March 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Knux Redux
Penders thinks he’s so good with his Knuckles origin and convoluted family backstory but let’s see how someone else does it! And for good measure, we’ll add in some Nolan-inspired Batman training to it as well!

March 19, 2022
| Abandoned
Ever wonder what GUN would be like in Silver’s timeline? And how about if Silver’s world isn’t a barren wasteland?

March 18, 2022
| Abandoned
The Tale of Two Sonics
What happens when Archie Sonic and Game Sonic swap worlds? Art’s a little rough to start with, but is pretty good by the end.

March 15, 2022
| Ongoing
Star the Hedgehog
The future is now, old man! Time has passed and Sonic and friends have gotten older and had kids. Nice art, but the artist seriously needs a scanner.

March 14, 2022
| Abandoned
Night of the Were-Things
What happens when you take the humor of Sonic Boom and add some horror to it? Laugh at the jokes, swoon over the cuteness of Sonic and Tails, and cry because this comic is unfinished.

March 13, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Adventure 3
Taking place after Sonic 06, Station Square is under attack by a military group of echidnas called the Red Scar. Lots of cool fights, and the art’s nice too.

March 12, 2022
| Abandoned
Blaze had a tough time growing up, what with everyone resenting her for having Iblis sealed inside her. Prequel to Teaching of Fear.

March 11, 2022
| Abandoned
Teaching of Fear
Another Sonic Forces comic, but this time the focus is on Infinite, Metal Sonic, and Eggman. OC Portal’s really cool. Infinite sure does get tied up a lot.

March 1, 2022
| Rebooted
Eggman fucks with reality and Saiyans are brought to Mobius in the bodies of Mobians. Lots of cute OCs, and the art’s pretty charming.

February 28, 2022
| Abandoned
World of Shining Stars
Sonic and his friends are spirits tasked with helping people that can’t see them. But not all spirits are good. Very cute and sparkly art.

February 27, 2022
| Abandoned
Challenge of the Elemental Jewels
Stylish fights, cute OCs, dragon robots, lore! Shame it abruptly ended a decade ago.

February 25, 2022
| Ongoing
Child’s Play and Teenager’s Play
Sonic, Shadow, and Silver they trade places with child versions from an alternate universe. Child’s play follows their child counterparts.

February 24, 2022
| Abandoned
Secrets of Mobius
Reboot Archie where Sonic has been having strange dreams with Schizo Super. Artist’s become very good at drawing twinks now.

February 21, 2022
| Ongoing
Cosmic Tales
It’s Archie, Underground, and everything inbetween. Lots of recolors, lots of cool fights! A must for Dragon Ball fans!

February 20, 2022
| Ongoing
A Sly Encounter
A Sonic and Sly Cooper crossover where Sally’s too hot for 4chan.

February 12, 2022
| Abandoned
Sonic Bonds
Cute comic where Sonic and Tails are in the arctic and save an OC who’s dropped in from the future.

February 9, 2022
| Ongoing
Hangin Out
Has that same crazy energy of The Vulture, every character is off the wall bar Sonic, who’s well adjusted. Tikal is especially amazing. Art is fantastically distinct.

February 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Chaos Cycles
After losing to Sonic (again), Eggman decides to explore some ancient ruins for the power to defeat the blue hedgehog once and for all.

February 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Misty Island
Sonic and friends are invited to Misty Island for a vacation by a mysterious benefactor, what could possibly go wrong?

February 8, 2022
| Ongoing
A post-Forces comic where Metal’s jobbed so many times he’s starting to bypass his programming and become self-aware.

February 7, 2022
| Abandoned
Pickle Unleashed (and others)
Really funny shitpost comic. Art’s nice too, shame it’s unfinished.