to a certain degree, the events of 20YL would have to come about At some point in order to ensure that Nicole is sent to the past so her broken parts can be used to restore her to send her to the past.
Vector can also canonically breathe fire. Somehow.

>even Archie had Mighty be way stronger
In fairness, Archie treats Mgihty as just being a few steps behind Knuckles in physical strength, so Vector was never going to get anywhere close to him in raw power. That, and Mighty's whole thing is that out of the Chaotix, he's their biggest bruiser with Vector being second place.
The Wachowski family are the best version of Sonic's family and Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles being brothers is absolutely their best characterization in any continuity. Also, Knuckles should be freed from Angel Island Hell and anyone who thinks he should be doomed to that life is a retard.
Tails hasn't been allowed to really do anything as crazy as bird genocide in decades.
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>Nicole is a temporal anomaly made from her own corpse
... Y'know, that might explain what the fuck is going on with GotF Nicole and why she's such a terrifying nightmare monster. This one went through one too many loops and became a bit peculiar.
Mammoth Mogul, Nicole vs Phage, Egg Beater, Dimitri, Knuckles-Enerjak/Dark Enerjak in Dark Mobius, etc.

Shall I keep going or is that enough for you?
Honestly I don't think the writers were really thinking that hard about this, the annoyance of us.

God, Evan did such a good job at making a completely evil Nicole.
oh Knuckles really should be free of that cursed stone, honestly Sega should have the balls to just have it get destroyed utterly and permanently so he can be free
It's an AU I quite enjoy. They're such a loving family.
I forget who was strength wise stronger of the two cause Mighty threw tanks and ripped Snively's mech's arm off and beat it to pieces with it but Knuckles seems like the more trained fighter and has more raw power since he can go energy and his green phase.
They probably weren't, but it's what you ultimately get from the narrative presented to us. Nicole can't be recreated in the future until she's sent into the past and in order to get sent into the past, she has to be recreated in the future.
I love time travel/distortions!!!
man, I fucking despise Time Travel that isn't just character goes to a fun setting of the past or future and messes around there
Knuckles probably edges him out only slightly in raw physicals. Where Mighty is left behind is in Chaos Energy manipulation, where Knuckles can turn into a literal God and "the most powerful chaos user on all of Mobius".

They really make you want to down a whole bottlefull of aspirin.
I meant Enerjak not energy my bad, also yeah that seems to be the case, crazy how much of a power buff he got in Archie where he's usually outclassed by Shadow or loses his agency when he should be able to help Sonic out in fights/the plot
I would point to any arc in Sonic Universe if we're talking Archie and the few spin-ff games if we mean game continuity. Nobody but Sonic has really done anything for the last decade and a half.
Honestly, they're basically perfect. No being absent from their kids' lives almost entirely, no sending them away in accordance to a sketchy prophecy, no fucking microwaving, no retarded politics, no being unaware of their kids powers, etc. They just accept the fact that they're a family whose children could probably cause an apocalypse on accident and that's no big issue.

It's really saying something that the only ones who even come close to them are Bernadette and Jules, and sadly, those two get overshadowed by just how terrible other parents in Archie are.

Antoine actually was wearing pants in the previous panel since they colored his legs gray. Sonic apparently shredded his pants in the process though since they're gone afterwards.
funny enough the same film also has Longclaw, who despite limited screentime and also dying, seems like a pretty solid mother figure to Sonic before the Wachowski's
Yeah she seemed like a lovely surrogate mother to Sonic.
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>there are people who unironically want movie sonic to be a carbon copy of the games
These people are so boring man. I get wanting some traits to be consistent but having another 1:1 is boring, espically when this is an AU. Why can't this Sonic be a family oriented guy? I can see him once older as an adult going around the world adventuring, but he would totally text/call his family all the time, and even visit them in a couple of seconds.
Oh totally. Movie Sonic is basically his own character and a pretty charming little family-first dudebro at that. The people that just want him to be like the games are bakas.
she's a character I've really grown to like a ton despite how minor she is despite big lore stuff for the films, actually want to commission a fair bit of her since have plans for her in AU
I should rewatch the two films sometime as I do remember liking how they did his personality and his dynamic with Knuckles and
Tails a fair bit also
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True dat. Something I really would like to see in actual progression of the characters and their lives. Since obviously, Sonic has gotten older between both movies and even grew taller. That would be cool, seeing sonic grow up from a kid to young adult. Would be kino.
One thing I find funny is people who still think he's 100% like his first film self and not more open and adventureous in the second as a way to discredit him lol
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No.139916064 [Post deleted 10:30:23]
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so true
Yeah, if they're not going to do anything with the Master Emerald, they might as well have it get destroyed. It hasn't been relevant in decades, and it's not like they're ever going to have Knuckles use it to cancel out the Chaos Emeralds and depower a villain, since a climactic showdown between the villain and Super Sonic would be more interesting.

Hell, Knux could then go off and try searching for some other echidna ruins or something and that could then lead to an interesting plotline.
I wouldn't even mind if they have a big bad use it one last time for something but it leads to the villain and that big hunk of rock being atomised, maybe tie it in to Echidna stuff or the Ancients and how they connect to Echidna's more and you could get some progression for Knux
As if they would actually do more echidna stuff after the chronicles debacle, and frontiers empty promises.
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even as a big Frontiers enjoyer and who liked most of the DLC, this whole section was inexcusable and was the only time in the whole game I dropped it to easy for those lovely increased parry frames
The game simply wasn't built for tight parries like that.
originals.png, 328x394, 1 times posted
How big is Eggman's family across all the continuities?

>Grandfather - Gerald Robotnik
>Mother - Mama Robotnik
>Cousin - Maria Robotnik
>Nephew - Snively Robotnik
>First Son - Metal Sonic
>Second Son - Robotnik Jr.
>Third Son - A.D.A.M.
>First Daughter - E.V.E.
>Second Daughter - Belle
>Third Daughter - Sage
yeah especially with how nightmarishly long and confusing some of Wyvern's attacks can be to get the parry timing
actually sage would be #4 as #2 is M/Mecha
you forgot
>First Son - Metal Sonic
>Second Son - Robotnik Jr.
>Third Son - A.D.A.M.
>First Daughter - E.V.E.
>Second Daughter - Belle
>Third Daughter - Sage
Damn, Eggman fucks.
Don't you mean Sonic? they never got divorced.
it is insane that was the case in AOSTH, I think that fan comic followed up on that weirdly enough
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>get that fist back in there Metal, my nanite body can go all night
There's also his descendant Eggman [REDACTED]
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Don't forget phage
>hates treasure hunters who take from dead cultures
>is one himself
Knuckles being a treasure hunter never made sense to me and is just hypocritical on his part
Is that all this franchise is now? MEMBER THING?! Fucking hell I hate Sonic so fucking much.
>same issue where the skunks break in to vanilla and cream's home
the joke will be him getting cucked by one of the skunks mark my words
Also, they need to stop pretending mighty and ray are any good. they suck.
please....I'm not strong enough to deal with my pair being disrupted by skunks again
>worlds most joyful Sonic fan
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They were pretty good in Archie though.
Fun to play as in Mania too.
I just really hate the state of things and im only in the fandom just to be with you guys.
Mighty and Ray are nothing characters but their archie selves are the only time they have something. Otherwise, they're kinda meh.
that's fair suppose, happy you enjoy our company at least, just found it funny yours was the first response I got XD Also yeah Archie Mighty and Ray was them at their best, cause they had been unused for decades essentially that was ample for writers to go wild fleshing them out and providing narrative for them.
Alternatively, Vector and Tumble bond over being rejected by Vanilla while Rough is trying (and failing) to best Cream in children's party games
You guys are cool and chill. Just every other community is honestly hot garbage. But yeah, Archie is still their peak selves.
>Mighty and Ray are nothing characters
That's to be expected when they were left out of the entire Modern continuity.
Still, their characterizations from Archie are pretty solid and so was their appearance in Mania, both game and animated shorts.
I actually don't mind that idea, besides Vanilla will come around the Vector. I love stuff where villains just have casual moments or vibe with hero's for a bit, though depends on bad guy and Rough trying to best a child is the stupid asshole antics I love
ha thanks, I've had moments where i've not been chill but overall these rides have been fun to hang with fans and also mellow out on being opinionated
Very true my dude
Pencil Nose Knuckles
Those people are idiots. Wachowski being the Sonic most concerned with his family and being a kid before a hero is what makes him stand out. He doesn't have the same raw adventure or wanderlust that other Sonic's do and that's fucking refreshing when contrasted with IDW & Prime, two of the MOST adventure-obsessed variants of Sonic and by far the most obnoxious because of it.

Movie Sonic and his brothers being small town boys is a welcome change.
The one major thing they've had it do is guide the Ancients to Mobius in Frontiers, but they never fucking follow up on what that meant or why it was around before the chaos emeralds. It's similar to the Gaia Temples in that it's a big unknown they COULD expand upon, but they won't - so Knuckles is doomed to be glued at the hip to the thing.
Pride cometh before the fall, Knuckles.
Kill yourself.
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GotF Nicole is a whole other kettle of fish, with as yet no Bootstrap Paradox but an implied horrifying origin which might mirror Tikal ,Sonic's and Vennies' deaths and conversion into an incorporeal form.
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who would you choose to marry and why? you can only marry one.
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>None of you can actually eat
Amy my belov-why the fuck is Ninja there.
At least with 4 of those, you married into riches
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Since we know Belle has extreme daddy issues, how many human men do you think she'll bed in her lifetime?
None. She will become a crazy tinkerer in a hut in the woods somewhere.
>Ninja has wide hips, so it's obviously a gril!
She will take everything in the divorce, as she planned from the very beginning
Since Tailstube is here, can I just fucking say that I hate the retards trying to push "Islanders" as the Modern continuity name for Mobians? It literally does not make sense and just comes across as people forcing it because SoJ claims all mobians are restricted to islands in the games.
I have a simpler explanation, the first miniseries, as well as this "Everything old is newt again" is part of an alt-continuity, the one where they sent Nicole to the Prime timeline, and that Dr. robotnik visit to meat his computer alt-self later.

The Nicole of that timeline come from the comic explained in "Everything old is newt again" and they create a new version Nicole that they then send in the Prime timeline.

and then computer Robotnik killed them all
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So, this game is canon again, now.
I think it's the first tailstube to fully do that, though. And it's nice that they are acknowledging this character again. And Gemrl too.
Not, "restricted", but "mostly live there" (and also on that other planet where they do racing, somehow). It's not a strict rule and more of a trend.

explain why we don't see a lot of mobians where humans lives.
kih8zi9thhl61.png, 609x615, 1 times posted
I will continue saying mobian no matter what because I like it, and it has the effect of making those who go with Isl*nders into a seething rage. which is funny to see.
>Not, "restricted", but "mostly live there"
It's the same thing for all intents and purposes. It's a hasty bullshit reasoning to keep Mobians and humans separate just like Two Worlds was.

They aren't even consistent with it either. Forces shows that Mobians were and still are the majority of the populace to the point they were the only ones fighting against Eggman after he conquered 99% of the planet and were the only ones being shown slaving away for his factories. In IDW, there's not a single human to be found even in countries/continents ostensibly full of them per Tailstube like Spagonia - not even GUN exists. And Prime similarly shows that humans are a non-concept and only Mobians exist anywhere.
>It's the same thing for all intents and purposes. a hasty bullshit reasoning to keep Mobians and humans separate just like Two Worlds was.
Not really. allow for way more actual mixing. and it stem from all the classic games taking place on islands. it's as simple as that.
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Antoine and Bunnie, drawn Manga Style.
>Animal People
It's impressive just how fucking terrible every alternative to Mobians stupid people/schizos try to push is. Not a single one feels organic or like the name a proper species would have, but you still get people in the fan base insisting that you can't use Mobians because reasons.
>And Prime similarly shows that humans are a non-concept
To be fair, Prime entirely take place on different versions of greenhill zone, which is located on an island.
As anon said, the mobian islands thing is just another two worlds thing as to just not have them in the same place at the same time. It's kinda bullshit to think them interacting is this rare thing. Like IDW has all mobians and rarely any humans, even in the issue in an unleashed location.
I guess. But if I were you tho, I wouldnt get rageful as you would be as bad as anyone else seething at another term. Just use what you like and go on with your day.
>Not really.
Please explain how they're different then.

>allow for way more actual mixing.
Anon, where are you getting this from? Back when mobians were treated as the singular dominant species on the planet, there was still tons of interaction between them and humanity - to the point all mobians shared a universal hatred of Overlanders barring specific exceptions like Lupe's adopted kids, Hope, or Nate Morgan. Ironically, every since they insisted on the islands bullshit, we have actually gotten LESS Mobian and human interaction.

>and it stem from all the classic games taking place on islands.
The Classic's games only used islands as some of the locations. For most of them, we have no fucking clue where they were set or in CD's case, it's on another planet entirely.
>It's kinda bullshit to think them interacting is this rare thing.
The whole point of the Island thing is precisely that it doesn't have to be that way. That they live in the same world precisely mean that more interactions can be seen. All the Islands explanation does is explain why we haven't seen them interacting much in the previous game, but it doesn't have to remain that way. So, no, it's not like the "two worlds" explanation at all.
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It's funny to me how a good portion of pre-genesis wave archie side characters genuinely were man-animal hybrids that look nothing like sonic characters. Also
>world where god-like power is tied to "chaos" energy
Where have I heard that before
Them living on the same planet allow for far more mixing in future games than the "two worlds" explanation.

> there was still tons of interaction between them and humanity - to the point all mobians shared a universal hatred of Overlanders
I am talking solely about the game canon. Which is the canon Tailstube is about. The whole point is that it'll allow more interactions just like the comic.

>The Classic's games only used islands as some of the locations
Yeah but it's whee the "mobians live on Islands" concept stem from.
I member
I completely understand that certain areas would have a higher and lower population of mobians/humans ratio. That makes sense. The problem is when they refuse to have a majority of both seen living and interacting at the same time.
The only Shatterspace that's 1:1 explicitly just a distorted version of Green Hills is New Yolk City. Boscage Maze is a seemingly endless jungle world, No Place is an ocean world with minimal land, and the Grim is an endless desert stretching into the horizon. In both cases excluding the Grim, mobians seem to be the dominant lifeform. Humans just flat out aren't a thing outside of Eggman.

>That they live in the same world precisely mean that more interactions can be seen.
How ironic then that nothing following the Two Worlds/Islands mandate came about has displayed this. In fact, they actively seem to be working to erase the idea that non-Eggman humans are a thing, with only the Egg Memos in Frontiers even acting as proof that they're still around.
>The only Shatterspace that's 1:1 explicitly
I think it make implicit all the other locations are too. though in the pirate world, they might have stirred away from it for quite a bit.

>How ironic then that nothing following the Two Worlds/Islands mandate came about has displayed this
>The problem is when they refuse to have a majority of both seen living and interacting at the same time.
Tailstube "island-mainland" explanation was only introduced recently so we have yet to see how they will integrate it in future games. It's too early to call it out yet. There is nothing Ironic, there, it just hasn't gotten material to follow and apply that new canon too
(No, the IDW continuity being part of the game continuity is bullshit and we all know it, same with the Prime cartoon)
>Them living on the same planet allow for far more mixing in future games than the "two worlds" explanation.
What you aren't getting is that this was already the case. SA2, Unleashed, etc. Mobians have always shared a planet in the games until Iizuka went full retard. And in Archie, which is the only piece of media to show them interacting in depth (which is why I bring if up), Mobians have tons of interactions with humans even as the dominant species on the planet.

My problem is that they're claiming mobians are a fucking minority outside of the islands but are so unwilling to commit to that they instead have it so mobians are fucking everywhere even in places that ostensibly belong to the humans, and the humans are nowhere to be found. At that point, why not just make the fucking mobians the dominant lifeform like in Archie? Why insist that they're relegated to the islands or surrounding areas when that clearly isn't the case?

>I am talking solely about the game canon. Which is the canon Tailstube is about. The whole point is that it'll allow more interactions just like the comic.
Please show me one (1) non-Eggman human interaction in IDW.

>Yeah but it's whee the "mobians live on Islands" concept stem from.
And nobody paid lip-service to that concept until Tailstube came out. Hell, they don't pay lip-service to it even now.

It's blatantly obvious that the "islands" shit is just another excuse to keep humans and mobians from ever interacting with each other.
Xorda gene bombs are a hell of a drug.

>Where have I heard that before
Difference is that 40k Chaos is fundamentally evil, whilst Sonic chaos can mostly be used for good unless it's intentionally corrupted by external forces.
that just raises further questions.gif, 480x360, 13 times posted
>What you aren't getting is that this was already the case. SA2, Unleashed, etc. Mobians have always shared a planet in the games until Iizuka went full retard.
Yes, nothing I have said is contradicted by that. What point are you trying to make?

>My problem is that they're claiming mobians are a fucking minority outside of the islands
As we have seen in the games so far.

>mobians are fucking everywhere even in places that ostensibly belong to the humans
That has only been the case in Force, really where Humans are simply nowhere to be seen. i think it's one of those things you are supposed to broom under the carpet. Like most of Force, actually.

>Please show me one (1) non-Eggman human interaction in IDW.
>(No, the IDW continuity being part of the game continuity is bullshit and we all know it, same with the Prime cartoon)

>And nobody paid lip-service to that concept until Tailstube came out. Hell, they don't pay lip-service to it even now.
No actual games as come out since that tailstube episode, anon. Excpet Murder of Sonic, which clearly take place in a Mobian-centric location.
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Joe's take on mobians and humans interacting is basically what I want to see in the main series.
To actually clear this up: Iizuka has outright stated that Forces was built as an "alien" and animal world/another dimension, which is why there were no humans. Because they literally did not exist.

How does this work with Tailstube stating GUN was a thing that Eggman destroyed during his conquest of the planet and Frontiers taking place some indeterminate, but not too long, point in time after Forces complete with semi-functional Forces Death Egg Robots? It doesn't! Iizuka and SoJ didn't give a shit that they were contradicting both the main series and spinoff material by continuing to treat Forces as canon - they don't give enough of a damn about continuity to do so, no matter what empty platitudes they give fans.

Incidentally, this is also why both IDW and TMoS are set in seemingly Mobian-only worlds (to the point in the latter, Barry has little knowledge of humans despite them ostensibly being a thing that exists). Because those settings are made with the assumption that only Mobians exist on the planet due to being post-Forces/Frontiers media.
StHIYF30.png, 1000x733, 1 times posted
Getting a skunk in before HE enters
>no Nicole
I think people need to realize the canon will never make sense even with all this "fixing" lately. So it shouldn't be something to care much about.
fleetway sally smug.jpg, 268x268, 4 times posted
>two sallys
>How does this work with Tailstube stating GUN was a thing that Eggman destroyed during his conquest of the planet
I do'nt think Tails actually stated that. And it works with it being a retcon trying to reconciliate the events of the Adventure games and the Event of Force. They decided to throw away the part of Force indicating there are no humans.
No cheek tufts.
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Where will /ourwriter/ go when IDW hands the Forcesverse its eviction notice?
he's writing a lot more Sonic stuff than just IDW so probably nowhere
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>As we have seen in the games so far.
Wrong. In Forces, the game where Eggman took over the entire fucking planet, we are given a world map of the entire globe that you move across between each zone and guess what? Even in vastly different locales (almost all of which are unreachable by anything short of plane), ONLY Mobians are shown existing in each. This is to the extent that the final big battle where 80% of the Resistance dies only ever depicts an army of Mobians charging Eggman's forces.

Again, per word of Iizuka, Forces was only ever envisioned as a Mobian-only world and because of SoJ's retardation, Forces is being used as the basis for all non-Movie Sonic media. Meaning that the IDW continuity, games, and Prime are only ever going to be Mobian-only worlds regardless of what Tailstube claims - the games especially. Humans don't show up because humans don't exist as far as SoJ is concerned. The islands stuff is just an elaborate string of bullshit to vaguely handwave the lack of humans in lieu of their actual reasoning.

>I do'nt think Tails actually stated that.
It's in the episode where he invites Orbot. It's outright stated that GUN got demolished offscreen, which is why they were nowhere to be seen during the war.
Continue working for Sega because he's Iizuka's top gaijin.
He's working on the games scripts', has Prime as another thing he gives advice on, and will probably be put on tap for whatever new comic Sega cooks up. For IDW proper, he hasn't been chief writer in a good while and almost certainly just wants to wash his hands of it.

If anything, I'd be more worried about Evan.
Meh. Stanley can probably go on to make her own original comic via delicious Patreon money. She'll be fine.
>Wrong. In Forces,
>That has only been the case in Force, really where Humans are simply nowhere to be seen. i think it's one of those things you are supposed to broom under the carpet
>And it works with it being a retcon trying to reconciliate the events of the Adventure games and the Event of Force. They decided to throw away the part of Force indicating there are no humans.

>It's in the episode where he invites Orbot
Oh, yeah, he does. But again, consider the absence of humans have been retconned. It's Force. it cotnradict a lot of stuff set by the previous game. Of course, the tailstube trying to set the canon right will sacrifice a lot of the stuff set by Force. It's he easy lamb to sacrifice.
Maybe she'll go back to GOTF...
Needing an outside thing to explain things not explained in a game is shit imo.
You can get what is going on in the sonic games without having seen any Tailstube video, though.

Tailstube is more for people who are already already seeking more lore info on the internet in the first place.
Fun aside, but it's basically the same with the Kirby game. Now that's a DEEPEST LORE franchise.
Depending on the thing, it can be done in a way that's not totally tasteless - even better if the thing in question explains itself sufficiently without necessarily needing to engage with the spinoff or outside media. In this case though? It's fucking godawful.

You literally cannot know what the fuck people mean by "Islanders" or whatever without Tailstube. You don't even know what happened to GUN without Tailstube.

Hell, you need both Episode Shadow and an out-of-game comic to even tell lyou why Infinite is seething at Shadow so fucking much to begin with.
It's almost like Sonic Team is incompetent and inconsistent.
>- even better if the thing in question explains itself sufficiently without necessarily needing to engage with the spinoff or outside media
Which is the case with Talstube.

>You literally cannot know what the fuck people mean by "Islanders" or whatever without Tailstube.
And you won't be confused if you don't know that when playing any sonic games. What's your point?

>Hell, you need both Episode Shadow and an out-of-game comic to even tell you why Infinite is seething at Shadow
Man, if you keep telling that Force is full of non-sensical issues, all you will get from me is constant agreement.

It's more like they actually only started to care about consistency after Force.
Islanders isn't even an official name used by Sega, though. They have yet to come up with one.
I know, that's why I put it in quotations. It's just the retarded term that dumbasses have come up with because they're scared/mad over just calling them Mobians.

>They have yet to come up with one.
They literally never will.
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>It's more like they actually only started to care about consistency after Force.
That remains to be seen. They still seem to be all over the place and not fully committed to one thing. The only thing they're all in on is Sonic and his three friends.
I haven't been keeping up with this. Did we get to Knuckles' debut yet?

If you're gonna base your decision on the fact one branch of the enemy tree has a firm gender identifier as a name... Maybe draw the one that looks like where the name came from?
A better question to ask is where Evan will go after IDW.

Really doubt patreon comics are raking that much cash. Any person like having a stable income option.
Yes and it was co-written by Penders.
>No Nicole
>No Eggboss waifus
>No fish mobian waifus
>No Barby Koala
>No Lupe
>No wolf twins
>No Relic

And the list goes on.
>Really doubt patreon comics are raking that much cash.
What, and mainstream comics are? Please, IDW itself is on the verge of shuttering. At least Evan is a singular person who only has to worry about her own costs of living and supplies. A publishing house has to deal with significantly more than that.

>Any person like having a stable income option.
As Patreon themselves were harshly reminded of a few years ago, one dollar monthly donations may not seem like a lot, but it is the vital lifeblood of any content creator's operation.
>As Patreon themselves were harshly reminded of a few years ago
Did something happen ?
I think the AI upscales of the comic pages are disgusting
Pages are too bright ?
Rotacted looks good in army fatigues.
That's actually a partial reason, but another is that they're clearly from scanned pages. You can tell when a darker color on a page has weird, circular artifacts. It's upscaling the page but not doing a good job of every part of it.
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No.139922901 [Post deleted 18:21:39]
That's just what I enjoy generally, yeah. I'm gay, so I go for father/son relationship, but through byproduct, I enjoy it as well. I have nothing but a lot of fondling love for such heart-warming dynamic.

There could be really more kind of art like that, but alas. I'm not straight, but Nicole is made for having her day offs along his (coincidentally the technical true father) daddy waddy. Meant for getting the warmth and belonging as the docile dudette is she, shining into the blubbery heart of our fave. walrus. Sexually-wise and whatnot.

Sure does he, thirsty bud, but don't let it rob your true and forever OTP, my bro. R, and R, our sharing ship that is. :3
Long story short, they tried to raise the minimum donation amount via roundabout bullshit. The backlash was mighty, and they rolled it back pretty much immediately. It wasn't nearly as bad as what Unity recent did, but still. You can't just screw over creators and supporters like that.
Bah! I was all lined up with the Hot Pocket jokes.
Razor is an odd example of a character that by all means should have exploded in popularity on R34.
Its like he was simply introduced at the wrong time, when no one was looking at the comic.
>Its like he was simply introduced at the wrong time, when no one was looking at the comic.
That's every Post-Genesis character sadly. The only ones with even a little bit of fandom fame are Eclipse and Gold because of the Hedgehogs they're attached to.
razor the shark.jpg, 582x658, 1 times posted
Right? Look at this dude. They knew what they were doing when they designed him.
I noticed Clove and Cassia gaining a lot more art recently. Even more than Gold I think.
I can't speak for everyone, but desu piercings are an instant turn-off for me on any character and I know I'm not alone in saying that
As of Rappi Rangai vol 3, there is at least, one male Kunoichi. A mid traveling Harem Manga with a side of horny battle shounen probably isn't the best example though.
Coral_the_Beta.jpg, 450x833, 1 times posted
My girl Coral got robbed. Aquatic mobians need more attention.

Honey and Breezie get some love, but they were pre-established from previous media.
I think the whole idea of sea Mobians should absolutely be used in the games eventually.
Screenshot_20231010-165156.png, 856x561, 1 times posted
I honestly keep forgetting Mimic is a sea mobian, meaning they def exist in that world but we just havent seen them.
What are you talking about?
That's not Mimic, it's Sonic. Sea mobians aren't real.
Who? Maybe you're confused, Whisper, there is nobody called Mimic
Her Royal Smugness.jpg, 219x144, 3 times posted
Indeed it should. But sadly, because Sega hates fun, best fish girl won't be involved. God I love Undina so much.
This bit would work better with Infinite. Possibly the plot inspiring it too.
>nice designs like her are forever locked in a dead canon
cc5.png, 547x675, 1 times posted
Seriously. What a fuckin' crock. Additionally, said dead canon was overall pretty damn good. I maintain that Post-Genesis Wave Archie was excellent, and its setting well put together and fun.
Honestly not fucking fair how it just ended suddenly and then it's forever barred from being referenced. Quite sad.
megaman.gif, 270x180, 1 times posted
>Sally fucking chucking PDA Nicole straight into Robotnik's face as hard as she can
I'm surprised a situation like that never happened, specially with Sally being implied to have really good aim.
No.139923998 [Post deleted 18:38:15]
I didn't actually upscale any of these pages, although I did use AI to remove the jpeg compression rtefacrs
We truly do have the best taste! Love ya too Rotor-bro!
It's not fair ;_;
They absolutely had to know
They do overcomplicate his design
>Undina's wrangler was named Echo
I wonder how many non Sonic Sega references they were trying to sneak in there
StH 019 - 01.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Archie Sonic #19-20
Note: When this thread archives, the next thread won’t be made until tomorrow at 7pm EST. Thread will go back to Archie Ride numbering tomorrow.

Today we’re only doing two issues because tomorrow we’ll be doing the Sally miniseries. But today is a pretty important issue as it’s the first appearance of… Eggman?! And the return of another one of Sonic’s most iconic villains. And then… the introduction of the most infamous character in all of Archie! Mr. Penders’ Wild Ride continues!

Question: Aside from Robotnik, who’s your favorite enemy so far in these early issues.
>Question: Aside from Robotnik, who’s your favorite enemy so far in these early issues.
StH 019 - 02.jpg, 1467x2191, 1 times posted
Whoops! Forgot my name! There we go.
I like the swatbots
StH 019 - 03.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Wel multiverse again!
Robotnik's favorite!
>multiverse sonic story straight into that character
what a cursed day of the ride
No conductor, he's not Eggman
>but penders said
Oh boy, time to claim your Sonics!
Crabmeat. I just want to see him smile ;_;
StH 019 - 04.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
For those that know about Eggman's origin, this is all looking very familiar.
They look cool and are pretty dopey.
He's pretty cool.
There needs to be a force to police these areas, zones if you will.....a group of Hunters to stop these Mavericks!
StH 019 - 05-06.jpg, 2996x2211, 1 times posted
You can claim one (1) Sonic.
It is pretty cursed considering what we're covering later.
I was going to say the half borg characters are cool but then I remembered what will happen
This issue just reminds be how unfun prime's dealing of the multiverse is. literally no alt sonics either. makes it extra lame
I claim regular sonic!
StH 019 - 07.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Sorry anon but it's inevitable.
Too bad he's incapable of, programmed against, and knows it's illegal to smile.
>For those that know about Eggman's origin, this is all looking very familiar.
Deepest lore!
Claiming Bara Sonic and Wolverine Sonic!
I forgot, is the Robo-Robotnik in this story and the one that becomes Eggman supposed to be one and the same?
Probably a mandate from Sega to only make one Sonic.
StH 019 - 08.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
There's only room for one fat bastard named Robotnik in this universe!
What about... cops of some kind?
Flynn disagrees
No. He's the robotnik from the future seen in the IYF special.
Is it me or does the comic feel different after Sally finally got her redesign?
StH 019 - 09.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
I will forever hate these activities that led to kids mutilating their comics. That includes the pages where you use it to order more comics. Because I did that.
>Wolverine Sonic
Does that make Sally, Miriko?
Why is all chrome?
So it's like a Negaduck situation where there's two.
Eggman hating another him for taking the attention is so in character
StH 019 - 10.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
What a surprisingly development!
>Deepest lore!
To see the origin of a lot of stuff that will be important and brought back in the future is crazy.
>Sally finally got her redesign?
It definitely leans into the more "serious" tone and lore heavy aspects of the Satam show.
Everything is chrome in the future!

It's been a long time since I watched Darkwing Duck in full. There's 2 of those guys?
I want the wacky episodic adventures back.
Antoine is now a coward
StH 019 - 11.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
No it's because of one person writing and getting more power as time goes on.
It's such wasted potential. I still enjoy it though
There he is, Dr. Ian Droid!
>Too bad he's incapable of, programmed against, and knows it's illegal to smile.
It's not fair ;_;
>Because I did that.
You monster!>>139924822
>To see the origin of a lot of stuff that will be important and brought back in the future is crazy.
Yeah, seeing it all line up is a lot of fun
Yeah, the first Negaduck was a negatron version of Darkwing and the second and recurring Negaduck was Darkwing's evil counterpart from another dimension.
>Robotnik instantly tries screw over his alternative universe counterpart.
Yeah that tracks. I'm sure if all the Eggmen met, the first thing they would do would pull out the guns.
StH 019 - 12.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Of course Robotnik is planning on betraying everyone.
It's kind of like a gang war when one is on the other's turf.
Maybe this multiverse bs is what lead to archie sonic's slow demise. It seems to have been introduced around ken penders writing.
StH 019 - 13.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
He's back! He's still just a Sonic. Not even Anti-Sonic.
He's getting pretty evil
Ken's first story was about multiversal BS.
I can't believe they got away with four fingers on Bara Sonic. Still, first appearance of a 4 toed Sonic!
Penders sure does love his Terminator references
Yeah, Robotnik is becoming less goofy in these issues now.
StH 019 - 14.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Helps to have a map. RIP Totalbiscuit.
It's really weird and funny how relatively easy zone travel is. You can literally enter and walk in a portal to another place
Claiming Demon Sonic!
StH 019 - 15.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Go and get some markers, kids! The really thick stuff! Yeah!
Wait a minute, if he knows about the interstate, why hasnt he invaded it yet
StH 019 - 16.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Boy that hand looks familiar... if you're aware of the future!
Hulk Sonic is cursed as fuck.
Is that the SNAP hand?!
StH 019 - 17.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Oh no!
Seems to be something only a Sonic can easily do. Robo-Robotnik is more powerful than normal Robotnik so he's able to as well.
>last panel
>"But it was the best sex I ever had."
I'm not up to speed on non-Sonic comics but that's just the Infinity Gauntlet right?
If Jack Kirby was involved with those stories then it 100% is
StH 019 - 18.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Well, thtat's sudden.
No it's... the part that Robo-Robotnik later inhabits to nuke his world. On second thought you're kind of right.
Real clever, this guy
StH 019 - 19.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
More coloring fun to break up the multiverse being under attack.
I still would!
Moon Prism Make-Up!
You know what would have been cool? If they has made else world type stories using that existing multiverse when flynn was on board.
Why would Robo-Robotnik summon Scourge? Surely he is aware that he's one of the shittier evil Sonics. Maybe he's using him as a distraction.
What was the origin of this thing again?
StH 019 - 20.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
These Sonics need to learn to get along with each other.
Sorry but Nicole only offers occasional help and information.
>If Jack Kirby was involved with those stories then it 100% is
He wasn't. He died in 94, and was probably retired at this point. This is whole sale reference to his story.
StH 019 - 21.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
>that clumpy looking sonic
What the fuck?!
>that fire sonic putting his hand on top of others'
That doesn't seem like a good idea.
It's been, what, six years now? Fuck.

So easy, you can travel to other publishers even! Super Special #1 is gonna be a trip and a half.
StH 019 - 22.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Robo-Robotnik has defeated a dozen Sonics. Let's see how he does against the rest!
blue cape sonic probably thought the borg was relatively easy to fight
>>that clumpy looking sonic
A reference to the Thing from the fantastic 4.
Yeah, that would've been fun
I'm guessing it's from Marvel or DC. Fun fact: Locke having a dream about it is what causes him to microwave Knuckles' egg
Oh, I meant that if Kirby was involved with the Infinity Guantlet stuff in Marvel then that's what Penders would've referenced. Penders is obsessed with Kirby, and was constantly referencing his work
StH 019 - 23.jpg, 2669x2211, 1 times posted
Death by a thousand paper cuts!
>It's been, what, six years now? Fuck.
Yeah... he wasn't a saint but his love for games and the consumer will be missed.
Only for the sake of not having to dredge up "Dr. Ian Droid".
Imagine all of those sonics going to town on someone haha
StH 019 - 24.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
And that's the last of Robo-Robotnik! Never to be seen again!
Because then he'd be fighting a war on two fronts. Both of which may include that rrrrevolting rrrrodent! Who can run at like Mach 2. The Entire Multiverse is on the Agenda, after he takes over Mobius. Which can only happen after he crushes the Freedom Fighters and kills Sonic.
The FINAL and ULTIMATE villain of Archie Sonic.
Who the hell is ian droid?
StH 019 - 25.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
And that's the last of that robot! Never to be seen again! Especially not in a flashback!
Well... tell him I hate him!
He already jobs to one Sonic. You want him to take on more?
>he doesn't know
Cyborg Freedom Fighters hotgluing Robo Robotnik head forever
I feel like this is one of those pages that awakened something in certain young readers.
StH 020 - 01.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
In this issue... Sonic fucking dies!
Oh hohoho, just you wait.
I'm still mad they never got the pages to line up properly, or even got the recolor to grade properly across the pages
Oh boy! I'm not gonna spoil it for you, but we'll be covering him in the Image comics crossover
Be patient.
>Question: Aside from Robotnik, who’s your favorite enemy so far in these early issues.
Crabmeat is simply too fun.
Claiming that cute, bearded wizard Sonic.
StH 020 - 02.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
>overconfident sonic
You know what that means!
>Saves the multiverse.
>Then dies.
Well, ain't that something.
Oh, so that means that the other characters finally get a chance to interact with each other and get up to fun shenanigans, right? ... Right? Cause that's what happened in TMoStH.
StH 020 - 03.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
I can hear a deep voice warning Sonic.
to think this was their way to bring Robotnik back into becoming Eggman
Heh. how naive.
Sally I know what you are plotting there
StH 020 - 04.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Everybody Loves Crabmeat
It makes sense now
That and Bara Sonic!
>In this issue... Sonic fucking dies!
And people thought there were more than 20 issues of Archie!
That's what Sonic Universe is for!
StH 020 - 05.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
>random tripping
But this isn't Super Smash Bros. Brawl!
>The texture of Robo-Robotnik is the same as Anti-Sonic's leather.
Could Robo-Robotnik be the ultimate leather daddy?
What an end!
StH 020 - 06.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
>he died a hero
A very irresponsible and klutzy hero.
>Could Robo-Robotnik be the ultimate leather daddy?
t. Stone
A black and white sonic comic wouldn't be so bad, honestly.
Sonic channeling Nightwing vibes I see/
Antoine doesn't look so sad
Now that the comic has become much more overtly a SatAM adaptation, it's funny to note some of the things lost between versions. For example, the comic doesn't really convey Kath Soucie's tendency to have Sally emphasize the second syllable in Nicole's name.
StH 020 - 07.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
>evan reads this and is inspired
Good thing they don't know their hero died tripping over a wire.
>Something bad happened to Sonic
>All the FFs immediately lose all hope for him
>Tails still believes in him
hmm, this feel like it will be a reoccurring thing.
StH 020 - 08.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Sorry that you're dead and a ghost, Sonic. But at least you'll have a nice memorial statue for everyone to remember you by.
>evan reads this and is inspired
Between this, Danny Phantom, and all the pages with Sonic's grippers on display GotF was born
You can't tell me he isn't thinking Sonic's death leaves him with no competition to woo zee squirrel princess.
this issue and the issues with feet inspired her magnum opus!
StH 020 - 09.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Big oof!
Mite b cool
At least he didn't fall so that a rock broke his neck.
He's free from the unwarranted jabs and to romance Sally.
>Hundreds of Sonic's
>Not one of them tries to kill Robotnik
>FF doesn't even take him prisoner
>Not one word from the IDW Antis or Conductor
Hypocrites. All of you.
A-a-a g-g-ghost???
StH 020 - 10.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
>kicks a small rock
>hurts his foot
Rock-sama is not to be fucked with, no matter the size.
Considering Sonic was always an abusive asshole towards him, that's not terribly surprising.

>A very irresponsible and klutzy hero.
Seriously, Sonic's "demise" is 100% his own damn fault. The arrogant idiot completely ignored Sally's warning that this was likely a trap. Dumbass.
Antoine was being cool earlier why did they regress him a bit
The very, very FIRST hasta la vista! We should have a count just like those usagi yojimbo comics. I'll keep track!
Hasta La Vistas: 1
Fucking wow. Sonic dies and this is the best statue they can build in his honor?
The comic is now like the show, and in the show Antoine is a complete fuck up and deserves all the bullying Sonic gives him.
StH 020 - 11.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
That's very cute of Tails.
After that issue where Sally and Bunnie beat Robotnik and had him tied up only to leave him, I think they just don't know what to do when they beat him so they let him go.
>keep reading!
Shut the fuck up Decesare. bitch ass nigga, thinks he can tell me what to do
sonic put that letter down you're dead
StH 020 - 13.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Imagine dressing up all stealthy and getting spotted before you even get close to Robotropolis. The FF are sloppy today.
That last panel is 100% the genesis of GotF
>That's very cute of Tails.
He's the best!
Anyone else pronounces this as Dee-car-say instead of De-che-za-ray?
that sucks
I like how Tails, despite believing, still acknowledged the possibility that he could be wrong.
StH 020 - 14.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Best believe in ghost stories... because you're in one!
>our strongest soldier has died and morale is at an all time low
>clearly this is the time to send out entire force on a death mission even though we have captured and could have killed robotnik several times in the past
Sally is the WORST
>The FF are sloppy today.
It's amazing how much their efficiency decreases when Sonic's not around.
StH 020 - 15.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Why didn't you crash the plane with no survivors or at least shoot them before throwing them out of the plane?
>Tails: We are going to suicide bomb ourselves in Robotropolis, lol
Oh just you wait, she gets so much worse and her plans gets to much more stupid.
Sonic is so fast he beat Sylvester to the punch on that by almost 12 years
>It's amazing how much their efficiency decreases when Sonic's not around.

Literally every one of his friends from the franchise. even the super powered ones arent safe
Sonic in for the fucking kill today.
>force him to surrender
Or, OR!... You could shoot him in the head.

See, this is why Whisper is always crying. At some point she realized that she's in a franchise that desperately refuses to 'kill the Joker' as it were.
StH 020 - 16.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Seeing a fit Robotnik with an Elvis wig would be nice.
I was including Sonic in that. He got himself into an obvious trap and tripped for crying out loud.
Snively abuse begings
what an odd look for the Egg Hawk lmao
>Sonic is so fast he beat Sylvester
How the fuck did you confuse Silver for Sylvester?
gotta love plots that introduce intangibility but can never explain why the characters in question are still walking on seemingly solid ground
Damn it, you guys, you all know Robotnik dies in like 30 issues. And everything just gets worse.

>She got naked the instant Sonic came back
StH 020 - 17.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Time for the last story for the day! Oh fuck... oh shit...
Except for Rotor, who will go full gun destruction when Sonic isn't around. That is, until FREEDOM FIGHTERS DON'T USE GUNS :^)
Look at all those tactical turtlenecks!
Oh, so this is where that twist came from.
Snively finally beginning to act like his satam self I see
They are a gaggle of teenagers hiding in a Hole in the Ground.
>He thinks killing Robotnik would solve anything.
The games left Eggman outside of space and time and that fucked still came back.
StH 020 - 18.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Yes, this is the prologue for the Sally mini.
That's my nickname for him.
I believe Bollers intended it to be.
Flynn decided otherwise though.
I suspect it was moreso due the conflict in backstory: RRv1roboticized himself, conquered his universe (and seemingly killed the Freedom Fighters) and was beaten... I'm not sure where the final battle takes place. V2 roboticized himself, lost and uploaded himself to a satellite in his dimension
Why is Sally sticking her head down the barrel of a gun? Is this going to be guro?
you now remember the idw arc where tangle became a ghost basically and it went nowhere
Claiming Viking Sonic.

StH 020 - 19.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
At least we have Sally and Nicole working alone for now.
Most of them have been fighting Robotnik for a decade.

Geoffrey was quicker on the draw than Sonic was...
frontiers does it too, the characters in cyberspace can't interact with walls and shit but they can all stand fucking perfectly. ugh
StH 020 - 20.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
COUNTDOWN TO DISASTER! "What disaster", you ask?
Maybe they're like Buggy the Clown?
Ground-sama's power-level is just too fucking high to surpass.
>Is this going to be guro?
I wish.

They don't, just bazookas or larger!
I can almost smell him from here!
oh no....
StH 020 - 21.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Is it... HIM?!
angy rus.png, 492x463, 2 times posted
No.139926226 [Post deleted 19:54:38]
... I smell an incoming skunk.
StH 020 - 22.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
lmao, she turned iff the lights in a building she was about to blow up
Claiming Geoffrey! Sorry Sally, but I'm afraid I was quicker on the draw!
I just noticed that Sally nose is all white instead of the blue it usually is. What's up with that?
Uh oh, Sonicbros. Geoffrey St. CHAD has arrived.
Scourge would be interesting to have in the current unbeatable hyper flattering Sonic narrative Sega is pushing. As an exact mirror of Sonic they'd be forced to treat him as a high level threat that only Sonic could stop since any failure for him directly reflects on Sonic (unlike Surge and Shadow who don't literally have Sonic's exact body)
StH 020 - 23.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
And that's it! No new thread until tomorrow at 7pm EST.

Why do you think she randomly decided to go out on her own and take down Eggman?
honest reaction to Skunk.jpg, 400x371, 1 times posted
You're right. And it doesnt even look like a colorist mistake.
is it a mistake from the scan

I love how his first appearance has his as an incompetent jerk who nearly fucked up Sally's successful op.
cunt's gonna steal all the focus and spotlight in Sally's own mini-series devoted to her character, unbelievable
issue 19.jpg, 1959x1024, 1 times posted
thanks conductor
issue 19 grams and stuff
spaz drew a nice sally for this ad
I don't remember this Satam character
the framing is fitting for the thread. it's like a horror movie
How would a bad scan make her nose white in almost every page ?
>first panel
Somebody pls pull the trigger.
issue 20.jpg, 1310x2048, 1 times posted
issue 20 grams and stuff
She's an acorn and they can't lead.
the original versions that were smaller, i meant, not the original scan of the page
Stinkor-Graphic.jpg, 1266x747, 1 times posted
He was from the same timeslot.
There it is !!
The first miniseries (outside original issue 0-3 mini) is about Sally
Good on Robotnik for being smart enough to actually work together with them.
But why only the nose and not any body part?

>Sally's successful op
>Being successful at anything

I mean, it's not like the alternative was any better
>My favorite freedom fighter is Knuckles

Least retarded Knuckles fan.
saying it's about Sally is generous considering what happens in it but yeah does show she was pretty popular even way back in her debut
What the hell Mark ?
26.jpg, 655x1024, 2 times posted
They forgot to color it when they did the digital recoloring
file-d546.jpg, 876x675, 1 times posted
I feel real bad for sally. A lot of characters in the series having gotten alot of bad luck and she got a ton of it from all the derailment from writers. She really isn't that bad and quite decent but never deserved any of that BS.
Yes, this op was indeed successful. She infiltrated the facility and activated the self destruct, destroying it. Don't let meme shittery override facts, anon. Come on.
You see? This is so much better. They should've just found the original pages and scanned those.
Thanks Konductor!
>I wish you could make a Knuckles and Tails team up
He's right
Literally why isnt that a thing yet.
Failing to make Sally likeable again is Ian's biggest failing. Well, that and the stupid cat tribe arc, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT
>first miniseries (outside original issue 0-3 mini) is about Sally
Somehow, I doubt that.
Anons who bitch about the color Tails' fur color are being far too anal.
Regardless, Ian clearly doesn't want to be dealing with any of Penders' baggage on the topic, so he later just said that Eggman shares all the same life experiences with the original pre-50 Robotnik and by all means is the exact same guy.
That's because some people don't realize they never will. They always use the same nouns humans do (people, folks, ect.) in addition to using their animal names.
it's not even just his color but his face
Yeah, it could be really fun but nope
>148,000 light years
I love the ridiculous distances in the Interstate.
>she was pretty popular even way back in her debut
Can't imagine why.

Seriously, girl got robbed. And frankly, it only got worse once writers actively started trying to improve on her, only for her to get accuses of being a "mary sue". Because there's no winning when it comes to female characters. The audience WILL find excuses to hate them no matter what.
There's no point arguing with those that only want to shit on Sally. Get used to it because they'll be getting more ammo as time goes on.
honestly everything you said is completely right, being a Sally fan is a lot easier now but back then I'd of bet it'd been a nightmare hellscape when Archie was still running
Which is weird because most works have a separate name animal people that share a world with humans.
>Because there's no winning when it comes to female characters. The audience WILL find excuses to hate them no matter what
One of the girls in this very comic is an overpowered half robot that can do just about anything would probably solo Eggman on top of having a cool design, fun personality, silly little accent and a cute supportive boyfriend. And everybody loves her.
Oh hey, it's the Infinity Gauntlet.
file.png, 1732x2560, 1 times posted
file.png, 1200x1776, 1 times posted
I'm enjoying this ride so far.
I will dread a lot of 51-159 strech tho
>about Sally
You'll learn soon enough.
>it only got worse once writers actively started trying to improve on her
making a character more likeable isn't improving them. making them better written with a compelling arc is. I will shit down the throat of anyone who thinks making a character more "likeable" is the same as making them better. usually what people have in mind is making them more plain and inoffensive
Rate the 1992/1993/1994 years
I like it alot.
Pardon Conductor, but you missed a page.
Love how Spaz always sneaks an Astal into his art where he can. Also, claiming motorcycle leathers Sonic!
Ian is incapable of making female characters likable period.
StH 020 - 12.jpg, 1498x2211, 1 times posted
Missing page 12. Naughty Naughty Konductor!
how so
Claiming Diva Sonic
StC had Knuckles tag along during one of the Tails stories.
It was fun, especially since Knuckles played along with Tails' lies after people mistook him for Sonic.
Tries to hard to make them tough and competent. Basically writes them like men. All act the same.
Knuckles was so cool in that story considering everyone was still treating Tails like a joke and Sonic kept shitting on him.
>only notable story with those two was in a story decades ago
Fuck this gay earth
Big brother Knuckles is so rare and underrated. He's pure big brother material. That's why while I'm not completely on the bandwagon that Knuckles and Amy are siblings I like the idea of him being protective of her like she is his sister.
I wonder why people call them siblings when she’s been pretty mean to him in media like X or barely talk to him in the games
The movies have it be a thing sorta, but they're the only media to even attempt it.
Because they have some interactions like in Generations. They also had a really good set of stories together in reboot Sonic Universe. You just need a few good moments and fans will blow it up. And I think that's fine but nobody has really done much with it. Just random gag comics where the artist thinks it's funny and cute that they're like siblings.
I remember a scene in X (the one where he and Sonic fight for the first time) where she teased him like a sibling in the end and their debut had them fight like siblings I feel.
>many future's
We have never seen Silver's future. We've only seen two abandoned locations one of which was erased from existence