spectral-bat.jpg, 1280x1109, 21 times posted
>>135649029Actually, do "unconcede" as much you would like. I'm indifferent to the matter, but Cobar is specifically recalled only for as he's a fluff plot point for tying in Rotor's supposed homosexuality. Razor with Rotor, whilst not meant as couple, offer a stronger premise. For what's worth, the wink wink off that single panel evokes tons more over the verbal salad off Penders' few pages who couldn't hope to leap farther enough.
Obviously, shipping is inherently modular, so nothing wrong if one simply enjoys Cobar with Rotor. It's just to mention something being "canon" is still hardly of upping quality and worthy mentions.
Down to daddy waddy wet "tent" between his thighs, if you catch my drift. Also, did you know that Ian offhanded mention his newfound love for Rotor? You can catch that off one of his recent Bumblekast episodes.>>135686765>>135686774Saved. Good shit. A little too bad to discover the artist of these technically isn't on Twitter to share some more of these heartwarming pics.