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February 11, 2022
| Complete
Short comic where Sonic and the Freedom Fighters play tag as kids.

February 11, 2022
| Complete
Mobius University
An AU Archie comic where Sonic and the Freedom go to college.

February 11, 2022
| Complete
The Visit
Short comic where Sonic visits Antoine, who is still recovering from his injuries at the end of the preboot.

February 8, 2022
| Complete
Baking Bad
Eight page comic where Tails hosts a bake off between Antoine and Bunnie.

February 8, 2022
| Complete
Branching Paths
Seven page comic that sets up the teams that would go off on various adventures after the Unleashed arc of postboot Archie.

February 8, 2022
| Complete
Reunion and other comics
Three page comic where Antoine and Bunnie reunite after his injuries at the end of the preboot.