March 1, 2022
| Rebooted
Eggman fucks with reality and Saiyans are brought to Mobius in the bodies of Mobians. Lots of cute OCs, and the art’s pretty charming.

February 24, 2022
| Abandoned, Purged
Ruptured Existence
Sonic and Scourge are fighting off some scary monsters (who were once their friends). Art starts off rough, but starts to have a really nice charm to it.

February 24, 2022
| Abandoned
Secrets of Mobius
Reboot Archie where Sonic has been having strange dreams with Schizo Super. Artist’s become very good at drawing twinks now.

February 20, 2022
| Ongoing
A Sly Encounter
A Sonic and Sly Cooper crossover where Sally’s too hot for 4chan.

February 17, 2022
| Complete
Sonic and Zonic
Looks like Sonic’s broken the zone laws again and it’s up to Zonic to arrest him.

February 13, 2022
| Abandoned
Blood of Ages
Short incomplete comic set in an Archie AU where Sonic’s absorbed a heap of ring energy.

February 13, 2022
| Ongoing
Sonic Freedom
Eggman’s up to no good, but this time he wants to rewrite history itself! Will his scheme turn out better than it did in Generations?

February 11, 2022
| Complete
Short comic where Sonic and the Freedom Fighters play tag as kids.

February 11, 2022
| Ongoing
LeatherRuffian comics
Some single-page comics by LeatherRuffian, an artist with a nice Yardley-like style.

February 11, 2022
| Complete
The Visit
Short comic where Sonic visits Antoine, who is still recovering from his injuries at the end of the preboot.

February 8, 2022
| Complete
Baking Bad
Eight page comic where Tails hosts a bake off between Antoine and Bunnie.

February 8, 2022
| Complete
Branching Paths
Seven page comic that sets up the teams that would go off on various adventures after the Unleashed arc of postboot Archie.

February 8, 2022
| Abandoned
Chaos Cycles
After losing to Sonic (again), Eggman decides to explore some ancient ruins for the power to defeat the blue hedgehog once and for all.

February 8, 2022
| Complete
Reunion and other comics
Three page comic where Antoine and Bunnie reunite after his injuries at the end of the preboot.

February 8, 2022
| Abandoned
The Princess and Her Dark Knight
Six page unfinished comic where Shadow and Sally team up.

February 4, 2022
| Ongoing
Finik comics
A collection of short comics by the artist behind Heroes come Back. Expect lots of cute antics between Stripes the Raccoon and Silver the Hedgehog!

February 3, 2022
| Complete
A Special Visit
Eggman’s mother pays a visit and the Egg Bosses must help him pretend he’s a good egg.

February 3, 2022
| Hiatus
The No Zone Archives
Find out why the Zone Cops are always messing things up. Art and plot could pass for preboot Archie.

February 1, 2022
| Abandoned
Archie Reboot
A unique and stylish reboot of Archie where Rotor’s clearly hogging all the food.

February 1, 2022
| Abandoned
Scourge is raising kids with an OC, let’s see how well he does!

January 31, 2022
| Ongoing
Knothole Team
A series of one-off comics where Sonic and the Freedom Fighters work in a magazine office.