>>128783456They're only going after Sonic as a scapegoat, they know it's Shadow that stole the emerald. They're trying to make sure the public doesn't learn about Project Shadow and all the shady stuff G.U.N's been up to for the past 50 years. This is also the reason the President hired Rouge to investigate G.U.N in the first place, despite G.U.N technically answering to him.
>>128783677Interesting;y, the shrine in SA1 is the only canon one, despite it clearly being in Hidden Palace Zone in S3&K, and in Sandopolis Zone in SA2.
>>128783700Damn it Tikal!
>>128783773This is nice, and would've been a good addition to the original plot.
>>128783860You know they actually got Julien-K to do some of Shadow's music, which is basically the closest thing you can get to Linkin Park without hiring them considering both bands share several members.