Love & Life
Artist: cArDoNaNaVaS Continuities: Original Status: Complete
The sequel to Just Shadamy where Shadow’s won the Amybowl and the couple are living together with an adopted child. When an unstoppable being claiming to be the real ultimate lifeform threatens his family and potentially all of Mobius, Shadow must take matters into his own hands. Sonic’s a jerk, G.U.N’s even worse, but Light’s just terrible. Doctors Aliz and Christy are total hotties though.
It’s the sequel for Just Shadamy! Shadow and Amy have adopted a baby and living a somewhat comfortable life. But when an alternate universe threatens his family and potentially all of Mobius, Shadow will do what it takes to keep them safe. This is day one of Love & Life!
GUN has come from Earth to Mobius (yes, the two worlds setup is in place) for their missing living weapon. Amy’s condition gets worse, jealousy gets to a boiling point, and the Robotnik family gets a lot more complicated. Get ready, this thread is going to be big! It’s day two of Love & Life!
This is it! The explosive (literally) finale! Everyone’s been looking for Light but he’s only been looking for one thing. And he’ll kill anyone that gets in his way! It’s a long and bloody battle against an unstoppable being claiming to be the real ultimate life form! This is day three of Love & Life!
About the artist
Artist has several other Sonic comics we haven’t covered yet.
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