Sonic Future
Artist: MeanBeanZone Continuities: Original Status: Ongoing
Eggman is dead, Sonic is having a midlife crisis, but there’s a new girl to flirt with. Only problem is Shadow likes her too. If only there were some way to resolve the relationship triangle that didn’t leave anyone out. Art’s fantastic and the spider twink Nax is very cute.
Last page of the main comic came out Aug 1, 2022 although there were several side comics released afterwards, including ones that reintroduced Sacred (twink with the fire pixy) and Shimmer (the Mobian Maria clone). Artist then started making a flurry of new Sonic AUs, starting with the Droid AU on Sept 8, 2022. On Oct 12, 2022, the artist fell into a Three Caballeros obsession and has effectively stopped doing Sonic art. Their last obsession like this (Animaniacs) lasted an entire year so we may be waiting a while for more of this. Update Nov 23, 2022: It’s back!
Eggman is dead and Sonic wishes he was dead, too. What’s a bored hero to do when there’s no major villain to deal with? How about flirt with the new girl? If only it were that simple. This is Sonic Future!
Eggman is dead, Sonic is having a midlife crisis, and there’s a new girl to flirt with. Oh, and a new villain is causing all sorts of trouble. What happens when interoffice romance mix with danger? Let’s find out in Sonic Future! Also, this comic updates constantly so keep checking back for new pages.
- »131092112 [desu]
- »/co/442673 [plus]
- »132416385 [desu] (Sacred’s Origin)
About the artist
AKA Zketcherz AKA Sacred-Hedge
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