February 9, 2022
| Ongoing
Hangin Out
Has that same crazy energy of The Vulture, every character is off the wall bar Sonic, who’s well adjusted. Tikal is especially amazing. Art is fantastically distinct.

February 8, 2022
| Ongoing
A post-Forces comic where Metal’s jobbed so many times he’s starting to bypass his programming and become self-aware.

February 7, 2022
| Ongoing
MolochTDL comics
Really funny shitpost comics. Sonic nasally ingests a chili-dog.

February 7, 2022
| Ongoing
The Scariest Thing (and other comics)
A series of short comedic strips. Probably more famous for their Sonic animations on youtube.

February 5, 2022
| Ongoing
The Heart of a Monster
Based on Sonic Unleashed, but with the twist that Sonic’s friends tag along to help him. Also, Sonic’s a fluffy himbo raising Chip with Shadow. Beautiful art too.

February 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: The Stories Continue
Sparks fly when Sonic meets Robotnik’s new intern Lizzy in this comedy set in the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon. Can romance blossom despite Lizzy’s professional obligations to get that hedgehog?

February 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Finik comics
A collection of short comics by the artist behind Heroes come Back. Expect lots of cute antics between Stripes the Raccoon and Silver the Hedgehog!

February 2, 2022
| Ongoing
JoeAdok comics
The undisputed champion of integrating every Sonic continuity and character, no matter how obscure. Shame there aren’t any longer comics.

February 1, 2022
| Ongoing
Bleak Circumstances
Things are looking pretty bleak (hew hew) as Sonic faces up against his most deadly foe yet.

February 1, 2022
| Ongoing
Shadow and Jolt
What happens when Shadow gets a partner that’s a cute girl with electric powers that has a crush on him? Shenanigans!

February 1, 2022
| Ongoing, Rebooted
Sonic: Chaos Control
Cool comic where Sonic wears clothes and gets transported into the future.

January 31, 2022
| Ongoing
Knothole Team
A series of one-off comics where Sonic and the Freedom Fighters work in a magazine office.

January 31, 2022
| Ongoing
Meow the Hedgehog
Follow the totally not horrifying adventures of Meow the Hedgehog as he looks for his best friend Tails.

January 31, 2022
| Ongoing
Starline and OCs
Some short comics about Dr Starline by an artist who is clearly his number one fan.

January 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Rift
Sonic Forces comic that takes place three years after the game. Sonic and Tails have very pretty eyelashes.

January 30, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic: Phantom Forces
Sonic Forces comic that asks what happens when Sonic joins his mortal enemy?

January 27, 2022
| Ongoing
Brotherhood’s Twist
A sequel to Sonic Lost World but actually good. Sonic and Tails swap ages and hijinx ensue. Very nice art, Zeti’s actually have character.

January 26, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic: Protectors of Mobius
A My Hero Academia inspired take on Sonic. Not so much a comic but art and descriptions that lay the groundwork for what will (hopefully!) be a comic.

January 21, 2022
| Ongoing
The Murder of Me
Very edgy, very nice art, and lots of suffering. Foot gore and foot lore!

January 18, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Retold
A rewrite of Archie’s Endangered Species arc with beautiful art and a bit more edginess. Find out what should have happened during the Pendering.

December 7, 2021
| Ongoing
Sonic Legacy
Created by the Sonic Paradox team, this series blends most continuities together. The one with the dolphin OC.

September 30, 2021
| Ongoing
Archie Sonic Online
Upset about the Archie reboot? These comics aim to continue where Archie left off. Find out what happened to the Echidnas and whether Sally got de-robotosized.