0.jpg, 1024x1466, 1 times posted

Unofficial Sonic Storytime: Various Stories #77

Previous Thread: >>134089951

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/CP3XHLar
Password: zCXhuqLwAv
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: https://mobiuscomics.com
Unofficial Ride Website: https://the-ride.neocities.org

Another short thread before the coming storm. Let’s start with a short comic that seems to serve as a transition of sorts into Sonic Boom. Originally the dialog was in Spanish but a helpful anon translated it for us. This is Hora de Cambiar aka Time to Change! Also, stick around to the end of the storytime for the newest page of my comic!


Also, last thread had an update for Shock and Awe. Check the OP of the last thread for posts replying to it.
1.jpg, 1024x1466, 1 times posted
Kind of harsh words from Rouge but needed to be said?
2.jpg, 1024x1466, 1 times posted
Will this come with a montage of her training and getting a haircut?
3.jpg, 1024x1466, 1 times posted
Poor Tails. Nothing will beat Knuckles' broken jumping and pausing tactic.
4.jpg, 1024x1466, 1 times posted
Bandages, belts, and swole Knuckles!
Let's gooooooooo!
I'd think Rouge would've been a bit more tactful than that, even if it is true
>Nothing will beat Knuckles' broken jumping and pausing tactic.
lmao, that's why I never updated the game
5.jpg, 1024x1466, 1 times posted
She's back and she also has bandages on her!
Rouge is right, but she's kind of being a bitch about it.
6.jpg, 1024x1466, 1 times posted
This is horribly OOC for Knuckles. He's a feminist.
>I'd think Rouge would've been a bit more tactful than that, even if it is true
Just a little character assassination, Stan.
7.jpg, 1024x1466, 1 times posted
And that's how Amy got her groove back. Don't ask about things like where's the Master Emerald and why everyone decided to permanently relocate to an island filled with psychopaths. Moving on...
day_12__metal_by_phi_unit_ddidsq4.png, 1000x995, 1 times posted
What happens when you have an artist that likes Sonic and Metal Sonic a lot? You'd get stuff like this.

day_13___up_stage_by_phi_unit_ddidt4s.png, 1000x574, 1 times posted
But Sonic, that was some damn good ribbon dancing!
Never let Sonic name things.

>Knuckles got swole
>got even more retarded as the trade off
Amy is a cunt
dumb stc metonic comic.png, 1020x1653, 1 times posted
Shadow's not the only faker that people like to ship Sonic with.
dumb__stc__metonic_comic_bonus_by_phi_unit_dbwtv2q.png, 1000x546, 1 times posted
STC Sonic is the least slutty Sonic. This feels wrong. I'm just going to assume that this is some Sonic from another universe.
Maybe he only becomes one later?
Look at the back definition on Knuckles!
>Just a little character assassination, Stan.
I guess they needed a reason for why she wasn't in Boom
Wow, was not expecting a conclusion!
>an artist that likes Sonic and Metal Sonic a lot
Wait a minute, this isn't theEnigmaMachine! Seriously though, they should be on the list now that they've undeleted their deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/theenigmamachine
dumb_comic__disguise_by_phi_unit_dd65fne.png, 600x1644, 1 times posted
Funny how common we get Metal Sonic looking less like a robot.
Too many Metal Sonics!
Fleetway Sonic just has that stoic anime boy charisma.
He's the only Sonic that isn't a Slutnic
Handsome Metal! Claiming him before Fiona does!
dumb_metal_sonic_comic_by_phi_unit_dcbjtpm.png, 600x1708, 1 times posted
With the rockets, Metal doesn't need to spin dash. But he'll try anyway. Now for a bunch of random stuff.
They are adorable. I will-

Damn you, thirstposter!
birthday_boys_by_cherucat_ddxiw6y-fullview.jpg, 900x809, 1 times posted
You know how this. Credit in the filename.
>Broody romance comic about moving on
>From Sonic Boom out of all things
It really shows this was made before the game came out
Shard is very supportive of his little bro.
crocs_by_cherucat_dcpwzw3-fullview.jpg, 1024x706, 1 times posted
Crocs are the skub of clothing.
comic__amy_s_gift_by_ss2sonic_d3kt80h.jpg, 922x5681, 1 times posted
Sonic's perverted prank gets him burned... literally.
Shadow is basically a test tube baby, so I'd say it counts.
little_shadamy_comic_pg1_by_gumandpeanuts17_d22srhr.jpg, 1240x1754, 1 times posted
Now for a three page Shadamy comic. Get ready for more in the coming days.
Shard's such a supportive brother!
Oh-ho-ho, looks like you were too slow!
It's weird how consistently chilidogs are treated as birthday cakes in this franchise
Definitely the most horrifying image in The Ride so far. I don't care if they're allegedly comfortable, they're hideous!
little_shadamy_comic_pg2_by_gumandpeanuts17_d22x25k.jpg, 1240x1754, 1 times posted
This time Amy is the aggressor. Taking advantage of Shadow's innocence. Officers, arrest this girl!
That's an insult to skub.

>both Sonic and Tails are perverted degenerates
Honestly? That makes sense.
Tails dindu nuffin
>Get ready for more in the coming days.
little_shadamy_comic_pg3_by_gumandpeanuts17_d231zaj.jpg, 1240x1754, 1 times posted
Short and sweet.
Metallix Corps Idea
>Metal Sonic
>Mecha Sonic
>Mecha Knuckles
>Silver Sonic
>Tails Doll
Shadamy Short Comic by sacred-hedge.jpg, 500x4300, 1 times posted
Another Shadamy comic. This time Shadow is Mr. Suave.
I've held back enough. I need more time to build up stuff again.
He also got a nose bleed and just stood there and watched it happen. He is complicit in it!
That's what Gerald and Black Doom want you to think, but we all know they got it on!
A nice break from the Sonamy mines!
Any excuse to leave Sonic free for Sally
shadow_and_his_thoughts_by_bubble_chip_ddw79p3.png, 1024x1280, 1 times posted
>vanilla came back with cream and proceeded to deck the ultimate life form in the face
>it was the second time he died but he got better
shadow_el_zombot__parte_2__by_bubble_chip_dddjy7m.png, 1536x2048, 1 times posted
>idw issue 19 in a nutshell
d3jgnqd-875a78b8-bd62-4399-96af-c9289ac0cec3.jpg, 846x764, 2 times posted
Oh Sonic. Always trying to get Mokkori.

>Tails Doll
Wait a minute...
shadow_the_hedgehog_cat_lover_by_bubble_chip_ddi9mry.png, 1536x2048, 1 times posted
Again with Shadow and cats. I like cats, too.
Damn it, Shadow!
shopping_by_prosonic_d4t3c18.jpg, 730x1628, 1 times posted
The real reason Sonic doesn't like going shopping with Amy.
>even the zombots were sick of IDW Shadow's shit.
sonic vs megaman by air-city.png, 1043x816, 1 times posted
That's Sonic's ability and line!
He lets tails fuck him with that dress
sonic_adventure_2___sonic_and_shadow_battle_by_tri_jean_d6dt906.jpg, 1000x7507, 1 times posted
Always be confident and have a cool one liner, even if you got knocked the fuck down.
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm so happy you used my translation!

Lol yeah that was so weird. Amy's pretty bossy in this comic but at least she didn't threaten to beat the shit out of someone. In retrospective it's so funny this was the author's assumption of Boom!Knuckles' personality, considering he ended up being a mellow and canonically feminist fella.
sonic_baseball___chaos_pitch_by_chauvels_d8f00zk.jpg, 496x2500, 1 times posted
Faker? More like cheater!
Sonic, just fucking go. If you admit that you like shopping as well, she might even let you slut it up however you like.

They're brothers, anon.
sonic_s_encounter_with_turbo_comic_by_theshadamyartisto10_d79fy89.jpg, 1700x2338, 1 times posted
I've heard good things about the show. I've heard nothing about the movie.
Thank you very much for your help! I still have much more Spanish comics.
Please be patient with Shadow, he has autism.
sooosososoosad_by_anastafury_dc98r5z-fullview.jpg, 1024x2439, 1 times posted
We have some edge, sadness, and a little gay.
team_dank_by_lildrawingboi_dfh2v1y.jpg, 1200x1080, 1 times posted
Classy motherfuckers.
>That's what Gerald and Black Doom want you to think, but we all know they got it on!
This is a CURSED ship, thirstposter.

>Any excuse to leave Sonic free for Sally
the_game_of_tag_by_prosonic_d60tymz.png, 918x4035, 1 times posted
Cute Sonamy comic.
>those cuts on his chest in the last panel
Jesus, Gadget almost got split in half.
>Shadow used the term "partner" when he accepted the fan's marriage proposal in the Twitter Takeover
Bichads stay winning.
the_origins_of_the_ghost_girl_by_niban_destikim_d6ns310-fullview.jpg, 600x5935, 1 times posted
Nobody should be without a tragic backstory. If you don't have one then sign up for one today!
My boys.

Rock being smug against Sonic is always treat.
That'd be fun, we don't really get to see the other Metals much
I'm still mad!
Cats are the best! Shadow should canonically have one, or a chao at least
They certainly have their own way of flirting!
Thanks for all your hard work translatorbro!
I like that Shadow's on team G.U.N., please don't bully me Iizuka!
>a little gay
No one with hair that pretty could be completely straight!
Best bros!
Yeah, I don't actually like it. Although the idea Gerald and Doom tried everything scientifically to get it to work but had to resort to the old fashioned way is pretty funny
you_jordans_are_fake_by_rebcola_dfgnxku.png, 756x840, 1 times posted
And we end the night with modern Sonic bullying classic Sonic. Tomorrow at 9pm EST we're going to be doing a lot of shipping comics because I'm low on stuff to post and need to find more. But before I call it a night...
Yeah, Sonic kind of fucked up there.
Why is Modern like this.
His entire life thus far was spent in the modern games.
issue 1 page 1.jpg, 900x1440, 2 times posted
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 1 Page 1
Sleeping too much? Having nightmares? Just never go to sleep! Solves both problems!
Oversleeping? That's no good!
C6408263-1D80-462B-BB89-1B1705B10F42.jpg, 720x540, 3 times posted
that menace doesn't even care about himself, how could anyone trust him?
21.jpg, 1170x1965, 2 times posted
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 6 Page 21-22
The truth has been revealed!
22.jpg, 720x1209, 2 times posted
And everything is back to normal!
Tails has some neat little gloves. Also, nice to see a non-asshole Max.
And Infinite was probably responsible (in a non-lewd way)
Makes sense, the ultimate lifeform wouldn't be restricted to a single sex
Poor ghost lady. I wouldn't mind seeing her in other Sonic media
Love the lineart in this
It's finally here! I do like that Sonic's still got his canonical race car bed
Liz is still looking pretty cute
>ywn see the feet under the speech balloon
FEEEEEET.jpg, 464x321, 1 times posted
Starbuddy disturbs me, for some reason.
46c0ff02d6974db088e7649b2618673b.png, 200x200, 9 times posted
Dammit, if he can't come to these meetings thst then I'm not approving these missions!!
I thought you were keeping all the feet pics for patrons! And here I was about to lord it over the non-feet pic having plebs! Seriously though, I don't mind
It's the creepy expression and what that apron might cover that weirds me out
Definitely a bad habit. He should fix that.
>Also, nice to see a non-asshole Max.
Poor Ian, shackled by continuity and forced (probably by himself) to keep that going in the Archie comics.
Joke's on you, Hamlin... you don't exist.
I gotta throw a bone to the loyal passengers of The Ride.
>I gotta throw a bone to the loyal passengers of The Ride.
Fair enough, it is why we're all here after all!
No wonder I smell bacon!
Hamlin got deleted from reality, what a tragedy.
Some people tend to oversleep and Sonic is a teen - he needs more sleep on average.
mushroom_world_by_domesticmaid_dfg9aku-fullview.png, 800x1161, 1 times posted
>jimbotnic: wasn't that guy supposed to have an accent?
1664071523573223.jpg, 628x222, 18 times posted
Egg Carrey would save the Mario Movie from mediocrity!
1644462178249.jpg, 536x241, 10 times posted
Nothing can save that movie from being a paint-by-numbers inoffensive snoozefest that's beautifully animated. At least the original movie tried to do something interesting
Nice! I’m very excited for this!
images.jpg, 199x254, 5 times posted
>basically sonic
>programmed to be bad
>could be made into a literal sex machine
>form hugging nanobot/silicone/whatever makes him huggable

>thirstposter already has him
Aw c'mon! Do you know how many buttons that presses and how many buttons on him I could have pressed!
Any good fanfics/comics about an evil Sonic? Not Scourge, not Surge, I mean the actual guy being a bastard.
Not many comics, but there are a couple fanfics though names escape me for some. A few of them are "Metal Sonic is Sonic roboticized" though, and at least one of the series I was following just got entirely deleted by the creator at random one day.
You still have Scourge.
>A few of them are "Metal Sonic is Sonic roboticized" though
Not gonna lie, that's my type of shit. If you remember the names, or general keywords, could you share them?
metal_sonic_aquired.jpg, 862x656, 1 times posted
You snooze you lose!
That's a good point, I'd be willing to share if Scourge was on offer!
I can't think of any either, apart from pre-Scourge Anti Sonic or ones where Sonic's possessed by something evil (Fleetway Super, Mephiles, a demon). There's always our schizo paragon IDWnic!
>just got entirely deleted by the creator at random one day
If you've got a name I could take a look, DeviantArt doesn't always properly delete things
For the deleted one, it was a series of stories under the general title "beware of your mind as it proves you wrong", but not only did the author (gayemeralds) delete it and every connected story, they also nuked their account and every other story contained on there.

The best story with a sort of antagonistic asshole version of Sonic/Metal Sonic under this same theory though is probably "a feel of discontent (i'm finally facing it all)" by Strange Shards. Hasn't updated in a whole though. It's also a Sonic X and Archie merger
Apparently they had their fic series hosted on AO3 but they nuked it there, too. Weirdly enough it's still an active account and they've posted some Frontiers stuff.

They also have their Tumblr, but I've no clue if they post their stuff there, so far it seems like it's just their personal blog.
It just seems to be a thing where authors and fan-content creators in this fanbase nuke everything entirely at random.
Tikal no!
Has the deviantart exodus stopped?
Well I went above and beyond for this one, even looking on reddit to find this link. It appears to be all of them: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vlhFxHPLMhbqOSERtmGfMrqafUA6Az6p
Nine Tails.png, 2218x3054, 1 times posted
Translations for the DBZ comic are coming along, got a bit sidetracked with IRL stuff but I'm back on it and I will hopefully finish them soon. In the meantime, have this drawing that I was finnally able to finish. I swear one day I'll make my own comic
Nicely done, good job with the linework/inking
What a handsome Tails, loving the kitsune reference and the more defined chest! Take your time with the translations, it's easy to get burned out on repetitive tasks.
Do it!
eggman trollface (baitong9194).png, 800x435, 3 times posted
Can't wait. Looks great! We have enough shipping comics to last until you're ready.
sigh.png, 723x360, 1 times posted
No, and it's seriously fucking up my ability to add comics to the website. When was the last time a comic was updated, and does the artist plan to continue? Fuck if I know now!
> Let's gobble up everyone's art for AI bullshit, surely our users won't get mad at us. It's not like artists are notoriously touchy about art theft.
I am legitimately mad at their retarded decision
Everything's fucking up and Newgrounds is barely used for Sonic fan comics. Tumblr seems to do better these days, bouncing back a bit after losing porn and only allowing nudity at this point. If only FA wasn't 99% fetishes.
I still consider Newsground has an awful interface for image hosting. it works for animation video, but not for webcomic hosting.
It's not ideal but like on Deviantart, many artists will include links to other pages. My main issue is with searching and browsing.
Sonic_CD_Concept_Art_009.jpg, 674x1024, 12 times posted
It's all so tiresome. I just want to archive and catalogue Sonic fancomics before the internet completely dies and becomes cable tv
There's always gallery-dl, but that only works once you've found a promising account
eggman get a load of this by needlewind.png, 1000x992, 6 times posted
Just found a 193 page Sonamy comic.
Black and white?
Mostly yes.
0.png, 571x400, 4 times posted
0.jpg, 1591x1731, 2 times posted
No.134110470 [Post deleted 08:03:28]
0.jpg, 1591x1731, 2 times posted
It's more like this, right now.
Website shilling time! I've added more comics, despite deviantart shooting itself in the foot. Also, I've got to fix the contact form, I guess some of those theme files I deleted were important after all! Today's pick: https://the-ride.neocities.org/comics/2022-02-01-sonic-cant-find-the-bathroom/
It's like we never left the Sonamy mines!
This, but with Elias
tails pacha.png, 1619x1478, 13 times posted
>sonic can't find the bathroom
A classic.
sonash_remake_by_animelove98_dfhveub.png, 4000x2825, 1 times posted
Thirstposter I just found your new favorite comic.
Thanks! That's usually one of my favorite parts of drawing but I also waste too much time in the process.

Glad you liked it, super forms make you buff. I'll definitely make a comic someday, I already have the idea and basic outline in my head, just need sit down and do it but that's scary!

We'll have to stay strong and endure the shipping mines.
I couldn't resist!
I remember the old version of this one, it's really improved! Shame there isn't more on their DA, I guess they deleted most of it.
Cool, best of luck with it! I'm still working up the courage to finally write down my own fancomic. It's a lore-heavy retelling of the classic and adventure games, but the main focus will be Sonic Adventure 1 through 3 (where 3 is a heavily rewritten Heroes). Surprisingly it won't be lewd!
good bye by bbrangka.jpg, 532x1533, 1 times posted
I guess it wasn't all bad for Scourge.
I have just the fanfic for that! https://www.deviantart.com/coockie8/art/Prison-Bitch-Fic-582453139
Amazing. Thanks, thirstposter.
0.jpg, 1001x1503, 2 times posted
Anyone know the name of that one and if it has been posted here or on the nsfw board already?
That's what happens when almost all of these are headed by soulless organizations who don't know the first fucking thing about being human. DA thought it was too big to fail like Tumblr before it, and now it's fucking dying.
Finding the motivation to do a comic, let alone consistently, is honestly really stressful. But I believe in you anon.
No worries!
You didn't recognize the (in)famous Furry Bomb #1? Shameful display, it's an antique! saucenao is usually pretty good at finding these things
I have to say I am not that familiar with the more "adult" aspect of sonic fan comics. But thanks.
It read left to right. Is this some South American creation made in an hentai style?
_amy_sally_and_sonic__by_umbra_flower_d1nzo4q.jpg, 600x633, 1 times posted
No worries, it's one of the first Sonic themed doujins from Japan. The author really didn't want "the English" to get their hands on it and wrote a whole bunch of angry emails to sites that hosted its translation. On a more personal note the story where Sonic and Amy go to town on Tails probably awakened something in shota-me way back when.
It's definitely Japanese
>don't want it to be translated in English
>write it left to right
Weirdly the original Japanese is left to right as well. Sally featuring in most of them is also pretty odd considering she was pretty much unknown over in Japan at the time. Sonic Cult used to have the letters she sent them, they were pretty funny
s_t_c_issue_19_page_12_by_okida_dfi5mc8.png, 689x1052, 2 times posted
Sonic the Continuation Issue 19 Page 12
Friendship ended with Robotnik, now the Resistance is my best friend.
>I was devoted to the 'idea' of Robotnik, but the reality proved to eventually be...disappointing
Sounding a lot like Starline there, Grimer.
good news everyone.png, 400x300, 3 times posted
Good news, everyone! I found a lot more comics to post. But most of it is shipping.

You already warned us of this, so I'm not surprised.
amy pervert.jpg, 564x564, 13 times posted
>You already warned us of this, so I'm not surprised.
But that was before this recent haul. Oh Amy, if you didn't exist then half of these comics wouldn't exist. And we'd just be stuck with Sonadow shipping comics. I don't know if that's better or worse.
0.jpg, 640x480, 2 times posted
party_at_the_palace_by_thefunnipixelman_dfg0ree-fullview.jpg, 1024x6912, 1 times posted
Sorry anon, Sally is only used for non-shipping comics or turned into a rival for Amy or for porn. The chubby Sally comics could be considered Sonally.
It's amazing how many poses fit that edit.
Most Sonadow comics I've seen manage to fail at having very interesting or unique hooks, barring the handful of exceptions we've done in these threads. And the best we've done have always been the borderline/outright porn ones.
>ship called Salamy
>yet no sausage is to be found

>is probably just Amy trying to make Sonic jealous and/or horny

>will result in Sonic just wanting Sally more
VR Frontiers.png, 495x348, 1 times posted
>Oh Amy, if you didn't exist then half of these comics wouldn't exist.
We need Silver to help us with a timely drive by on the real Iblis trigger.
>And we'd just be stuck with Sonadow shipping comics. I don't know if that's better or worse.
Much like fat Sally, the Conductor has been seduced by another forbidden fetish, the pink hog. For shame. *shakes head* For shame.

I hate this guys stuff showing up every time I search for Sally art. Curse you architects!
co.png, 573x366, 1 times posted
Taking over the board, one on topic Sonic thread at a time.
He's still complaining about Rouge not having mega milkers in a children's cartoon.
1639468095099.jpg, 1671x188, 2 times posted
Ah yeah. Pic related.

I want to hope he and the rest of/sthg/ get their heads out of their asses, but thats doubtful.
Anyway SEGA HIRE THIS MAN he is a FUCKING genius. Truly a master of the craft.
No.134114756 [Post deleted 14:07:27]
Why did you not post the whole picture?
I think you made a mistake in copy pasting those quote, there, anon. Not even desuarchive is taking them.
0.png, 1600x600, 2 times posted
Why did you not post the whole picture?
b309766c39b17a402d3b56e65ed5cefe.jpg, 900x720, 12 times posted
I am more bothered by this anon suggesting that tails should be faster than Sonic than his suggestion to make Tails a girl.
AAA65397-D83B-442F-AD9A-9E37B2293CEC.jpg, 1280x1600, 1 times posted
It had to be done, Shadow. It had to be done.
In the thumbnail, it look like a mini Shadow is hitting Amy in the back right into her spine.
No.134115523 [Post deleted 14:55:26]
I see it too
It's like the cursed Sonic Movie comic we did recently
I see it too
It's like the cursed Sonic Movie comic we did recently but crossed over with the macro Amy one
barney's head look like the back of Amy's head in the thumbnail, and right next to it, it look like it's a hammer she is holding and the white at the bottom look like the soles of a shoe.
>hitting Amy in the back right into her spine.
Another thing that has to be done.
66F332F9-910D-445D-ACCC-15B6311D1EFB.jpg, 2048x2048, 1 times posted
>go into the IDW thread
Holy shit, Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Everyday I thank god I'm not autistic as fuck.
Is there something specific they are complaining about?
You're in a Sonic thread, so you probably are. But you're higher-functioning than the Iizuka simps, so there's that.
1666815167220.png, 2448x3919, 6 times posted
Scrapnik with Penders obsessions or Tulpa with ban obsessions?
Imagine if we had moderation
The Sonic Prime thread has been remarkably comfy in comparison to...that.

It's mostly IDWkun and other /sthg/ parasites raiding the threads. Again.
Doesn't seem like anyone else cares for it but it does update constantly, it's nothing egregious IMO, and it's cute. I'll be sure to post more non-chubby Sally stuff from the artist.
Seems like a god tip to me.
The Prim thread is also being poisoned by retards with a chip on their shoulder over Ian.

In all honesty, not Sonic threads on this site are fucking trash. Only these and powerlevel threads (not Death Battle related) are mercifully free of bullshit.
>that one anon in the Prime thread so desperate to prove Sonamy isn't a thing that he's making shit up about Amy
Y'know, I never realized how badly Sonamy has mindbroken people until now.
It's certainly mindbroken Amyfags.
>Amyfags in /sthg/ literally screeching that she's not the same as the psycho who threatened to beat Sonic to death in Battle and Sonic X if he didn't marry her
>literally getting pissed because she's more like her Boom self
>even got pissed over the Twitter Takeover, despite her admitting that she loves him there because "she took it back reeee"
>had a meltdown a few days ago over the fact that she's not constantly slobbering over Sonic's dick now
...You're not wrong.
God I wish I could slobber all over Sonics big throbbing cock right now
I'm probably one of the few people who is fine with Sonic being the one expressing his affection more than Amy. We had over a decade of Amy chasing Sonic and it damaged her charwcter almost beyond repair. Letting her calm down and be a more reasonable and wholesome kind of love, whilst Sonic tries to pursue her instead is a better dynamic overall.

t. Amy
I mean, think about it, it's been literal decades of scraping for any form of affection between the two, to the point that a touch on the waist is being held up as the holy SonAmy grail. That is definitely not a healthy place for any fan to be and it's no surprise it has bred a certain level of insanity.
1668122262928379.jpg, 1941x3261, 7 times posted
>it's been literal decades of scraping for any form of affection between the two, to the point that a touch on the waist is being held up as the holy SonAmy grail.
The waist touch and hug is good (reminder that Sonic literally ran from Amy hugging him in all media up until Frontiers), but most people point to the lines in pic related when it comes to Sonamy stuff from Frontiers. And the Twitter Takeover had him not running away or panicking (like he did in every other Takeover when Amy and her love for him got brought up) when Amy admitted her love for him, he even complimented her.

The real insanity is coming from Amyfags who HATE this development - for them, it was never about Amy and Sonic getting together, it was always about the endless chase and blueballing. They want Amy to have her "expressive personality" and this means being a psycho stalker willing to harm Sonic to get him to stay with her. Her being less blatant about her love and Sonic being the one pining for HER is the exact opposite of what they've come to want.
Aren't those lines Western-exclusive? And these are the people who have lived and died by SoJ canon because it eliminates all of Sonic's other love interests. Talk about being hoisted by your own petard.
Pretty sure those lines are in JP too
There's probably also a fair amount of people projecting their fanfics onto Amy - "she's moved on from Sonic now because she's leaving on a journey of self-dsicovery (which opens her up for me to ship her with X character/[insert self-insert OC here]". It's not about actually discussing what Frontiers shows or even Sonamy, it's about starting shit and getting attention by trying to push Amy away from Sonic and insist that she's "over him" (which makes no sense and would be THE thing to destroy her character if it ever happened).

>Aren't those lines Western-exclusive?
Somebody would have to check the files in the Japanese version to be sure, but the Japanese script tends to keep anything that isn't a major cutscene intact from the English script. Only the major cutscenes have referenced to other games or expressions of compassion and warmth between the cast scrubbed out or replaced with schizo rants.
Can't wait for the 3rd movie to make sonadow explode in popularity
IDW Kun we dont give a single shit about a unsed lined why do you keep comming back here ?
Not so fast, thirstposter! I have it on good authority that Wachowski will be shipped with Big

>he thinks IDWkun cares about Sonamy
As someone that called Shadow being in the third movie, I still think they should include Amy. Get the girls and shippers in a frenzy. It'll print even more money.
The lines are still in the game. You just need to wait hours in specific spots and mess with your settings to trigger them

Stop using this term for people who are discussing shit. IDWkun is a very specific brand of schizo and he has NEVER made long posts that aren't him spamming one line shitposts until the thread dies or he gets banned.
If that early script leak is anything to go by, Amy will probably appear in movie 3.
It's odd how they're untouched, but shit like Eggman caring about Sage get entirely removed to have Eggman go on a Nasuverse-tier word salad rant.
Except now we have so much affection between hem that instead of rejoicing, there are faggots who want to go back to what things were like before.

You literally cannot please this fanbase. Even when Sonic Team does something right, you still get people bitching. Though this is nothing compared to how Shadowfags are acting right now.
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>Prime is a show about alternate Sonic characters
>but no alternate of Sonic is allowed
lmao fuck Sonic Team
Sonic can't lose ever mandate, pwhease understandu.
Imagine if he met a green sonic or even a girl sonic, or even a green girl sonic, haha
Surge is shit btw
sonic.png, 850x3400, 3 times posted
Rouge pls
208.jpg, 2048x1280, 1 times posted
I hate it.
Now we just need to wait for a mod that replaces all mentions of Amy with Shadow
>Only the major cutscenes have referenced to other games or expressions of compassion and warmth between the cast scrubbed out or replaced with schizo rants.
It's fascinating that Flynn's biggest accomplishment writing this script isn't repairing over a decade of Tails and Knuckles' character assassination, but mindbreaking SoJ.
That wasn't me, but I agree completely with it!
And that's why he's best boy!
>lmao fuck Sonic Team
I have no idea why they work so hard at sucking the fun out of western Sonic media
shadow_frontiers__by_thegalaxycowboy_dfi41l3.jpg, 1050x900, 1 times posted
>Now we just need to wait for a mod that replaces all mentions of Amy with Shadow
Or leave those in and replace Sonic with Shadow. And give him a gun.
Now I really want a Shadow the Hedgehog 2!
I wouldn’t mind seeing a young Rouge messing around with the Sonic gang back during the classic era. She would still be the oldest kid of the group, something she would lord over Knuckles with.
At the very least, you get some lines during Rhea of him slowly losing his mind and identity. But you need to sit and wait an hour or more to even hear them because their chance of triggering is nearly 0.
>It's fascinating that Flynn's biggest accomplishment writing this script isn't repairing over a decade of Tails and Knuckles' character assassination, but mindbreaking SoJ.
the real horror beyond is no good sonamy content.png, 1200x1050, 2 times posted
That's not IDWkun behavior. IDWkun would be posting non-sequiturs instead of actually trying to have a discussion.

And that anon's completely right, it's fucking insane how many Amy fans are frothing at the mouth over her winning and Sonamy finally being canon. The butchering Sonic and Amy's relationship received in the 2000's has only barely begun to be acknowledged by both SEGA and fans for being a disservice to the two.
Sonic x Ratchet and Clank x Crash - Let`s DANCE by Shira-hedgie on DeviantArt.jpg, 800x990, 1 times posted
What would make for some interesting crossover with Sonic?
I have been morbidly speculating about merging your average Xianxia with the Movie continuity. I have no godly clue how to pull it off though.
It will be a win when we see them kiss
aka never ever
Sonic, Pikachu and the Playstation Gang.jpg, 1000x573, 2 times posted
Wish I could help you but I don't shit about Xianxia.
I literally saw one of them claim that it's "character assassination" for Amy to NOT be a total psycho who pushes Sonic away from her with how unhinged she is. Or for Sonic to actually return her affection.

It's maddening how much Sonic X has ruined Amy's perception amongst fans, to the point there are people who unironically celebrate the butchery of Sonic and Amy.

Most ships in the franchise have less than what Frontiers gives Sonamy. Fucking Knuxouge is basically entirely founded on Rouge being flirty with him than anything else.
Thats fine.
Archie Sonic and any setting with a large number of humans or ones with unique abilities, like BNHA or Pokemon. The vast, vast majority of Mobians hate the shit out of Overlanders/humans, so you could justify a lot of weirdness in settings like those.
One artist alone has enough shipping comics to last a week but I might just break up the larger stories so we don't do them all at once. Still, this one story is enough for three threads. Thankfully I have non-shipping comics as well. I guess it depends on how this story is received.
EC09bnHU4AAermR.png, 703x410, 1 times posted
The same as the Jak & Daxter "crossover".
There's not much you can really do unless you redesign one to fit the other's gameplay, e.g.
>Sonic's slower but all the corridors are tubes and Sonic acts like he's wearing magna boots so he can spindash around and around
>Ratchet's charge boots are no longer shit but all his weapons are melee and the groovitron follows him around like Mr. Zurkon (also Mr. Zurkon died on his way to his home planet because I hate him)
>One artist alone has enough shipping comics to last a week but I might just break up the larger stories so we don't do them all at once. Still, this one story is enough for three threads.
The Shipping is eternal!
>shipping, shipping and more shipping
Can we just re storytime hanging out lmao?
I also think Archie merged with a straight up horror setting could work wonders. Something like Junji Ito or Control. Both to still play on the "Overlanders reeeeeeeeee" mentality of the average Mobian, whilst also adding in OCP's that they can't readily address but that the humans/Overlanders ironically know more about.

Also because I just kind of want Scourge, Finitevus, or Mogul to fuck with something they shouldn't have and cause shenanigans.
We already did that. If anything needs to be redone, it's TMOM.
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I don't know why but there is a lot of BNHA and Sonic art.
That's a pass from me
We already did that twice and in case you didn't notice, shipping is what the people want. There's still plenty of non-shipping stuff but it's the absolute minority compared to the Sonamy/Shadamy content. So the best thing is to do a bunch of shipping stuff, do non-shipping stuff, and then more shipping stuff.
IDWkun only cares about shitting on Archie or/and any other Sonic adaptation that isnt IDW or the games. I've never seen him care about Sonamy.
People just really like the idea of him going to UA. There's at least one Movie continuity fix with him going there too. There's also a fair amount of Evangelion art.

You tasteless pleb! I curse you with vore and fat comics!
download (2).jpg, 1264x865, 2 times posted
Doesn't he lift up a missile in frontiers?
Sonic you've lifted stupidly heavy things as well, you have no ground to stand on.
download (3).jpg, 736x611, 1 times posted
Fair enough.
COMM - Mobius 3240 Sally by JamoART on DeviantArt.jpg, 640x1248, 1 times posted
What are your takes on Sally Acorn?
🎃JulianDraws (‼️COMMS OPEN 3_3‼️)🎃 (@julian_draws) _ Twitter.jpg, 600x900, 3 times posted
>Wachowski's parents actually bought into his love and heroism and sent him to UA
>with rings, he can go from school to home instantly so he's never far
Good parents.
Reasonable monarch and strategist, but is bogged down by her father's madness and frothing hatred and the stress of maintaining the kingdom. Absolutely should not be on the frontlines during a fight.
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>Overlanders reeeeeeeeee
How racist would you expect your average mobian to be?
sally the perfect princess.png, 445x333, 3 times posted
Let's see what Ian thinks.
From what I've read on the Sonic wiki; a good person. He father is nuts (no pun intended.) Plus 'I'm not a furry, but' she's kind of attractive, based on what style she's depicted. (IE: SatAM is cute, late Archie version--pre reboot--is hot, etc).
Most of the current crop have literally only lived with their parents or other adults saying that Overlanders are monsters seeking their resources and who desire only to exterminate them all (which, surprisingly, they aren't wrong). And the majority of the adults are old enough to recall the Great War and its events. So pretty fucking racist.
I might chop up the video into comic format so we can storytime issue 15
It is a good excuse to dress him up in cute outfits!
I've never seen him care about anything other than getting mad about Archie, I don't even know if he likes IDW
>shipping is what the people want
People love to complain, but the shipping threads do get more engagement
He does!
Hot brother
I really should get around to playing those games, Ratchet's pretty handsome
Oh right, I forgot that Elias is hot as fuck. Too bad he's a married man.
Best girl, best match for SONIKKU-KUN. Which is why she's the only one that's had his babies.
Shira on Twitter.jpg, 1199x803, 10 times posted
Ratchet and Clank would have a couple of interactions with Sonic's cast. The post in the other thread list a few.
>Which is why she's the only one that's had his babies.
>best match for SONIKKU-KUN.
Anon I have nothing against Sonally or its fans (I'm one of the first to say that I want to see Manik again), but even I know that the ship was rife with explosive melodrama. And the Slap worsened it so much.
Everyone knows the best match for Sonic is Shadow unironically
>And the Slap worsened it so much.
All these years later and that one editor earned their paycheck in creating drama. And none of Sonic's other relationships in Archie were free from drama.
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Speaking of babies, what would the children of various Sonic's couples would look like?
It's not fair!
Cool, I'll check it out
This. Although we did get some nice Sonknux moments in Frontiers
Stop posting, Shadow.
Anon, you do realize that half of Sonic's prospective ships are men? Right?
>I've never seen him care about anything other than getting mad about Archie, I don't even know if he likes IDW
IDWkuns are almost always different people (except for that one guy that keeps ban evading), they've got slight differences but the general rotten attitude is the same. I've seen a couple kuns who flipped from hating on Archie to inexplicably loving it in favor of shitting on IDW.

Speaking of, just read the IDW storytime thread, shitshow as always!
You speak as if making tube babies is out of the question in the sonic universe.
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There's only one IDWkun for me, the others are just too low effort. He definitely replies to himself though
>IDW storytime
I just look at the pictures in those threads now
>Speaking of, just read the IDW storytime thread, shitshow as always!
It's amazing how consistently awful they are. Literally only the Ride IDW threads were somewhat decent, and they tended to turn to shit almost as often.
cock penis.jpg, 827x827, 1 times posted
If you had to choose one: Sonamy or Shadamy?
I was gonna remark on being surprised Surge’s womb survived enough beatings to even have a spawn but then I remembered the wonders of regenerative healing
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No.134120124 [Post deleted 21:38:11]
Sonaze.jpg, 1280x1112, 1 times posted
I reject your reality
I'm a shameless Sonamyfag and the canon variant of it is ridiculously wholesome.

If it's FANCOMIC Sonamy though? Then Shadamy.
thoam_issue_4_page_45_by_super_emeralds_del2iem-pre.jpg, 744x1073, 1 times posted
I reject your reality.
IMG_20221111_111106.jpg, 720x755, 2 times posted
The metal virus stuff really helps
>he actually married her
Didn't think IDWnic had it in him.
>Dr. Pepper as Sonaze
Accurate given how terrible it is
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neither did her.
Cola drinks are shit in general. Just like any sonic ship
cock penis 2.jpg, 1090x960, 1 times posted
Reality will not except rejection.
>he doesn't like a nice cool Coca Cola
You disgust me. Begone, tasteless pleb.
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Then take the motherfucking shot, I'd rather die a free man.
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Don't mind me folks, I will continue to enjoy this crack ship
Now THIS is a crack ship.
When he's right he's right.
You do you buddy. but I prefer >>134114967
I can respect this crackship
>Friendship ended with Shadow. Now Sonic is my best friend
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I don't know why but a couple swinging from rival to lovers like a pendulum sounds a pretty interesting dynamic.
>Anon I have nothing against Sonally or its fans (I'm one of the first to say that I want to see Manik again), but even I know that the ship was rife with explosive melodrama.
Like stalking him and threatening to kill him with a hammer if he won't marry her? Or just more standard dumb teenager drama?
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Just mercy kill the fucker already.
It's funny because until boom Amy was an absolute shitshow of a character
sanic you.png, 685x700, 16 times posted
Based, enjoying a cool Dr. right now.
blaze shadow myrrhder.png, 1400x1100, 3 times posted
And if we're going to hold The Slappening against Sally, we have to hold all that against Amy.
I mean, him not marrying Sally caused the Slap and was part of a long string of bullshit which culminated in her getting roboticized so...
New feature! Thread question in the OP!
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What are your takes on Sonaze?
The most based of the game-only Sonicbowl candidates, and by a pretty wide margin.