Knux Redux
Artist: KnuxfanEO Continuities: Archie Status: Abandoned
Penders thinks he’s so good with his Knuckles origin and convoluted family backstory but let’s see how someone else does it! And for good measure, we’ll add in some Nolan-inspired Batman training to it as well! Knuckles has some very nice outfits in this one. Last update: 1 August, 2009.
Penders thinks he’s so good with his Knuckles origin and convoluted family backstory but let’s see how someone else does it! And for good measure, we’ll add in some Nolan-inspired Batman training to it as well! This comic is old and while I want to say that that I have three full issues, the sad truth is that most of the second issue might be lost to time. But we can enjoy what’s there. This is Knux Redux!
Remember a while back when we did Knux Redux, the comic inspired by the Nolan Batman films and where Knuckles wears cool outfits? We only had the first 5 pages of issue 2. Well I’ve looked through the website and it turns out they didn’t update some of their php code when they changed domains. Never fear though, I was able to reconstruct the original URLS so we can finally read the entire second issue. Consider this a very special ~after dark~
The elusive fourth issue of Knux Redux! Not that many pages so let’s get this out of the way.
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