Shock and Awe
Artist: UnderworldCircle Continuities: Archie Status: Ongoing
Silver’s going back to the past to save the future. Again! Probably the most ambitious of all the comics covered, with 21 issues planned of 50-100 pages each. Very interesting artstyle. Characters are pre-drawn in a variety of poses with the expressions tweaked and colored in using dodge-and-burn shading while the backgrounds are collages of photos and videogame levels. The idea behind this is to make producing pages faster, and is actually a well-executed implementation of Penders’ preferred style.
Silver has been to the past many times to fix his future. One such adventure took him to a time when Sonic and Sally were married and ruling over the Acorn Kingdom. A time when Shadow never reformed and instead ruled the world with an iron fist before being ousted and jailed. But we’re following a different Silver that has never met anyone outside of his time period. How does that work? Let’s find out in the first of two nights for this series! This is Shock and Awe!
Light Mobius is gone but Silver still has a mission! He heads further into his past to what we would consider the present. Now he has to navigate an unfamiliar world in the middle of a war between the Freedom Fighters and Eggman. Poor guy can’t catch a break but at least he has a full stomach now! This is issue 2 of Shock and Awe!