1.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140778And yes, we're in the Boom world again.
2.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140805Don't you hate it when people correct your grammar while you're talking?
3.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140821>grow up / get a life mushroomSlap that on a t-shirt!
4.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140838So BOOOOOOM Shadow has mellowed out and hey there's Silver!
5.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140858It's Dave the intern. Surely the twink connoisseur anon will be pleased.
>>129140843I always appreciate the enthusiasm!
>>129140778I'm surprised there's not more Sonic/Mega Man fan crossovers all things considered.
6.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140880Meh Burger? More like Meh Nothing!
>>129140906Should've went to King Scoopa Koopa.
7.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140906I wonder how the Boom version of Adventure 2 went?
>>129140889Probably because the Archie MM comics aren't as popular. Pretty much all the MM comics are strictly based on the games or non-Archie continuities.
8.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140928Pretty sure this is Amy's only appearance.
>>129140923Would be nice to see the Boom version of Mario.
9.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140947Oh shit, it's a bowl of anime breast censors!
10.png, 2400x1846, 1 times posted
>>129140961What kind of drugs was in that soup and can I get some of that as well?
11.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129140975Shadow would later get someone else to be his sidekick and had them wear a Sonic costume.
0.png, 2048x3150, 1 times posted
>>129140992And yes, this comic is using the Paper Mario world.
1.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
2.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
3.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141038It's nice of Mario to allow Luigi to get the second panel and to be on the left in the fourth panel so he and his name is the first that is read.
>>129140805Another Boom comic? Don't mind if I do.
4.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141051This is a lot better than battling Metal Sonic and constantly losing to him.
>>129141077Sometimes niggas be houngry
5.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141068>attacking bowser from behind without him knowingDoes Mario have no honor?
>>129141053I am always surprised that a good show with two seasons, aired when no one was watching, and connected to three failed video games is so popular with fans. No complaints. Just find that interesting.
>>129140880Dave is bottom-of-the-barrel twink, but I'll add him anyway. Also, Silver eating chili dogs? Did Sonic corrupt him?
6.png, 1300x2000, 1 times posted
>>129141100Snooping as usual, eh Mario? And hey, it's Silver!
20220303_202339.jpg, 1177x883, 1 times posted
>>129140947She's too busy playing Fuzzy Puppies to be engaging in shenanigans with her BF.
7.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141122That's a very Rick & Morty looking portal. I don't like it.
>>129141119Silver will eat anything. There's no food in his future.
>>129140947Boom Mario would probably just be Super Show Mario with memes.
8.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141149Wow, that's rude!
>>129141147Boom Amy having hobbies other than hounding Sonic will always be great.
>>129140975>What kind of drugs was in that soup Raw unfiltered mushrooms, Conductor.
>and can I get some of that as well?No.
9.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141175>trees are made of woodSticks told me about this. It's all fake news used to indoctrinate the masses into going into the forest where they're abducted and experimented on by the lizard people.
10.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141199I'd also like to present stuff like that.
>>129141172That'd be pretty neat.
>>129141199what happened to you, Ferb?
>>129141038You have a Bowser alarm, Peach?
>>129141122Silver is simultaneously the Knuckles and Tails of this comic.
11.jpg, 1024x1576, 1 times posted
>>129141220I understood that reference!
>>129141205He seems to be more willing to abuse his powers.
>>129141220>TrifoceOkay, seriously Where's the Zone Cops?
>>129141199Conductor, stop listening to Sticks. You'll go crazy.
1.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141247If I was Sonic, I'd wonder what's up with this world and all the mushrooms.
>>129141252Snorting raw sugar out of Zamy's coffee.
2.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141269I'm sorry Mario, you're colorblind.
>>129141252We're talking about game crossovers now. Gotta get Zario and Zlink to tag along.
>>129141268But she cute.
3.png, 1950x3000, 1 times posted
>>129141297Suddenly it's a Luigi comic.
4.jpg, 1024x1576, 1 times posted
>>129141314And hey it's... Toon Link.
5.jpg, 1024x1576, 1 times posted
>>129141338I'm going to be honest, this part of the comic has taken an... interesting turn...
6.jpg, 1024x1576, 1 times posted
7.jpg, 1024x1576, 1 times posted
>>129141374Outside of stickers and trophies, has Eggman made any other kind of appearance?
>>129141406I wish Smash Ultimate had an Eggman boss fight and a legitimate Boss Rush mode.
8.jpg, 1024x1576, 1 times posted
>>129141406Yeah the randomly placed minion has it right. Whaaaat?
>>129141384The villains all being assholes yet not evil is a nice touch. The No Zone cops don't need anymore problems.
9.jpg, 1024x1576, 1 times posted
>>129141446That's a nice explanation Sonic and I'm real proud of you but I'm not going to let you finish because this comic is done. Time to move on...
>>129141446What's fucking next, Vic Viper from Gradius?
>>129141338A random boy in green? And you're not questioning him, Weegee?
1.png, 618x800, 1 times posted
>>129141470Time for an edgy and for anime-y mini comic. This is Scourge's Bane.
>>129141406Nope. Then again, it's not like Smash has respected a lot of the villains outside of Ridley.
>>129141471If Sonic and SHMUPS ever cross over, I will literally cum.
2.png, 618x800, 1 times posted
>>129141503Miles? Betrayal? What?
3.png, 619x800, 1 times posted
>>129141535Fiona! Watch out!
4.png, 618x800, 1 times posted
>>129141553Miles can use his tails as weapons and morph his legs into one thick leg.
5.png, 618x800, 1 times posted
>>129141573The ol' hexed anarchy beryl. They never see it coming.
>>129141535Should have expected this, Scourge.
6.png, 618x800, 1 times posted
>>129141594Well, that's pretty fucked up. Cute but fucked up.
>>129141616He's an asshole, but at least he keeps his promises.
7.png, 618x800, 1 times posted
Councilor_Hamlin.jpg, 174x301, 15 times posted
>>129141616And this is why I never wanted to approve missions dealing with these Moebius assholes.
8.png, 618x800, 1 times posted
>>129141641I will not be surprised in the slightest if this was lifted from some anime or manga scene. It's obviously inspired by them at the very least.
>>129141607He always thought he was too good to get betrayed.
>>129141633Twisted bros.
9.png, 618x800, 1 times posted
>>129141667You wouldn't understand Sonic. After all, this is Moebius.
>>129141659Kind of wonder what Anti-Hamlin is like. Probably just Porker.
10.png, 618x800, 1 times posted
>>129141686And Miles would become a major multiversal threat, competing with Nega in harassing the Zone Cops.
Time for our first 10 minute break and we'll do an STC comic.
Fiona_Season_2.png, 500x500, 4 times posted
>>129141687>kill all male foxesftfy
>>129141667That pose reminds me of something, I just don't know what.
>>129141715You see what you did Fiona ?
>>129141659For once, you have a point Hamlin.
1.png, 816x1056, 1 times posted
>>129141715This is based off of Sonic the Comic Online's continuity. Sonic has been framed so well that he can't prove he's innocent and nobody but Tails believes in him so he's on the run. Robotnik had a nervous breakdown and uses a computer to talk and do everything for him. Shadow was released and worked with Robotnik, knowing he was evil but doing so anyway because he knew that Robotnik was once Kintobar and he vowed to protect him. Following that story, Shadow had died and was later replaced with a digital version of him that was given a real body. But this comic will go a different route. That's kind of a spoiler but the explanation is necessary for those not familiar with STCO.
2.png, 816x1056, 1 times posted
>>129141871I would advise against taking a shot whenever Sonic says "pixel brain".
>>129141871You ahh doing alright there Tails, you don't look so hot
3.png, 816x1056, 1 times posted
>>129141891Well, she'll eventually be something of a girlfriend to him.
4.png, 816x1056, 1 times posted
>>129141909I like the look of these bots. They're the more intimidating version of the Swatbots. I miss Brutus.
>>129141894The characters have some interesting anatomy but it's fitting given how they sometimes looked in STC.
5.png, 816x1056, 1 times posted
>>129141922I don't know what Robotnik was thinking sending in just those bots. Oh well, an attempt was made.
6.png, 816x1056, 1 times posted
>>129141946Time to go!
>>129141938Even better. Amy got over her crush with Sonic real fast and had been really, really close with Tekno the canary girl.
7.png, 816x1056, 1 times posted
>>129141966How would Robotnik/Eggman's admirers feel seeing their crush in this state?
0.jpg, 600x932, 1 times posted
>>129141981I appreciate the care that went into recreating what the official covers would look like (even though it's missing that creepy 3D Sonic head) but it LIES. There is only one story and it's Sonic.
>>129141871Did someone left the STCO team to make this?
>>129141981>How would Robotnik/Eggman's admirers feel seeing their crush in this state?Yet more proof of what a horrible person Sonic is. He really is just the worst.
1.jpg, 800x1036, 1 times posted
2.jpg, 800x1036, 1 times posted
>>129142017>call tails a pixel brain>then ask to be savedThat's STC Sonic alright!
>>129142001From what I've gathered from the artist's comments, this is them doing this purely on their own. I don't think they have any affiliation with STCO.
>>129141981Probably try even harder at killing Sonic.
3.jpg, 800x1036, 1 times posted
>>129142035Can't have Sonic dying in the second part of this story.
>>129142003He truly is a menace.
>>129141891I don't want to die, Conductor.
4.png, 800x1036, 1 times posted
What a chunky boy he is. Just like Sonic.
5.jpg, 800x1036, 1 times posted
>>129142064Dat's right!
>>129142054Good. Don't do it.
6.jpg, 800x1036, 1 times posted
>>129142081Robotnik the absolute unit.
7.jpg, 800x1036, 1 times posted
Looks like an angry chicken.
0.png, 459x715, 1 times posted
>>129142103HE IS BIG!
And for some reason this cover is small.
1.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142120God, this Sonic is Tamers levels of thickness.
2.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
3.jpg, 1020x1320, 1 times posted
>>129142139>i can't leave sonic witherShould be "either" but the typo is just as acceptable given his current situation.
>>129142151looking like Nack there, foxboy
4.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142151He's still super, Sonic. Shut up and stop antagonizing him.
5.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142169Ha, fooled you, Tails!
6.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142185Don't worry, Sonic has like 30 seconds or so before he drowns.
7.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
0.jpg, 800x1241, 1 times posted
>>129142216This fight is going to be super!
1.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142231Even though I don't like how often Sonic calls Tails a pixel brain, sometimes he really is one.
2.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142237Good luck surviving, Tails.
>>129142231Hopefully those hooligans take each other out!
3.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142249The only thing worse than getting hit like that is getting your own lines used against you.
4.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142271Oh hey, it's these assholes.
>>129142260Ebony would not like that.
5.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142285Shadow passing out because he got succ'd too much.
6.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142295Sometimes I wish Super would just calm down instead of always being a murderous dick. Like, you practically got a girlfriend, you could've just stuck with the literal pussy and be fine.
7.jpg, 900x1165, 1 times posted
>>129142310The Dakons have Shadow! But thankfully that's the end!
We'll take a final 10 minute break and do a few other comics.
1.jpg, 900x1273, 1 times posted
>>129142322Sonic and Tails R is comic based off a radio play of the same name. It has only 8 pages so far and it hasn't gotten an update in quite a while. So I'll post what's been done as well as a couple small Sonamy comics.
>>129142064Shadow needs to lay off all the hot sauce.
2.jpg, 900x1273, 1 times posted
>>129142462Eggman being a dick for no reason. Then again, he never bothered to have a reason.
>>129142169Sonic will not, his need to be a jackass will not allow it.
3.jpg, 900x1273, 1 times posted
>>129142484If those were real bullets, this comic would be over already.
>>129142473He got the Tikaliente flavor.
4.jpg, 900x1273, 1 times posted
>>129142505>eggman pls go>no>>129142491I'd say that one day he'll learn his lesson when his mouth gets him in trouble but he learned that lesson multiple times already.
>>129142295Shadow keeps getting mogged
5.jpg, 900x1273, 1 times posted
>>129142534>you complete meAmy would be so fucking jealous if she was here.
>>129142310Sonic the Continuation had him calm down bit he was still stuck in Sonic and had a risk of losing himself anyway if Sonic got mad enough. Also it's an Okida comic so...
There's also like one AU that has him keep his nice guy personality. But that's it.
6.jpg, 900x1273, 1 times posted
>>129142553Should've kept riding it and try to turn it around and hit Eggman with it or something.
>>129142462This comic looks really good.
>>129142484It's all about THE GAME, Conductor
7.jpg, 1200x1697, 1 times posted
>>129142563Tails has a surprise!
>>129142559As long as he doesn't go full power and is outside of Sonic, he's fine. Probably because an always super and good Super would be too OP.
>>129140858Why isn't Silver covered in sports tape? Non-canon!
>>129140880>It's Dave the intern. Surely the twink connoisseur anon will be pleased.I think there's a few of us, but yes I'll add him to the collection because he's cute when flustered.
>>129140961>anime breast censors!Should've waited for the blu-ray konductor-kun
>>129141068It's kinda weird seeing Mario talk.
8.jpg, 1200x1697, 1 times posted
>>129142590Woah! Can't wait to see Sonic go super... when the next page is ever done. But let's see what cute Sonamy comics this artist has also done.
>>129142580Pretty close to the look of the IDW comics.
>>129142584It's all fun and games until Sonic comes around and starts being a dick to Eggman for no reason.
movie sonamy 1.jpg, 900x1286, 1 times posted
>>129142616How would the live action movies handle Amy? Maybe it'd be like this.
>>129142597>Should've waited for the blu-ray konductor-kunDamn, you're right. I'd just get the torrent, though.
movie sonamy 2.jpg, 900x1286, 1 times posted
>>129142630https://youtu.be/CoOXbP7hmc0Knowing Hollywood movies, this would definitely play.
movie sonamy 3.jpg, 1500x2143, 1 times posted
>>129142644Imagine Amy having that strength and hammer when Eggman kidnapped her in Sonic CD. Tried to kidnap her that is.
movie sonamy 4.jpg, 1000x1428, 1 times posted
>>129142662Time to meet Sonic's second set of parents.
movie sonamy 5.jpg, 1200x1714, 1 times posted
>>129142673That movie Sonic doesn't look anywhere near as cursed as he should be. And now for a two page Sonamy comic not taking place in the movieverse.
>>129142662That's a devilishly handsome Eggman right there
sonamy 1.jpg, 1306x2000, 1 times posted
>>129142686Sometimes buying gifts can be just as tough as saving the world.
sonamy 2.jpg, 1310x2000, 1 times posted
>>129142695Socks are the ultimate gift. Sonic, you never had a chance! Let's move on...
1.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
2.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
>>129142731Who had a better WOAH face, Sonic or Crash?
3.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
>>129142747And the next NPC told Sonic how to spin dash.
4.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
>>129142758Nothing's worse than interacting and moving actions are the same button.
5.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
>>129142764But Sonic, it's not just a train, it's...
>>129141446Shadow's a confirmed furry now.
>>129141503Looks a bit like Tails gets trolled.
>>129141871Love the Fleetway continuity. Everyone better have their loicences ready though.
>>129141998>that creepy 3D Sonic headOi, that head's a national treasure! I really do appreciate the artist's dedication to using the Fleetway!Sonic poses.
>>129142103Oh no, not evil milk KitKat Shadow!
6.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
>>129142774Is this AoSthH Sonic? Then again this is Sonic Adventure.
>>129141616>>129141641Fellas is it gay to enter a murder-suicide pact with your bros? I mean, you're literally promising your life to another guy
7.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
>>129142789Sometimes these NPC's are totally blind.
>>129142778>Oi, that head's a national treasure! I really do appreciate the artist's dedication to using the Fleetway!Sonic poses.It's almost as scary as the majin Sonic face.
>>129142731Damn dirty humanfucker
8.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
>>129142808Goddammit Tails.
>>129142793I unironically like it. Scourge and Miles should be bros as well but in a fucked up way.
>>129142103Wait, so if Super Sonic was evil and crazy, wouldn't Super Shadow be really calm and zenlike?
9.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
>>129142821>think you're jesus>get punched by godPottery.
>>129142818Sonic will bang anyone and anything. No matter the race or gender. He don't care.
>>129142673Sonic, just say Dad and Mom. They are your parents.
10.png, 700x900, 1 times posted
>>129142838LISTEN>>129142832I think the idea is that chaos energy corrupts the person with absolute power. Not so much an opposites thing but just turns them into crazy psychopaths.
>>129142731Sonic being a slut as usual.
11.png, 400x1282, 1 times posted
>>129142858Could be worse. Could be chased by dolphins.
>>129142747Crash looks cursed when he does it, but Sonic looks horny. So him.
>>129142872On the one hand, you're never broke. On the other hand, people can just slap you around for money and might get you killed if you got nothing left.
>>129142889And the last for this artist is a Sonic 06 comic. Now loading the last comic...
>>129142872If it were dolphins Conductor, what they'd do to him couldn't be posted on a blue board.
>>129142900fuck this boss, one of the most boring things i've seen in a sonic game
1.jpg, 859x1229, 1 times posted
>>129142900This is a six page unfinished version of the infamous Archie arc, Endangered Species. As always, this wouldn't lead to the removal of the echidnas. This story was stopped fast so only the first page is done and the rest are pencils. This artist would later provide Off Panel comics for ASO.
thrash.jpg, 619x640, 4 times posted
>>129142924>As always, this wouldn't lead to the removal of the echidnasA bloody travesty
2.jpg, 1024x1471, 1 times posted
>>129142924No dialogue or inks or colors but it's still obvious what's going on.
>>129142919Not to mention Sonic might enjoy it.
fun_is_infinite.png, 1280x720, 1 times posted
>>129142563>>129142580It really is nice art. I think this artist takes a lot of inspiration from Evan Stanley, particularly in the expressions and Sonic's eyebrows.
>>129142686Ball Sonic's very cute.
>>129142662>>129142694Movie!Eggman really does translate well to comics.
>>129142747Sonic, because you can see his fangs.
>>129142808>It's almost as scary as the majin Sonic face.So handsome, and the first mention of infinite too!
3.jpg, 1024x1471, 1 times posted
Master of the four elements!
And that one time he was corrupted and became Enerjak!
4.jpg, 1024x1465, 1 times posted
>>129142950Sonic once again getting his ass whooped by Metal Knuckles.
>>129142929No one wants the Pendering.
>>129142944And the music is such a wonderful song to go with that.
5.jpg, 1024x1459, 1 times posted
>>129142971Amy bonking Metal Knuckles around!
6.jpg, 1024x1463, 1 times posted
>>129142986Remington's getting fucked up by his aunt and Knuckles is still filled with guilt. But that's it for tonight!
Tomorrow at 9pm EST we'll do a double feature night since we're getting low on short comics so now it's time to do some medium sized comics.
list.jpg, 1488x1052, 1 times posted
>>129143009We're making progress! Always taking suggestions.
>>129142924Very much in Ben Bate's style
>And the music is such a wonderful song to go with that.I'll bet that fucked up some kids back in the day.
>>129143009Poor Remington, best boy deserves better!
>>129143066Around 110 comics so far, that's impressive!
>>129143124>Very much in Ben Bate's styleFuck, I meant Jon Gray
>>129143134It's not him, just an artist inspired by his style. They actually mention it in their deviant art bio.
>>129143066The list must be fed yet again. Bring on the sacrifices!
1639768072462.gif, 800x450, 21 times posted
>>129142793>die old shiting yourself in a bedvs.
>knowing no matter how much your bro hates you. Or things get crazy. You'll kill each other in blaze of glory
1623449380139.jpg, 640x506, 2 times posted
>>129143066Man, are we really going to go through all of those comics?
>>129143302It's getting harder to find stuff on DA, need to figure out other ways to find comics. FA was overall a waste of time even though I found one good comic. Twitter is mostly for single page comics and fanart and a nightmare to really go into, even when just looking through an account's media. I will be looking into tumblr more. I've been getting more and more suggestions from there.
>>129143422No. There's some I really have no intention of doing. More than what I was expecting. I may just make a folder to dump them in.
>>129143462Tumblr is the next big goldmine, Conductor. It has some pretty good fancy mics in abundamce.
>>129143586*fancomics. But yes, I've also found fancy mics.
>>129143586Yeah at this point it's all about finding art from other websites. I tried Drunkduck aka The Duck and it was nothing but sprite comics or really bad art with just a few pages at most.
>We are fans of Sonic the Hedgehog, who take a less positive view of the Archie Comics-produced adaptation of the series, and sepnd some time every now and then casting a more critical, analytical eye over it and its many quirks and foibles. We are quite happy to welcome criticism and discussion on any of our threads, as long as they're not too old. We only ask that you treat our views with respect, and we shall do the same for you....
>>129142644Could she even get into a movie given that Hollywood implicitly has the opposite mandate to SEGA's no relationships?
>>129144390It's very likely. I can see them wanting a girl character for the third movie and pushing romance is definitely something they'll want to do. And this would be different from the comics because Sega's getting a lot more money for it.
What do we have here? Some edgekino? Ohohoho!
sonic watafak.png, 285x292, 4 times posted
>>129142924I know this isnt him, but I find it funny how Jon tried an art style so different from the rest of the Archie artists at the time. Specially for a dark arc such as the rescue of the echidna prisoners from the dingoes.
>>129144390Hollywood would be the only place to really get away with it (not counting Boom, which danced around SonAmy just enough to satisfy Sega). Sega seemed to have no real control over the movie given how complained about the 1st design but greenlit it anyway.
>>129141731Nah, she’s a bitch and I don’t like her
>>129145300You are not fooling anyone Tails.
I wonder how popular Infinite is with girls. I found a lengthy comic that seems to be a redemption story about him being with a female OC.
>>129145449I do know about this one artist called SapphireScarletta who ships her OC with Infinite
>>129144455The shading's fantastic, such wonderful edgekino!
>>129145449Infinite radiates emo twink energy, no girls allowed!
Seriously though, most of the fanart I've seen is lewd, and doesn't involve women.
Just when I thought I was cutting down the list. I find stuff like this.
Just one page and I want more.
>>129145975>alternate universe of an alternate universeI have many questions
Is he called Cinos?
Does its Kintobor have a super form?
Is Tails evil too or does he ride around on Kintobor's shoulder?
Is this from Tower fucking with the timeline again?
Are there more pages?
ZSghhrWswydCE.gif, 250x181, 1 times posted
>>129146066>It's just that page.
Remember Through the Star Post? The STC prequel comic we covered a long while back? Nice new piece of work from them.
Dimitrihead.png, 243x254, 6 times posted
>>129142929Shut it before you get the hose again.
>>129150073Good to see that artist still doing Sonic stuff. And it's of a good Super Sonic too.
1638396834312.jpg, 512x464, 1 times posted
Why does Sonic rip off DBZ and gets away with it? Every major videogame arc is a direct copy of major DBZ arcs, while the time travel shenanigans copy the ideas of Xenoverse games.
>>129152632Anon, CD, 06 and Generations came out before Xenoverse. If anything, Xenoverse copied Sonic.
>>129153938Swapping their cores? What a poor excuse for a Guardian.
>>129150073That’s fantastic, I’m glad to see her doing art again! I love the more anatomical take on the characters, no noodle limbs and actual elbows!
Oh man, the dialogue for one of these comics is not good. It seems the artist used google translate or something.
>>129155789>Implying we don’t just look at the pictures for twinks and feet.Seriously though, as long as it gets the message across, it’s probably fine. There’s been a few already where the language needed work.
>>129155789We've already read Hedgehogged and several where the dialogue was off. Unless it's literal sanity-rending gibberish, I think we'll be fine.
>>129155874>>129155940I'd say it's the roughest we've covered.
>>129156596Pssssh. How bad can it be?