2020-07-27 Twins.png, 6280xNA, 1 times posted
>>444820Yeah, it's a dynamic we don't get to see often enough
>>444821Pretty much! They do adopt their own styles later on though, pic related. And now I can thirstpost about the whole family!
>>444822I know right!? I really hope Knockabiller opens a Patreon so I can throw money at this
>>444823Yeah, not a fan of clowns myself. That Pierot though...
>>444824But with cool Wolverine energy claws! Honestly, I love that the setting's still got some vague Sonicy roots while being its own thing. For me, this is what good storytelling's all about, taking inspiration from what's gone before but making it your own.
One day we'll get our Vulture conclusion, one day...