Sonic Legacy
Artist: Various Artists Continuities: Original Status: Ongoing
Created by the Sonic Paradox team, this series blends most continuities together. The one with the dolphin OC.
It’s time for another fan comic series! This time we’re looking at Sonic Legacy, a series that’s been going for a few years now and it recently put out its seventh issue! Like I always say, the people working on these fan comics might be working on official Sonic content in the future so it’s a good idea to see what they’re doing now.
Sonic Legacy has its own continuity that is separate from others while pulling inspiration from many of them. And this serves as the start. Sonic will be meeting Eggman for the first time and he’ll be meeting faces that are familiar to us but new to him. And this comic had the smart idea of introducing its own waifu! So let’s start with the first arc, issue 1-5!
Time for the second half of Sonic Legacy! We’ll be doing issue 6 and 7 as well as Mobius Legacy which features the origin of Eggman! Archie fans might be pleased with these as there are a lot of familiar faces!
Sonic Legacy just got its 8th issue! It’s been a little while since we visited this series. Quick reminder, this is set in its own continuity and merges the Genesis games with Archie. The first arc was kind of Sonic 1 and we’re in the second arc aka Sonic 2! Sonic has met Tails, Sally showed up, and Eggman is collecting chaos emeralds with the help of his robot daughter, Omelette. Also, Eggman used to be a kind doctor that tried to help a young Nicole with NIDS by hooking her up to a giant mech, named a B.A.D.N.I.K., that scared everyone and he got barred from working and his office shut down. That set him down the path to the Eggman he is today.
It’s been a while! Sonic Legacy is back with a new issue! For those who don’t know or remember, this is a retelling of the Genesis games. The first game was kind of Sonic 1 and this current one is Sonic 2. Sonic reunited with Uncle Chuck, met Tails, and just repelled an invasion by Eggman. With the Acorn Kingdom’s chaos emerald stolen and the king put in critical condition, Sonic goes off to confront Eggman in the Death Egg!
- »127526808 [desu] (Issues 1-5)
- »127550405 [desu] (Issues 6 and 7, Mobius Legacy)
- »128708657 [desu] (Issue 8)
- »134769649 [desu] (Issue 9)
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