Shadow_meme_face.jpg, 269x448, 6 times posted
>>137100626That's true. He fucks up hardest when he tries to create a pet character to keep the heroes in line -- Max, Locke, Geoffrey, etc. They all come across as absurdly unlikeable and controlling.
Penders' father must've been a real POS to fuck his son up this badly.
>>137100686>Archie Shadow, sans inhibitor rings, managed to actually hold back Knuckles-Enerjak - a feat that should have been literally impossible sans Super Form. But Anon, Shadow needs to be able to beat Gods without bruising a pinkie-toe.
Seriously, I once saw Shadowspammer complaining about how Archie Shadow didn't defeat FAUST. That motherfucker thinks that Shadow, sans super-form, should be able to defeat a LITERAL FUCKING GOD who can nullify his Chaos powers. I hadn't really taken Shadowspammer seriously before that, but I'd never realized just how insane he was until that moment.
>And people who think Shadow should just be worse Vegeta are cancer and should always be ignored.Exactly what those retards see in Vegetadow is beyond me. Who cares about a bunch of stale Shonen Rival cliches from 30 years ago?