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>>138822732>>138824912>>138822787>>138822827https://www.deviantart.com/okida/art/S-T-C-Timeline-2020-Edition-869301127Well, look at me making a fool of myself and looking a complete idiot. I waste time trying to figure out the correct reading order of S.T.C. when Okida had already provided one.
Here you go, anon, the correct reading order.
Welp for some, I was way off, but it look like I figured some. And alos completely miss that STC mini series, Cream - Little Nightmares exists But I blame Okida for not including it in its mini-series repertory Here is a link to the first page, click next to get the full story
https://www.deviantart.com/okida/art/Cream-Little-Nightmares-Page-1-707713589wait, unless I am mistaken, I think Conductor also skipped it, did he?
What I completly missed but the Conductor didn't was the Tale of the Seedrians spin-off.
https://www.deviantart.com/okida/art/COSMO-Tale-of-the-Seedrians-COVER-831123251Anyway, this order forget to mention where to place STC mini series Sticks - King of Ghosts (just like I initially did) Which I would still place after issue 5.
Okida also mention in the comments that STC mini series; Tekno - Invasive Procedures take place right after issue 10.
Personally, while Ghost and the cosmo arc happen at the same time, I would suggest to first do Ghost, then the Cosmo arc to prevent disruption in the cosmo arc.