December 7, 2022
| Complete
Love & Life
The sequel to Just Shadamy where Shadow’s won the Amybowl and the couple are living together with an adopted child.

December 6, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Heroes Legacy Z
A DBZ inspired comic where Garus, Sonic’s evil and more powerful brother, shows up and starts fighting everyone.

December 5, 2022
| Complete
Beats a Hard Kick in the Face
We’re finally doing a sprite comic, or at least a comic with sprites and hand drawn art. Sonic uses an experimental gun to put a (non-lethal) stop to Amy’s advances, but it has unforeseen consequences.

December 4, 2022
| Complete
Rouge and Sticks
Short comic about Rouge giving Sticks a haircut and makeover.

December 4, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Heroes 2
Sonic and Shadow are having a somewhat friendly that’s interrupted by Sonic’s loathsome copy. Metal’s out for revenge, but what if he channeled his efforts into something other than destroying Sonic?

December 3, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Unity
Sonic and friends are enjoying food at a festival when they are rudely interrupted. Who is this mysterious group and what do they want?