>>137638836>QuestionScourge, and not just because he's hot. His origin might be cliché, but he grew into an interesting character in his own right. Surge is just wasted potential with a weird backstory they aren't allowed to explain (what the fuck is biodata anyway?) and commits the one unforgivable character sin
being a tomboy I don't personally find attractive. I like Kit though. At this point introducing Scourge would be kinda weird, and they probably wouldn't allow him to have an interesting personality since he wouldn't be allowed to be evil
>>137638893Deepest lore!
>>137639012And remember everyone, the correct pronunciation is "Skurge," as in Scourge of the seven seas!
>>137639086I'd ship it!
>>137639098Gotta get a multi-monitor setup like a real hackerman!
>>137639132Sonic's not only fine with Tails' genocidal urges, he encourages them
>>137639266I like to think they've been just "staying over until they find their own place" for years