Limnic.png, 708x1244, 2 times posted
>>141159932Best story: I really liked the comfy issues of the Knuckles series, especially the one where Remington and Julie-Su were investigating together
Worst story: MXYL, or Sonic Live, or that Sally and Knuckles story. They're all so bad!
So bad it's good story: The one where Charmy's cousin ODs
Best and worst story: Return to Angel Island. It's genuinely great, but they massacred my husbando ;_;
Best artist: Spaz, but with Axer and Best a close second. Butler's great too
Worst artist: Gabrie AKA Many Hands
So bad he's good artist: Ron Lim. I just love his lanky square-eyed Sonic. I even tried drawing him!
Best character: Remington of course!
Worst character: The Source of All
So bad they're good characters: Best couple Max and Locke!
Best/worst writer: Penders. He wrote some of my favorite and least favorite stories