The Lion and the Griffin
Artist: TommasoSolari Continuities: Original Status: Complete
A NSFW comic from the artist behind Tales of the Knights of King Maximillian, it’s the occasionally lewd side story covering how Grifone and Ruggiero met and became lovers. If you thought the Grifonewank was too much in the other comics, it becomes quite literal here! Art’s great as usual, and it’s nice to see all the implied lewdness made explicit from the main comic.
What’s up /co/cksluts, it’s been checks notes eight (!!) months since our last lewd comic. I guess I’ve been a bit busy cataloguing every Sonic fancomic in existence. I’m sure you’ve all become quite backed up yourselves from the lack of lewdness here! Let’s fix that and do the Grifone and Ruggiero comic by the Duke of Anjou artist. It’s called The Lion and the Griffin, and while not that explicit, it is very very gay!
About the artist
The artist also has a number of non-Sonic comics along with a visual novel A fall from grace
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