Sonic Aether
Artist: NickOnPlanetRipple Continuities: Original Status: Complete
Very (very!) detailed concept art and descriptions for a very ambitious Sonic fangame. It’s a shame it’s not playable! Art is MS Paint but very stylish, and the levels are fascinating to look at. Some of the bosses are in the style of the Megaman zero games, which is pretty cool. There’s a surprising amount of twists and turns in the plot descriptions.
Today is something very different. We’re going to be covering concept art for a huge ass Sonic fangame described by the artist as a fanfic. Some very cool looking levels and bosses. I won’t be saying much as I’ll be posting as much of the artist’s comments as possible. Some get pretty wordy. This is Sonic Aether!
About the artist
The artist also has an original graphic novel called Planet Ripple. There’s also heaps of non-Sonic comics on his DA.
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