BIGDON Eg4uBnOX0AAAnyx.jpg, 1008xNA, 1 times posted
1655029294388.jpg, 1089xNA, 1 times posted
Horny Thread #1
For all the lewd thoughts and posts. This thread is mainly cheesecake and "nudity" as in the kind of casual nudity you can expect from mobians. Some rules.
>No NSFW! That means no nipples, no genitals, no sex. If you're unsure then at least put an NSFW spoiler on it.
>First rule only applies to images. You can still post links to fapfics.
>Fetish stuff that doesn't break the first rule is fine. I don't kinkshame but I know that the Sonic fandom has some... interesting tastes.
>Keep posting moderate. Posting several or a dozen at a time is fine but not dozens. We don't need every piece of naughty fanart here, just post ones you want to share.
>If possible, please provide source of some kind. Even the artist name is fine. If you can't then that's fine.
>You can still hornypost in the general thread. As always, these threads are just for those that want a concentrated place for a specific topic.
>No NSFW! That means no nipples, no genitals, no sex. If you're unsure then at least put an NSFW spoiler on it.
>First rule only applies to images. You can still post links to fapfics.
>Fetish stuff that doesn't break the first rule is fine. I don't kinkshame but I know that the Sonic fandom has some... interesting tastes.
>Keep posting moderate. Posting several or a dozen at a time is fine but not dozens. We don't need every piece of naughty fanart here, just post ones you want to share.
>If possible, please provide source of some kind. Even the artist name is fine. If you can't then that's fine.
>You can still hornypost in the general thread. As always, these threads are just for those that want a concentrated place for a specific topic.