IMG_6921.jpg, 750x417, 1 times posted
>>140390290In my opinion, rock solid pen he has got. At the very minimum, not at all as malicious, uncaring as Penders. I like Bollers personally, as he made a good amount of stories just like Gallagher and Angelo, his strengths lying on unbending back to normal everything Penders has set wrongly in record, writing with ease no matter within whichever tone, understanding Archie's core problem of diverse cast; little to no usage of it all (he did spoke about it elsewhere, but I can't remember really the source sadly), and just focusing on making entertaining, standalone stories. I could go on and speak some more, but that's the sum of it.
Essentially, he's your average silver age cape material writer, carrying more influences from outsider material. Which's good, really, fitting on Archie Sonic's principle, and not as often overwhelmed as Flynn on worrying about "consistency" and continuum marginal bits, over just making sure to write for the FFs and other tertiaries, fun stories all around. One could say he's Maekawa equivalent, I think.
Anyway, kind of you to ask, thanks but really, I recommend you and everyone else read it yourselves. Nothing wrong with not going with his vibe, of course!
>>140390445>The world tour arc's one of my favorite parts of ArchieMine too, but I love moreso the space 4 or so parter issue. :>
Hi to you too thirstposter. Sorry for not replying before, but I did see every single one of yours posts to me. You're one cool guy as always, man.