Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Comic (2019)
Artist: SkullVal-2000 Continuities: Movie Status: Abandoned
A Sonic movie comic with a twist: it uses the original Sonic design. Robotnik’s up to no good, and it’s up to Sonic and Tom to save the day! Also includes some shorter movie comics. Fortunately the artist has taken steps to make the original Sonic design work, he’s actually pretty cute. Tom’s also cute in this comic, but needs to watch his language! Main comic was canceled Jan 23, 2021 but the artist is still making Sonic art and comics.
Really short thread tonight. In a cursed, alternate timeline, the original design for Sonic for the live action movie had gone ahead as planned. What we ended up with was a completely different movie. The sales were abysmal and it was the laughingstock of the internet for years. What this artist has done is look into this other world and created a comic based on this nonexistent movie. That or they did these comics in 2019 before the redesign was revealed. Anyway, this is Sonic the Hedgehog Movie 2019!
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