Sonic with a Gun
Artist: SonicForcesMeToDraw Continuities: Original Status: Abandoned
From the author:
Heavily inspired and influenced by Tails Gets Trolled, fist of the b0rf star, the works of SuperSaiyanCrash, Fallout, Mad Max, Doom, Berserk, Fist of the North Star, Violence Jack, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and everything else.
Move over Shadow, Sonic’s packing heat now! An edgy comedy in the vein of Tails Gets Trolled. Like TGT, the art’s MS paint but very well done. The jokes are great and the story’s surprisingly very engaging too. Last update: Oct 9, 2020. The artist mentioned health issues may prevent them from continuing the comic. I hope they’re doing alright.
Hey, this comic looks familiar. They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Anyway, this comic is about Sonic in a dystopian world. He can’t just go fast, he has to rely on something better. This is Sonic with a Gun!
About the artist
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