Sonic the Comic Online
Artist: Various Artists Continuities: Fleetway Status: Ongoing
Still upset about STC’s cancellation even twenty years later? Come read the longest running and most ambitious Sonic fancomic to see what happens next!
The original Sonic the Comic (STC) ran from May 1993 to January 2002, with Sonic the Comic Online (STCO) May 2003 picking up where the original left off. What can be said about a comic that’s been running for almost twenty years, with an incredibly talented group of writers and artists and even the occasional contributions from STC alumni?
Whether you’re a fan of Bri’ish Sonic or not, this comic is a must read for any fan of Sonic comics. It’s far from perfect, and I certainly don’t agree with every story decision (add more Turbo you plebs!), but it’s a fantastic Ride™ anyway!
STCO has been on hiatus since June 2021, but new issues are planned for this year.
It’s time for the most official unofficial comic of The Unofficial Ride! Sonic the Comic, the UK comic for Sonic, ended with the conclusion of Sonic Adventure but a talented crew of diehard fans took it upon themselves to continue the series! And they even had help from the people that worked on the comic! Not familiar with the series? Don’t worry, we have an introduction to get you caught up! This is day one of Sonic the Comic Online!
Zachary and his not so merry band of villains put their plan into action and with Shadow aiding them, will Sonic be able to stop them? But it’s not the only thing that’s going on. New and old villains rise up to cause trouble of their own. And Tails heads back to the Nameless Zone to deal with a potential war between the foxes and the goblins! Again! This is day two of Sonic the Comic Online!
Mobius is under attack! By bugs of the mafioso variety! Crime is rising and new villains with terrifying powers are attacking! Meanwhile, Knuckles and Tikal take on Vichama, the God of Death! This is day three of Sonic the Comic Online!
Sonic’s been framed, Knuckles is dead, Tekno and Shorty are stranded, and Big is a chef working for the bug mob! And would you believe me if I said things get worse for everyone? This is day four of Sonic the Comic Online!
A new status quo is on the horizon! The entire planet is under attack but who’s behind it? Everyone has their own quests and goals to free Mobius but will they be able to do it? And what about the fugitive known as Sonic the Hedgehog? Find out in day five of Sonic the Comic Online!
Mobius is at war but this time everyone is working together! Kind of. Different groups with conflicting methods and less than admirable goals begin to clash and the Freedom Fighters have to sort it all out. And with Robotnik still attacking and scheming, it’s hard to tell the allies apart from the enemies! This is day six of Sonic the Comic Online!
You’d think with the constant war with Robotnik, the hunt for Sonic wouldn’t be so intense but that’s not the case! Our poor blue blur can’t catch a break or a nap for that matter! And everyone else has their hands full with their own problems! But first, a short Christmas comic. This is day seven of Sonic the Comic Online!
Sonic’s feeling super but you should know by now that that’s not a good thing! In fact, it might be even worse than Robotnik! Can Tails save Mobius as well as his best friend/mentor/brother? And what other nefarious plans are going on? This is day eight of Sonic the Comic Online!
The war has gotten worse, then it’s gotten better, and then worse again! With neither side letting up, it’s all come down to one last battle for Mobius! Will Robotnik be victorious? Is Tails ready to lead an entire army? Can an infamous fugitive help a world that doesn’t trust him? Find out in day nine of Sonic the Comic Online?
We’re getting close to the end! Robotnik has been defeated and Sonic has gotten back some of his credibility. But Amy’s still missing and the drakons are still planning on attacking Mobius! One more major conflict is about to be resolved and every STCO artist is pitching in for it! This is day ten of Sonic the Comic Online!
Here it is, the last few issues! With all the major threats gone, it’s only a random assortment of criminals, weasel in power armor, and an elusive white echidna to deal with. But a new enemy is preparing to make their move! And we’ll also do THE final Sonic the Comic story! This is the last day of Sonic the Comic Online!
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