Tails Away
Artists: Darkspeeds, Evan Stanley Continuities: Original Status: Abandoned
It’s Tails’ 18th birthday and he’s leaving his friends for a solo adventure! But he’s got a stowaway, a violent storm, and sky pirates to deal with! Also includes the incomplete continuation of Darkspeed’s scrapped comic by Evan Stanley, including a reboot. Art’s very nice, but is definitely in the tail-end (lol) of Evan’s “Sonic with a neck” phase. It does work pretty well here though. Last update: Oct 25, 2008.
So let’s take a look at a couple attempts at a Tails series done by a young girl by the name of Evan Stanley. You may not have heard of her.
It’s Tails’ 18th birthday and he’s leaving his friends for a solo adventure! But he’s got a stowaway, a violent storm, and sky pirates to deal with! We actually did the pages done by Evan Stanley a long time ago but this time we’re doing the whole thing! This is Tails Away!
- »128492177 [desu] (2022-01-26)
- »135099400 [desu] (2023-01-20, includes Darkspeeds’ incomplete original)
About the artists
Evan Stanley
Currently working as head writer and occasional artist on the IDW Sonic comic, previously worked as a writer and artist on Archie Sonic.
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