>>131074951Reposting Sonic Future AU in case you didn't catch it in the other thread:
That's it done! I couldn't figure out a way to preserve the filenames, or get it to start from 1 instead of 0 but it'll have to do! Here's the link (base 64):
Also, some of the pages were marked NSFW on DeviantArt but from what I could tell it was just from swearing, you might want to check the images before posting though, don't want another vacation!
In case anyone else wants to stitch images together, I used imagemagick. Stick all the images in a folder (make sure they're in alphebetic/numeric order), navigate to that folder in the command line and then run:
magick montage -quality 80 -tile 2x1 -geometry +2+2 -border 2 *.png 1_%02d.jpg
I added a two pixel border for clarity and output the image as a jpeg with 80 quality to bring the image size down to 4chan's limits. Isn't learning fun!