Beats a Hard Kick in the Face
Artist: Supersheep64 Continuities: Original Status: Complete
We’re finally doing a sprite comic, or at least a comic with sprites and hand drawn art. Sonic uses an experimental gun to put a (non-lethal) stop to Amy’s advances, but it has unforeseen consequences. Art’s very interesting, combining customized sprites with hand drawn expressions and traditional art. Comedy is very typical of the time so expect lol-random humor. Comic originally ran from 2009-11-08 to 2012-01-08, and was canceled when the artist wanted to draw ponies instead. Last update to DeviantArt: Oct 2, 2018.
It’s finally happened. We’re doing a sprite comic. Kind of. It’s a hybrid of sprites and hand drawn art. After being hounded by Amy for too long, Sonic has taken matters into his own hands… in the form of an experimental gun made by Tails. Meanwhile, Bowser steals the Master Emerald and Knuckles gets tossed into a series of fights to get it back. Oh, and the comic’s also a crossover with Mario. This is Beats a Hard Kick in the Face!
About the artist
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