Sonic’s Big Fat Adventure
Artist: Tyson Hesse Continuities: Games Status: Complete
Short comic that lightheartedly pokes fun at the franchise by the artist that singlehandedly saved the Sonic movie. The comic was also animated.
One more before we go into the first break. I think you might know this guy. Some nobody named Tycon? Teeson? Oh well, let’s see what he did. I think this guy should work for Sonic officially.
About the artist
Tyson Hesse
Do I really need to explain what Tyson Hesse’s been up to? He supervised the redesign of Movie Sonic, directed a heap of official Sonic animations and is a Co-producer for the second and third Sonic movies. He’s also worked on Boxer Hockey, Amazing World of Gumball, Bravest Warriors, Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog, Megaman, and Boom Comics’ Diesel.
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